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Dress Codes In The City?


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I have lived here for a while now and i frequently wear shorts in the city. We aren't in a muslim country so please explain to me why i shouldn't rather than saying shorts are a NO NO.

I wouldnt wear a sleeveless shirt outside in any country though.

Live here a while longer, get to know the people and you might start to understand :D

Yes Thai(s) really don't care, we are farang so doesnt make a whole lot of difference. :o

It would be cool to get a Thais opinion this. I imagine it would depend a lot on thier social level as to the answer you would get from them. Seems like lots of construction guys wear shorts but I never see a Thai businessman at any Thai clubs wearing shorts. Or any guy for that matter. Then again they are not on vacation. I think this question will only get general answers. But its a humorous exercise.

The only question that can be answered definitively is never wear shorts to temples.

ya sai kang Keng Kar Sun to a business meeting. :D

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Wear what you like! The Thais won't care, and certainly won't say anything about your appearance. Many of them have, what could be deemed , questionable attire in any case, and I assume that anyone wearing T-shirts, vests, shorts and flip flops is doing so because it is hot.

My personal dislike is people who wear shirts without a undershirt, which makes their shirt cling to their sweaty body. Usually fat German toourist types with a big beer belly anyway so that they look like a grease covered bratwurst wrapped in a T shirt. You can observe this behavior on the BTS. (This objection is hereby officially suspended for any good looking woman with her blouse clinging to her shapely body.)

Anyhow what I always wear is a short sleeve shirt and long pants. I make sure I use underarm deoderant, thank you. I always wear a undershirt, cotton usually, because it absorbs the sweat.

I once saw a woman riding on the BTS who had obviously been out in the sun too long. Her sunburn was peeling off. She wore a backless top, and the skin was hanging off her back. Tourist, and her companion looked like a fat German type. Really ugly. Please DON'T DO THAT.


P.S. I'm not prejudiced against Germans, but they do drink a lot of beer, and can smell a lot when they sweat. Again, noticed on the BTS.


My personal dislike is people who are unable to distinguish between the indefinite articles 'a' and 'an' as in "a undershirt" (twice), cannot spell tourist (German toourist) or deodorant (deoderant) and are unaware of their prejudice towards natives of Germany.

Actually, I don't particularly dislike people with those deficiencies; I just hope that they are not teachers.

You would just love my Thai then. :D

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How many women here wear shorts with their high-heels? Apparently, they think that makes them look 'hi-so'

Lots of women here wear sleeveless tops, too. So maybe it's just a bias when the person is wearing a more casual sleeveless top or more casual pair of shorts.

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I have lived here for a while now and i frequently wear shorts in the city. We aren't in a muslim country so please explain to me why i shouldn't rather than saying shorts are a NO NO.

I wouldnt wear a sleeveless shirt outside in any country though.

Live here a while longer, get to know the people and you might start to understand :D

Yes Thai(s) really don't care, we are farang so doesnt make a whole lot of difference. :o

Typical attitude of a Farang who only visits Bangkok and does not live and work in the city.

Quite a clueless statement from a guy who visits regular. :D

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I do live and work here, and I'm with the guys who advise to wear what you want.

I go to work in shirt, pants and tie, but my day-off uniform is bermuda shorts and a polo shirt. I'll wear this anywhere, including most restaurants. No one has ever looked at me with disrespect, and my GF and all of the Thai people around me don't care either.

As long as you are clean, presentable, and don't reek, the Thai people will be indifferent. I would advise against gym style shorts that are short enough to allow your balls to hang out. This would be a definite no-no.

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Lacoste you keep telling us that we don't understand and that we haven't lived here very long. I asked my TGF why i shouldnt wear shorts in the city and she couldn't think of a reason.

Im getting the impression you know a lot about Bangkok so perhaps you should just tell us.

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Martin - ignore Lacoste he's beyond understanding and if he had any sense at all - he'd know bottom line Thai(s) do not care. I'm surprised he hasn't learned this yet, prob should know better at this stage in the game. :o

If you are clean/presentable/conservative shorts/vests are acceptable and appropriate to wear anywhere apart from temples. If you work or business meetings then you wear business attire else shorts is appropriate.

I know some night clubs after a certain hr no shorts are allowed. However if are already in prior to that hr then no problem.

At the end of the day do what you feel is best for yourself

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thanks for the replies :o

So t-shirts seems to be ok to wear when shopping+walking in the city.

But tank-tops/sleevless shirts aren't so welcome? Too bad... I mostly have tank-tops for summer... But maybe I'll find some t-shirts from Bangkok :D

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Shorts are simply a NO in the city :D
Typical attitude of a Farang who only visits Bangkok and does not live and work in the city.

Quite a clueless statement from a guy who visits regular. :o

The OP is obviously coming here on holiday. He is not talking about coming here to work. Wearing shorts in BKK is fine. I always wear shorts but they are knee length shorts and clean/casual style, not gym shorts. Tank tops usually look bad on everyone so I wouldnt wear them just because I wouldnt want to look goofy. Clean t-shirts are the norm for me. If not going anywhere formal or to a temple you can wear whatever you want as long as it's clean and doesnt expose too much skin, like a tank top would. Just use your best judgment. :D

If you are clean/presentable/conservative shorts/vests are acceptable and appropriate to wear anywhere apart from temples. If you work or business meetings then you wear business attire else shorts is appropriate.

This is spot on! :D

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If you are clean/presentable/conservative shorts/vests are acceptable and appropriate to wear anywhere apart from temples. If you work or business meetings then you wear business attire else shorts is appropriate.

This is spot on! :D

You can listen to brit! :o

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I do live and work here, and I'm with the guys who advise to wear what you want.

I go to work in shirt, pants and tie, but my day-off uniform is bermuda shorts and a polo shirt. I'll wear this anywhere, including most restaurants. No one has ever looked at me with disrespect, and my GF and all of the Thai people around me don't care either.

As long as you are clean, presentable, and don't reek, the Thai people will be indifferent. I would advise against gym style shorts that are short enough to allow your balls to hang out. This would be a definite no-no.


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I would advise against gym style shorts that are short enough to allow your balls to hang out.
Why would you advise against it? What will happen? You make it sound like personal harm will result.

And why do only I make you feel that way? Is it because of my accent? :D

To answer your question, no, you would just look like a goofy tourist with your armpit hair flying about. Short sleeve t-shirt wouldn't make you sweat to death, really. :o

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I was in a taxi once in Sathorn Road, and the driver looked at a guy walking along the pavement, and then said to me "him tourist - you live here", as I was in long trousers and the guy on the pavement was in shorts and a t-shirt.

So - it depends what impression you want to convey. Do you want to look respectable or not?

I wear shorts all the time in Pattaya - never in Bangkok.


I think he didn't guess you was living here because you looked more respectable in trousers, but because he knew you was acclimatised to the heat.

Most times I prefer jeans, never really liked shorts much. I haven't got a problem with shorts specifically in the city though, neither here nor in London or anywhere else. In a city like Bangkok with that kind of heat then it just more comfortable for a lot of people, especially tourists but for many Thais as well also.

But I think as someone said earlier dress like the Thais, so that's shorts, vests, tank tops, suits, shirts, ties, jeans, combats, polos, and do you know I've even seen some men dressed in women's clothes here! :D

How impolite! :o

Temple - then shorts are a big no no, just about any website, guide book, brochure, tourist, expat, forum will tell you the same thing.

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