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Preppers Thailand?

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I know this may elicit disapproving responses from some, but just bear in mind that prepping is not about predicting anything other than the reality of Sod's Law (or Murphy's Law for US people) :)

WIth that out of the way, does anyone know of Thailand-based prepping groups, online or otherwise?

Feel free to PM if you'd prefer to stay incognito whistling.gif

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Well there's not much you can do to prepare for that certainty, but kicking the can down the road is something most people think isn't such a bad idea. a few even go all nuts and pay monthly for health insurance - I mean "health preppers" what planet are they living on rolleyes.gif

Edited by timbothaivisa
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Being flooded twice and once I was in the house for 1 month I have a bit of experience......

Could easily live 1 month with not even eating a quarter of my food stock. But the other 3 quarters would be mostly canned food......

Had a generator with 60 liter gasoline and water supply for 6 month.

Now as no emergency in the next future expected our stock is a bit reduced....but good enough for a few month.

What I have learned:

1 ) Beer: My one month stock lasted 1 week only....maybe better keep a stock of vodka.

2 ) Spam (no not the emails, that American canned food) does rot pretty quick, I had to put away half of our cans. Liquid came out and the meat was rotting. Tuna cans last long. Spaghetti or rice in the fridge lasts forever. Thai made tomato concentrate in cans may rot.

3 ) Wine can't be stored for a long time.

4 ) Gasoline (to my surprise) can be stored for years without problems

5 ) in case of floods you also need a plan for the other side of your body openings......what you fill in comes out again and toilets do not work.....

6 ) Thai army is very cheerful when they try to deliver food for the hungry people and you tell them to hand it over to someone in need as you still have supply for a few month.

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Thanks h90 & good info! As you point out, prepping is unique to the environment (and culture) concerned. The abundance of rice here is obviously a boon, but the heat & humidity balance the equation, and as you discovered, sources of protein can be an issue - have you looked into "whole egg crystals"?

It was interesting to watch this and see how many forms prepping can take, some more realistic and grounded than others! Seems to me that the chap out in the woods of Slovakia has better chances than most in an extreme scenario, but on the other hand, he has removed himself (and his family) from regular society in order to do so, and the one thing about prepping that's true for everyone, is you don't know if it will ever be needed:


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Thanks h90 & good info! As you point out, prepping is unique to the environment (and culture) concerned. The abundance of rice here is obviously a boon, but the heat & humidity balance the equation, and as you discovered, sources of protein can be an issue - have you looked into "whole egg crystals"?

It was interesting to watch this and see how many forms prepping can take, some more realistic and grounded than others! Seems to me that the chap out in the woods of Slovakia has better chances than most in an extreme scenario, but on the other hand, he has removed himself (and his family) from regular society in order to do so, and the one thing about prepping that's true for everyone, is you don't know if it will ever be needed:


Well I am not prepared to live forever on my stock....but having food for a couple of month and drinking water (if you don't care how it taste). In Bangkok it might be difficult but down in the south you won't starve anyway. And in case Bangkok is starving the most important thing would be a AK-47 which I don't have.....

Canned tuna, canned meat, noodles or rice, Vitamin tablets and additional I have my protein powder for exercise purposes....that would keep me going for a long time, even pasta with a spoon full chocolate flavored bodybuilding protein powder would taste terrible. My biggest worry would be if Millions of people are starving and you are the only one with stock....

When there was the floods, even before the water came the 7/11 had stock: some fruit juice, 6 bottles of water, 2 cans of tuna in mayonnaise and the alcohol.

Big C Extra was similar, they tried to arrange the remaining things in a way that it looks full...which is difficult if you have something like 100 packs of washing powder only....

Well the 7/11 would have let me die of thirst before they would have sold me the beer because it was out of time crazy.gif

If I have 1 can of tuna at home or if I have 30 and always eat the oldest doesn't make a difference and this alone is enough protein for 30 days. Instead of 1 pack noodles you have 15 packs and you have already enough to survive 1 month. It isn't difficult to be prepared for say 1-2 month.

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You can get very efficient water filters cheaply these days, the better ones include a carbon filter which clean up the taste as well. Reviewers talk about having a swig of washing-up water and report it being clear & tasteless.

But yes, tuna is a great backup. I use it anyway on pasta if I wake up with a sore head and find the fridge empty - delicious!

A lot of preppers talk about when the SHTF, but you hardly see anyone talking about their plans for actually dealing with the non-proverbial if the water supply stops. I imagine there will be a large number of very red-faced red-necks trying to swap a clip of ammo for some bog-roll if that happens. I live in a condo, so there's not much I can do about a plan-B for sewage at this location. What did you end up with?

Edited by timbothaivisa
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No need to spend money of food and water,

Spend money on weapons, so you can take from everyone else.

In the UK I collected guns ...... till the government stopped me.

In Thailand I collect swords and knives.

Me and my army will have your food and supplies.


Nobody swaps a clip of ammo for a bog roll.

You use the clip of ammo to kill the bog roll owner, then take everything he had.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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You can get very efficient water filters cheaply these days, the better ones include a carbon filter which clean up the taste as well. Reviewers talk about having a swig of washing-up water and report it being clear & tasteless.

But yes, tuna is a great backup. I use it anyway on pasta if I wake up with a sore head and find the fridge empty - delicious!

A lot of preppers talk about when the SHTF, but you hardly see anyone talking about their plans for actually dealing with the non-proverbial if the water supply stops. I imagine there will be a large number of very red-faced red-necks trying to swap a clip of ammo for some bog-roll if that happens. I live in a condo, so there's not much I can do about a plan-B for sewage at this location. What did you end up with?

I think I'd just use what Blackadder described as "The latest in front wall fresh air orifices combined with a wide capacity gutter installation below".

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No need to spend money of food and water,

Spend money on weapons, so you can take from everyone else.

One man will never beat an army, and making friends the way you describe will pretty much guarantee that's the kind of thing you'll end up against.

Stay low, keep quiet, and have a backup plan smile.png

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My personal/business environment lends itself fairly well to a preppers scenario.

I run a small guesthouse/hotel that is located in a quiet, rubber tree plantation in north Phuket.

Since ti is a hotel, I have stocks of food, beer etc etc to last a few weeks.

My drinking and bathroom water comes from a well that has never run dry

My toilets empty into our own septic tank/soakaway system

I have generators to power lights etc, since we get some power cuts here from time-to-time.

Finally, I am a licenced radio 'ham' here in Thailand. I have several powerful shortwave transceivers at my hotel and in my car that enable direct voice and 'radio-email' contact up to typically 10,000Km distance.

All I need now is the AK47 to protect what I have....

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I'm hoping to be a millionaire, so I "prepped" by buying a lottery ticket every week.

Your illustration is inaccurate because I neither desire the circumstances for which I prepare, nor am I taking a course of actions intended to make it more likely; no different to health insurance.

I think your signature says it better wink.png

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So Tim what version of Armageddon you hoping for ?

Presumably you're in possession of health insurance, so which debilitating disease or gruesome accident are you hoping for? facepalm.gif

Yes I do, but the difference between me and a "Prepper" using this analogy is the "Prepper" would typically be a paranoid hypochondriac, who has constructed a full surgical suite in their garden sheds and forces the kids to attend medical school every weekend, and regularly goes out and kills small animals so the they can practice heart transplants...

so to some up this whole "Prepper" thing one could suggest the people doing it are obsessed, paranoid and possibly disturbed individuals

Big difference between common sense "being prepared" and being an obsessive "Prepper"....for example

Common sense dictates in a house you have a basic first aid kit and a few fire extinguishers

Whereas a "prepper" will have constructed a triage and bought a fire engine

See the difference ?

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If you live in rural Thailand , and where it is not likely to get a monster flood , there is no need for prepping. Prepping is very much needed if you live in the ussa or europe. Rural Thailand has veggies & rice in abundance and enough water.( may need some filtering or put a silver coin in ). The one thing that would kill me is no electricity = no aircon and computer , so the heat & boredom is going to get me for sure. The big financial reset that will ravage the " first world" , will barely be felt in Thailand.

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If you live in rural Thailand , and where it is not likely to get a monster flood , there is no need for prepping. Prepping is very much needed if you live in the ussa or europe. Rural Thailand has veggies & rice in abundance and enough water.( may need some filtering or put a silver coin in ). The one thing that would kill me is no electricity = no aircon and computer , so the heat & boredom is going to get me for sure. The big financial reset that will ravage the " first world" , will barely be felt in Thailand.

Monster flood...are you insane ?.....What about the solar flare and a massive EMP that's coming ?.....Zombie Apocalypse.....aliens landing on the white house lawn ? dinosaurs in your back garden ?

for the most part these "Prepper cults" are just an excuse for gangs of fat red necks to play tin soldiers at the weekends, have a circle jerk and fuel each others paranoia

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Try the Mormons, There everywhere in Thailand now. They wrote the book on it.

Just watched a TV show the othet night on Nat. Geo or Discovery on the Sun and its weather.Were due for a peak in solar activity soon and if the Perfect Storm happens the power grids will pretty much be wiped out. The experts think there is a 10% chance of what happened in 1859 happening again in 20 years or so.

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the difference between me and a "Prepper" using this analogy is the "Prepper" would typically be a paranoid hypochondriac, who has constructed a full surgical suite in their garden sheds and forces the kids to attend medical school every weekend, and regularly goes out and kills small animals so the they can practice heart transplants...

so to some up this whole "Prepper" thing one could suggest the people doing it are obsessed, paranoid and possibly disturbed individuals

Big difference between common sense "being prepared" and being an obsessive "Prepper"....for example

Common sense dictates in a house you have a basic first aid kit and a few fire extinguishers

Whereas a "prepper" will have constructed a triage and bought a fire engine

See the difference ?

I don't think I've suggested that there aren't those who go to impractical extremes (see my earlier post about red-faced red-necks), but equally it seems there are a large number of anti-preppers who seem to feel obligated to denigrate anyone who owns a proper first-aid kit (as opposed to a tub of plasters from Walmart), and who plans for eventualities before taking a trip into the Rockys.

They both suffer from the same mentality of thinking they know everything :)

It's not like anyone is preaching to you, or attacking you for your peaceful, unobtrusive opinions - quite the reverse.

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As part of my police volunteer work, I have done some 'prepping' for a worst-case scenario in Phuket, such as tsunami, bad earthquake etc.

On the assumption that a major disaster would render/overload all mobile comms, internet etc, my ham radio/comms skills would come into play to provide emergency voice and email comms with Bangkok and overseas, as well as FM radio 'hotspot' broadcasting from the airport locality, and wifi hotspot with online database to collate foreign tourist survivor details and to send 'I am OK' emails via radio-email to families overseas.

I've done this preparation on my own, because I have the techie skills to implement it, and because (some) Thai police here are just too dumb to accept good technical advice from foreigners smile.png

BTW, my comms and radio-email system is not just sitting there unused and awaiting a disaster. It is an important 'node' in the worldwide 'Winlink' system that provides email access to yachties who are outside an internet/mobile phone service area.

Most users of my node are yachties sailing between south-east Asia and southern Africa, far out in the Indian Ocean. I can 'see' on my email server server connections from yachties up to about 5,000Km from Phuket, as they connect to my radio transceiver and then use my internet connection to send and receive their emails.


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Simon, how do you send an email via ham radio ?

Look here:


This is a global network of shortwave (and VHF) radio-email servers, operated by volunteer hams such as myself.


- Download the RMS Express program to your laptop/PC

- Configure your modem to connect between the PC software and your ham rig.

- Run RMS Express and select the best server to connect to.

- Connect up via radio and the software will automatically check for received email and send any outgoing email

That is a very basic overview.

You need to have a suitable modem. Many yachties use a 'Pactor' modem which although expensive to buy, allows communication on shortwave over long distances (thousands of km), and under bad radio propagation conditions. (I am amazed how yachties manage to connect up to my radio server from such long distances, when 'voice' comms fails.

Of course, bandwidth on shortwave is limited, so you cannot send emails with large attachments, (you can send/receive attachments, but not videos etc).

The beauty of this system is that it works, especially for emergency comms (ecomms) scenarios.

If there were a disaster in Phuket, and my radio-email server had no internet connectivity, I simply 'reverse' my equipment configuration and connect via my radio rig to radio-email servers in India or Indonesia, and use their internet connection to send/receive email.

Here is a worldwide map of these servers:


In Thailand, there are no other such radio-email servers, (probably because it is very difficult to get a ham licence...)

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