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Rock Garden


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Want to get rid of the grass/weeds and cover with stones. From what I've read, not too difficult, but need a permeable membrane to let rainwater through and also prevent re growth. Used Thip Gardening in the past, but haven't contacted them yet. Only around 30 - 40 sqm.

Any suggestions on who to contact? Google search comes up with a few companies, but I don't want anything artistic, just stones.

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You can lay down that black or green cover you see at construction sites and sometimes helping to partially shade plants at nurseries or temporary car parks. It's enough to kill most anything, but let water through.

Chop the area as short as possible and cover for a few weeks than add rock/stone, etc. I did about 40 sqm using this method a year ago. Cost for the cover is minimal. Rock/stone................................depends on what you want.

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