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Any luck speaking to migration officer?

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I posted a bunch of details about our visa application here if you're interested.

Basically, the officer processing our visa has requested some additional evidence but it doesn't make much sense in the context of what we've already provided them.

14 days ago today I emailed the immi...bangkok@dfat address asking them to contact me by phone, but I've not heard anything back.

When we submitted my gf's application we submitted it with the 956 & 956a forms which I had thought authorised immigration to liaise with me regarding some aspects of the application.

When the migration officer spoke to my gf (before I emailed this request), my gf asked them to call me, but the officer said it's her application so they would only speak to her about it. That doesn't make much sense to me.. sure they may want to interview her, but if she's entitled to appoint a representative to assist with the application, why would immigration be unable to discuss submissionns with that representative.

To put my question succinctly, can I reasonably expect the officer processing the application to contact me, or am I just wasting my time?

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you didn't mention what embassy but dfat I guess is Australia. At the time you submitted the application there is an option for you to fill out a form accepting responsibility to be contacted on you lady's behalf. If you didn't you will be ignored and the DFAT office will only speak to her. One problem I experienced was despite me writing a letter explaining when we intended to travel to Australia to take advantage of cheap fares (October) the dates of entry were issued by them in early September and there is a cut off point. That is if she didn't enter by a certain date she would not be allowed entry. Cost me a small fortune because I had booke ahead and couldn't change the dates, Thai staff make the decision for the visa dates etc.

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Thanks for the reply.. Yep it's Australia sorry.

I mentioned in my post, I filled out the 956 and 956a which authorise me to assist my gf with the application, and to receive correspondence on her behalf.

It's now 17 days since my original request for them to call me, and just today I received an email from the decision maker which was just a cut & paste from the original request for additional information. My email requested a phone call, and they've just emailed me and haven't said "we're not going to call you".

In addition, I totally understand that this person has a lot of control over my future. In any other circumstance I'd try throwing my weight around, but I'm terrified of putting this person off side.

It's a very frustrating situation to be in, because IMO it wasn't possible to be more thorough and diligent with the evidence and notes we submitted originally. Usually I'm the last person to insult someone's english abilities, but I honestly feel as though my decision maker doesn't understand a lot of what was submitted.. and is just looking for easily recognisable stuff like bank statements and utility bills.

Edited by bureaucrazy
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Thanks for the reply.. Yep it's Australia sorry.

I mentioned in my post, I filled out the 956 and 956a which authorise me to assist my gf with the application, and to receive correspondence on her behalf.

It's now 17 days since my original request for them to call me, and just today I received an email from the decision maker which was just a cut & paste from the original request for additional information. My email requested a phone call, and they've just emailed me and haven't said "we're not going to call you".

In addition, I totally understand that this person has a lot of control over my future. In any other circumstance I'd try throwing my weight around, but I'm terrified of putting this person off side.

It's a very frustrating situation to be in, because IMO it wasn't possible to be more thorough and diligent with the evidence and notes we submitted originally. Usually I'm the last person to insult someone's english abilities, but I honestly feel as though my decision maker doesn't understand a lot of what was submitted.. and is just looking for easily recognisable stuff like bank statements and utility bills.

I hope you'se sent the information requested by the CO.

Try and look on the bright side, at least additional information has been

requested. The CO would've been in his/her rights to make a decison on

the information they have. Sounds like they're giving you a chance to add more.

Even though your CO is Thai, the case will be checked by an Aussie before

being finalised so I would't worry too much about the English barrier.

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I hope you'se sent the information requested by the CO.

That's what I'm struggling with. We gave them a boatload of evidence, as well as very detailed explanatory notes and statements from people regarding why some evidence (eg: a joint lease agreement) is not available. But the request I got basically says "evidence of de facto relationship eg: lease agreement".

I do have some additional information I can submit.. but I don't have a lease agreement more than 12 months old. Someone at my work suggested sending the few additional documents I have (obviously), and to include some of the evidence I originally submitted, just to make sure that the CO has at least seen it.

In any case, one of the requested items was an australian police clearance, which takes time for them to issue, and then to post to BKK, so I've requested an extention for the time to submit.

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