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how do you explain to them we came from monkeys


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Evolution is not proven.

We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much.

If you want to be evolved from monkeys, up to you.

I prefer to believe,

That I DEVOLVED from super intelligent aliens who crash landed their spaceship on the earth, and the exposed nuclear drive for the spaceship, corrupted their DNA producing humans. Different DNA damage from the radiation produced many other devolved species from the original alien stock (including many forms of apes).

PS. just as much evidence for my silliness as your silliness.

"Evolution is not proven.

We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much."

and as it can be shown that DNA has become more complex over time and the corresponding lifeforms too, that is... evolution


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why are you trying to tell monkeys anything. Trying to educate people is hard enough. Maybe you have to smack your head against a rock really hard...then they will listen...maybe

and good fricken luck with that

Edited by joshstiles
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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

So is gravity... a THEORY.

You are correct an science cannot explain it, just like Darwin's THEORY of EVOLUTION... See how that works?

Ehhhh, you obvisouly don't understand what the word "science" mean.

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You're all wrong.

If one day you are lucky enough to be in a boat that gets close to the horizon, you might be able to catch a glimpse of the fins that belong to the turtle upon whose back our flat world rests.

We are directly descended from intergalactic turtle lice, get used to it.

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"Evolution is not proven.

We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much."

and as it can be shown that DNA has become more complex over time and the corresponding lifeforms too, that is... evolution


Evolution is proven. Can Darwins' theory of evolution ever be proven? - Quora
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Tell them to Google it, look it up on Wikipedia, and give them some of Carl Sagan's and Richard Dawkin's books, not to mention Charles Darwin's book on natural selection.


Its really hard for me to figure out. Some days we act like monkeys and the next like pigs. Both of these have been submitted here as possibilities. You choose before I make a monkey out of myself.

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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

So is gravity... a THEORY.

Yep its a theory,

Until the dark matter or MoND dispute is settled.

I guess you don't know anything about that though?

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Had to try with my gf and the response were, why do i care. I said that maybe you ever thought about where we come from. The answer were , india ,japan etc.

Sometimes i feel lonely intelectually in Thailand. But i hope she doesnt challenge me on Thai tv drama. I know she knows all about that.

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Looks like your wife is right.

While we do have similar genetic makeup, we don't come from apes/monkeys.

Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed

5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids. thumbsup.gif

Sounds about right.

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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

So is gravity... a THEORY.

Yep its a theory,

Until the dark matter or MoND dispute is settled.

I guess you don't know anything about that though?

Not sure what me knowing or not knowing something about dark matter has anything to do with evolution. I couldn't do the math regarding gravity if my life depended on it but it sure as hell does not mean it does not exist or is false. And it doesn't matter what we will eventually find out about dark matter as it will still be a theory.

That's the beauty with science, "we" are all the time questioning and studying something and when we eventuall find out that "something" is false then "we" scrap that idea entirely and start again on something else.

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I got laughed at by a Fillipino teacher for talking about evolution. "Oh Nik, you really believe we come from monkeys."

This coming from an educated woman who believed we come from Adam and Eve and Noah built a bloody big boat.

I wonder if you could do me a favour, and ask her to explain why Adam & Eve both have belly buttons. I'm having a lot of trouble finding an answer to that one.

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Had to try with my gf and the response were, why do i care. I said that maybe you ever thought about where we come from. The answer were , india ,japan etc.

Sometimes i feel lonely intelectually in Thailand. But i hope she doesnt challenge me on Thai tv drama. I know she knows all about that.

I feel exactly the same and i have come to the conclusion that the only reason for that is that thai school aren't places where you learn to think critically, it's all about rote learning. If you never ask questions or critically analyze "something" you can't really expect a nation to be booming with intellect.

Just yesterday i asked an university student out of curiousty "what do you think will happen when you die?" (mind you, she can speak english quite well). The answer was "shhhhh, don't talk about that, it's not good to talk about that".

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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

So is gravity... a THEORY.

Yep its a theory,

Until the dark matter or MoND dispute is settled.

I guess you don't know anything about that though?

It is obvious you don't know that a scientific theory is different than your definition of theory. They are two different things.

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation.

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I got laughed at by a Fillipino teacher for talking about evolution. "Oh Nik, you really believe we come from monkeys."

This coming from an educated woman who believed we come from Adam and Eve and Noah built a bloody big boat.

I wonder if you could do me a favour, and ask her to explain why Adam & Eve both have belly buttons. I'm having a lot of trouble finding an answer to that one.

Actually...some people take the bible as a written record...not a "guidebook" or "parable".

Then the issues really start.

Belly buttons....ok (first time I heard that one..but it does present a dilemma)

I had the most trouble with incest... seems that was permissible as no other way for two sons to make more kids with a jump in the hay with mama. Then they lived 400 years. Logic there is...people just lived longer (had to, or it could not come true).

Now...as a guidebook...or parable...it all makes sense. Adam and Eve represent mankind. Garden of Eden represented harmony with a creator....the "Tree of Knowledge" (no mention of apple)...perhaps loss of innocense (war, crime, incest, etc..etc). A guide..not a history. Fact or fiction not withstanding...simply a parable...and obviously.

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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

So is gravity... a THEORY.

Yep its a theory,

Until the dark matter or MoND dispute is settled.

I guess you don't know anything about that though?

Not sure what me knowing or not knowing something about dark matter has anything to do with evolution. I couldn't do the math regarding gravity if my life depended on it but it sure as hell does not mean it does not exist or is false. And it doesn't matter what we will eventually find out about dark matter as it will still be a theory.

That's the beauty with science, "we" are all the time questioning and studying something and when we eventuall find out that "something" is false then "we" scrap that idea entirely and start again on something else.

Of course, I can do the math regarding gravity, which is where Dark Matter Vs Modified Newtonian Dynamics enter the equation.

The beauty with science is you have to be bright to do it.

The problem with science, is that stupid people don't understand they don't understand.

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Noah built a bloody big boat.

I sometimes think about this, if Noah (Mel Gibson) movie

took only 2 of every species, when they reproduced they

would be inbred the resulting action being that they could

not reproduce after a few generations so the opposite of

the story happens,, oh to ponder.

Also investigate the gods of old and the missing link, we

are all descendants of aliens. Look it up.

Erich Von Daniken "Chariots of the Gods?"

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So is gravity... a THEORY.

Yep its a theory,

Until the dark matter or MoND dispute is settled.

I guess you don't know anything about that though?

Not sure what me knowing or not knowing something about dark matter has anything to do with evolution. I couldn't do the math regarding gravity if my life depended on it but it sure as hell does not mean it does not exist or is false. And it doesn't matter what we will eventually find out about dark matter as it will still be a theory.

That's the beauty with science, "we" are all the time questioning and studying something and when we eventuall find out that "something" is false then "we" scrap that idea entirely and start again on something else.

Of course, I can do the math regarding gravity, which is where Dark Matter Vs Modified Newtonian Dynamics enter the equation.

The beauty with science is you have to be bright to do it.

The problem with science, is that stupid people don't understand they don't understand.

I wouldn't call it directly stupid if someone doesn't understand something "immediatelly". To understand, even a little, a subject you have never done any "digging" into it will take time for your brain to start thinking differently. This is why something extremely trivial such as "null" in the computer world is initially "hard" for people to understand. I still can't grasp the idea of "something from nothing" that Lawrence Krauss is on about but then again... i haven't yet tried to understand it even the slightest.

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Noah built a bloody big boat.

I sometimes think about this, if Noah (Mel Gibson) movie

took only 2 of every species, when they reproduced they

would be inbred the resulting action being that they could

not reproduce after a few generations so the opposite of

the story happens,, oh to ponder.

Also investigate the gods of old and the missing link, we

are all descendants of aliens. Look it up.

Erich Von Daniken "Chariots of the Gods?"

According to Stephen Fry on QI, Noah took seven of the"clean" animals and only two of the "unclean" animals.

So there...straight out of the mouth of a gay jew.....couldn't possibly be wrong!

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Not sure what me knowing or not knowing something about dark matter has anything to do with evolution. I couldn't do the math regarding gravity if my life depended on it but it sure as hell does not mean it does not exist or is false. And it doesn't matter what we will eventually find out about dark matter as it will still be a theory.

That's the beauty with science, "we" are all the time questioning and studying something and when we eventuall find out that "something" is false then "we" scrap that idea entirely and start again on something else.

Of course, I can do the math regarding gravity, which is where Dark Matter Vs Modified Newtonian Dynamics enter the equation.

The beauty with science is you have to be bright to do it.

The problem with science, is that stupid people don't understand they don't understand.

Isaac Newton could do invented the math(s) to calculate gravitational forces, so you aren't the first to have bragging rights on that one. I believe he was 21 or 22 at the time...could be wrong...he might have been 19. Old Alby Einstein threw in his two bobs worth as well I understand.

And really the maths aren't that involved - basically the inverse square of the mass/distance calculation.

Any schoolboy playing with magnets would have seen a similar phenomena (to gravitational effects) that when trying to push two like magnetic poles together, say north and north, gets disproportionately harder and harder the closer the get.

Not exactly gravity but a reasonable analogy for the stupid people that you allude to.

The problem with scientists (or internet wannabes) is that they can be incapable of the simple communication of complex subjects.

Enlighten us to the latest on Dark Energy.....

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where we came from

when we could walk on 2legs some went north out of africa some east

the north apes developed white skin blue eyes blonde hair

because of there enviroment snow little sun and plenty of animals for lots of protein and made them bigger

the eastern apes lots of sun in tropics and leaves and berries to eat but not much meat little protein

so asian people stayed smaller and dark skin

i have been married to a sweden girl and thai girl there is a differents but wont tell

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The science centre and planetarium at Ekamai used to have a permanent display on evolutionary stages. It's a few years since I last wandered around the whole place but it's probably still there.

every nite after 11 you can see the monkey in the thai yuts as 3 or 4 of them cling to a moped as it chugs down huaikhwan ,

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If we came from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys ??

Assuming (hoping) you are being funny, but this idiotic question comes up seriously all the time by ignorant creationists.

Why shouldn't there still be monkeys? Evolution is not just a bottom up step ladder, but more a like a massive tree with lots of branches and limbs. And actually the common ancestor that modern humans shared with some great apes 7 million years ago is probably extinct.

In the case you weren't joking, then consider these...

If modern humans all evolved out of Africa, then why are there still Africans?

If white Americans and Australians all descended from Europeans, then why are there still Europeans?

If domestic dogs descended from wolves, then why are there still wolves?

If English evolved from German, then why do people still speak German?


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Looks like your wife is right.

While we do have similar genetic makeup, we don't come from apes/monkeys.

Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed

5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids. thumbsup.gif

Absolutely right. But who on TV is fluent enough in Thai to explain this to their wife (as if you needed to). Indeed, how many Thais are fluent in their own language to explain it to each other? Half the Brits I know here and in UK would struggle with words such as "lineages" and "diverged." Buy land, buy gold, build house for mama/sister/cousin. These are words Thai ladies understand.

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I got laughed at by a Fillipino teacher for talking about evolution. "Oh Nik, you really believe we come from monkeys."

This coming from an educated woman who believed we come from Adam and Eve and Noah built a bloody big boat.

55555 now that is funny. It really is a shame how so many people take the bible at face value. We are our own specie, not from monkeys and definitely not from Adam and Eve.
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