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how do you explain to them we came from monkeys


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I think the question is why, not how.

Unless you see your role as white man here to educate the savages.

Because it's "%(#!=!!" to not understand or know about evolution regardless of "color".

Edited by Asheron
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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

So is gravity... a THEORY.

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I got laughed at by a Fillipino teacher for talking about evolution. "Oh Nik, you really believe we come from monkeys."

This coming from an educated woman who believed we come from Adam and Eve and Noah built a bloody big boat.

I met a Fillipino teacher and he was amazed by Hitler and how he tried to breed the perfect human in his breeding program....He had detailed scientific knowledge.....strange these Fillipino teachers....

Well, not defending "Mr. Funny Mustache" at all but in theory, although very hard, it could be possible to "open" dormant genes in humans... or that alteast according to Dawkins.

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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

No, the missing link is barely part of Darwinism at all. Darwin examined many species that have nothing to do with the human-ape evolution side of things. Many tenets of evolution have been proven in the lab by experiments with organisms that have short life spans and it is possible to demonstrate changes and evolutions across hundreds if not thousands of generations. Many classic examples on record. Now some of the mechanism of spontaneous mutation, selective adaptation are a bit controversial but all just a matter of degrees.

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Next week we better try ... How to explain that egg come before chicken lol

Can't wait till next week...lol. Anyway, NO....the egg doesn't come before the chicken.


"NO....the egg doesn't come before the chicken."

How do you know? Were you there, LOL?

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Try being more accurate and tell her humans came from amoeba or fish instead of jumping right into the ape/monkey correlation.

Better yet-have her invite many friends over and go with the "on the first day.....(Genesis)" fairy tale, she will love that even more than the evolution theory. Enjoy your weekend of laughter and fun!clap2.gif

Confuse here even more say she came from the sun.

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Evolution is not proven.

We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much.

If you want to be evolved from monkeys, up to you.

I prefer to believe,

That I DEVOLVED from super intelligent aliens who crash landed their spaceship on the earth, and the exposed nuclear drive for the spaceship, corrupted their DNA producing humans. Different DNA damage from the radiation produced many other devolved species from the original alien stock (including many forms of apes).

PS. just as much evidence for my silliness as your silliness.

You one of those lizard people therefore related HM QE II ?

Should call you my lord ?

A friend of David Icke for sure

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The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

No it isnt, sweet baby Jesus we didnt land on the moon either, plenty of " missing links in the fossil records for evolution, go see some You Tube.... Richard Dawkins

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As one US politician put it, if evolution is real "why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans?"

So, what are Thais taught as to where they come from?

Myself, I've always been partial to the idea that we got here by space ship, the people farm theory. Jimi Hendrix was right in his song "Up From the Skies."

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I worked in a place with a lot of Filipino people once. One day someone made a comment about monkeys, and one of them said "ha-ha, we don't have monkey in the Philippines."

I said that was because they gave them all passports.

I was involved in a lot less conversations after that.

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I worked in a place with a lot of Filipino people once. One day someone made a comment about monkeys, and one of them said "ha-ha, we don't have monkey in the Philippines."

I said that was because they gave them all passports.

I was involved in a lot less conversations after that.

Outstanding example of a goodwill ambassador from your country. And people wonder why Asians don't like Farangs. And bragging about it. Hard to believe.

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As one US politician put it, if evolution is real "why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans?"

So, what are Thais taught as to where they come from?

Myself, I've always been partial to the idea that we got here by space ship, the people farm theory. Jimi Hendrix was right in his song "Up From the Skies."

Monkeys are still evolving in humans and the result is a politican, but still a long way to go

Guess i need to apologise to the monkeys now for insulting them by associating them with politicans, as guess politians are descended from slugs

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Here is a novel idea, why dont you ask her where she thinks human beings come from instead of lecturing her ? What ever answer she comes up with cant be any worse than the billions of people in the west who belive there is a man in sky watching everying who created mankind, kicked his lazy son out the house to live among them, and on arrival found he could change water in wine and walk on water but didnt want to play hide the sausage with the local native girls

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You know, your wife might be right.

To say we evolved from monkeys is probably not true, though it's possible that both monkeys and us humans decended from a common ancestor. Which is NOT the same.

More important, and much more recent, its now a scientificly proven fact is that everyone on he planet who is NOT sub-saharan african all descend from one tribe of africans who left africa just over 20,000 years ago. This has been proven now thanks to DNA testing, so we are all related.

So relax, learn to accept every nationality as your equal.

Edited by technologybytes
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Evolution is not proven.

We share DNA with almost every living creature, so that doesn't mean much.

If you want to be evolved from monkeys, up to you.

I prefer to believe,

That I DEVOLVED from super intelligent aliens who crash landed their spaceship on the earth, and the exposed nuclear drive for the spaceship, corrupted their DNA producing humans. Different DNA damage from the radiation produced many other devolved species from the original alien stock (including many forms of apes).

PS. just as much evidence for my silliness as your silliness.

There is actually some evidence to what you say. 5,000 year old Sumerian clay tables speak about how humans were created by visitors from space who came here about 260,000 years ago to reap Earth's resources. they found that labor on Earth was much more difficult than their own planet so they took an Earth hominid and mixed some of their own DNA with it to create a slave race, humans. This is well documented in many different ancient texts and there is physical evidence in unexplained ancient structures all around the World. According to ancient Sumerian texts these space people return to Earth every 3,600 years. It is said that the U.S. government knows about this and is preparing to deal with these visitors when they return to Earth in the near future. Here is a link: http://in5d.com/pentagon-secret-the-anunnaki-are-returning/

I'm not saying I believe this but it is another option for those that want to believe it.

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I got laughed at by a Fillipino teacher for talking about evolution. "Oh Nik, you really believe we come from monkeys."

This coming from an educated woman who believed we come from Adam and Eve and Noah built a bloody big boat.

Slightly off topic, but Noah was VERY SMART. Who else would have floated company when the rest of the world was in liquidation? gigglem.gif

Sorry, just my lateral sense of humour.

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I got laughed at by a Fillipino teacher for talking about evolution. "Oh Nik, you really believe we come from monkeys."

This coming from an educated woman who believed we come from Adam and Eve and Noah built a bloody big boat.

Slightly off topic, but Noah was VERY SMART. Who else would have floated company when the rest of the world was in liquidation? gigglem.gif

Sorry, just my lateral sense of humour.

Still, ended up bankrupt when he paid the cleaning bill for the ark, can you imagine how doo there was to get rid of,


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That is hard..just like you cant explain that to creationists.. mainly white people

If any of us were around when all this came down, then they get to say. As none of us were, "who" is the expert?

Last time I looked in a mirror, I saw no monkey. Part gorilla part dog.

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Look, 95% of the world's people are stupid. In fact, they are so stupid there's no possible way they could have evolved from monkeys, because monkeys are of a higher intelligence.

As for the 5%, well let's just say you should never ever ever mention the evolved from apes thesis amongst people of color - blacks, brown, yellow - or else you will be called out as a racist. So this is the reason that virtually every single scientific discovery or advancement in the last 400 years has been due to white people. Just stating facts.

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