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PM hits back at Thaksin


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My wrong there, I was trying (hoping) to reply to Baerboxer - he is the preacher!

That was a name LannaGuy coined. So nice to see you two still joined at the hip and having some girly fun with nicknames. Just like in the 3rd form.

You're right, and it is smack on the mark, which is why I used it.

Obviously resonates.

I'm right - you are joined at the hip, so to speak. That would explain a lot. You two make a great double act - Laurel and Hardy, Abbot and Costello, Jag and Lanna, Karl and Groucho - whoops, wrong Marx brother!

Edited by Baerboxer
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When / if that day comes we won't know. Thaksin, as a convicted criminal fugitive won't be able to stand. Not sure how the other serious 15 or so outstanding criminal cases affect that.

He won't come back without a full amnesty, for everything ever. The Krungthai Bank case convictions with him being number 1 defendant show why he really ran.

I imagine he'll rort the system to quash the charges. Much like Mr P rorts the system to make everything he does legal. It's easy enough to do because when/if he comes back there will likely be a huge purge of the real criminals and thieves in Thailand.. His only conviction was very dodgy indeed, I am conditioned to think that any charge leveled at him by his former elite friends will be bogus as well.

And it wasn't Thaksin who made me think that way..

No course not. All those 15+ cases - all bogus. The Krungthai Bank case where other defendants convicted - but bogus for Thaksin. And on and on.

His conviction wasn't dodgy at all - he never denied breaking the law, never appealed the decision and legged it. Now the sentence, is a different discussion.

What makes you believe Thaksin is totally innocent?

Any answer Jon - what makes you believe Thaksin is totally innocent?

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But he's absolutely correct in his comments and your sarcasm does not diminish the inherent truth of his observations...... There are many posters here who have a serious knowledge of Thai culture and who can speak Thai (clearly not you !) . I have lived and worked here for over 28 years and yes, can speak Thai and will confirm that most foreigners have no idea at all about Thai class nuances !!!!

Well whoopee do for you clever clogs! My 25 years nearly equals your 28. And yes, I speak Thai. I have friends and acquaintances from the different classes here, as, like many modern Western people, make an effort to communicate at all levels.

But that doesn't mean that I support arrogant, condescending, pompous posts anymore than I do those that attempt re-writes of history or engage in propaganda.

Most foreigners are short term tourists whose holiday is not likely to include a study of Thai class nuances. As to posters here, well yes, some do seem to have the ludicrous idea that Thaksin and the Shin clan are working class.

But 25 years here has taught you little about Thai class nuances it seems...

Sarcasm seems to your strong suit!

Your point about most foreigners being tourists is totally irrelevant and Ive not read any posts that claim Thaksin was working class ..lol.

You've not learnt much in your ivory tower then, it seems. Or read many of the posts on TVF where some like to portray the Shins as self made from humble beginnings.

You made a statement that you can confirm most foreigners have no idea at all about Thai class nuances. Most foreigners would include the large proportion who visit as tourists. Not therefore irrelevant if that was a generalized comment from you. Seeing as how it wasn't perhaps you'd share with us the research methodology you used to investigate that? Or is it just your "educated" guess?

I have never in many years of membership seen anyone on this forum suggest Thaksin came from humble origins.Please don't make things up even if you are out of your depth - as appears to be the case.In cases like yours I recommend some solid homework and reading.

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Well he did promise to return happiness to the people so if that missions is already accomplished I guess there is no reason for him not to hold elections ASAP.


If he is pissing people like you off.....................he is making me happy ! biggrin.png

I don't think the PM is scared of Thaksin, more likely he just does not like him.

One isn't exclusive of the other.

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Well he did promise to return happiness to the people so if that missions is already accomplished I guess there is no reason for him not to hold elections ASAP.


If he is pissing people like you off.....................he is making me happy ! biggrin.png

I don't think the PM is scared of Thaksin, more likely he just does not like him.

One isn't exclusive of the other.

Semantics. I think it's pretty apparent to the PM (as to most) that nothing positive is likely to come out of a Thaksin return and he is therefore content to have him remain abroad. But that's just common sense and an instinct for domestic tranquility, not a matter of "fear" or being "scared" of the man. That's just the usual anti-govt "say-anything-to-keep-it-alive" patter.

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