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Prayut urged to set election timeframe at UN assembly

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There are two definitions of vote buying . One is good government improving infrastructure throughout the country and creating benefits to under privileged citizens , which any good government should do . The other is electoral candidates handing out money at election time , which every political party does . 200bt or 500bt does not buy votes from most of the people who have already decided who they will vote for .

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Why will anyone believe him? ("There will not be a coup.) ("We are 99% democratic.") ("There will be elections in October, 2015.") ("I have a sense of humor.")

Maybe better to be vague, and not commit to any dates.


Funny how the discussion was about Prayuth and what he would not do....and again became a Thaksin vent session.



The longer they stay in power, the more likely they will run out of boogeymen to blame Besides, why wait for the UN Gen Assemply? The announcement can be made sooner.


Surapong, an eminent member of the Shins' family, Thaksin's cousin, Yingluck's uncle, the Min. of For. Aff. in the last PTP pseudo-government, the man who went around the world to spread vicious lies and dirty propaganda in favour of his family's grip on Thailand's troath, the man who had the Dept. making passports re-opened for the single purpose, while it was closed due to the last Bkk floodings: to create new passports for Thaksin, and went as far as delivering these by himself, to this cousin, a fellon on the run... And that man dares to speak out the word 'undemocratic'? Let's just hope 'the international communities' will NOT believe in HIS remark, as when anything comes out of a member of that family's mouth, their concern is NEVER 'the country would get benefit', but rather in first line that the Shins & their vassals will get benefit, most, or all of it... For me, he could go the same way as ET, who outside of a physical resemblance was a sympathetic character, on a spaceship to a remote galaxy, preferably together with as many members of the family, and 'heroes' the kind of Natta, Jata, Weng & Thida, etc., as possible!

P.S.: And let's charter another one, for ST (no, not TS: the yellow crocodile) with his family and consorts, what a breath of fresh air it'd be for Thailand!

Is there politics in Thailand without Thaksin? Can we go there, pls. There should be a referendum on.

Can we have another reason to vote. Puea Thai, don't you have anyone else who can lead your party?

And current PM can't you speed up reform so the people can choose a NEW leader.

This constant Thaksin this and that political arguements is bringing everyone down. Move on Thailand.

Isnt that for Thais to decide? If any party stands and the people know Mr T is head of it the that is up to them. It should not be up to others, even other Thais, to say who the public must vote for.
True, but the public are mostly ignorant to his vote buying, family corruption, use of power to enrich his family and his disrespect for those who cannot be mentioned. Recently didn,t Thaksin meet a critic of the unmentionables.

He is not a good role model or patriot.

All parties have bought votes. Korn admitted it. All major companies in Thailand have family members as mps and write laws to suit their interests.

The rest I won't comment on. Vilifying thaksin and ignoring everyone else is idiotic. Sondhi himself tried to avail himself of thaksins munificence in a corrupt manner, but is a saviour.

The multi millionaire army PM sits untouched having taken power through the barrel of a gun, and you still moan about thaksin?

The issues in Thailand go waaayyyyy beyond one man. He is just a convenient bogeyman whilst the Thai people continue to be disenfranchised and exploited by the few.


Surapong? Isn't that the 'special care taken of criminal fugitives' former Minster of Foreign Affairs who suggested the Military could declare martial law so he could hold general elections ? That Surapong ?


Surapong, an eminent member of the Shins' family, Thaksin's cousin, Yingluck's uncle, the Min. of For. Aff. in the last PTP pseudo-government, the man who went around the world to spread vicious lies and dirty propaganda in favour of his family's grip on Thailand's troath, the man who had the Dept. making passports re-opened for the single purpose, while it was closed due to the last Bkk floodings: to create new passports for Thaksin, and went as far as delivering these by himself, to this cousin, a fellon on the run... And that man dares to speak out the word 'undemocratic'? Let's just hope 'the international communities' will NOT believe in HIS remark, as when anything comes out of a member of that family's mouth, their concern is NEVER 'the country would get benefit', but rather in first line that the Shins & their vassals will get benefit, most, or all of it... For me, he could go the same way as ET, who outside of a physical resemblance was a sympathetic character, on a spaceship to a remote galaxy, preferably together with as many members of the family, and 'heroes' the kind of Natta, Jata, Weng & Thida, etc., as possible!

P.S.: And let's charter another one, for ST (no, not TS: the yellow crocodile) with his family and consorts, what a breath of fresh air it'd be for Thailand!

Is there politics in Thailand without Thaksin? Can we go there, pls. There should be a referendum on.

Can we have another reason to vote. Puea Thai, don't you have anyone else who can lead your party?

And current PM can't you speed up reform so the people can choose a NEW leader.

This constant Thaksin this and that political arguements is bringing everyone down. Move on Thailand.

Isnt that for Thais to decide? If any party stands and the people know Mr T is head of it the that is up to them. It should not be up to others, even other Thais, to say who the public must vote for.

This may surprise you, but even in real democracies criminal fugitives are not allowed to stand in general elections, or even run a political party from abroad. Nothing personal of course, just some laws generally accepted to protect the public from criminals.


Surapong, an eminent member of the Shins' family, Thaksin's cousin, Yingluck's uncle, the Min. of For. Aff. in the last PTP pseudo-government, the man who went around the world to spread vicious lies and dirty propaganda in favour of his family's grip on Thailand's troath, the man who had the Dept. making passports re-opened for the single purpose, while it was closed due to the last Bkk floodings: to create new passports for Thaksin, and went as far as delivering these by himself, to this cousin, a fellon on the run... And that man dares to speak out the word 'undemocratic'? Let's just hope 'the international communities' will NOT believe in HIS remark, as when anything comes out of a member of that family's mouth, their concern is NEVER 'the country would get benefit', but rather in first line that the Shins & their vassals will get benefit, most, or all of it... For me, he could go the same way as ET, who outside of a physical resemblance was a sympathetic character, on a spaceship to a remote galaxy, preferably together with as many members of the family, and 'heroes' the kind of Natta, Jata, Weng & Thida, etc., as possible!

P.S.: And let's charter another one, for ST (no, not TS: the yellow crocodile) with his family and consorts, what a breath of fresh air it'd be for Thailand!

Is there politics in Thailand without Thaksin? Can we go there, pls. There should be a referendum on.

Can we have another reason to vote. Puea Thai, don't you have anyone else who can lead your party?

And current PM can't you speed up reform so the people can choose a NEW leader.

This constant Thaksin this and that political arguements is bringing everyone down. Move on Thailand.

Isnt that for Thais to decide? If any party stands and the people know Mr T is head of it the that is up to them. It should not be up to others, even other Thais, to say who the public must vote for.

This may surprise you, but even in real democracies criminal fugitives are not allowed to stand in general elections, or even run a political party from abroad. Nothing personal of course, just some laws generally accepted to protect the public from criminals.

Yes,yes, Uncle Rubl but Thaksin is a special case. The conviction was politically motivated, that made jumping bail o k; all those 15 plus serious outstanding criminal cases waiting in the courts are politically motivated. Even the the case where last week co-defendants were found guilty and received long prison sentences - politically motivated.

He has never ever done anything wrong, never ever, he even said so on CNN. Everything, just political. Griping about hiding and not declaring assets - political; griping about trying to bribe judges with pastry boxes stuffed with cash - political; complaining he changed the law himself so he could sell the family business to a foreign fund and avoid taxes - political; complaining he lent tax payers money at cheap interest to Burma so they could buy products from his family business - political; removing him from the caretaker PM office which he illegally appointed himself too - political, etc, etc etc.

If some idiots hadn't screwed up his carefully contrived "Amnesty" from all those crimes which he says are political anyway, then it wouldn't be an issue.

Wonder of PTP, or whatever name the dream up next, will use the same slogan as last time and put his face all over their billboards?

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