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Small fire in Pattaya hotel


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Last night I was staying in The Sukprasert hotel in third road oppisite buffalo bar. About 1140pm my wife and myself was woken by a lot of shouting.we laid there for about 10 minutes and then my wife looked out the window.She said there are lots of police running around. She now looks out the door into the corridor and we could smell smoke and she said the hotel is on fire.

We dressed and hurried down the corridor I banged on the room doors as I went hopefully alerting other guests. In the reception area stood the staff,police and firemen only concerned with the fire on the upper floor. There was absolutly no concern for the safty of the guests. I had to shout at them to get the people out of the rooms before a fireman went to do something about it.

Ok the fire was soon brought under control and the smoke which was comming out an upstairs window stopped.But what would have happened if the fire went out of control?

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Hotel rooms are ( certainly in Europe and USA ) protected by fire doors. I imagine ( hope) that the fireman risk assessed and decided the fire would not affect other rooms. Was there no fire alarm ??

If not, get out of there and stay in a hotel that takes fire safety seriously ..

By the way, fire tends to travel upwards,

Edited by fire1
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Hotel rooms are ( certainly in Europe and USA ) protected by fire doors. I imagine ( hope) that the fireman risk assessed and decided the fire would not affect other rooms. Was there no fire alarm ??

If not, get out of there and stay in a hotel that takes fire safety seriously ..

By the way, fire tends to travel upwards,

Class, "fire doors", "risk assessment", "fire alarm", "safety seriously", all in one paragraph!

How long have you been here?????

None of the above are in the Thai mind!!!!!

Now, repeat after me, maintaining anything is a waste of money! Get as much money as possible from them before they die! Dead Farang's are of no use!

Get the picture?

Edited by Woody1
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Many years ago, my first wife and I were in a hotel in Korat, the 'best' hotel at that time. I had a dream about burning toast and woke up to a stuffy, hazy room and the sound of feet flip-flapping down the hall. Stuck my head out the door and saw a couple of fire hoses, big puddles, a skinny kid fireman (wearing flip flops) and a stronger smell of smoke. I rousted the wife, stuck some clothes on, hastily stuffed the bags and went down to reception, passing a couple of other firemen. It was around 2 AM and the receptionist incredibly asked us what was wrong as I told her we wanted to check out. When the wife mentioned the hotel appeared to be on fire, there was a big red fire truck in the driveway and gear all over the shop, the receptionist responded with, "No problem... it's a small fire. Finished now."

I understand that a few years later, the same hotel collapsed after the owner had illegally added several floors... and added water storage tanks on the roof.

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