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Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim

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How do you explain hussein then….dont just say thats his dads name.

please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

Or the fact that we all use Arabic numerals. Yeah, we're all on board.

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How do you explain hussein then….dont just say thats his dads name.

please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

Or the fact that we all use Arabic numerals. Yeah, we're all on board.

Except that we don't.


It's the name his parents gave him. He had no say in the matter, just like the rest of us. His choice of faith however he did have a say in. You seem to be as bigoted as Trump, scoring some cheap political/personal points on the strength of a man's given name.

Who wants this racist to be leader of the free world?

Getting angry and lashing out is not the hallmark of a gentleman….did you miss your bingo game today…or some medication perhaps….I never said obama is a muslim…show me if I did….I said anyone with the name Hussein somewhere in their name should be prepared to answer a question about whether they are muslim or not.

That is a fact that few but the extremely blinkered will deny.

The fact that your blinkers are not allowing you to see is that he answered that question a long time ago and this is actually about people not accepting his answer.


How do you explain hussein then….dont just say thats his dads name.

please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

Or the fact that we all use Arabic numerals. Yeah, we're all on board.

Except that we don't.

I do, I am English so I use the 0123456789 system known as Arabic Numerals.


well you are gonna be inviting such questions if you write your name as Barack Hussein Obama

Only from fools.

...and if the name was O'Malley he might be a member of the IRA, and if it was Vogel he must be a Nazi sympathizer. Maybe our President should change his name to Joe The Plumber. Geesh.


How do you explain hussein then.dont just say thats his dads name.

please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

Or the fact that we all use Arabic numerals. Yeah, we're all on board.

Except that we don't.

I do, I am English so I use the 0123456789 system known as Arabic Numerals.

They're actually Indian, but what difference does it make?

Why not simply call it multicultural?


How do you explain hussein then….dont just say thats his dads name.

please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

Or the fact that we all use Arabic numerals. Yeah, we're all on board.

Except that we don't.

So, what the heck do you use, an abacus?

Arabic numerals, also Hindu-Arabic numerals, are the ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and are the most common symbolic representation of numbers in the world today.


Trump is a very biased and dangerous person, not unlike Hitler. God help the USA and the rest of the world if he is elected by the racist and uneducated americans.


please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

Or the fact that we all use Arabic numerals. Yeah, we're all on board.

Except that we don't.

So, what the heck do you use, an abacus?

Arabic numerals, also Hindu-Arabic numerals, are the ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and are the most common symbolic representation of numbers in the world today.

Another case of Arab cultural appropriation. The system in place today is an Indian based numeric system, which the Arabs borrowed. Like much of the philosophy, medicine, and science they claim to have invented but which in fact was appropriated from Byzantine and other Christian lands.


The U.S. president's legal name is Barry Soetero. It was never officially changed to BHO...you can look it up.

Soetero, in his book "Dreams from my Father", writes, '...the sweetest sound I ever heard is the Muslim call to prayer'... you can look it up.

In 2008 Soetero spoke in a televised interview, "...I have been to all 57 states". Everyone thought that he misspoke; there are 57 state members of the International Islamic Federation-the OIC...you can look it up.

In a TV interview with George Steponallofus Barry said, "...my Muslim religion".... you can look it up.

What you do not need to look up is the fact that Barry Soetero has worked to facilitate the reestablishment of the Islamic Caliphate; so he has been a striking success in that endeavor...if he is not a Muslim, then I am sure the OIC would award him honorary status..

Yes my falang friends, in Amerika, the camels nose is way way under the tent.



Well, I thought being a muslim was just a nice, good, ordinary typical thing. No harm in that.

And that is what Trump's response should have been. Instead he chose to stroke the questioner's fear and paranoia, implying that there just might be some "harm in that".


How do you explain hussein then.dont just say thats his dads name.

please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

Or the fact that we all use Arabic numerals. Yeah, we're all on board.

Except that we don't.

I do, I am English so I use the 0123456789 system known as Arabic Numerals.

They're actually Indian, but what difference does it make?

Why not simply call it multicultural?

No, they're really not, take a look at Brahmi numerals, they are more like Roman numerals than the Arabic system, what you are talking about is what influenced the Persians, and if you want to trace it right back then it is clear that the Brahmi system was taken from demotic Egyptian numerals. But surely the issue is where the actual numerals that we actually use today come from, and that was Greater Maghreb, the regions today known as Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, the people were Arabs hence the name, Arabic numerals. You think of it as "simple" to call it multicultural, and the use of these numerals certainly has become so, but I think of it as respectful to give those who made the system the credit they deserve.


It's the name his parents gave him. He had no say in the matter, just like the rest of us. His choice of faith however he did have a say in. You seem to be as bigoted as Trump, scoring some cheap political/personal points on the strength of a man's given name.

Who wants this racist to be leader of the free world?

Getting angry and lashing out is not the hallmark of a gentleman….did you miss your bingo game today…or some medication perhaps….I never said obama is a muslim…show me if I did….I said anyone with the name Hussein somewhere in their name should be prepared to answer a question about whether they are muslim or not.

That is a fact that few but the extremely blinkered will deny.

No need to be rude.

Yes, you are responsible. You wrote it, and the inference was perfectly clear.
Obama has answered the question many times. He's a Christian. So why do you keep asking the question? What is your purpose..the same as Trump's?..the same as the bigoted man at Trump's rally?
More to the point, if one day there were a Muslim POTUS, how does it matter?
One of the admirable achievements of the founding fathers was the separation of state and religion. That's why the Pilgrim Fathers fled Britain..to escape religious persecution. Trump seems to want to reignite it, by scapegoating his way to the Presidency, jumping on the racist bandwagon making Muslims, a mere 0.8% of the US population, the boogeyman.

The US Constitution specifically states there will be NO religious test to hold public office. Numerous states had various restrictions on which religions could not hold office. I forget which article.

On the subject of names, how about Abraham? As in Lincoln... according to Bible was willing to kill son for God, lied to Pharoh among others that wife was sister...

Bloodthirsty genocidal religion, sounds like he must have been one of them.

Sad thing is American populous (or large percentage) are too lazy or brainwashed to look even an inch below the surface and swallow whatever they hear without a thought. Has Trump recanted his absolute proof Obama was born in Kenya, btw?


The U.S. president's legal name is Barry Soetero. It was never officially changed to BHO...you can look it up.

Soetero, in his book "Dreams from my Father", writes, '...the sweetest sound I ever heard is the Muslim call to prayer'... you can look it up.

In 2008 Soetero spoke in a televised interview, "...I have been to all 57 states". Everyone thought that he misspoke; there are 57 state members of the International Islamic Federation-the OIC...you can look it up.

In a TV interview with George Steponallofus Barry said, "...my Muslim religion".... you can look it up.

What you do not need to look up is the fact that Barry Soetero has worked to facilitate the reestablishment of the Islamic Caliphate; so he has been a striking success in that endeavor...if he is not a Muslim, then I am sure the OIC would award him honorary status..

Yes my falang friends, in Amerika, the camels nose is way way under the tent.


Absolute hogwash.

Aren't you forgetting that Republicans launched the completely unnecessary war in Iraq looking for non existent WMD, and are responsible killing millions of Iraqis, Americans and allied personnel, spawning the barbaric ISIS, which has created millions more homeless refugees. Obama brought many of the troops home, but now has to deal with the mess GOP created.

Muslims form a mere 0.8% of the entire US population. Your assertion is paranoid and ridiculous. This is the sort of ignorance that Trump is pandering to.


It's one thing getting the popular vote of discontentment now, it's a whole different matter getting it on polling day.

The CNN debate saw a much wider participation by the other candidates, some with very polished speeches.

Trump has certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons.

I think Carson is alining himself with Trump. What a ticket that would be.

If nothing else, it was woken a sleeping giant in the electorate. Lets see if the momentum continues.

What happened to the Republican party? They always get some crazy person who likes to make outrageous comments and belittle minorities then wonder why they lose the presidential election. Last year they had Mick The Dick and now Donald The Trump Duck who can't seem to keep his big fat flap shut. Can you imagine a guy like Trump with the nuclear codes? I'm praying he is their nominee. Another landslide Democratic victory. Maybe Fox News anchor will be high on ganja this time...

The U.S. president's legal name is Barry Soetero. It was never officially changed to BHO...you can look it up.

Soetero, in his book "Dreams from my Father", writes, '...the sweetest sound I ever heard is the Muslim call to prayer'... you can look it up.

In 2008 Soetero spoke in a televised interview, "...I have been to all 57 states". Everyone thought that he misspoke; there are 57 state members of the International Islamic Federation-the OIC...you can look it up.

In a TV interview with George Steponallofus Barry said, "...my Muslim religion".... you can look it up.

What you do not need to look up is the fact that Barry Soetero has worked to facilitate the reestablishment of the Islamic Caliphate; so he has been a striking success in that endeavor...if he is not a Muslim, then I am sure the OIC would award him honorary status..

Yes my falang friends, in Amerika, the camels nose is way way under the tent.


He would have had to officially changed his name to Soetero seeing as that was his step fathers name, but he didn't, he just used that name in Indonesia, it was probably considered easier for him to share the same surname as his parents in a predominately Muslim country where divorce is a real issue.

What is the issue with him enjoying the sound of the Muslim call to prayer? I also enjoyed it in the times I lived in a Muslim country, the difference between me and the Muslims being that I only enjoyed the sound, whereas they met the call and went to pray.

The 57 states was obviously a slip of the tongue, what he actually said was, "over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states; I think one left to go." Had he just traveled around 57 Muslim states? NO! Had he just traveled around 47 US states? Yes!

The interview with Steponallofus is easy to understand, Obama was referencing this nonsense about having his faith challenged, a child would of understood what he meant and the only possible confusion comes from the interviewer interrupting him as he did not know what he was about to say and thought that he had mistakenly said Muslim.

You see, the problem with inviting people to "look things up" is that other people are actually better at research than you and find the truth rather than the purposeful lies that you have been reading.


My father was a Nazi. So, am I a Nazi, too?

They weren't all bad.


You win the award for being the first German I have ever know to having a relative who was a Nazi.

Award given for outstanding honesty.


I do know one German in CM who admits to being a Nazi, and wishing he had moved to Argentina will all his pals.


[This reply has been split into two posts due to the forum's limitation on quote tags]

You can look it up.

I think I will.

The U.S. president's legal name is Barry Soetero. It was never officially changed to BHO.

His birth certificate (certified as authentic by the State of Hawaii) shows differently.

Soetero, in his book "Dreams from my Father", writes, '...the sweetest sound I ever heard is the Muslim call to prayer'... you can look it up.

I "looked it up" and the only thing I could find that even came close was in the Looney-Tunes comments section of editorials.

In 2008 Soetero spoke in a televised interview, "...I have been to all 57 states". Everyone thought that he misspoke; there are 57 state members of the International Islamic Federation-the OIC...you can look it up.

Oh look, you found the same number in two different contexts... that's damning evidence! I think we should change the name of Heinz 57 Sauce to "Muslim Ketchup", and establish a dedicated police force to look for anything that has the number 57 on it and then accuse it of being Muslim.

Anyway so what? I've been to all the countries in Southeast Asia. I guess by your "logic", that makes me Buddhist.



In a TV interview with George Steponallofus Barry said, "...my Muslim religion".

In September 2008, Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos for ABC's This Week news program, where the following exchange occurred:

STEPHANOPOULOS: And John McCain said the same thing about questioning your faith.

OBAMA: ...you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith ...

That last sentence was a straightforward statement: Senator Obama was not proclaiming his "Muslim faith"; he was acknowledging that Republican nominee John McCain had not specifically promulgated the false rumor that he (Obama) was a Muslim. What you have done is called 'quote mining' - the dishonest and deliberate lifting of statements without their supporting context, to make it look like somebody has said something that they didn't. Here's an example:

...he is not a Muslim...

Well I'm glad to see you admit that. In the future maybe YOU should "look it up" before you embarrass yourself further.


Arabic numerals, also Hindu-Arabic numerals, are the ten digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and are the most common symbolic representation of numbers in the world today.

Another case of Arab cultural appropriation. The system in place today is an Indian based numeric system, which the Arabs borrowed. Like much of the philosophy, medicine, and science they claim to have invented but which in fact was appropriated from Byzantine and other Christian lands.

As I made clear in a previous post, the Indian system had already been "borrowed" off the ancient Egyptians but none of the systems previous to the Arabic system are actually anything like what is in place today, we just know that was the evolutionary path.

I thought the Byzantines just passed on ancient Greek knowledge to the Arabs and translated Islamic science, maths and astronomy into Greek? What did the Byzantines invent?


How do you explain hussein then….dont just say thats his dads name.

please explain how bearing the name Hussein implies Muslim?

sure....its a muslim name.....hussein.....perhaps the owner of a name like that may not practise islam but he/she should not be surprised or outraged if the question is asked.

Arabic and Muslim are different


Oh look, you found the same number in two different contexts... that's damning evidence! I think we should change the name of Heinz 57 Sauce to "Muslim Ketchup", and establish a dedicated police force to look for anything that has the number 57 on it and then accuse it of being Muslim.

Anyway so what? I've been to all the countries in Southeast Asia. I guess by your "logic", that makes me Buddhist.

"I think we should change the name of Heinz 57 Sauce to "Muslim Ketchup""

cheesy.gif Ketchup is a Malaysian invention, it may as well be the blood of Christians you are putting on your sausage.


I said anyone with the name Hussein somewhere in their name should be prepared to answer a question about whether they are muslim or not

I've seen some mighty strange American names in my time; the only thing I question is their parents' sanity. However I don't expect them to answer questions on it. My best guess is that Obama is not a believer but decided he need a religion if he was ever going to be elected president. Heaven knows why he chose Jeremiah Wright to be his pastor

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