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Ants nesting in the light switches


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Maybe of interest to those like me who find that the two connected light switches didn't turn their respective lights on, or even in a a single switch.

Obvious thought was that the bulbs had coincidentally gone at the same time but then thinking about that I sort of disabused the idea and started thinking a bit more laterally

Always take notice of what your wife may say under these or similar types of circumstances ( I didn't', she said it's probably ants in the switch)

So I got the line tester out and yes there was an intermittent supply between the switch contacts or line breaker as it were, so I took the switch box apart and there was the tell tale signs of multi Ants, I cleaned all the bit ups and then tested the switches again.

Still no workee!

So I took the switch box to minute pieces and lo and behold the little ants had actually made the centre of their home in the part of the switches that connect the electro, in other words actually in the part of the switch where the electric contacts are made by the action of flicking the switch

Now I have a question regarding ants etc

How do I stop eating ll this extra protein in my kelloggs and frosties or putting it another way How can I stop sharing my food with these blasted ants, they seem to be everywhere even when there is no residue of food to attract them, could it be the latest weather for instance, driving them into our houses and homes?

Serious answer including mirthful one are welcome

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Even worse when they get into a laptop, little **** get in just about everywhere. With light switches and others the wife sprays the usual bug killer around the back plate and that seems to help but nothing so far actually eliminates the problem only reduces it. Was bad enough having the baby Geckos short out the Air-con unit ! Oh the joys of a Tropical climate.

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Can you find some borax laundry booster? Borax is deadly to insects as it cuts them up inside. I buy it at the market and mix a little with sugar water or syrup of some kind and they disappear in no time.

Some ants are sugar eaters and some aren't so for the ones that aren't I mix the borax with some fat such as bacon grease. I just put dabs of this bait on squares of heavy paper or uncorrugated cardboard and set them around. The borax won't hurt people or other animals so it's pretty safe.

It is deadly on the ants.


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My wife buys that special chalk that deters ants from crossing the boundaries where the chalk lines are drawn and any ants brave enough to risk walking through the chalk line die fairly quickly as the chalk attaches to them.

Problem is my wife has become paranoid about crawling ants and there is chalk lines drawn all over the inside of the house, but it does work.

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We put the ant powder in the switch back boxes and the pump pressure switch (another favourite home), they seem to like it but it kills the colony before it can get established.

Crushed ants do make an excellent insulator and the residue is incredibly tough to get off the contacts.

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Chaindrite is very toxic to people and animals.

Borax is an inert mineral that doesn't hurt mammals. It cuts up the insides of the insects. The ants will take it back to the nest and feed it and wipe out the colony. Borax is mined and is used as an additive in laundry detergent and can be bought alone (cheap) as a laundry additive in my grocery store (US).


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Big C has a poisoned sugar that will kill the main nest. It's with the poisons. Small cardboard hanger pack, small greenish tinted plastic container for the poisoned sugar with a small foil pack inside of it that you can make out while it's on the display rack. I just dump the sugar right on the ant trail if it's outside where my kids can't get into it. The ants start carrying it back into the nest after about 2 seconds. Yum! It will kill the queen ant and the whole nest. 59 baht. Put it into the plastic little box if you use it inside. I think ants can sense electricity and are attracted to it. You can google.

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