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Report: China inks deal to buy 300 Boeing jets


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Chinese people in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and in many other places show that democracy and classic liberalism are universal and successful values.

Agreed about Taiwan and HK and would add Macau, but agree with the CCP liaison that Singapore is another Chinese dictatorship. This is clear in interactions with Singaporean Chinese, they are much like Shanghai elites - have the same two-faced "Han race is the superior race," "down with the Ang Mo's/foreign imperialists," "America is finished - now it is our turn" slave master mentality, meanwhile copying all of the bad parts off the west, or running off to the west with a thieving mentality, but copying none of what makes the west great.

Edited by squarethecircle
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I believe the plant to be opened in China is a finishing plant for 737s and not an assembly plant. Planes will continued to be assembled in Renton and then flown to China for installing interiors and for final painting. In exchange for opening the finishing plant China places an order for 300 aircraft. Not a bad deal as the production rate for the new 737X will be up to 52 planes each month, 10 more than the current rate of production. Boeing was already running low on parking spots for 737s undergoing testing before delivery.

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Thank goodness the Chinese elite are not dumb enough to read some of the hate posts on these forum pages and continue to buy these western stuff because they can see value for money when they see it

Well check your facts, as an intelligent person learns and studies from other places and ideas - none of this "I am the new kid on the block, you are over, I own you and you must respect that." The Chinese I grew up were intelligent, ethical, good hard-working people - completely unlike these glorified factory owners who make up the CCP/Singaporean elite, spend the equivalent of a lifetime salary of one of their factory workers to run off to other countries, and so on.

Edited by squarethecircle
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Thank goodness the Chinese elite are not dumb enough to read some of the hate posts on these forum pages and continue to buy these western stuff because they can see value for money when they see it

Well check your facts, as an intelligent person learns and studies from other places and ideas - none of this "I am the new kid on the block, you are over, I own you and you must respect that." The Chinese I grew up were intelligent, ethical, good hard-working people - completely unlike these glorified factory owners who make up the CCP/Singaporean elite, spend the equivalent of a lifetime salary of one of their factory workers to run off to other countries, and so on.

I say and stand by the fact that many of the Chinese elite don't have this " I want to own the world attitude and it's time to bash you" ....however I have Long concluded many of the "China experts" in this forum have spent time only dealing with a limited segment of Chinese society and based all of their worldly advice on that pretty much like spending time in the roughest streets of NY or any of the global cities and then claim you understand the Americans or Europeans ..hardly an act of intelligence

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Thank goodness the Chinese elite are not dumb enough to read some of the hate posts on these forum pages and continue to buy these western stuff because they can see value for money when they see it

Well check your facts, as an intelligent person learns and studies from other places and ideas - none of this "I am the new kid on the block, you are over, I own you and you must respect that." The Chinese I grew up were intelligent, ethical, good hard-working people - completely unlike these glorified factory owners who make up the CCP/Singaporean elite, spend the equivalent of a lifetime salary of one of their factory workers to run off to other countries, and so on.

I say and stand by the fact that many of the Chinese elite don't have this " I want to own the world attitude and it's time to bash you" ....however I have Long concluded many of the "China experts" in this forum have spent time only dealing with a limited segment of Chinese society and based all of their worldly advice on that pretty much like spending time in the roughest streets of NY or any of the global cities and then claim you understand the Americans or Europeans ..hardly an act of intelligence

Worldly or otherwise my impressions of the Chinese gained from interacting and observing them in Thailand, Cambodia, USA, UAE, France, Germany, UK, Afghanistan and probably other places are that they are rough around the edges. Perhaps the Hong Kong Chinese are better refined but one thing is for sure the "back woods" mainland Chinese are gruff, bullish, rude, loud and have no idea that they are and if they do they don't care. Their bathroom habits have much to be improved on (nasty), they chew loudly with their mouths open and they have no idea of how to stand in line. I could go on but I won't. I'm sure they have comments about my habits, which I could care less about.

Just my 2 cents.

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Seems like you are describing any back wood nasty nationality around the world who behave like louts

Although it's does take intelligence to figure out mathematically the difference between 1% of badly behaved kiwis vs the scale of 1% badly behaved Chinese

It's scale and the countries where you have seen them is not important

Take a meal at the peninsula Shanghai during the weekends and observe some refined Chinese families enjoying their weekend meals ...no crazy bathroom habits with the beautiful lilies and scented candles , no chewing with mouth opens and certainly one does not need to have to stand in line if you have made a reservation as its always full on weekends

bring your credit cards ....it's not a 30 baht dish experience and certainly need more than your two cents Roger Rabbit

Edited by LawrenceChee
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Socio-cultural behaviors of any given place are easy to criticize and quick to be countered so attitude tells us more.

The Chinese have been a closed society, culture, civilisation for thousands of years and it shows in a multiplicity of ways, none of them flattering. Their long ago self-designation as the Middle Kingdom has never squared with the reality of China in the world, not even remotely so.

Whatever vibrancy and inventiveness the civilisation did have long ago and which we continue to appreciate was nonetheless spent then with little or nothing since. There is much of Chinese soft power, as it were, i.e., matters originally Chinese, that are adopted throughout the world, such as a love of Chinese food. While I was in the CCP China I enjoyed many festivals and their fireworks, the people, the places, the costumes and the times.

However, 5000 consecutive years of uninterrupted dictatorship and eternal submission to absolute authority is not to be valued, respected, appreciated, or accepted. Contempt of parliamentary systems there is strong and determined. The ancient values and attitudes there are firm and unrelenting. It is perhaps unavoidable the Chinese take the long view which is exactly and ironically why the evolving and increasingly revolutionary world keeps running over and through them and their illusions.

The Chinese had known for a long time the air exerted pressure but it took a guy named James Watt to put it to work. Yet the Chinese are self-convinced they are practical. They are in fact impractical and ingrown with their heads perpetually in the clouds.

Edited by Publicus
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Easy to critique the Chinese ....however I don't see any fat cat capitalist saying no to the orders ...in reality people like they to say they hate the Chinese for this and that and yet grudgingly agree this will look great on the P/L for the year

So let's just ditch our values and just accept the order with a big insincere smile for the cameras is probably what goes on inside the head many a times

Shame as it would force the Chinese to innovate if everyone kept refusing to sell these things to us

Haven't seen it happen yet as this is under the international trade principles founded yes by the Chinese 5000 years ago

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Airbus is in similar talks ...probably sign it soon ...good for the Everyday man depending on his salary to feed his family and put his kids to schools

To them the customer and where they may be from is not important ; job security is because that is reality and both aviation companies know this

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Thank goodness the Chinese elite are not dumb enough to read some of the hate posts on these forum pages and continue to buy these western stuff because they can see value for money when they see it

Well check your facts, as an intelligent person learns and studies from other places and ideas - none of this "I am the new kid on the block, you are over, I own you and you must respect that." The Chinese I grew up were intelligent, ethical, good hard-working people - completely unlike these glorified factory owners who make up the CCP/Singaporean elite, spend the equivalent of a lifetime salary of one of their factory workers to run off to other countries, and so on.

I say and stand by the fact that many of the Chinese elite don't have this " I want to own the world attitude and it's time to bash you" ....however I have Long concluded many of the "China experts" in this forum have spent time only dealing with a limited segment of Chinese society and based all of their worldly advice on that pretty much like spending time in the roughest streets of NY or any of the global cities and then claim you understand the Americans or Europeans ..hardly an act of intelligence

Worldly or otherwise my impressions of the Chinese gained from interacting and observing them in Thailand, Cambodia, USA, UAE, France, Germany, UK, Afghanistan and probably other places are that they are rough around the edges. Perhaps the Hong Kong Chinese are better refined but one thing is for sure the "back woods" mainland Chinese are gruff, bullish, rude, loud and have no idea that they are and if they do they don't care. Their bathroom habits have much to be improved on (nasty), they chew loudly with their mouths open and they have no idea of how to stand in line. I could go on but I won't. I'm sure they have comments about my habits, which I could care less about.

Just my 2 cents.

Well - I will point out how this is relevant at the end - the people that have been able to leave China for the past 15 years are by-and-large the corrupt, the factory owners and government bullies. They have to keep 100,000 rmb in reserve inside the country as a guarantee for their return. This amounts to a 4-year salary at the standard wage rate, and the result is that the people who are leaving the country are the people who have that kind of Yuan. These are not the hard-working day-to-day people inside the country, people who give a better picture of the country.

The "nouveaux riche" of China have a mean streak to them - they wouldn't get to that level without it, and I noticed this same streak in Emperor Xi's recent visit to the US, where the Silicon Valley creators were summoned to a meeting with the Big Boss regarding their work inside the country, like he was calling his slaves to the Big House. This will certainly benefit the Big Bosses in China - they have 4000 years of experience at this, but are they as brilliant as they consider themselves to be, or will they continue the tradition of "the worst enemies of China are inside its borders"?

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Thank goodness the Chinese elite are not dumb enough to read some of the hate posts on these forum pages and continue to buy these western stuff because they can see value for money when they see it
Well check your facts, as an intelligent person learns and studies from other places and ideas - none of this "I am the new kid on the block, you are over, I own you and you must respect that." The Chinese I grew up were intelligent, ethical, good hard-working people - completely unlike these glorified factory owners who make up the CCP/Singaporean elite, spend the equivalent of a lifetime salary of one of their factory workers to run off to other countries, and so on.

I say and stand by the fact that many of the Chinese elite don't have this " I want to own the world attitude and it's time to bash you" ....however I have Long concluded many of the "China experts" in this forum have spent time only dealing with a limited segment of Chinese society and based all of their worldly advice on that pretty much like spending time in the roughest streets of NY or any of the global cities and then claim you understand the Americans or Europeans ..hardly an act of intelligence

Worldly or otherwise my impressions of the Chinese gained from interacting and observing them in Thailand, Cambodia, USA, UAE, France, Germany, UK, Afghanistan and probably other places are that they are rough around the edges. Perhaps the Hong Kong Chinese are better refined but one thing is for sure the "back woods" mainland Chinese are gruff, bullish, rude, loud and have no idea that they are and if they do they don't care. Their bathroom habits have much to be improved on (nasty), they chew loudly with their mouths open and they have no idea of how to stand in line. I could go on but I won't. I'm sure they have comments about my habits, which I could care less about.

Just my 2 cents.

Well - I will point out how this is relevant at the end - the people that have been able to leave China for the past 15 years are by-and-large the corrupt, the factory owners and government bullies. They have to keep 100,000 rmb in reserve inside the country as a guarantee for their return. This amounts to a 4-year salary at the standard wage rate, and the result is that the people who are leaving the country are the people who have that kind of Yuan. These are not the hard-working day-to-day people inside the country, people who give a better picture of the country.

The "nouveaux riche" of China have a mean streak to them - they wouldn't get to that level without it, and I noticed this same streak in Emperor Xi's recent visit to the US, where the Silicon Valley creators were summoned to a meeting with the Big Boss regarding their work inside the country, like he was calling his slaves to the Big House. This will certainly benefit the Big Bosses in China - they have 4000 years of experience at this, but are they as brilliant as they consider themselves to be, or will they continue the tradition of "the worst enemies of China are inside its borders"?

I don't understand why all these name callings ? Anyone called Obama the mad magazine look alike

Strange thoughts as if we go along that line I Guess the only real people of USA are the potato growers and hard working valets ...I see similar trend of rich in USA who are obnoxious in Vegas and LA flaunt their wealth and all trying to be "VIP" ...the culture is unreal and totally off putting

However any sensible man knows this is a small percentage and most are faking it on their credit lines ...the stretch limos are the funniest things for me

Have sat in some and the decor is cheesy for some ...really cheesy

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Thank goodness the Chinese elite are not dumb enough to read some of the hate posts on these forum pages and continue to buy these western stuff because they can see value for money when they see it
Well check your facts, as an intelligent person learns and studies from other places and ideas - none of this "I am the new kid on the block, you are over, I own you and you must respect that." The Chinese I grew up were intelligent, ethical, good hard-working people - completely unlike these glorified factory owners who make up the CCP/Singaporean elite, spend the equivalent of a lifetime salary of one of their factory workers to run off to other countries, and so on.

I say and stand by the fact that many of the Chinese elite don't have this " I want to own the world attitude and it's time to bash you" ....however I have Long concluded many of the "China experts" in this forum have spent time only dealing with a limited segment of Chinese society and based all of their worldly advice on that pretty much like spending time in the roughest streets of NY or any of the global cities and then claim you understand the Americans or Europeans ..hardly an act of intelligence

Worldly or otherwise my impressions of the Chinese gained from interacting and observing them in Thailand, Cambodia, USA, UAE, France, Germany, UK, Afghanistan and probably other places are that they are rough around the edges. Perhaps the Hong Kong Chinese are better refined but one thing is for sure the "back woods" mainland Chinese are gruff, bullish, rude, loud and have no idea that they are and if they do they don't care. Their bathroom habits have much to be improved on (nasty), they chew loudly with their mouths open and they have no idea of how to stand in line. I could go on but I won't. I'm sure they have comments about my habits, which I could care less about.

Just my 2 cents.

Well - I will point out how this is relevant at the end - the people that have been able to leave China for the past 15 years are by-and-large the corrupt, the factory owners and government bullies. They have to keep 100,000 rmb in reserve inside the country as a guarantee for their return. This amounts to a 4-year salary at the standard wage rate, and the result is that the people who are leaving the country are the people who have that kind of Yuan. These are not the hard-working day-to-day people inside the country, people who give a better picture of the country.

The "nouveaux riche" of China have a mean streak to them - they wouldn't get to that level without it, and I noticed this same streak in Emperor Xi's recent visit to the US, where the Silicon Valley creators were summoned to a meeting with the Big Boss regarding their work inside the country, like he was calling his slaves to the Big House. This will certainly benefit the Big Bosses in China - they have 4000 years of experience at this, but are they as brilliant as they consider themselves to be, or will they continue the tradition of "the worst enemies of China are inside its borders"?

I don't understand why all these name callings ? Anyone called Obama the mad magazine look alike

Strange thoughts as if we go along that line I Guess the only real people of USA are the potato growers and hard working valets ...I see similar trend of rich in USA who are obnoxious in Vegas and LA flaunt their wealth and all trying to be "VIP" ...the culture is unreal and totally off putting

However any sensible man knows this is a small percentage and most are faking it on their credit lines ...the stretch limos are the funniest things for me

Have sat in some and the decor is cheesy for some ...really cheesy

Well the "elites" of US - I'm thinking of people like, going way back, the founders like Ben Franklin, they were entrepreneurial people, people dedicated to improving individual lives everywhere. There certainly is high-level cronyism in the US - like last week how the Fannie Mae executive was "fined" US10,000 for actions that put millions of people out of there houses, and on top of that the court said it wasn't actually a "fine", just a symbolic amount - but I don't see those cronies going around and acting like they own the world. I understand that the Chinese government is interested in restoring what it imagines is the great past of China. This sort of going around the world, "summoning" the executives of Silicon Valley like slaves, all of this behavior, it is merely putting wood on the fire and actually creating enemies that were not there before.

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Exacting the same kind of backward thinking that incites racism and tension along the community

There are a few of you with very skewed views that need to interact with Chinese elites and see if you walk off with the same view point although a fast invitation to correct that may also be difficult to obtain seeing the educated and cultured may not necessary see this format of uninformed bashing as anything intellectual to discuss with

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Exacting the same kind of backward thinking that incites racism and tension along the community

There are a few of you with very skewed views that need to interact with Chinese elites and see if you walk off with the same view point although a fast invitation to correct that may also be difficult to obtain seeing the educated and cultured may not necessary see this format of uninformed bashing as anything intellectual to discuss with

Well I see the race card being pulled again when it's not the race that's the problem, it's the behavior, ie: as far as I can see these "elites" are corrupt factory owners who got ahead with dirty means, and now use their cash to go off to other countries and act like they own the place. Don't see anything enlightened or rational about this behavior.

Edited by squarethecircle
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IME this video is the perfect encapsulation of these "Chinese elites"

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/TRTkCHE1sS4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Now if they'd stick with exporting toys that break when you take them out of the plastic, instead of going off to America and "summoning" people who actually contribute to the world. Seems like being dictators and slave masters in Asia have gotten to their heads. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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