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EU urges Thai govt to respect freedom of speech

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Once again, another country/Union telling Thailand how to mange it's affairs.....stick to fixing own major migration problems!!

Not a leader amongst the 28 member States......all a bunch of self-centred incompetents; couldn't organise a p**s-up in a brewery !!

Maybe you do not know how the EU is organized.

But even though Europe (not just the EU) has a major problem with influx of migration and refugees, they can still point to the FACT that Thailand is violating some basic human rights, despite their adherence to International Treaties and some text in the Military imposed interim Charter.

Facts remain facts, even if the messenger is not an angel.

At the moment EU is disorganised...the Greece debacle & now the Migrant shambles....doesn't seem very organised, states pulling against other states!

As said,other countries or group of States should focus on own backyard & clean up that mess; not proffering "off the cuff" comments or criticism. As for violating basic human rights, don't know of any countries that don't in some way or another violate human rights!

So I take it the Thai firewall gets two thumbs up from you, then?

Ahh, unsure what Firewa

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Ahh, what do Firewalls have to do with the original item??? Most countries, have Firewalls to protect their Internet security


Once again, another country/Union telling Thailand how to mange it's affairs.....stick to fixing own major migration problems!!

Not a leader amongst the 28 member States......all a bunch of self-centred incompetents; couldn't organise a p**s-up in a brewery !!

Maybe you do not know how the EU is organized.

But even though Europe (not just the EU) has a major problem with influx of migration and refugees, they can still point to the FACT that Thailand is violating some basic human rights, despite their adherence to International Treaties and some text in the Military imposed interim Charter.

Facts remain facts, even if the messenger is not an angel.

At the moment EU is disorganised...the Greece debacle & now the Migrant shambles....doesn't seem very organised, states pulling against other states!

As said,other countries or group of States should focus on own backyard & clean up that mess; not proffering "off the cuff" comments or criticism. As for violating basic human rights, don't know of any countries that don't in some way or another violate human rights!

All correct, congratulations, you just described the mechanism of democracy.

That's true, otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion & Thai Visa would be shutdown.


The Nation doesn't respect freedom of speech even after they get an attitude adjustment. Some people just don't get it.

When US candidates mouth off The Nation thinks they are "shredding the Constitution" rather than using the rights it gives. A lot of people just don't get it.


How funny. The EU must be the least democratic organisation on Earth.

I certainly didn't vote for them to make all my laws - I was never given the chance.

Even the first 'president' was chosen behind closed doors by the biggest powers to make sure he would be easily manipulated.

Politics is all about corruption and the EU is right there at the top : I don't trust a single one of those people as far as I could throw him. They are not much higher up the 'dirty' scale than Thai politicians IMHO. They are just better at hiding it.

Somebody in that organisation is on the payroll.

"The United Kingdom's component of the 2014 European Parliament election was held on Thursday 22 May 2014,[2][3] coinciding with the 2014 local elections in England[4] and Northern Ireland.
Most of the results of the election were announced on Sunday 25 May, after voting closed throughout the 28 member states of the European Union. In total, 73 Members of the European Parliament were elected from the United Kingdom using proportional representation. "
Ring a bell?

Did Angela Merkel and the "good general" get together and Angela used her mouth for something men usually like a lot? Just curious. facepalm.gif

P.S. My dinner fell out of my stomach when i saw her string..............





Foreigners do not understand Thailand !

They didn't go to a Thai school then Thai army to be taught the right things that only Thai know and understand !


You're completely wrong, because you don't have your own temple in your own village. Got it? facepalm.gif


The Nation doesn't respect freedom of speech even after they get an attitude adjustment. Some people just don't get it.

When US candidates mouth off The Nation thinks they are "shredding the Constitution" rather than using the rights it gives. A lot of people just don't get it.

My auntie was Never Sure about that. But I don't get it either.......thumbsup.gif


How funny. The EU must be the least democratic organisation on Earth.

I certainly didn't vote for them to make all my laws - I was never given the chance.

Even the first 'president' was chosen behind closed doors by the biggest powers to make sure he would be easily manipulated.

Politics is all about corruption and the EU is right there at the top : I don't trust a single one of those people as far as I could throw him. They are not much higher up the 'dirty' scale than Thai politicians IMHO. They are just better at hiding it.

Somebody in that organisation is on the payroll.

Agree with everything you say about the EU. Says something when a garbage organisation like that can see right through the junta.


"The United Kingdom's component of the 2014 European Parliament election was held on Thursday 22 May 2014,[2][3] coinciding with the 2014 local elections in England[4] and Northern Ireland.

Most of the results of the election were announced on Sunday 25 May, after voting closed throughout the 28 member states of the European Union. In total, 73 Members of the European Parliament were elected from the United Kingdom using proportional representation. "
Ring a bell?

Ring a bell? Uh, the last I knew the UK and EU weren't the same thing. When did that change?

The UK crawls on it's belly so it can properly kiss up to the EU. I don't know how it's true that the people of the UK get to directly vote for leaders of the EU. Democracy for the average Joe? No.....

Oh yeah. Europeans see no value in national sovereignty and would rather that Merkel just run everything. You know - no real borders and it's just one big happy family run out of Belgium Germany.

The Germans finally figured out how to conquer Europe without firing a shot. Now they are busy converting it to Nazism Islam. thumbsup.gif



I'd be very humored if Thailand responds to "We let our guys speak again when you can listen to your guys again" or something along those line.

Pretty sure 2 hands aren't enough to count the massive demonstrations that have been going on for months now in regards to that islam crap extending ever so fast as well as migrants swamping the hell out of them.


Regardless of how good or how bad the EU is with its own migration policies, the fact is that is can red card Thailand and ban its seafood exports. In 2014 Thailand seafood exports to the EU was €642 million! Thailand has already lost its EU export preferences that lowers import tariffs and only now beginning to followup to renogiate with individual EU nations.

Unfair as it might seem from the Thai perspective to seriously consider the EU's warning as a matter of sovereignty, it is a matter of economic sustainability that the Thai government avoid such a ban. The EU is a high-value market. Otherwise, Thailand's most likely alternative market is the low-value African nations. Although I'm sure other seafood exporters like China and Russia would be willing to import Thai caught seafood at substantial discounts.


The government is now acting under the Interim Charter.

Section 4
Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, human dignity, rights, freedoms and equality of all Thais, which have been protected under the customary practices of the government of Thailand under the democratic regime with the King as Head of State and under existing international obligations of Thailand, shall remain protected under this Constitution.
Section 44
For the sake of the reforms in any field, the promotion of love and harmony amongst the people in the nation, or the prevention, abatement or suppression of any act detrimental to national order or security, royal throne, national economy or public administration, whether the act occurs inside or outside the Kingdom, the Leader of the National Council for Peace and Order, with the approval of the National Council for Peace and Order, may issue any order or direct any action to be done or not to be done, irrespective of whether the order or action would produce legislative, executive or judicial effect. Those orders or actions, as well as their observance, shall be deemed lawful, constitutional and final. After the exercise of such power, the President of the National Legislative Assembly and the Prime Minister shall be informed thereof without delay.
Section 48
As regards all actions done by the National Council for Peace and Order or its Leader in relation to the seizure and control of the power of public administration on 22 May 2014, as well as the actions done for the sake thereof by the persons concerned therewith, by the proxies of the National Council for Peace and Order or its Leader, or by the delegatees of those proxies, whether the described actions produce constitutional, legislative, executive or judicial effect, or result in the infliction of penalties or in any other act of public administration, and whether those actions are done on the mentioned date or prior to or after such date, the doers shall, if their actions are unlawful, be absolutely released from guilt and liabilities, whether they participate in the actions as principals, aiders, abettors or agents.

Article 44 transcends political colors:


"In a Facebook post, Democrat Party chairman Mr. Abhisit compared Article 44 to Section 17 of the 1959 Charter that similarly granted complete power to a military leader in the name of national security. Mr. Abhisit observed that Article 44 appears to be even more gratuitous than the infamous Section 17."

"Even ... Section 17, which is considered to be the most absolute, only gives power to Prime Minister to order or take action to suppress acts that threaten national security," Mr. Abhisit wrote. "The difference is: under Article 44, the special power belongs to NCPO leader. The NCPO does not have to seek consent from the prime Minister."

He continued, "Article 44 clearly states that the power has binding effect in legislative and judiciary aspects, without a process to challenge or scrutinize them. That means it’s the ability to issue a law or reverse a court verdict."


Once again, another country/Union telling Thailand how to mange it's affairs.....stick to fixing own major migration problems!!

Not a leader amongst the 28 member States......all a bunch of self-centred incompetents; couldn't organise a p**s-up in a brewery !!

Maybe you do not know how the EU is organized.

But even though Europe (not just the EU) has a major problem with influx of migration and refugees, they can still point to the FACT that Thailand is violating some basic human rights, despite their adherence to International Treaties and some text in the Military imposed interim Charter.

Facts remain facts, even if the messenger is not an angel.

At the moment EU is disorganised...the Greece debacle & now the Migrant shambles....doesn't seem very organised, states pulling against other states!

As said,other countries or group of States should focus on own backyard & clean up that mess; not proffering "off the cuff" comments or criticism. As for violating basic human rights, don't know of any countries that don't in some way or another violate human rights!

So I take it the Thai firewall gets two thumbs up from you, then?


EU is a bit in trouble defining human rights.

'Freedom of speech'?

Limited by 'political correctness'

Some of the opinions in this forum here could be labeled and prosecuted as 'racistic hate speech' in Germany. Denying the Holocaust is a crime in Germany.

My own contributions might qualify for insult or 'defamation' in Germany - or worse.

If you happen to know some secret facts and publish them so everybody can read them this might be called 'treason'.

holocaust denial is a method of promoting anti-semitism and is closely associated with hate speech.

Given Europe's history, is it not understandable to have such laws?

And are those laws in any way relevant to Thailand's current political suppression, not to mention Article 112?

The EU has no problem defending human rights... Thailand, on the other hand... whistling.gif


How funny. The EU must be the least democratic organisation on Earth.

I certainly didn't vote for them to make all my laws - I was never given the chance.

Even the first 'president' was chosen behind closed doors by the biggest powers to make sure he would be easily manipulated.

Politics is all about corruption and the EU is right there at the top : I don't trust a single one of those people as far as I could throw him. They are not much higher up the 'dirty' scale than Thai politicians IMHO. They are just better at hiding it.

Somebody in that organisation is on the payroll.

"The United Kingdom's component of the 2014 European Parliament election was held on Thursday 22 May 2014,[2][3] coinciding with the 2014 local elections in England[4] and Northern Ireland.
Most of the results of the election were announced on Sunday 25 May, after voting closed throughout the 28 member states of the European Union. In total, 73 Members of the European Parliament were elected from the United Kingdom using proportional representation. "
Ring a bell?

I suspect that with EJ the ringing never stops... thumbsup.gif


Listening to German news everyday I would have thought the EU has far too many problems of their own to find the time to worry about the political structures in Thailand. When they have solved the refugee problem one day they are welcome to come back and comment on Thailand. Until then they better shut up.


Listening to German news everyday I would have thought the EU has far too many problems of their own to find the time to worry about the political structures in Thailand. When they have solved the refugee problem one day they are welcome to come back and comment on Thailand. Until then they better shut up.

There will forever be problems on this earth. That doesn't mean that we can just start ignoring things like repressive military juntas in other parts of the world.

Seriously, you apologists are running on empty right now.


Urge what you want. The trend is the exact opposite. Will be interesting to see when the backlash hits, my guess is when it starts hitting facebook.


Lol, as if there is any free speech in the EU or west anymore!!

If you speak out against women behaviour, you are labelled a misogynist and sexist where if the media (run by dysfunctional Feminists in the west) will make sure you lose your job and be ridiculed by society.


Same with being religious and sticking by your beliefs. You will lose your business and house.



Having a Thai girlfriend, you will automatically be labelled a sexpat or dirty old man. Talking about sex, even worse.

There is absolutely no freedom of speech in the EU beyond their "political correctness". F*** them.

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