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Swedish Man Arrested And Charged After He Assaults A Singer From Walking Street Discotheque.

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From previous history of the band at the front of Lucifers, this gal is always looking for trouble. Knowing the Ent. Mgr. from there, he is in a bit of bind trying to get rid of them...Poor performance, attitude , etc...However the true catalyst of the problems with the band has always been this gal...

Fine, a farang makes a stupid mistake ( not to say that there are good mistakes..) But, he was definately in a bad environment - IF of course he was drinking( and judging from the volume of business that Lucifers does - very well indeed ) word to the wise ( first timers coming for "fun" ) mind your manners.....No different here as with any other place in the world, have fun - but be smart. Unfortunately he is another statistic in LOS, but minding your manners and minding your surroundings doesn't hurt.

Hope he gets this sorted quickly..The more time she has to let this fester, the more in her favor it becomes....

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From previous history of the band at the front of Lucifers, this gal is always looking for trouble. Knowing the Ent. Mgr. from there, he is in a bit of bind trying to get rid of them...Poor performance, attitude , etc...However the true catalyst of the problems with the band has always been this gal...

Fine, a farang makes a stupid mistake ( not to say that there are good mistakes..) But, he was definately in a bad environment - IF of course he was drinking( and judging from the volume of business that Lucifers does - very well indeed ) word to the wise ( first timers coming for "fun" ) mind your manners.....No different here as with any other place in the world, have fun - but be smart. Unfortunately he is another statistic in LOS, but minding your manners and minding your surroundings doesn't hurt.

Hope he gets this sorted quickly..The more time she has to let this fester, the more in her favor it becomes....

I wonder what the actual charge is ?

Thank you Hans for the insider info on this case.


Yet another reason to avoid the most over-rated place in Pattaya, Lucifers... :D

Hope the guy doesn't get 2 years and hope he's not out his 200K baht.


Why do you think that Lucifer is over-rated? Do you have any arguments sustaining that?

Why do you think that Lucifer is over-rated? Do you have any arguments sustaining that?

Not meaning to hijack the thread but I'm a fan of the place as my main objective is to meet a new friend and that's the mecca. There's a lot of girls on holiday from BKK there which I'm more interested in meeting on weekends.


Thank you Hans for the insider info on this case.


Yet another reason to avoid the most over-rated place in Pattaya, Lucifers... :D

Hope the guy doesn't get 2 years and hope he's not out his 200K baht.


Why do you think that Lucifer is over-rated? Do you have any arguments sustaining that?

Overpriced - overcrowded - full of druggies - full of posers - badly managed - unsafe (fire exits locked and blocked) therefore over-rated


Thank you Hans for the insider info on this case.


Yet another reason to avoid the most over-rated place in Pattaya, Lucifers... :D

Hope the guy doesn't get 2 years and hope he's not out his 200K baht.


Why do you think that Lucifer is over-rated? Do you have any arguments sustaining that?

Overpriced - overcrowded - full of druggies - full of posers - badly managed - unsafe (fire exits locked and blocked) therefore over-rated


I also do believe that she's milking it a bit. :D


No he shouldn`t have patted her backside....but if the facts of what we have so far read are correct then it seems that the police are allowing this woman to take this event to a level that is out of proportion to what has allegedly happened.

A quick reasonable settlement is what is needed here for the benefit of all the parties.

No he shouldn`t have patted her backside....but if the facts of what we have so far read are correct then it seems that the police are allowing this woman to take this event to a level that is out of proportion to what has allegedly happened.

A quick reasonable settlement is what is needed here for the benefit of all the parties.

Believe me: the Swede agrees you that he shouldn't have done it. And it has to be one hel_l of a kind of a woman before he does it next time!

We are working on this matter and let's see. We have now one "ace in our sleeve" and hope to use it wisely... Cannot tell more now.

I'll keep you updated.


I believe in an eye for an eye, so she should be made to give his bum a good spanking.That'll teach him :D

Seriously though, this sounds like a scam, with the good old BIB standing in the background with their hands outstretched just waiting to be greased :D

A stupid mistake that should have been settled by no more than a good telling off and a major apology :o

From previous history of the band at the front of Lucifers, this gal is always looking for trouble. Knowing the Ent. Mgr. from there, he is in a bit of bind trying to get rid of them...Poor performance, attitude , etc...However the true catalyst of the problems with the band has always been this gal...

Fine, a farang makes a stupid mistake ( not to say that there are good mistakes..) But, he was definately in a bad environment - IF of course he was drinking( and judging from the volume of business that Lucifers does - very well indeed ) word to the wise ( first timers coming for "fun" ) mind your manners.....No different here as with any other place in the world, have fun - but be smart. Unfortunately he is another statistic in LOS, but minding your manners and minding your surroundings doesn't hurt.

Hope he gets this sorted quickly..The more time she has to let this fester, the more in her favor it becomes....

Why does'nt he just sack her?

There are other singers around, Is she philipino or thai?

Has to be thai - don't think the MIB would have bothered with this much hassle if she weren't.

Probably knocking around with one of the coppers, i'd sack her by the sounds of her past.

Heard something a while back regarding Lucifers and my singer, maybe they want to replace their singer with her?, they can think again. :o


scam scam and scam.

if the authorities in thailand deal with this man too harshly with over exhorbitant fines or he has to compensate her with an over the top figure, and it leaks out to be common knowledge, well the consequences are obvious.

although he was wrong, this is pattaya and certain actions happen here that are not the norm.

i hope common sense prevails but TiT we'll have to wait and see.

if he has to stay in thailand for up to 2 years, if he did not have the funding himself how does he survive, i can't see the thais giving him a council house and dole money. :o


Just watched it on pattaya people news, she looks pretty smug :o , he looks pretty pissed and worried and that pattaya people news reader is awful. :D

Who's idea was it to try and ridicule all news stories? :D


It would be nice to see the Swedish media pick this story up , anyone have emails for them ?

Well not really news per say......so doubt they would have much interest.


It would be nice to see the Swedish media pick this story up , anyone have emails for them ?

Well not really news per say......so doubt they would have much interest.

Possible extortion of one of their citizens over something so trivial ?


This is a scam, 100%. 98% of the girls in Lucifers are on the game, were in the game or are dragging their bar fines in to the place to pay for their over priced drinks. The other 2% are good girls who go to take a look and never return because they don't want to be associated with the place. If you have a wife or a girl friend their are plenty of alternetives around Pattaya to bring her where something like this is less likely to happen to her.

The singer knows where she is working and is probably being paid well.

She's probably pissed about losing a sponsor or has her eyes on a new SUV to match her status as an "Entertainer"


poor guy well an trully in the s**t.

hope news gets out of what she has done and a lot of punters stop going there and let the management no why.

i certainly wont go and be entertained by this smug looking bitch.


It would be nice to see the Swedish media pick this story up , anyone have emails for them ?

Well not really news per say......so doubt they would have much interest.

Possible extortion of one of their citizens over something so trivial ?

At the end of the day he did admit to groping. Not so sure they'd take his side for that fact alone - whether the punishment fits the crime well thats up for debate.

Recall - a similar case of a vendour getting groped on Walking Street by a foreigner.



This is kind of scary, someone can make up anything about you and have you charged

and extorted.

Whats to stop a BG from saying you raped her, She knows there is possibly a huge sum

to be gained in litigation while the victim is sweating it out in prison, especially if the police

are promised a cut.

Think about it

I hope none are reading my message :o

This is kind of scary, someone can make up anything about you and have you charged

and extorted.

Whats to stop a BG from saying you raped her, She knows there is possibly a huge sum

to be gained in litigation while the victim is sweating it out in prison, especially if the police

are promised a cut.

Think about it

I hope none are reading my message :o

Spose anything is possible, but I'd say vast majority of bg(s) aren't like that, besides in the end it would be like shooting themselves in the foot - customers would stop coming if that sort of thing becoming a routine occurrence.


"I'd say vast majority of bg(s) aren't like that, "

It only takes one. You in a wrong place at the wrong time: BANG!

"it would be like shooting themselves in the foot - customers would stop coming if that sort of thing becoming a routine occurrence."

Very few of them is thinking nothing else but themselves: to get the money. That is a sad fact. And they are NOT thinking the reputation of bar-business or Thailand. Or the next generation of bar-girls.

BUT: My experience is that many bar-girls, as also A VAST MAJORITY of other, ordinary thais, are genuinly good people and could not bring ahead that kind of a scam.

besides in the end it would be like shooting themselves in the foot - customers would stop coming if that sort of thing becoming a routine occurrence.

I'd say in more than one way :o


Today at 13.00 Mr. Kid was asked to go to meet the police at the station and he asked me to be there.

I speak fairly well thai but just to make sure everything is understood I took also my secretary with me. She is familiar with problems between farangs and police and knows basics of litigation and law even though she does not have any education on this. Our lawyer was not able to attend since the very short notice the police gave us.

My advise, before going to the station, to Mr. Kid was NOT to sign ANYTHING if he is not 100% sure what to sign. I.e. anything in thai, we ask the copy of it and sign it tomorrow, after reading it carefully first. One day will not make things any different now and if the police or the other party is in a hurry to get something signed; we can be sure not to sign...

I also empasized that if the other party is there, we carefully tranquilly listen what they have to say and only then consider what we say. We have now very little to lose anymore.

The reason to go to meet the police was according to the police to appoint Mr. Kid a lawyer. We also agreed beforehand with Mr. Kid that if this lawyer is clearly appointed by the Swedish embassy, we happily listen what the lawyer has to offer us. If appointed by police or anyone else, we thank you but stick with our own lawyer.

We also had prepared the doctors certification of the wounds to Mr. Kid from the attack and the witnesses on that attack: daughter and her friend. Swedish girls in their twenties.

At the sation proved not to be any lawyer at all.

Mr Kid and his girlfriend who had joined him from Phuket.

The police officer was a woman and from the beginning was very nasty on her attitude and clearly had already took her side in this case.

I and my secretary kept our mouths and listened mostly. Very carefully.

Now the "woman" who accuses Mr. Kid has declared the police that Mr. Kid entered his hand under her skirt and into her genitals. This is VERY different from the story of Mr. Kid.

Now it is of course impossibile to decide from my part where the truth stands on this. I just know Mr. Kid fro some years and I believe that after living in many countries, being involved with many different kind of people: I believe to have some eye on the characters. I also happen to come from Finland and this means that we, with Swedes are very much the same kind of characters from very similar cultural back-round.

I try to be objective on this and questionise all the time what Mr. Kid has told me.

Mr. Kid is a simple man and has always been very kind and honest with all the matters with me. I am grown-up enough to see through him and hard-boiled enough to see when a person is lieing. And I can tell you all that Mr. Kid IS NOT bending the truth here. Nor was he too drunk when this happened.

I am sorry to tell this Mr. Kid: but I am too clever for you to fool me.

The problem is that the night when this all happened, Mr. Kid was very scared and terrified about going to the jail and was very easy to be leaded. The police asked him to sign some papers that night at the station and one is his confession of touching the genitals of the ... woman involved here.

This document of course is all in thai except his name. He signed that. To get himself out of this trouble and not going to jail.

He has been a law-abiding citizen all of his life and NEVER ever visited a jail-room. He was absolutely terrified of the idea of having to spend a night in JAIL!

So this is now very bad thing to him: He has confessed on written of something he has never ever admitted to have done.

We with my secretary kept ourselves quiet and only thing I told to the police is that we are losing now our time since the parties have very different pictures on what happend and the police also has taken clearly the part of the other side. We asked to leave.

Before that we asked if they would accept Mr. Kids report of assault by the "victim" and the woman officer involved was not interested in doing it. I didn't ask twice. Off we go.

Now, the girlfriend of Mr. Kid started to "help" Mr. Kid and asked the police to call the "victim". She obviously also immediately swallowed the sotory of the "victim" involved here and saw her boyfriend as a filthy bastard who tries it with all the girls within vicinity. She was cooked and ready. Her help obviously would not help here.

She started to press Mr. Kid to "sit down" and wait, "shut up" while she was negotiating with the woman officer and the "victim". They had whispering conversations and their faces told immediately that they were getting along very well. The woman officer also loudly stated how she is tired of these farangs who think they can touch all thai women and do what ever they want. (I have met some women activists in Europe who resemble her very much...) She did not understand that this woman police officer CANNOT help us in his matter even if she wanted. All the papers for the court were prepared and initial hearing was set to the 16th of Oct.

The victim didn't want to talk too much with the girl-friend and she tried to call some friend of hers which obviously was not needed here. The police officer tried to convince Mr. Kid not to use any lawyer since "lawyers only want your money and no help".

We had a small negotitation outside all 4 and I empasized to Mr. Kid that I will never accept a one baht from him of this. This is only from my heart since I empasize very much what is happening to him.

Our lawyer surely will charge if this thing continues to the court but he is very reasonably priced experienced lawyer and there is NO commision to me from this particular matter.

There was an argument between my secretary and the girl-friend and we told her that she IS NOT helping him anymore by believing the other party blindly and we should wait untill tomorrow to meet our lawyer and contact other police to file the complaint against this "victim" who attacked Mr. Kid. Only one who can clearly help is the "victim" by "thoon khaa dee" i.e. dropping the case.

I told Mr. Kid now to clearly state if she wants our help, or the girl-friend's help. If our help, it means that we leave now and continue tomorrow with our lawyer, If the girl-friend's help, he is free to enter back to the station and join her.

He decided to leave.

The girl-friend is furious and stayed at the station.

Now.... this evening....

Well; let's see if I am still on this case tomorrow ar if there is a "new Mrs. Kid on the block instead"

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