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Swedish Man Arrested And Charged After He Assaults A Singer From Walking Street Discotheque.

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Simple story :

Two wrongs and no rights.


Well I'm pretty sure the swede is not a groper in his own country so why in Thailand ?

Also pretty sure most cops around the world will be disgusted by the actions of their so called colleagues,

Again why in Thailand ?

Supporters for both sides in this sordid tale wake up. :o

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One thing is for sure , it sets a bad precedent and will give like minded girls the idea on

how to hit the jackpot, i am sure we will seen many similar shaftings in the future

One thing is for sure , it sets a bad precedent and will give like minded girls the idea on

how to hit the jackpot, i am sure we will seen many similar shaftings in the future

Nah I don't think so - it would have never happed if he'd kept his hands to himself. So with that in mind keep your hands to yourself and you have no worries.


One thing is for sure , it sets a bad precedent and will give like minded girls the idea on

how to hit the jackpot, i am sure we will seen many similar shaftings in the future

Nah I don't think so - it would have never happed if he'd kept his hands to himself. So with that in mind keep your hands to yourself and you have no worries.

The only problem with that is when word gets around alot of bad things can happen in dark hallways with lots of Thai witnesses


One thing is for sure , it sets a bad precedent and will give like minded girls the idea on

how to hit the jackpot, i am sure we will seen many similar shaftings in the future

Nah I don't think so - it would have never happed if he'd kept his hands to himself. So with that in mind keep your hands to yourself and you have no worries.

If the female (?) cop escapes censure, she will be mightly upset with old whitey and will be sure to save face by getting her own back. If she gets nailed, similar story with her mates in the nick.

Oh dear..............


terrible case to read about throughout, and personnaly i believe there has been an injustice for the crime.

this is thailand and things are done a little different here,

i will get flamed for this

but if this man only touched her behind and has been stiched up like a kipper,

then 200,000bhts worth of retribution would ease the mind, as long as the singer has not done a runner.

and believe me if it was the other way round, ie the falang getting one over on a copper and singer, the falang would no longer be here.

as i doubt he will be back to pattaya ever, this would be the only justice he might ever see.


Brit..........the whole thing stinks............it aint about offended dignity only about money.

If it had been a 20 yr old squaddie off cobra gold who touched her arse she would of been over the moon.

IMO ................of course. :o


I am happy to see that mr Kid got away and could go back to Sweden. Hopefully he will recover.

He did something wrong and there is no excuse for that but the penalty was totally out in the blue.

We all know that many polices are corrupt and we also know that it is not the most honest and wonderful Thais that go to Pattaya to make a living. I don't say all are bad, absolutely not, but Pattaya is a magnet for dishonest people looking for a quick fortune.

I am happy to see that there are people like Hans that really work hard to help a friend to get out of trouble.

And I am pleased to see that the Swedish Embassy reacted so quick (I am surprised, I did not expect that).

Hopefully we all learn something from this story and we can also tell others so they can avoid doing the same mistake.


Brit, I think you can not possible ever have been to Lucifer yourself. The place is packed out and you are groped yourself by scores of girls. You are walking up and down a packed corridor, either you make some space with your hand or you will push with your private parts.

The story is absurd. I never liked Lucifer but with this I will actively encurage everyone I know to avoid the place. There are plenty of alternatives anyway.

I happen to know this case very closely since this Swede is a client of mine and I have now helped him with this case also.

1. The news report is incorrect stating the "small fine" etc. The case is that he was pressed to pay the police 200 000 baht in cash. Out of what he got a receipt of 100 000 and was then the next day rightly returned the extra 100 000. The remaining 100 000 baht is the bale sum out of what is deducted what ever the "victim" (now the "victim" is not very clear in this case... read ahead.) gets her compensation.

2. Mr Kid spent all night and half of the next day in jail. After what he was released without his passport in order to stop him running out of the country. (This is pretty normal way to keep the "criminal" within reach. Actually the only normal in this case...)

The "victim" does not want money and wants to carry the case untill Mr. Kid is convicted to a jail-term. These are her words. After these 3 days of the happening she still wants to get him in the jail.

This means up to 2 years of waiting for the court case and this time Mr. Kid cannot go out of Thailand.

This "victim" also attacked viciously immediately after the "assault" on Mr. Kid causing him damage to his eye. She was of course never accused of this since she is the "victim" here.

Mr. Kid himself describes that he touched the girls bottom; yes. 2 times very softly and friendly slapping to have room on the alley while exiting from the toilet. A gentle touch with a smile but obviously not too gentleman-like behaviur and this of course he regrets.

I have also a friend here who claims to have more or less nasty experiences of a very similar looking "lady" and from the very same premises.

So all you out there near Lucifer: take care to be far enough of this singer girl!!!

this "whole" thing is rediculous, how many people here believe this man managed to get his finger into this girls underwear and more as she claims...........crazy shit this, if she gets away with it, whos to say anyone touched a thing, I find the police in this instance totally irresponsible, where is the evidence , prove it, something smells really fishy and it ain't his finger

My guess is this lady called the police woman direct which is not hard to prove and this guy is being stiched up big time, come on guys look at the wood............think about what she is saying he done................................prove it ?

Brit, I think you can not possible ever have been to Lucifer yourself. The place is packed out and you are groped yourself by scores of girls. You are walking up and down a packed corridor, either you make some space with your hand or you will push with your private parts.

The story is absurd. I never liked Lucifer but with this I will actively encurage everyone I know to avoid the place. There are plenty of alternatives anyway.

100% it was the guy behind me...........it was it was it was............prove it, camera footage witness.....where

there is no case to answer


Hans you are a top guy trying to help the unfortunate Mr Kid.

A sad trail of events ,I think that you have done justice by bringing the matter to the attention of all people on this forum.

It sounds like its so easy to fall into a scam like this, made worse by having the police acting the way they have.

Glad to hear that he has home.

Lucifers...no thanks...ever.


Hans....what is the penalty for just touching her arse?

This depends on the circumstances; if it is a public humiliation or happened in more descreet environment (e.g. at the entrance of a toilet.). A fine only in this case would have been the court's answer. And a small one.


-Kid pays 200k, gets passport back, escapes further torment.

-Victim is richer for the last few days.

-Swedish embassy goes back to work on other cases and turns the page.


I am very scared because I just don't have 200k sitting around for sweet payments. :o

One thing is for sure , it sets a bad precedent and will give like minded girls the idea on

how to hit the jackpot, i am sure we will seen many similar shaftings in the future

Just a matter of time until this happens again. Only there won't be any actual 'touching' at all. The 'mark' will be the middle aged or older guy with the 5 baht gold chain, throwing around 1,000 baht notes like confetti and drunk. The 'victim' and 'witnesses' will have the story down pat and all swear to exactly the same thing. The 'mark' will never know what hit him.



-Kid pays 200k, gets passport back, escapes further torment.

-Victim is richer for the last few days.

-Swedish embassy goes back to work on other cases and turns the page.


I am very scared because I just don't have 200k sitting around for sweet payments. :o

One thing is for sure , it sets a bad precedent and will give like minded girls the idea on

how to hit the jackpot, i am sure we will seen many similar shaftings in the future

Just a matter of time until this happens again. Only there won't be any actual 'touching' at all. The 'mark' will be the middle aged or older guy with the 5 baht gold chain, throwing around 1,000 baht notes like confetti and drunk. The 'victim' and 'witnesses' will have the story down pat and all swear to exactly the same thing. The 'mark' will never know what hit him.

I agree! Never underestimate the power of the Coconut Telegraph!!


It's difficult to read about this case without feelings of anger and disgust.

And I can emphasize with how Mr. Kid must have felt in the days after his arrest - beside himself with worry and anxiety.

The only positive aspect is that Mr. Kid is now away from Pattaya - back in his home country - and will undoubtedly be attempting to put this unfortunate episode behind him in the days to come.

The downside is that all concerned in this scam (including the BIB) were allowed to get away with it without any apparent recrimination.

A truly shocking case in it's audacity and the blatant and unashamed connivance between the 'victim', staff at Lucifers and BIB. :o


I f this story is tru then it is fare worse than I expected! Makes me reconsider living in Pattaya and anny investment here is absolutly out of question. I ask the mods to make this a sticky to warn others of the scams of Pattay Police.


PS Whent past Lucifers last night and stopped outside and gave the "lady" the finger, she was on stage.Avoid that place!


Walking by and giving the lady the finger seems to have got one of your countrymen in a lot of trouble.............not a good idea

I f this story is tru then it is fare worse than I expected! Makes me reconsider living in Pattaya and anny investment here is absolutly out of question. I ask the mods to make this a sticky to warn others of the scams of Pattay Police.


PS Whent past Lucifers last night and stopped outside and gave the "lady" the finger, she was on stage.Avoid that place!

you'd better be careful doing things like that or you'll end up in hot water. :o

As for the warning to others about not coming to pattaya thats rubbish as this is a very rare incident.

I'm going to do a bit of fishing in this and get some info.



very interesting story and it just shows how things can easily spiral out of control in Thailand.

Good lesson...never ever leave yourself vulnerable to anything or anybody in Thailand because there are always sharks circling looking for any small chance to rip into you

Secondly the guy could have handled the situation much better by completely denying what he did and using his friends as witnesses that he didn't do anything.

Finally he should have played the waiting game with the cops and let them get bored and start to realise they were not going to get anything out of him. They then would have tired and moved onto the next mark.

Secondly the guy could have handled the situation much better by completely denying what he did and using his friends as witnesses that he didn't do anything.

Finally he should have played the waiting game with the cops and let them get bored and start to realise they were not going to get anything out of him. They then would have tired and moved onto the next mark.

And waited in jail with uncertainty of what would happen over his head?

None of these things would have made a difference.

The only mistake he made was signing the papers in the first place. :o


I thought I read this carefully, but maybe I did miss something.

Anyway, to me it looks like Mr. Kid paid the police woman 200.000, but got a receipt for only 100.000, and then was only given 100.000 in return?

So the police woman managed to pocket 100.000 baht for herself then?

Exactly how much he groped the singer is of course impossible for us to say.

You make a convincing case for Mr. Kid Hans, so I tend to think your assessment is correct... then again, we all have seen dead drunk people of various nationalities who completely lose their head in the presence of alcohol.

We Scandinavians dont have the best reputation in this regard. But I do doubt that a father with his children present would get drunk enough to do something so stupid as to run a finger up somebody... My own intuition tells me he patted her butt to get her out of the way just as he says. Stupid and boorish without question, but not a violation of the sort they tried to pin on him. He should have been dealt a minor penalty and that would likely have made him more careful with groping others in the future. The lesson he now received I would not wish upon anyone.

Brit, I think you can not possible ever have been to Lucifer yourself.

Phil - I've been in Lucifers many times with my gf. Too bloody packed for my liking and normally get attacked when gf hits the loo. Ladies are very aggressive in Lucifers, but that being said I know not every lady in Lucifers is that way, so one has to be careful making assumptions.


Brit, probably 99/100 are on the game and the 1 who is not should either realize she will be assumed to be one or go somewhere else. I don't think that should be so difficult to understand and I CERTAINLY don't think anyone assuming so deserve be jailed and have to be blackmailed.


Brit, I think you can not possible ever have been to Lucifer yourself.

Phil - I've been in Lucifers many times with my gf. Too bloody packed for my liking and normally get attacked when gf hits the loo. Ladies are very aggressive in Lucifers, but that being said I know not every lady in Lucifers is that way, so one has to be careful making assumptions.

man, they should invest in better lighting :o

Secondly the guy could have handled the situation much better by completely denying what he did and using his friends as witnesses that he didn't do anything.

Finally he should have played the waiting game with the cops and let them get bored and start to realise they were not going to get anything out of him. They then would have tired and moved onto the next mark.

And waited in jail with uncertainty of what would happen over his head?

None of these things would have made a difference.

The only mistake he made was signing the papers in the first place. :o

I think you have a problem understanding what i wrote.

Of course he shouldn't have signed anything that goes without saying and yes he was stuffed when he did sign the statement.

What i was suggesting was what he should have done in the first instance.

Got it.

I thought I read this carefully, but maybe I did miss something.

Anyway, to me it looks like Mr. Kid paid the police woman 200.000, but got a receipt for only 100.000, and then was only given 100.000 in return?

So the police woman managed to pocket 100.000 baht for herself then?

Exactly how much he groped the singer is of course impossible for us to say.

100 000 was kept by police as a bail-sum. And that was written on the receipt and that is the correct sum. That is a guarantee out of which the compenstation to the victim is paid.

That was completely justified for the police to get from Mr. Kid. What was not justified was to get double money in the police car without the receipt and after that write him a receipt of only 100 000 at the station.

Simple mathematics to tha Pattaya police: If you receive 2 baht, you do not write a receipt of 1 baht. If you receive 200 000...

Of course there might have been a mistake when counting the money but I little bit doubt it...

Secondly the guy could have handled the situation much better by completely denying what he did and using his friends as witnesses that he didn't do anything.

Finally he should have played the waiting game with the cops and let them get bored and start to realise they were not going to get anything out of him. They then would have tired and moved onto the next mark.

Mr. Kid DENIED everything and his testimonies were not allowed to come with him to the station.

He was not capable to play waiting game since his health was weaking and fast. Also he didn't like the idea to spend in Thailand for several months at the minimum. He was on holiday and his life is in Sweden. For me it would have been different. I actually wouldn't mind for stopping counting my visa days for, say; 2 years. He could have almost won the case if we fighted 2 years. And by winning I mean getting very light sentence by sueing the police and the "victim" on her attack on him. LOOOOONG fight anyway.

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