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Thai lawyer says Karadag did confess to be Erawan shrine bomber

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The original article said:

"he wanted an Uighur interpreter as he is not fluent in both English and Turkish."

There's a few languages I'm not fluent in that I can communicate adequately in. I'm guessing he was interrogated in English since he's not Turkish.

I think some people forget that a lot of these English language articles were translated from Thai, not written by a reporter who is a native speaker.

In a country where translators can't get through a restaurant menu job without making a mistake

"Penetrate the whole porker heck", "Chicken with something else", "Black spaghetti tiger porn", I don't expect them to accurately translate everything and get every nuance. Lots of articles I've read here, those which don't have anything to do with police or controversial topics included, often have obvious mistakes.

Karadag also said he wanted an Uighur interpreter as he could not communicate in both English and Turkish.


I wonder in what language he has been communicating all this time while in custody?

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What? Obviously you missed the press release with a picture of the bomber from the video wearing a wig and glasses, and a picture of him after he changed clothes and took off the disguise from the video of him entering the toilet and leaving with the yellow shirt and disguise in the bag and photo of him after he was arrested.

The video of yellow shirt guy walking into the toilet and this dude walking out was enough to convince me they'd caught him.

Confronted with this much evidence, I think a lot of people would confess. Confessing and cooperating might mean the difference between life in prison or a death sentence, I'm sure the police want to catch the person who planned the attack.

I find it hard to believe that karadag actually confessed to being the erawan shrine bomber he does not fit the description of the bomber in any way I think this is a load of cobblers he confessed under duress.

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The lawyer of the defendent announced in a media press talk that his client had admitted (to police) that he's the guy placed the bomb.......there's been no formal charges as I understand, certainly there's been no court case...the ethics of Thai lawyers !!!

Reminder to self......avoid at all costs ever using a Thai lawyer...!

Something doesn't add up. Why didn't the accused simply take his own life in the carnage he allegedly unleashed?

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I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. You comment on the possible inaccuracies of translating an article from Thai to English but don't speak to the issue of the necessity for a person in detention to be able to communicate with his 'so-called' attorney in his native language using a competent interpreter. There's certainly no indication he can speak Thai. The RTP have not been forthcoming in detailing the suspect's native language of the language in which the alleged confession was made. Of course, the other big issue would be who the interpreter is working for. So, if there are obvious mistakes in the media, I pity the chances of this individual to get a fair shake from the police, the media, his lawyer, and the government's interpreter.

The original article said:
"he wanted an Uighur interpreter as he is not fluent in both English and Turkish."

There's a few languages I'm not fluent in that I can communicate adequately in. I'm guessing he was interrogated in English since he's not Turkish.

I think some people forget that a lot of these English language articles were translated from Thai, not written by a reporter who is a native speaker.

In a country where translators can't get through a restaurant menu job without making a mistake
"Penetrate the whole porker heck", "Chicken with something else", "Black spaghetti tiger porn", I don't expect them to accurately translate everything and get every nuance. Lots of articles I've read here, those which don't have anything to do with police or controversial topics included, often have obvious mistakes.

Karadag also said he wanted an Uighur interpreter as he could not communicate in both English and Turkish.

I wonder in what language he has been communicating all this time while in custody?

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Thai lawyer knows how to stay alive

In any Western country this lawyer would be disbared. I practiced law for many years and I cannot imagin an attorney doing what is attributed to this guy and continueing to practice law. What he did is criminal.

I think you are getting a bit mixed and muddled Kjun---------"cannot imagine attorney doing what is attributed to this guy"

I think it was the "guy" that was DOING it not the Attorney

"What he did is criminal"------------ who? The Guy or the Attorney?????

Sorry but I read your post 3 times and still "me no understand" HaHa But I think I know what you mean !!!!clap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

My native language isn't English but I understood perfectly what he meant.

For a lawyer to present himself as the uigurs attorney and too disclose anything to the public is unlawful and unethical in any developed country.

Disclosing a client-attorney discussion to the public is a criminal act and he should be disbarred immediately if he's really the uigurs representative lawyer, if not, he went to question him under false pretenses.

Not so difficult to understand, wether 'this guy' is guilty or not to the bombing, should be left to REAL lawyers and a REAL justice system.

Me thinks, the developed countries are quite a bit too overdeveloped nowadays and tend to lose more and more their sense for reality. Evolution appears to become more and more regressive. This is so obvious that no even a court case is needed. whistling.gif

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Because in Thai legal system, when you confess to your crime, your sentence will be halved. Unless it is Capital sentence.

Very very odd.

He can't communicate without an interpreter yet he made a confession to police, and told his lawyer he made a confession.

He did not confess to the lawyer, but allegedly told his lawyer he had confessed to the police. There's a difference.

Why is his lawyer going public with the admission of a confession? This is the biggest question right now.

This guy needs an incorruptible and dedicated lawyer. Remember, the lawyer, out of the blue, assigned himself.....who is paying him?

It's easy to imagine that this guy is a patsy, and that the lawyer was never on his side from the start.....I really don't blame the people who suffer from the old MacCarthyism slogan; Reds under the bed.

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Karadag needs a new lawyer. about two weeks ago he publically stated he did not believe his client was telling the truth, now he publically states his client confesses... is he working on behalf of his client or is he working for the prosecution?

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Me thinks, the developed countries are quite a bit too overdeveloped nowadays and tend to lose more and more their sense for reality. Evolution appears to become more and more regressive. This is so obvious that no even a court case is needed. whistling.gif

True, very true, but I would prefer an European court any time of the day from the Thai court and justice system.

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Me thinks, the developed countries are quite a bit too overdeveloped nowadays and tend to lose more and more their sense for reality. Evolution appears to become more and more regressive. This is so obvious that no even a court case is needed. whistling.gif

True, very true, but I would prefer an European court any time of the day from the Thai court and justice system.

Well, it depends whether you are in the culprit or victim position.

Rumor has it that at least in Germany the culprit's rights appear to be by far more honored than those of the victim. Also, it may turn out that you considered yourself a victim because you were attacked and/or robbed but all of a sudden all gets twisted in court and your are declared the culprit and the culprit the victim and you eventually get not only screwed once but twice. Obviously, a pattern that is amanzingly also advocated by quite some forum members here. blink.png

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