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US warns Russia against striking non-IS groups in Syria


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The single word that accounts for Putin's involvement in Syria is desperation.

All year Assad's army has been set back and driven most recently into an ever smaller Allawite area of northwest Syria. US backed rebels are in Damascus suburbs lobbing shells into Assad's palace buildings and into the international airport. Assad was going to have to abandon Damascus for Latakia or Tartus until they came under threat. Assad was looking at the likely beginning of an endgame against him.

Enter Vladimir Putin. Assad's army is bedraggled and the Iranian military advisors or forces present in Syria since 2013 have been ineffective. Hezbollah has had to cover its own back as US backed fighters have moved in to the Qalamoun Mountains to interdict supplies transported from Lebanon and to inflitrate border regions.

The battle turned against Assad during 2015 because US suppported Syrian rebels adopted the new strategy of not attacking major population centers in cities containing civilians and which are anyway well protected and defended by Assad's troops. Rather, US supported rebels have focused on the links between cities of transportation and communication, roads, that controll the flow of supplies and goods.

The consequence now is that a number of Assad "island" cities have become deprived of goods and services to include miliary arms or reinforcements while being disconnected by rebel forces. The new US and rebel fighter strategy has converted to the rebel side the cities of Idlib and Jisr al-Shughur while significantly disconnecting from one another the following network of cities: Aleppo, Latakia, Hom, Damascus. US supported rebels are also in control of most border crossings to Iraq, Jordan, Turkey.

Label Putin as desperate. Assad is increasing helpless. Tehran ineffective. CCP China keeping its distance.


Desperate ? Nope. They just wanted to wait till Obama got his Iran deal pushed through. Within a day of the deal going through, Russia started moving assets to its bases in Syria.

Yes, desperate.

Rebels who'd fought through into Damascus suburbs were landing shells into Assad's palaces to the point Assad & Co were looking at relocating to either Latakia or Tartus. Then rebel forces gained enough ground close in to Latakia to put it too within easy artillery/rocket range, which it is, so that Assad fallback position got foreclosed.

That is when Putin pulled the trigger on plunging in. It would have looked awkwardly bad for Assad to have to relocate the top of the Syrian government to the Russian naval base at Tartus, especially while a Russian military buildup was occurring 24/7 to counter anti-Assad forces advancing throughout Assad stronghold areas to include the capital..

The timeline claim presented in the post is laughable, which raises the aspect of who-all you think you are posting to. This is not a Donald Trump thread of make it up as you go along and leave a trail of poop.

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The single word that accounts for Putin's involvement in Syria is desperation.

All year Assad's army has been set back and driven most recently into an ever smaller Allawite area of northwest Syria. US backed rebels are in Damascus suburbs lobbing shells into Assad's palace buildings and into the international airport. Assad was going to have to abandon Damascus for Latakia or Tartus until they came under threat. Assad was looking at the likely beginning of an endgame against him.

Enter Vladimir Putin. Assad's army is bedraggled and the Iranian military advisors or forces present in Syria since 2013 have been ineffective. Hezbollah has had to cover its own back as US backed fighters have moved in to the Qalamoun Mountains to interdict supplies transported from Lebanon and to inflitrate border regions.

The battle turned against Assad during 2015 because US suppported Syrian rebels adopted the new strategy of not attacking major population centers in cities containing civilians and which are anyway well protected and defended by Assad's troops. Rather, US supported rebels have focused on the links between cities of transportation and communication, roads, that controll the flow of supplies and goods.

The consequence now is that a number of Assad "island" cities have become deprived of goods and services to include miliary arms or reinforcements while being disconnected by rebel forces. The new US and rebel fighter strategy has converted to the rebel side the cities of Idlib and Jisr al-Shughur while significantly disconnecting from one another the following network of cities: Aleppo, Latakia, Hom, Damascus. US supported rebels are also in control of most border crossings to Iraq, Jordan, Turkey.

Label Putin as desperate. Assad is increasing helpless. Tehran ineffective. CCP China keeping its distance.


Desperate ? Nope. They just wanted to wait till Obama got his Iran deal pushed through. Within a day of the deal going through, Russia started moving assets to its bases in Syria.

Yes, desperate.

Rebels who'd fought through into Damascus suburbs were landing shells into Assad's palaces to the point Assad & Co were looking at relocating to either Latakia or Tartus. Then rebel forces gained enough ground close in to Latakia to put it too within easy artillery/rocket range, which it is, so that Assad fallback position got foreclosed.

That is when Putin pulled the trigger on plunging in. It would have looked awkwardly bad for Assad to have to relocate the top of the Syrian government to the Russian naval base at Tartus, especially while a Russian military buildup was occurring 24/7 to counter anti-Assad forces advancing throughout Assad stronghold areas to include the capital..

The timeline claim presented in the post is laughable, which raises the aspect of who-all you think you are posting to. This is not a Donald Trump thread of make it up as you go along and leave a trail of poop.

Simply wrong

Russia waited until the Iran deal passed through congress.

You have no evidence that cia terrorists were that close to Assad.

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The single word that accounts for Putin's involvement in Syria is desperation.

All year Assad's army has been set back and driven most recently into an ever smaller Allawite area of northwest Syria. US backed rebels are in Damascus suburbs lobbing shells into Assad's palace buildings and into the international airport. Assad was going to have to abandon Damascus for Latakia or Tartus until they came under threat. Assad was looking at the likely beginning of an endgame against him.

Enter Vladimir Putin. Assad's army is bedraggled and the Iranian military advisors or forces present in Syria since 2013 have been ineffective. Hezbollah has had to cover its own back as US backed fighters have moved in to the Qalamoun Mountains to interdict supplies transported from Lebanon and to inflitrate border regions.

The battle turned against Assad during 2015 because US suppported Syrian rebels adopted the new strategy of not attacking major population centers in cities containing civilians and which are anyway well protected and defended by Assad's troops. Rather, US supported rebels have focused on the links between cities of transportation and communication, roads, that controll the flow of supplies and goods.

The consequence now is that a number of Assad "island" cities have become deprived of goods and services to include miliary arms or reinforcements while being disconnected by rebel forces. The new US and rebel fighter strategy has converted to the rebel side the cities of Idlib and Jisr al-Shughur while significantly disconnecting from one another the following network of cities: Aleppo, Latakia, Hom, Damascus. US supported rebels are also in control of most border crossings to Iraq, Jordan, Turkey.

Label Putin as desperate. Assad is increasing helpless. Tehran ineffective. CCP China keeping its distance.


Desperate ? Nope. They just wanted to wait till Obama got his Iran deal pushed through. Within a day of the deal going through, Russia started moving assets to its bases in Syria.

Yes, desperate.

Rebels who'd fought through into Damascus suburbs were landing shells into Assad's palaces to the point Assad & Co were looking at relocating to either Latakia or Tartus. Then rebel forces gained enough ground close in to Latakia to put it too within easy artillery/rocket range, which it is, so that Assad fallback position got foreclosed.

That is when Putin pulled the trigger on plunging in. It would have looked awkwardly bad for Assad to have to relocate the top of the Syrian government to the Russian naval base at Tartus, especially while a Russian military buildup was occurring 24/7 to counter anti-Assad forces advancing throughout Assad stronghold areas to include the capital..

The timeline claim presented in the post is laughable, which raises the aspect of who-all you think you are posting to. This is not a Donald Trump thread of make it up as you go along and leave a trail of poop.

A Thai Visa left-winger with the handle of Publicus

Thinks what he believes should be good for the rest of us.

He can take a TV thread about Russia in Syria

And go off-topic to make us ever wearier

By citing The Donald as an ad hoc, pooping cuss.

Edited by MaxYakov
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The single word that accounts for Putin's involvement in Syria is desperation.

All year Assad's army has been set back and driven most recently into an ever smaller Allawite area of northwest Syria. US backed rebels are in Damascus suburbs lobbing shells into Assad's palace buildings and into the international airport. Assad was going to have to abandon Damascus for Latakia or Tartus until they came under threat. Assad was looking at the likely beginning of an endgame against him.

Enter Vladimir Putin. Assad's army is bedraggled and the Iranian military advisors or forces present in Syria since 2013 have been ineffective. Hezbollah has had to cover its own back as US backed fighters have moved in to the Qalamoun Mountains to interdict supplies transported from Lebanon and to inflitrate border regions.

The battle turned against Assad during 2015 because US suppported Syrian rebels adopted the new strategy of not attacking major population centers in cities containing civilians and which are anyway well protected and defended by Assad's troops. Rather, US supported rebels have focused on the links between cities of transportation and communication, roads, that controll the flow of supplies and goods.

The consequence now is that a number of Assad "island" cities have become deprived of goods and services to include miliary arms or reinforcements while being disconnected by rebel forces. The new US and rebel fighter strategy has converted to the rebel side the cities of Idlib and Jisr al-Shughur while significantly disconnecting from one another the following network of cities: Aleppo, Latakia, Hom, Damascus. US supported rebels are also in control of most border crossings to Iraq, Jordan, Turkey.

Label Putin as desperate. Assad is increasing helpless. Tehran ineffective. CCP China keeping its distance.


Desperate ? Nope. They just wanted to wait till Obama got his Iran deal pushed through. Within a day of the deal going through, Russia started moving assets to its bases in Syria.

Yes, desperate.

Rebels who'd fought through into Damascus suburbs were landing shells into Assad's palaces to the point Assad & Co were looking at relocating to either Latakia or Tartus. Then rebel forces gained enough ground close in to Latakia to put it too within easy artillery/rocket range, which it is, so that Assad fallback position got foreclosed.

That is when Putin pulled the trigger on plunging in. It would have looked awkwardly bad for Assad to have to relocate the top of the Syrian government to the Russian naval base at Tartus, especially while a Russian military buildup was occurring 24/7 to counter anti-Assad forces advancing throughout Assad stronghold areas to include the capital..

The timeline claim presented in the post is laughable, which raises the aspect of who-all you think you are posting to. This is not a Donald Trump thread of make it up as you go along and leave a trail of poop.

Simply wrong

Russia waited until the Iran deal passed through congress.

You have no evidence that cia terrorists were that close to Assad.

The first link testifies concerning why Putin came to the rescue of Bashir Assad and his badly fractured regime, thus overshadowing Iran which had been Assad's only crutch.

Assad had been pleading to Tehran to roll over an overdue $3 billion loan Assad used up for food and electricity etc while begging Tehran for another $6 billion of loans to support his dwindling army which had shrunk to 80,000 from its 300,000 of four years ago. Tehran offered $1 billion more which didn't cut it. That is another factor that caused Vlad the Bomber to step in, also at the urging of a beleaguered Tehran.

Tide of Syria civil war turns against Assad as rebels make sweeping gains

Bashar al-Assad's regime, reduced to dependence on Iran, appears to be fracturing under the pressure of recent defeats

16 May 2015


ISIS do not have my support but here's how close it and other rebel forces were in Damascus to Assad's palaces:

Isis is now just three miles away from the Syrian President's Presidential Palace


Here's some more about Assad's palaces in Damascus under rebel seige:

A Syrian rebel group known as the Army of Islam launched a rocket attack against Syria’s capital of Damascus. It was the worst strike against the city in over a year, killing seven people.

The rockets came from the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta, a rebel stronghold. Activists claimed the rockets landed in several neighborhoods, including Malki where the presidential palace is located.


CIA terrorists laugh.pngcheesy.gif

Edited by Publicus
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I have read a lot recently about Putin having ulterior motives with regards to his application of troops in/over Syria. People or news stories telling us to wait and see and find out what those motives are . . .

Personally, the main crisis on the planet at the moment is ISIS (cue all the global warming freaks to jump in and disagree)

So, if Putin exterminates these 7th century a-holes, I at this moment in time, do not really care what those motives are. And once those motives are set in motion, if they are that bad, do people really think the world will allow whatever he has in store? NO

The world is not afraid of Russia, but the world, apart from Russia seem scared of ISIS? Leave him to blow them to smitherenes and then wait for his next move.

Oh and just as a thought for everybody . . . . Al Qaeda was formed from the weapons that the west gave to Afghanistan to help fight Russia back in the 80s. Funny old game coffee1.gif

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The single word that accounts for Putin's involvement in Syria is desperation.

All year Assad's army has been set back and driven most recently into an ever smaller Allawite area of northwest Syria. US backed rebels are in Damascus suburbs lobbing shells into Assad's palace buildings and into the international airport. Assad was going to have to abandon Damascus for Latakia or Tartus until they came under threat. Assad was looking at the likely beginning of an endgame against him.

Enter Vladimir Putin. Assad's army is bedraggled and the Iranian military advisors or forces present in Syria since 2013 have been ineffective. Hezbollah has had to cover its own back as US backed fighters have moved in to the Qalamoun Mountains to interdict supplies transported from Lebanon and to inflitrate border regions.

The battle turned against Assad during 2015 because US suppported Syrian rebels adopted the new strategy of not attacking major population centers in cities containing civilians and which are anyway well protected and defended by Assad's troops. Rather, US supported rebels have focused on the links between cities of transportation and communication, roads, that controll the flow of supplies and goods.

The consequence now is that a number of Assad "island" cities have become deprived of goods and services to include miliary arms or reinforcements while being disconnected by rebel forces. The new US and rebel fighter strategy has converted to the rebel side the cities of Idlib and Jisr al-Shughur while significantly disconnecting from one another the following network of cities: Aleppo, Latakia, Hom, Damascus. US supported rebels are also in control of most border crossings to Iraq, Jordan, Turkey.

Label Putin as desperate. Assad is increasing helpless. Tehran ineffective. CCP China keeping its distance.


Desperate ? Nope. They just wanted to wait till Obama got his Iran deal pushed through. Within a day of the deal going through, Russia started moving assets to its bases in Syria.

Yes, desperate.

Rebels who'd fought through into Damascus suburbs were landing shells into Assad's palaces to the point Assad & Co were looking at relocating to either Latakia or Tartus. Then rebel forces gained enough ground close in to Latakia to put it too within easy artillery/rocket range, which it is, so that Assad fallback position got foreclosed.

That is when Putin pulled the trigger on plunging in. It would have looked awkwardly bad for Assad to have to relocate the top of the Syrian government to the Russian naval base at Tartus, especially while a Russian military buildup was occurring 24/7 to counter anti-Assad forces advancing throughout Assad stronghold areas to include the capital..

The timeline claim presented in the post is laughable, which raises the aspect of who-all you think you are posting to. This is not a Donald Trump thread of make it up as you go along and leave a trail of poop.

A Thai Visa left-winger with the handle of Publicus

Thinks what he believes should be good for the rest of us.

He can take a TV thread about Russia in Syria

And go off-topic to make us ever wearier

By citing The Donald as an ad hoc, pooping cuss.

More poop although one can say some poop is better than other poop but that no matter how poop is spread or placed it is still poop. The Donald is living poo proof. Vlad Himself is Russia's King of Poop.

Saw a photo today of Vlad with a dog on his lap that he calls Bashir. Vlad says it is short for an old Russian name, Bashir-Ovsky-Assadkov. Actually the dog was at Vlad's feet.

Didn't know also USN boomer crews had pause time to scribble write little diddlies diddies or that it carried over into their retirement dayze of the present.

Red sky at night.

Yours truly writes his posts to express his views for others to consider if they might care to do that. Nothing more. There is no notion of thinking as indicated in the poster diddy-poop. (You did of course apologise to Ogden Nash smile.png ) Still, it is great to savor the far out rightwing lunar posts given they are such fun to find and then shoot down to crash 'em and burn 'em.

So, top 'o the red sky at morning to ya....

Edited by Publicus
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