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Iranian troops set to go to Syria – reports


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Iranian troops set to go to Syria – reports


WASHINGTON: -- In the US the White House has said it cannot confirm reports hundreds of Iranian troops have arrived in Syria. It’s claimed the soldiers are set to join government forces and Lebanese Hezbollah allies to launch a ground offensive backed by Russian air strikes.

“If true, and the reports are coming from a variety of sources, it would be a rather apt and even powerful illustration of how Russia military intervention inside of Syria, focused on an indiscriminate bombing of Syrian opposition targets has worsened the sectarian conflict there,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters.

To date Iranian troops have not been involved on the ground support – it’s believed has come in the form of military advisors.

Now reports from Lebanese sources suggest the troops have gone to Syria with equipment and weapons and would be deployed to recapture territory lost by President Bashar al-Assad’s government to rebels with the Idlib and Hama countryside mentioned in those reports.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-02

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I expect Hezbollah and Iran to join what is left of the Syrian Army in pushing ISIS out of Syria. Russia will provide close air support and real time imagery in support of the ground effort. If they can also provide supply trains and field hospitals, there is a good chance that ISIS could suffer a major defeat. Trap ISIS between the combined Army and the Golan Heights and if Israel wants to be part of the solution, it could be a very successful operation.

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I expect Hezbollah and Iran to join what is left of the Syrian Army in pushing ISIS out of Syria. Russia will provide close air support and real time imagery in support of the ground effort. If they can also provide supply trains and field hospitals, there is a good chance that ISIS could suffer a major defeat. Trap ISIS between the combined Army and the Golan Heights and if Israel wants to be part of the solution, it could be a very successful operation.

I'm under no illusion that there's something else behind this, and it may not be for morally sound reasons:

Russia doesn't want the Axis of Evil (UK/US/Israel) taking too much control and has drawn a line;

Russia is doing some kind of trade renegotiation, which this will put pressure on to assist their desired outcome whilst making their leadership look good at home and everywhere else; or,

Russia's playing it's part to escelate violence as a pretext to simply sell a lot of weapons (thin end), or to start WWIII (the worst case, but it has been difficult to get going and we know they're all in it together at a very high level).

I'm interested to hear peoples' thoughts---less so, KJVbiblebelieverites. There's a lot of people on here who know how things really work. I just don't always pay that much attention and so there will be clues to the answer that I'm not aware of.

I'd also be interested on peoples' thoughts on Putin and how he's being made to look so good all the time. Is this as he's a shwed politician, or, is it that the 'other side' has decided that to get something incredibly negative going they need a seemingle perfect leader to have the peoples rally behind, like a new Adolph Hitler; i.e. he's a bit too good to be true, he doesn't put a foot wrong, so people can't see anything wrong with him, so will happily support any war he's behind and this then provides a pretext for pan-global conflicts?

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This is an excellent opportunity for the US to turn tail and run...like they did in Vietnam...

The World/UN did not ask for the US to intervene in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Syria...

The US is broke as it is now...how much more can the American people pay for and endure while being forced to finance the failed policies of the US government?

Many like myself are collectively holding our breath to see what unpopular and scandalous executive orders will written into law next...to support a personal agenda at the expense of the majority of tax paying Americans...

The Russians, Chinese, and Iranians keep up with US politics...lighting the White-House in rainbow colors and appointing gays and trans-gender folks to important military positions does not strengthen our position in the eyes of the world...IMHO

Either way this goes...this is not likely to end well for the US in the eyes of the world...

Edited by ggt
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Fewer foreign policy misadventures have ever been so visible to so many people in history. The US & Company have meddled and destabilized this entire region for 15 years now (only addressing contemporary morass). The US has no moral legitimacy, no strategic argument, no coherent policy, and numerous people are dying, homes destroyed, and populations unsettled. All in the name of... of what? There is no articulated reason for creating DAESH, fracturing Iraq, neutering and betraying the Kurds, and destroying US diplomatic currency.

The present developments were predictable to the millions in the world who have watched these developments over the past years- all of us. It makes one wonder if such outcomes are by design. Can Western leaders be so stupid? Is it possible so many mistakes and unintended consequences could have been committed serially, by accident? No! A fool would know Iran and Russia would make moves like this.

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ISIS grew out of bad decisions from the White House and then they have the audacity to say this

“If true, and the reports are coming from a variety of sources, it would be a rather apt and even powerful illustration of how Russia military intervention inside of Syria, focused on an indiscriminate bombing of Syrian opposition targets has worsened the sectarian conflict there,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters.

Unbelievable those yanks!! Almost laughable.

Russia are doing the job the USA and Europe should be doing. Massive applause from me to Putin, he may be a bit of a dick, but he takes no BS and why should he? He has his country and its people at heart, a marvellous show of strength.

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It was a bad summer for Assad's already stressed out regular army troops as they got shoved around and out of much of the crutial northeast areas of the country, which also put Putin's naval base at a great risk of being isolated on the coast.

After their military setbacks of the past several months, Putin, Assad and the ayatollahs in Tehran have set out in desperation to neutralise all opposition to Assad and his beleagered army lest power change hands in Damascus. Neither the Iranians nor the Russians are Arabs which does not sit well in the region, either with the elites or the various populations.

With Iran and Syria talking about lining their forces up along the Golan Heights opposite the Israeli army and air defenses, one begins to see more of the bad judgements and high risks this bunch are already beginning to engage in.

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I expect Hezbollah and Iran to join what is left of the Syrian Army in pushing ISIS out of Syria. Russia will provide close air support and real time imagery in support of the ground effort. If they can also provide supply trains and field hospitals, there is a good chance that ISIS could suffer a major defeat. Trap ISIS between the combined Army and the Golan Heights and if Israel wants to be part of the solution, it could be a very successful operation.

Which begs the question: Who exactly is ISIS/ISIL, and who is financially backing them? That really is a rhetorical question.

However, after the Netenyahu visit to Moscow a week ago, it will be interesting to see Israeli future positioning on this issue. The US? Obama sounds like a broken record as does France's Hollande, and implicately all of NATO. Although, when you see other non-aligned US allies turning their backs on the 'game' (like Australia), it personally gives me pause to wonder.

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Wow, interesting to see some people waking up to the realpolitik here. It is also good to see that that the rest of the world ie. Russia, Iran, China, et al, is tired of the US and friend's nonsense and subterfuge and is taking a real stand against it. Hopefully this shall continue until a clear victory is reached and a proper solution is realized and some semblance of common sense and decency is established (well, as much as can be expected in human affairs and politics at any rate.).

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I expect Hezbollah and Iran to join what is left of the Syrian Army in pushing ISIS out of Syria. Russia will provide close air support and real time imagery in support of the ground effort. If they can also provide supply trains and field hospitals, there is a good chance that ISIS could suffer a major defeat. Trap ISIS between the combined Army and the Golan Heights and if Israel wants to be part of the solution, it could be a very successful operation.

I'm under no illusion that there's something else behind this, and it may not be for morally sound reasons:

Russia doesn't want the Axis of Evil (UK/US/Israel) taking too much control and has drawn a line;

Russia is doing some kind of trade renegotiation, which this will put pressure on to assist their desired outcome whilst making their leadership look good at home and everywhere else; or,

Russia's playing it's part to escelate violence as a pretext to simply sell a lot of weapons (thin end), or to start WWIII (the worst case, but it has been difficult to get going and we know they're all in it together at a very high level).

I'm interested to hear peoples' thoughts---less so, KJVbiblebelieverites. There's a lot of people on here who know how things really work. I just don't always pay that much attention and so there will be clues to the answer that I'm not aware of.

I'd also be interested on peoples' thoughts on Putin and how he's being made to look so good all the time. Is this as he's a shwed politician, or, is it that the 'other side' has decided that to get something incredibly negative going they need a seemingle perfect leader to have the peoples rally behind, like a new Adolph Hitler; i.e. he's a bit too good to be true, he doesn't put a foot wrong, so people can't see anything wrong with him, so will happily support any war he's behind and this then provides a pretext for pan-global conflicts?

I think he is being extra cautious after being blamed for the Ukrainian debacle, He is crossing every T here and perhaps for good reason. I am an American and I want this to end peacefully without WW3. I hope we wise up and get out of dodge with some chips left. He has the moral high ground right now. We will try and kick him off it but we have a lot of work to do. It has been reported by several sources that Israel has been operating field hospitals in the Golan Heights. The people they are treating include ISIS. It will get interesting. It becomes a game of chicken.

Edited by Pakboong
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I expect Hezbollah and Iran to join what is left of the Syrian Army in pushing ISIS out of Syria. Russia will provide close air support and real time imagery in support of the ground effort. If they can also provide supply trains and field hospitals, there is a good chance that ISIS could suffer a major defeat. Trap ISIS between the combined Army and the Golan Heights and if Israel wants to be part of the solution, it could be a very successful operation.

I'm under no illusion that there's something else behind this, and it may not be for morally sound reasons:

Russia doesn't want the Axis of Evil (UK/US/Israel) taking too much control and has drawn a line;

Russia is doing some kind of trade renegotiation, which this will put pressure on to assist their desired outcome whilst making their leadership look good at home and everywhere else; or,

Russia's playing it's part to escelate violence as a pretext to simply sell a lot of weapons (thin end), or to start WWIII (the worst case, but it has been difficult to get going and we know they're all in it together at a very high level).

I'm interested to hear peoples' thoughts---less so, KJVbiblebelieverites. There's a lot of people on here who know how things really work. I just don't always pay that much attention and so there will be clues to the answer that I'm not aware of.

I'd also be interested on peoples' thoughts on Putin and how he's being made to look so good all the time. Is this as he's a shwed politician, or, is it that the 'other side' has decided that to get something incredibly negative going they need a seemingle perfect leader to have the peoples rally behind, like a new Adolph Hitler; i.e. he's a bit too good to be true, he doesn't put a foot wrong, so people can't see anything wrong with him, so will happily support any war he's behind and this then provides a pretext for pan-global conflicts?

You make some really good points. With respect to how Putin always seems to look so good I have some theories: first the Western leaders are appallingly bad and proven liars to boot, so someone who actually does what he says is refreshing and seems statesmanlike 2) unlike western leaders he is pretty popular back home....Crimea had the support of the whole nation, Ukraine of the vast majority but he has his work cut out....apparently only 14% of Russians support military action there....Kremlin PR is working overtime domestically to build support and 3) most readers of MSM realise that Putin is not a threat to Europe, that in Ukraine the US engineered a coup and that historically eastern Ukraine has been part of Russia, so when they heard that Putin had invaded Ukraine on about 50 separate occasions but no one could show a photograph of the tanks, they fell into disbelief and now anything that comes out of the Pentagon is treated like the trash it is. Finally 4) people are not stupid...Assad has not been ousted despite the best efforts of the US and is still the legitimate leader of Syria, it is the US who are in Syria breaking international law, not Putin, and after years of having no strategy except to cosy up to the Saudis who are bankrolling the whole thing, the US is morally bankrupt.

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I expect Hezbollah and Iran to join what is left of the Syrian Army in pushing ISIS out of Syria. Russia will provide close air support and real time imagery in support of the ground effort. If they can also provide supply trains and field hospitals, there is a good chance that ISIS could suffer a major defeat. Trap ISIS between the combined Army and the Golan Heights and if Israel wants to be part of the solution, it could be a very successful operation.

I'm under no illusion that there's something else behind this, and it may not be for morally sound reasons:

Russia doesn't want the Axis of Evil (UK/US/Israel) taking too much control and has drawn a line;

Russia is doing some kind of trade renegotiation, which this will put pressure on to assist their desired outcome whilst making their leadership look good at home and everywhere else; or,

Russia's playing it's part to escelate violence as a pretext to simply sell a lot of weapons (thin end), or to start WWIII (the worst case, but it has been difficult to get going and we know they're all in it together at a very high level).

I'm interested to hear peoples' thoughts---less so, KJVbiblebelieverites. There's a lot of people on here who know how things really work. I just don't always pay that much attention and so there will be clues to the answer that I'm not aware of.

I'd also be interested on peoples' thoughts on Putin and how he's being made to look so good all the time. Is this as he's a shwed politician, or, is it that the 'other side' has decided that to get something incredibly negative going they need a seemingle perfect leader to have the peoples rally behind, like a new Adolph Hitler; i.e. he's a bit too good to be true, he doesn't put a foot wrong, so people can't see anything wrong with him, so will happily support any war he's behind and this then provides a pretext for pan-global conflicts?

I think he is being extra cautious after being blamed for the Ukrainian debacle, He is crossing every T here and perhaps for good reason. I am an American and I want this to end peacefully without WW3. I hope we wise up and get out of dodge with some chips left. He has the moral high ground right now. We will try and kick him off it but we have a lot of work to do. It has been reported by several sources that Israel has been operating field hospitals in the Golan Heights. The people they are treating include ISIS. It will get interesting. It becomes a game of chicken.

Israel has been operating field hospitals in the Golan Heights. The people they are treating include ISIS.

Nusra Front soldiers and some civilians who are Syrian, not specifically ISIS. Ziv Medical Center west of the Golan Heights.

Neither does Israel try to hid the fact they are helping Syrians organized as al-Nusra Front fighters against Assad, since February 2013. Let the record also show there is no evidence the United States or Israel created ISIS or al-Qaeda in the area to include the Levant.

Nusra Front fighters are primarily Syrian nationalists not interested in jihad or of pursuing Sharia and have much in common with US thinking in regard to Syria and the region. Al-Nusra gets a great deal of its support from the tiny Gulf kingdom of Qatar.

Putin is in this out of desperation due to the faltering Syrian army, the successes of the new strategies of anti-Assad rebels throughout this year, the miserable failures of the brigade of Iranian troops in Syria, to include the reality of Russian fighters in east Ukraine being locked in for the coming winter. Putin is trying to maintain what little strategic position the post Soviet Russia has remaining.

"From their [Russia's] point of view, they are cast as aggressors and expansionist, rebuilding the Soviet empire." Ian McCredie, CEO of Forbes Research Group, a company specializing in political risk in Washington DC, told VICE News. "But in reality they are hemmed into borders that are the most narrow since 1917 and are on the defensive using asymmetric methods to hold on to what they have."

With an economy in recession, international sanctions over Ukraine, and a devaluation of their currency, Russia's strategy seems less about restoring past glories than it does grasping onto what little influence it might have left.


It will be more than provocative to some Putin lieges and worshipers to point out that Jobhat al-Nusra is principally supported by Qatar,which is also the Forward Operations center of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), and the US Combined Air Operation Center (CAOC). The US utilises three airbases in Qatar, one of which (Al Udeid) is the prime location of Qatari arms flights to Syria via Turkey. Qatar’s military and intelligence apparatus is entirely built and run by the United States. Qatar and the US have held an intimate relationship on all things military since the early 90’s.


Edited by Publicus
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Ah the plot thickens, as does the Western MSM spin.

Thing is - I don't think many people are buying it any more.

I agree that some individuals who stay up to date on current affairs are beginning to see the spin. The trouble is, those that I worry about the most are the zobie masses who aren't aware enough any longer to notice that their shoelaces are untied.

Case in point:


Edited by connda
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