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Pope met gay couple in US


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Just more politicization of the pope's visit to America... When the story came out about the pontiff meeting with the Kentucky clerk that refused a gay couple a marriage certificate, I knew it was only a matter of time before the MSM would kick into high gear to spin the story... Only a few days later, a vatican talking head releases a statement to the press that the pope was "ambushed" with the Kim Davis meeting and that the meeting did not mean the pope supported her position... Now we have this new story that the pope actually met with a gay couple to steer public opinion... Everything is politicized these days, from french fries to gay marriage... There is not separation of church and state... The church of public opinion anyway...

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I think the overall situation is fairly simple.

Wherever the Pope goes, he has a number of private meetings, private in the sense that they're not generally publicised, but not secret. Both the Davis meeting and the meeting with the gay couple came under that category.

The Davis woman's lawyer then made a public announcement, catching the Vatican Press Office on the hop, and causing all the furore. The announcement of the meeting with the gay couple (personal friends) was a rather inept bit of damage control.

Any supposed reason for the meeting with Davis is pure speculation.

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