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NATO doubts Russia’s explanation for Turkish airspace incursions


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NATO doubts Russia’s explanation for Turkish airspace incursions


BRUSSELS: -- NATO has cast strong doubt on Russia’s claims that its violations of Turkish airspace at the weekend were a “mistake”.

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned it must not happen again:

“NATO allies expressed strong solidarity with Turkey. They condemn the Russian violations of NATO’s airspace. I call on Russia to avoid escalating tensions with the Alliance.”

NATO has had no direct contact with Moscow, which has nonetheless dismissed the organisation’s comments as “western propaganda.”

“Russia is not targeting ISIL, but instead attacking the Syrian opposition and civilians.”

Stoltenberg also cited reports of a substantial Russian military build-up in the region, including ground troops and ships in the eastern Mediterranean.

It comes amid increasing warnings of the risk of an international escalation of the Syrian civil war.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-07
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ISIL would not be here today if US and NATO hadn't kill Saddam so this is basically now a world problem made by US and NATO!

And NATO with US complains about civilians, US just had an airstrike on a hospital!?

NATO is just someone for US to hide behind because NATO will never ever say that US is doing anything wrong. For example when will they demand that Bush and Blair stands trial for the crimes against the Iraqi people? They went to war against Iraq on lies and today when I speak with my few Iraqi friends they say that it was not good under Saddam but it was WAY better than what has became after US and NATO had their "fun"!

Just to see how twisted the world of US And NATO is:

They want to prosecute a 90 year old lady for working as a telephone operator in a deathcamp in Nazi Germany.

When will they prosecute any US citizen for dropping the bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki or using Agent Orange in Vietnam? People are still today getting sick and have birth defects because of the radiation from the bombs in Japan and the chemicals used in Agent Orange in Vietnam!

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Amazing the replies. This is about a violation of a sovereign nation's airspace. By one of the most sophisticated air forces in the world. I can't even imagine the replies if it had been a US incursion into, say, Russia, and claiming it was a mistake. LOL

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