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US: Gun violence researchers becoming an endangered species?


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This thread is about the lack of researchers doing work on gun control and statistics.

This could be a good career change for all you Aussies, Brits and other Euros that are such self proclaimed experts on gun culture in the US.

Go to the US, apply for a US government grant and live the good life researching a subject you can't seem to live without.


As an Australian, I've had a firearm licence for 30 years. Gave it up when I no longer hunted. Strict controls on type of firearm I could own. Usually had 2 -3 firearms at any time, traded in and out of them depending on what I was targeting in feral species.

Was gobsmacked by an American I met in Philadelphia some years ago, who proudly informed me he had 23 firearms in his household. When I asked why, he said it was to defend himself from those Commie bastards. Substitute terrorists or anything else you fancy. Thought our gun laws were unconstitutional. A parrot cry I encountered quite often.

I have no interest whatsoever in visiting the US again, chuckd. To me, you are a violent, paranoid nation where gun massacres have become a self-fulfilling prophecy. IMHO, the pro-gun constituency of America is indistinguishable from ISIS. The pity of it is, voices of reason are drowned out by a gun lobby which would prefer to see children killed rather than surrender a blatant anachronism.

Just for the record, I lost an older brother on Guadalcanal defending your island against a possible Japanese invasion in 1942.

My signature says it all.

I don't suppose the name Errol Wayne Noack means anything to you. He was an 18 year old kid from country South Australia who was the first Australian soldier killed in Vietnam. Since then, Australian support for American military operations, several of which have been on dubious grounds, has cost a lot of our blood and treasure. Yes, we are grateful, and I sympathise with your loss of a brother. However, I think many Australians would consider any debt to the US to have been repaid.

As one other poster has pointed out in just one word, it is far from clear what relevance your post has to the subject thread.

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