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Thai farmers warned again not to grow off-season rice


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Thailand must have the only skies that produce rain by rain making , nobody else seems to have achieved this phenomena , also the farmers have been compensated I assume either that or they have become rich over night and just what will be done if the farmers do plant , are they going to be jailed by the kind Junta under section 44 or have their crops destroyed , just because they are trying to make a living and it is their employment, if successive Governments had done their job properly the country wouldn't be at critically low water levels.coffee1.gif

Edited by chainarong
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Is it legal to grow tobacco being a ricefarmer? If they even can make cigarettes from it and are allowed to sell those then i would see a good future for them.

Or they could grow a crop to make alcohol from. I wonder if that would reach BKK though gigglem.gif

Maybe they can grow cloves and make kretek-cigarettes like in Indonesia.

Or like the Arabs, pick up the dung and make cigarettes.


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They wont take any notice,will go ahead and try and grow

rice,the rice will most likely die through lack of water.and

the farmers will want the government to compensate for

their loses.

regards worgeordie

What choice do they have?

Unless you think Thai farmers are so simple that they can't DIVERSIFY they have many other options... facepalm.gif

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The government needs to be very careful in its dealings with the farmers, many of whom are probably still sympathetic to the former PM and the PTP.

The last thing it should be doing now is alienating these guys any further. Unfortunately, the message (coming from the government) at the moment, seems to be guaranteed to do just that!

A number of TV forums (including this one) have reported that farmers are being ‘warned’ not to plant their crops because there will not be enough water (even though this will have a significant impact of their income).

There have also been reports suggesting that the government has said it will be unable to provide financial assistance to these people to offset their losses.

AND, as if to add the camel that breaks their straw backs, this article reports that the government has told the farmers that household water consumption will be given the priority (over them)!

While no one can deny there must be enough water for human consumption, surely it’s not hard to also see that the farmers may interpret this as favouring Bangkok elites over the oppressed rural class (yet again).

Whether it likes it or not, the government will have to do something that will help placate the farmers. The options listed by the government to date will not solve the problem at this late stage, and if they try to implement these will only exacerbate it further.

A strong financial assistance package has to be the only serious option to help farmers, and it will probably be required for at least six months (as NOAA are predicting the current El Niño will continue until northern-hemisphere spring 2016, see http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.html).

If the government can see its way clear to helping these guys, then it will also be demonstrating that it is indeed serious about the reconciliation process (which, to date, seems to be floundering).

Just one suggestion for the government, introduce a drought-levy on top of the current price of water (especially here in BKK where it is ridiculously cheap), with the money from this levy going to farmer assistance. This would also be a great way of letting farmers know they are not suffering alone. Additionally, it will penalise those city-dwellers who aren’t serious about conserving this precious resource.

TAT also needs to get involved in this, with a campaign that alerts all incoming tourists of the need to use less water whilst in Thailand.

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Eat dirt farmers.......

These people just suffer and the government only exacerpates their suffering by telling/ordering them to stop growing the only major crop they understand...........it's quite apparent, that water management here is managed by incompetents !

So, if you were in charge of the country, what would you do, mastermind?

Bear in mind that one reason the reservoirs are so low is that the previous "elected" government ordered the the reservoir levels be lowered past the minimum safe level against ALL the advice of ALL the concerned departments. The same "elected" government government the year previously ordered the dams to be kept as full as possible so that rice farmers could grow more rice for the great rice scam.

Now YOU are blaming this government for yet another thing which is beyond their control.

The fact that the country is in an El Nino situation of far less rainfall (which this government also cannot fix) and not only do the farmers need water for their crops but millions of people lower down the river also need water for household purposes, who should get the priority?

YOU make the decision.

While you are at it also reverse the drought situation and fill the reservoirs to a good safe level. Or would that be too difficult for a keyboard warrior like yourself?

Why are you using quotation marks every time you write the word elected? When discussing the junta do you also use them when writing non-elected?

According to many posters an elected government is all about democracy and working for and by the people.

The last "elected" PTP government had little if any democracy and certainly did very little for MOST of the people of Thailand and to my way of thinking just being "elected" does not give any government the right to act as they wish in ignore the people of Thailand.

Just being "elected" is only the first step on the road to democracy. Sadly most governments since 1932 never took the second and subsequent steps.

"love it" giggle.gif

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This website:


Shows the current level of water stored in reservoirs in Thailand. The colored numbers show the percent of usable water in each Dam. The first section in the North, - Average 41% full, then the North East - Average 48% full, and then Central Thailand - 48% full.

We are less than a month away from the end of the rainy season and all of these reservoirs are dangerously low. Only the south currently has enough water.

If the farmers ignore this warning, your household faucets will run dry before next Songkran. The thought of living in a city with 11 million people who have not been able to take a shower is horrifying!

Sad but true. However, it will not stop these people from blindly planting rice.

I note some are talking drilling wells, I wonder if anyone at the decision making level actually understands water management and hydrology enough to even worry about that?

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This website:


Shows the current level of water stored in reservoirs in Thailand. The colored numbers show the percent of usable water in each Dam. The first section in the North, - Average 41% full, then the North East - Average 48% full, and then Central Thailand - 48% full.

We are less than a month away from the end of the rainy season and all of these reservoirs are dangerously low. Only the south currently has enough water.

If the farmers ignore this warning, your household faucets will run dry before next Songkran. The thought of living in a city with 11 million people who have not been able to take a shower is horrifying!

Sad but true. However, it will not stop these people from blindly planting rice.

I note some are talking drilling wells, I wonder if anyone at the decision making level actually understands water management and hydrology enough to even worry about that?

Expect subsidence :(

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Eat dirt farmers.......

These people just suffer and the government only exacerpates their suffering by telling/ordering them to stop growing the only major crop they understand...........it's quite apparent, that water management here is managed by incompetents !

You did not read the article properly. Rain making efforts are succeeding. Stay tuned. Thy cup will runneth over shortly oh ye of little faith. Abra Cadabra

The problem with cloud seeding is it effects where the rain was meant to fall,thus areas of the country missing out on valuable rainfall it should of had.

When the planes are in the air my rainfall chart is all over the place.

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Isn't it wonderful when millionaire politicians can tell poor farmers to suck it up and be even poorer.

One might argue that it's the farmers own fault and that they should diversify into less water intensive crops.

But then one could counter argue that if the incompetent politicians did their jobs and actually helped the farmers (and Thai society in general) improve their lot instead of just lining their own pockets, then this problem wouldn't exist in the first place.

Rice is a cheap and easy crop to grow and sell I know my in laws would not have the money to go into other crops to start with then if they did they would need the full logistic behind whichever crop the grow ie buyers costs turn over ect ect it is beyond reason to expect them to take heed and not grow off season I know a good few that will be growing again

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Eat dirt farmers.......

These people just suffer and the government only exacerpates their suffering by telling/ordering them to stop growing the only major crop they understand...........it's quite apparent, that water management here is managed by incompetents !

They willhave just harvested rice so they could eat that rather than dirt.

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They wont take any notice,will go ahead and try and grow

rice,the rice will most likely die through lack of water.and

the farmers will want the government to compensate for

their loses.

regards worgeordie

What choice do they have?

The choice they have is an easy one,,Take Note,like in other countries ,,,grow a crop that don't need as much water ,,Sugar cane ,Corn,Beans ,Peas,Tomatoes,Paw Paw,Etc,Etc.

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They wont take any notice,will go ahead and try and grow

rice,the rice will most likely die through lack of water.and

the farmers will want the government to compensate for

their loses.

regards worgeordie

What choice do they have?

The choice they have is an easy one,,Take Note,like in other countries ,,,grow a crop that don't need as much water ,,Sugar cane ,Corn,Beans ,Peas,Tomatoes,Paw Paw,Etc,Etc.

Easier said than done,rice land has no soil.

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This website:


Shows the current level of water stored in reservoirs in Thailand. The colored numbers show the percent of usable water in each Dam. The first section in the North, - Average 41% full, then the North East - Average 48% full, and then Central Thailand - 48% full.

We are less than a month away from the end of the rainy season and all of these reservoirs are dangerously low. Only the south currently has enough water.

If the farmers ignore this warning, your household faucets will run dry before next Songkran. The thought of living in a city with 11 million people who have not been able to take a shower is horrifying!

Is it possible to get an English translation?

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Eat dirt farmers.......

These people just suffer and the government only exacerpates their suffering by telling/ordering them to stop growing the only major crop they understand...........it's quite apparent, that water management here is managed by incompetents !

So, if you were in charge of the country, what would you do, mastermind?

Bear in mind that one reason the reservoirs are so low is that the previous "elected" government ordered the the reservoir levels be lowered past the minimum safe level against ALL the advice of ALL the concerned departments. The same "elected" government government the year previously ordered the dams to be kept as full as possible so that rice farmers could grow more rice for the great rice scam.

Now YOU are blaming this government for yet another thing which is beyond their control.

The fact that the country is in an El Nino situation of far less rainfall (which this government also cannot fix) and not only do the farmers need water for their crops but millions of people lower down the river also need water for household purposes, who should get the priority?

YOU make the decision.

While you are at it also reverse the drought situation and fill the reservoirs to a good safe level. Or would that be too difficult for a keyboard warrior like yourself?

Why are you using quotation marks every time you write the word elected? When discussing the junta do you also use them when writing non-elected?

Come now MZurf, you must by now have realised that for Billd766 (and a few others) elected is a dirty word, and the concept of the people actually selecting their government through a ballot box is quite outlandish. We should be grateful he can bring himself to utter the word, let alone acknowledge the concept.

Remember this is the chap who told me earlier today that I was quite wrong to suggest that the previous government was forced from office. Maybe his emotions at the thought of a military Junta government are weakening his grip on reality!

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This website:


Shows the current level of water stored in reservoirs in Thailand. The colored numbers show the percent of usable water in each Dam. The first section in the North, - Average 41% full, then the North East - Average 48% full, and then Central Thailand - 48% full.

We are less than a month away from the end of the rainy season and all of these reservoirs are dangerously low. Only the south currently has enough water.

If the farmers ignore this warning, your household faucets will run dry before next Songkran. The thought of living in a city with 11 million people who have not been able to take a shower is horrifying!

If you had used an English version (http://www.thaiwater.net/DATA/REPORT/php/rid_dam_1.php?lang=en) you would see that the coloured numbers are percentage level. Usable level is 2 columns to the right, and usually far lower figures.

Thank you for the English translation.

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Isn't it wonderful when millionaire politicians can tell poor farmers to suck it up and be even poorer.

One might argue that it's the farmers own fault and that they should diversify into less water intensive crops.

But then one could counter argue that if the incompetent politicians did their jobs and actually helped the farmers (and Thai society in general) improve their lot instead of just lining their own pockets, then this problem wouldn't exist in the first place.

How many governments do you want to back to find one that cares to improve the lot of the Thai people?

A clue for you.

None of them since 1932.

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Isn't it wonderful when millionaire politicians can tell poor farmers to suck it up and be even poorer.

One might argue that it's the farmers own fault and that they should diversify into less water intensive crops.

But then one could counter argue that if the incompetent politicians did their jobs and actually helped the farmers (and Thai society in general) improve their lot instead of just lining their own pockets, then this problem wouldn't exist in the first place.

How many governments do you want to back to find one that cares to improve the lot of the Thai people?

A clue for you.

None of them since 1932.

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They wont take any notice,will go ahead and try and grow

rice,the rice will most likely die through lack of water.and

the farmers will want the government to compensate for

their loses.

regards worgeordie

What choice do they have?

Unless you think Thai farmers are so simple that they can't DIVERSIFY they have many other options... facepalm.gif

All of which take money and time, neither of which Thai rice farmers have.

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Eat dirt farmers.......

These people just suffer and the government only exacerpates their suffering by telling/ordering them to stop growing the only major crop they understand...........it's quite apparent, that water management here is managed by incompetents !

So, if you were in charge of the country, what would you do, mastermind?

Bear in mind that one reason the reservoirs are so low is that the previous "elected" government ordered the the reservoir levels be lowered past the minimum safe level against ALL the advice of ALL the concerned departments. The same "elected" government government the year previously ordered the dams to be kept as full as possible so that rice farmers could grow more rice for the great rice scam.

Now YOU are blaming this government for yet another thing which is beyond their control.

The fact that the country is in an El Nino situation of far less rainfall (which this government also cannot fix) and not only do the farmers need water for their crops but millions of people lower down the river also need water for household purposes, who should get the priority?

YOU make the decision.

While you are at it also reverse the drought situation and fill the reservoirs to a good safe level. Or would that be too difficult for a keyboard warrior like yourself?

Why are you using quotation marks every time you write the word elected? When discussing the junta do you also use them when writing non-elected?

Come now MZurf, you must by now have realised that for Billd766 (and a few others) elected is a dirty word, and the concept of the people actually selecting their government through a ballot box is quite outlandish. We should be grateful he can bring himself to utter the word, let alone acknowledge the concept.

Remember this is the chap who told me earlier today that I was quite wrong to suggest that the previous government was forced from office. Maybe his emotions at the thought of a military Junta government are weakening his grip on reality!

Elections are not a dirty word to me and I do agree that the people of Thailand really ought to elect thier government through the ballot box. However the people really ought to elect person who will actually work for the people of Thailand rather than for themselves, their family, their cronies and any other hangers on and also to be honest, transparent and worthy of the office they are elected to,

Would you not agree with that?

Sadly since 1932 NO government has come anywhere near that standard. Not Democrat, Thaksin governments under any name, any other party nor even military governments or coups since 1932.

Most have given lip service to "democracy" but few have gone beyond the first step of holding an election which, in their eyes made them a legitimate "elected" government.

Maybe the person you are talking about told the truth that you cannot face. Reality is the fact that the previous government WAS dissolved by the PM, Yingluck Shinawatra. Now of course if you don't believe then show me with links how they were forced from office.



Check para 28

Now if you think that is incorrect then I am sure that you will be able to amend it.

Edited by billd766
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Is it legal to grow tobacco being a ricefarmer? If they even can make cigarettes from it and are allowed to sell those then i would see a good future for them.

Or they could grow a crop to make alcohol from. I wonder if that would reach BKK though gigglem.gif

Maybe they can grow cloves and make kretek-cigarettes like in Indonesia.

Yes. Not sure you want a boom in kretek though. Yuck

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You can warn all you want to, but they will do what ever they want. They do not care what the government says nor does. Some have already started on a second crop here in the northeast.

I'm not well up on this subject so can anyone advise if the government has indicated what it will / might do if the warnings are ignored ?

For example any ' you're on your own if the second crop fails ' threats ?

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So, if you were in charge of the country, what would you do, mastermind?

Bear in mind that one reason the reservoirs are so low is that the previous "elected" government ordered the the reservoir levels be lowered past the minimum safe level against ALL the advice of ALL the concerned departments. The same "elected" government government the year previously ordered the dams to be kept as full as possible so that rice farmers could grow more rice for the great rice scam.

Now YOU are blaming this government for yet another thing which is beyond their control.

The fact that the country is in an El Nino situation of far less rainfall (which this government also cannot fix) and not only do the farmers need water for their crops but millions of people lower down the river also need water for household purposes, who should get the priority?

YOU make the decision.

While you are at it also reverse the drought situation and fill the reservoirs to a good safe level. Or would that be too difficult for a keyboard warrior like yourself?

Why are you using quotation marks every time you write the word elected? When discussing the junta do you also use them when writing non-elected?

Come now MZurf, you must by now have realised that for Billd766 (and a few others) elected is a dirty word, and the concept of the people actually selecting their government through a ballot box is quite outlandish. We should be grateful he can bring himself to utter the word, let alone acknowledge the concept.

Remember this is the chap who told me earlier today that I was quite wrong to suggest that the previous government was forced from office. Maybe his emotions at the thought of a military Junta government are weakening his grip on reality!

Elections are not a dirty word to me and I do agree that the people of Thailand really ought to elect thier government through the ballot box. However the people really ought to elect person who will actually work for the people of Thailand rather than for themselves, their family, their cronies and any other hangers on and also to be honest, transparent and worthy of the office they are elected to,

Would you not agree with that?

Sadly since 1932 NO government has come anywhere near that standard. Not Democrat, Thaksin governments under any name, any other party nor even military governments or coups since 1932.

Most have given lip service to "democracy" but few have gone beyond the first step of holding an election which, in their eyes made them a legitimate "elected" government.

Maybe the person you are talking about told the truth that you cannot face. Reality is the fact that the previous government WAS dissolved by the PM, Yingluck Shinawatra. Now of course if you don't believe then show me with links how they were forced from office.



Check para 28

Now if you think that is incorrect then I am sure that you will be able to amend it.

"Elections are not a dirty word to me and I do agree that the people of Thailand really ought to elect thier government through the ballot box. However the people really ought to elect person who will actually work for the people of Thailand rather than for themselves, their family, their cronies and any other hangers on and also to be honest, transparent and worthy of the office they are elected to,"

In other words, you want the Thai people to have the right to elect their leaders as long as they elect the "right" people. Yes' I've heard this statement again and again from you junta supporters and it doesn't get any better over time.

So if and when they elect the "wrong" people it's OK for the army to step in and overthrow them (you know the army who has no bone in this conflict, is not involved in any of the illegal activities that is bleeding this country dry and only wants what's best for Thailand)?

"Would you not agree with that?"

I would. But if a government is elected that is far from perfect (quite the opposite in most cases) just like any government since 1932 as you pointed out, what's the point of holding elections if the army can just roll in and kick them out whenever they feel like it?

It's not like the military has a stellar record of governance when in power to put it mildly, and there are a lot of dead and disappeared people to prove this.

So again, to you junta supporters; exactly who can decide to overthrow a legally elected government and tear up the constitution??

Edited by MZurf
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