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Internet activists declare 'Cyber War' on NCPO


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We don't care s..t what you think. In

1) I can answer the same to you

2) who are "we"?

ultimatum? who they think they are to give ultimatum to government?

internet security firm (there are plenty of them in Europe, India etc) can sooner or later determine location of these cyber-terrorists. Catch them and throw in jail if they are in Thailand. revoke there Thai passports and freeze actives if they are abroad.

if Thais would have something like Israel's Mossad - it would be possible to catch them even abroad...

We don't care s..t what you think. In case you have not noticed the single gateway have been condemned by all western countries and by the Thai people themselves, so are you in a position to override the wishes of the majority of Thai's. Are you indeed in a position to justify the junta as a legal government based on the last approved 2007 constitution ? And please stop watching 007 and get back to earth.

1) nobody cares what so-called "western countries" (means US and it's myrmidons) did condemn. now thy finally have their own big troubles to deal with. may be for some time they will leave other countries alone...

2) how do you know that the majority of Thais are against it? somebody told you so on BBC?

please show some proof or you are a liar

3) I certainly support NCPO as the first truly independent nation-oriented government in Thailand for a long time. Allegations in "anti-democracy" is just a weapon of US left-liberal propaganda against independent governments who don't follow orders from Washington DC

Edited by TimmyT
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Let me state a few facts about cyber security in Thailand:

1. No Thai ever appeared at a major security conference.

2. No Thai every published any significant security research.

3. No Thai ever wrote an exploit or disclosed a vulnerability.

4. No Thai hacking group ever existed (self-aggrandising script kiddies gathering happens, though).

5. Nothing worth mentioning in the global cybersecurity scene is related to Thais or Thailand.

6. Thailand technical literacy, particularly with ICT security, is the lowest in Asia.

So yeah, the threats of the Thailand Cyber Army? Give me a break. What an anticlimax.

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Well to my knowledge they have retreated

If they did they will surely loose the elections anyway.

Which they may do anyway but this would real deal it up

They already know they would lose and election anyway, which is why they never intend on having one.
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I didn't say they had the capability, but just lets speculate for a while.

What if they had a "member" inside 3BB, or any other ISP or even the government. IT dep.

Without any traces he could use a coworkers PC, locally or remotely with 'mac address' protection capabilities and reroute the, whole/parts of, network of Thailand on a lunch break.

The guy who leaves his computer logged on or have gotten his password stolen by this coworker gets the blame, the real perpetrator gets away without a trace.

A friend of a friend manage to steal selected domains and reroutes them to their own, happens all the time, mostly for spam mail, fake web sites.

Sounds like you've been watching Mr Robot.

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I'm really worry about what I read in this forum. I have little advanced knowledge of the internet, so I'd like to know , what can do to protect my computer from my important data , such as bank and personal affairs. Some advice easy to understand?

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Thai cyber warriors?...OK...don't forget to turn the ON the computer before you go cybering guys....

Don't underestimate these guys, there aren't many here in Thailand that know jacksh.t about computer hacking, but a small group of these guys knows just as much as a westerner or easterner.

Bet they're Sino-Thai.

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ultimatum? who they think they are to give ultimatum to government?

internet security firm (there are plenty of them in Europe, India etc) can sooner or later determine location of these cyber-terrorists. Catch them and throw in jail if they are in Thailand. revoke there Thai passports and freeze actives if they are abroad.

if Thais would have something like Israel's Mossad - it would be possible to catch them even abroad...

Have they caught the hackers from Nth Korea,China yet?

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ultimatum? who they think they are to give ultimatum to government?

internet security firm (there are plenty of them in Europe, India etc) can sooner or later determine location of these cyber-terrorists. Catch them and throw in jail if they are in Thailand. revoke there Thai passports and freeze actives if they are abroad.

if Thais would have something like Israel's Mossad - it would be possible to catch them even abroad...

Have they caught the hackers from Nth Korea,China yet?

North Korean and Chinese "hackers" (actually just government employees) are backed by their own states, which make almost impossible (and not worth it) to catch them....

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How can we check which gateway to the real world we are using?

You can begin with Googling "What is my IP?" Then search via domain etc. You can also use the command prompt and type tracert command......

Traceroute is a command which can show you the path a packet of information takes from your computer to one you specify. It will list all the routers it passes through until it reaches its destination, or fails to and is discarded. In addition to this, it will tell you how long each 'hop' from router to router takes.
How to Use the Traceroute Command - MediaCollege.com

No, they are using Bluecoats. These use WCCPV2, Gre (47) and mgmt port mirroring. You traffic will not go via the devices directly, but all content will be siphoned off to the side for assessment. If you go somewhere not allowed, you'll get the denied page. If you IM someone something dodgy, traffic moderators will get a log entry with your IP details in.

I've used racks of these to "look at" 4 different sites geographically, none on a single gateway, and another technology for VoIP monitoring/Quality Control. This is how its done.

Having *everything* going through a single device is stupid. What the Government have done by saying "We're not going to do it" is, judging by the outrage "we're going to do it, but no longer talk about it"......

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ultimatum? who they think they are to give ultimatum to government?

internet security firm (there are plenty of them in Europe, India etc) can sooner or later determine location of these cyber-terrorists. Catch them and throw in jail if they are in Thailand. revoke there Thai passports and freeze actives if they are abroad.

if Thais would have something like Israel's Mossad - it would be possible to catch them even abroad...

You seriously underestimate potential capabilities. Breaking into networks & computers to steal data or compromise them is one thing. Simple Denial of Service another. I frankly have no idea what the capabilities of these particular activists actually are, but I don't think you do either. I do think I can sort of guess as to the extent of the government's forensic capabilities however.

it's not so easy to determine there capabilities from the fact instruments they were able to use was DNS-attack and internet site password bruteforce- two most primitive ways of attack.

Those who can do better usually secretly steal or delete data, infect networks swarms, trojans and viruses.

look like they are just a bunch unsatisfied schoolboy "rebel" geeks who are doing there best to assert in their own eyes. to show themselves how cool and tough they are.

if they will be found to be schoolboys or students - kick them out of education. seems like they don't deserve an education - because they spend so much time on something else. and force their parents to pay huge penalties for life.

...meaningless speculation.

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We don't care s..t what you think. In

1) I can answer the same to you

2) who are "we"?

ultimatum? who they think they are to give ultimatum to government?

internet security firm (there are plenty of them in Europe, India etc) can sooner or later determine location of these cyber-terrorists. Catch them and throw in jail if they are in Thailand. revoke there Thai passports and freeze actives if they are abroad.

if Thais would have something like Israel's Mossad - it would be possible to catch them even abroad...

We don't care s..t what you think. In case you have not noticed the single gateway have been condemned by all western countries and by the Thai people themselves, so are you in a position to override the wishes of the majority of Thai's. Are you indeed in a position to justify the junta as a legal government based on the last approved 2007 constitution ? And please stop watching 007 and get back to earth.

1) nobody cares what so-called "western countries" (means US and it's myrmidons) did condemn. now thy finally have their own big troubles to deal with. may be for some time they will leave other countries alone...

2) how do you know that the majority of Thais are against it? somebody told you so on BBC?

please show some proof or you are a liar

3) I certainly support NCPO as the first truly independent nation-oriented government in Thailand for a long time. Allegations in "anti-democracy" is just a weapon of US left-liberal propaganda against independent governments who don't follow orders from Washington DC

You are a joke, really....

But I will tell you why :

-Mossad: If thailand had mossad it wouldn't change sh.t if they use TOR routing as well as some softwares like L.O.I.C. which was developped to "stress test" anonymously the websites.

-Majority of thais for sure do not want to be stalked on the net and tell them what is good for them or not/

-Supporting the NCPO as a trully independent nation-oriented government....this is the best joke i have read in days! You obviously don t understand sh.t at what is happening in this country. You should revise your "left liberal propaganda"stuff : Thailand is attracted by China which is far from democracy and it seems Thailand Dict...Prime Minister is willing to be a lapdog country...a bit like UK for USA.

Half of the stuff happening here wouldn't be tolerated in your home country...go back on your stool and have a drink...

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We don't care s..t what you think. In

1) I can answer the same to you

2) who are "we"?

ultimatum? who they think they are to give ultimatum to government?

internet security firm (there are plenty of them in Europe, India etc) can sooner or later determine location of these cyber-terrorists. Catch them and throw in jail if they are in Thailand. revoke there Thai passports and freeze actives if they are abroad.

if Thais would have something like Israel's Mossad - it would be possible to catch them even abroad...

We don't care s..t what you think. In case you have not noticed the single gateway have been condemned by all western countries and by the Thai people themselves, so are you in a position to override the wishes of the majority of Thai's. Are you indeed in a position to justify the junta as a legal government based on the last approved 2007 constitution ? And please stop watching 007 and get back to earth.

1) nobody cares what so-called "western countries" (means US and it's myrmidons) did condemn. now thy finally have their own big troubles to deal with. may be for some time they will leave other countries alone...

2) how do you know that the majority of Thais are against it? somebody told you so on BBC?

please show some proof or you are a liar

3) I certainly support NCPO as the first truly independent nation-oriented government in Thailand for a long time. Allegations in "anti-democracy" is just a weapon of US left-liberal propaganda against independent governments who don't follow orders from Washington DC

How nice to see the word "myrmidon" used. It shows that Classical scholarship is not yet dead.

It's a bit of a shame though to see it used in what reads (as do most of your posts) like a drug-crazed, psychotic, rabid, rant.

Are you in Thailand? Is there someone there who can help you, who you can talk to? If you are alone there's no need to be. Nobody has to be alone in Thailand

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Thai cyber warriors?...OK...don't forget to turn the ON the computer before you go cybering guys....

Don't underestimate these guys, there aren't many here in Thailand that know jacksh.t about computer hacking, but a small group of these guys knows just as much as a westerner or easterner.

Bet they're Sino-Thai.

Offshore Thai expats, the last remaining hope for Thailand, would be the group capable of actually doing something.

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GeorgesAbitblol, your posts are the best, men! such ignorance is really remarkable.

You are a joke, really....
But I will tell you why :

-Mossad: If thailand had mossad it wouldn't change sh.t if they use TOR routing as well as some softwares like L.O.I.C. which was developped to "stress test" anonymously the websites.

-Majority of thais for sure do not want to be stalked on the net and tell them what is good for them or not/

-Supporting the NCPO as a trully independent nation-oriented government....this is the best joke i have read in days! You obviously don t understand sh.t at what is happening in this country. You should revise your "left liberal propaganda"stuff : Thailand is attracted by China which is far from democracy and it seems Thailand Dict...Prime Minister is willing to be a lapdog country...a bit like UK for USA.

Half of the stuff happening here wouldn't be tolerated in your home country...go back on your stool and have a drink...

TOR was hacked by FBI longtime ago. now everybody are aware of the vulnerability.


“Dear Client, next RCS [Remote Control System] release (8.2.0) will capture URL from the TOR browser. Thank you.” (An April 2013 email laments Lal’s departure from the FBI.)

Majority of thais for sure do not want to be stalked on the net and tell them what is good for them or not

majority? lol

again, how do you know that? do you have links to reliable sources? or is it just your imagination + BBC propaganda?

You should revise your "left liberal propaganda"stuff : Thailand is attracted by China which is far from democracy

China has nothing to do with real leftism, socialism and communism. in fact China has freely liberal economy in the world, where the state practice laissez faire approach in most sectors of the economy. Communist party and symbols are kept in order to maintain continuity.

Sooner or later Chinese model will conquer the world - simply because of it's effectiveness.

Half of the stuff happening here wouldn't be tolerated in your home country...go back on your stool and have a drink...

really? how do you know where I am from?

Edited by TimmyT
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How nice to see the word "myrmidon" used. It shows that Classical scholarship is not yet dead.

It's a bit of a shame though to see it used in what reads (as do most of your posts) like a drug-crazed, psychotic, rabid, rant.

Are you in Thailand? Is there someone there who can help you, who you can talk to? If you are alone there's no need to be. Nobody has to be alone in Thailand

thank you for your appreciation of my texts. you consider it "drug-crazed, psychotic, rabid, rant" because I am saying and proving something you don't like. nothing new.

it does not bother me at all, sorry.

If you are alone there's no need to be. Nobody has to be alone in Thailand

actually anybody is alone for the whole life - from birth until death. may be except twins.

didn't you realize it yet, pal?

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GeorgesAbitblol, your posts are the best, men! such ignorance is really remarkable.

Majority of thais for sure do not want to be stalked on the net and tell them what is good for them or not

majority? lol

again, how do you know that? do you have links to reliable sources? or is it just your imagination + BBC propaganda?

You should revise your "left liberal propaganda"stuff : Thailand is attracted by China which is far from democracy

China has nothing to do with real leftism, socialism and communism. in fact China has freely liberal economy in the world, where the state practice laissez faire approach in most sectors of the economy. Communist party and symbols are kept in order to maintain continuity.

Sooner or later Chinese model will conquer the world - simply because of it's effectiveness.

Half of the stuff happening here wouldn't be tolerated in your home country...go back on your stool and have a drink...

really? how do you know where I am from?

Lol you re such a douche:

Tor was not hacked, a spyware was used to lure the users, the system itself works.

I m not using propaganda, but just looking at social networks and day to day basis due to my work, but you probably just listen to El dear Generalissimo.

Just look at the current market proposed with China, so maybe you will understand a bit more about geo politics, instead of jsut ranting about leftists.

About your country, it is quite easy by just looking at your post history

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Tor was not hacked, a spyware was used to lure the users, the system itself works.

so what is prohibiting to do the same with these hackers?

those who used TOR to send millions and billions in Bitcoins (FBI hacked TOR to catch them) are very clever and were are them now?

I m not using propaganda, but just looking at social networks and day to day basis due to my work,

and this is your reliable source of information?! it's not even funny...

Just look at the current market proposed with China

yes I look. and can't see any socialist methods of management, planned economy etc. may be you know something I don't? so please tell me where is Chinese socialist approach in economy? I am really curious!

About your country, it is quite easy by just looking at your post history

hmm, you are so shrewd? cool!

so where am I from?

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Let me state a few facts about cyber security in Thailand:

1. No Thai ever appeared at a major security conference.

2. No Thai every published any significant security research.

3. No Thai ever wrote an exploit or disclosed a vulnerability.

4. No Thai hacking group ever existed (self-aggrandising script kiddies gathering happens, though).

5. Nothing worth mentioning in the global cybersecurity scene is related to Thais or Thailand.

6. Thailand technical literacy, particularly with ICT security, is the lowest in Asia.

So yeah, the threats of the Thailand Cyber Army? Give me a break. What an anticlimax.

Someone hacked into sony and got every major movie screener such as the movie "Fury" with Brad Pitt that was traced to a hotel in China town Bangkok. These movies were uploaded to Pirate Bay and millions downloaded the torrents. Some Thai people are very tech savy. The threat is real and international cyber forces should be called in to monitor the threat which could cause financial losses and face losing. All nationalities have intellectuals and computer geeks not just the 1st world countries. To call their bluff is a mistake. An interpol cyber crime team should be alerted and help Thai authorities with this cyber threat.

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This is a photo I seen on their Facebook page. From reading posts on there and an article published on Sunday in a Bangkok news paper, talking about this group holding training sessions in a chat room, they don't seem like overly advanced hackers. I think any school kid could use a program like this.

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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1445308668.809066.jpg

This is a photo I seen on their Facebook page. From reading posts on there and an article published on Sunday in a Bangkok news paper, talking about this group holding training sessions in a chat room, they don't seem like overly advanced hackers. I think any school kid could use a program like this.

And that's just one attack tool. It's not rocket science and hasn't been for a long time. I can't really see authorities trying to identify, let alone round up, everyone who might be participating in such an attack effort.

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