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Palestinians shot dead as Israelis thwart knife attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

No mention or inference to moderation intended.

and in your case, it's the exact reverse./

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


I wonder why a so-called Palestinian leaflet, supposedly aimed at Palestinians, on "How To Stab a Jew" is in English?????

Good one, Times of Israel. It certainly looks like Israeli propaganda aimed at rednecks who don't stop to think about why it's headed in English.

HAHAHA!!! Has your hatred of Israel messed up your eyesight? Look at the image again, all of the instruction is in Arabic. You do know English uses the Latin alphabet and not the Arabic script alphabet, right?

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Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

No mention or inference to moderation intended.

The different being that while some of Israel's supporters on this forum willingly admit that Israel

is not with faults, other members here only sees Israel as the only one to fault, and the Palestinians

can't do wrong, now do you see where the divides lies, and why not only the Palestinians have to

be pleased with Israel's conduct, but the rest of the world's hate mongers who has nothing to do with

this conflict have to be satisfied as well....

Should that read 'not without faults'? Or maybe not?

Yes it should read Israel is NOT without faults, Israel Is no saint and so is nobody else, and if you can not

admit that, how can one ever agree to anything let alone a peace process...

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Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

No mention or inference to moderation intended.

The different being that while some of Israel's supporters on this forum willingly admit that Israel

is not with faults, other members here only sees Israel as the only one to fault, and the Palestinians

can't do wrong, now do you see where the divides lies, and why not only the Palestinians have to

be pleased with Israel's conduct, but the rest of the world's hate mongers who has nothing to do with

this conflict have to be satisfied as well....

Should that read 'not without faults'? Or maybe not?

Yes it should read Israel is NOT without faults, Israel Is no saint and so is nobody else, and if you can not

admit that, how can one ever agree to anything let alone a peace process...

Edited by Scott
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Perhaps if Kerry could find the cojones to get off the fence for once and tell Abbas to quit incitement or else U.S aid to his terror statelet will be stopped immediately.

P.s Israel has started deporting trouble makers to the Gaza Strip, I applaud this and it should be stepped up greatly as a measure.

A much better thing would be if Kerry had the cajones to get off the fence and once and for all tell Israel to obey international law, stop the provacative right-wing attempts to inflame, and stop all settlements....or all support be withdrawn.

Really? Methinks you should take a few days out and do some study and research of a non-biased type regarding the region, it's history - both past and present and then make some informed comments.

Really? Methinks you should take a few MONTHS out and do some study and research of a non-biased type regarding the region, it's history - both past and present, and then make some informed comments.

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Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

No mention or inference to moderation intended.

The different being that while some of Israel's supporters on this forum willingly admit that Israel

is not with faults, other members here only sees Israel as the only one to fault, and the Palestinians

can't do wrong, now do you see where the divides lies, and why not only the Palestinians have to

be pleased with Israel's conduct, but the rest of the world's hate mongers who has nothing to do with

this conflict have to be satisfied as well....

Should that read 'not without faults'? Or maybe not?

Yes it should read Israel is NOT without faults, Israel Is no saint and so is nobody else, and if you can not

admit that, how can one ever agree to anything let alone a peace process...

Seastalion has given you a like, the boy is clearly confused......

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Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

No mention or inference to moderation intended.

The different being that while some of Israel's supporters on this forum willingly admit that Israel

is not with faults, other members here only sees Israel as the only one to fault, and the Palestinians

can't do wrong, now do you see where the divides lies, and why not only the Palestinians have to

be pleased with Israel's conduct, but the rest of the world's hate mongers who has nothing to do with

this conflict have to be satisfied as well....

Should that read 'not without faults'? Or maybe not?

Yes it should read Israel is NOT without faults, Israel Is no saint and so is nobody else, and if you can not

admit that, how can one ever agree to anything let alone a peace process...

Seastalion has given you a like, the boy is clearly confused......

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The Zionist State will reap the whirlwind it has sown.

They will never do.Even with a hand tied behind back Israel is big enough to fight of all their cowardly and hateful neighbours...........................Israel is here to stay forever,the only sane state in an region sorounded by perverse madness thumbsup.gif !!

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Actually, it was a comment on the attitude of some members who tolerate outright hate speech if it is directed towards Muslims, but are up in arms if there is even implied criticism of Israel.

No mention or inference to moderation intended.

The different being that while some of Israel's supporters on this forum willingly admit that Israel

is not with faults, other members here only sees Israel as the only one to fault, and the Palestinians

can't do wrong, now do you see where the divides lies, and why not only the Palestinians have to

be pleased with Israel's conduct, but the rest of the world's hate mongers who has nothing to do with

this conflict have to be satisfied as well....

Should that read 'not without faults'? Or maybe not?

Yes it should read Israel is NOT without faults, Israel Is no saint and so is nobody else, and if you can not

admit that, how can one ever agree to anything let alone a peace process...

the esteemed member Seastalion has given you a like, the boy is clearly confused.....

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The Zionist State will reap the whirlwind it has sown.

They will never do.Even with a hand tied behind back Israel is big enough to fight of all their cowardly and hateful neighbours...........................Israel is here to stay forever,the only sane state in an region sorounded by perverse madness thumbsup.gif !!

I don't know from never, but you're right, the Jews ain't leaving the homeland of the Jewish people without putting up an epic fight. Waited thousands of years "Next Year in Jerusalem", revived the ancient "dead" language of Hebrew, inspired by the progressive secular political LIBERATION ideology of Zionism, built one of the greatest small nations in the history of the planet up from an arid backwater ... so yes, a formidable force indeed.

Edited by Jingthing
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The Zionist State will reap the whirlwind it has sown.

They will never do.Even with a hand tied behind back Israel is big enough to fight of all their cowardly and hateful neighbours...........................Israel is here to stay forever,the only sane state in an region sorounded by perverse madness thumbsup.gif !!

I don't know from never, but you're right, the Jews ain't leaving the homeland of the Jewish people without putting up an epic fight. Waited thousands of years "Next Year in Jerusalem", revived the ancient "dead" language of Hebrew, inspired by the progressive secular political LIBERATION ideology of Zionism, built one of the greatest small nations in the history of the planet up from an arid backwater ... so yes, a formidable force indeed.

Formidable does not mean moral or good, only powerful.

Might is right, right?

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Watched a disturbing TV news interview with Palestinian mothers...where they all agreed to sending their young children into battle with the Israelis...knowing the likely outcome would result in their death...

This passion for being martyred...and sending your loved ones to the slaughter...is appalling to most civilized people...IMHO

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I hope murder investigations are held for each and every death, especially when civilians do the killing.

I hope attempted murder investigations are held for each and every stabbing attempt, irrespective of who was involved.

Indeed. Of course.

However, with two different "justice" systems, one for Israelis and one for Palestinians, there are bound to be different outcomes.

it seems the out come for Palestinians is execution on the spot , since non of the Palestinians doing the stabbing was wounded or otherwise incapacitated.

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Watched a disturbing TV news interview with Palestinian mothers...where they all agreed to sending their young children into battle with the Israelis...knowing the likely outcome would result in their death...

This passion for being martyred...and sending your loved ones to the slaughter...is appalling to most civilized people...IMHO

They are being incited by this fake issue of change of status quo at the Temple Mount.

Again, it shows that Golda Meir's famous quote STILL resonates.


Yes, I know, I know, Israel demonizers hate that quote, it drives them nuts, obviously because it is so TRUE. (So tough rugelach.)

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I hope murder investigations are held for each and every death, especially when civilians do the killing.

I hope attempted murder investigations are held for each and every stabbing attempt, irrespective of who was involved.

Indeed. Of course.

However, with two different "justice" systems, one for Israelis and one for Palestinians, there are bound to be different outcomes.

it seems the out come for Palestinians is execution on the spot , since non of the Palestinians doing the stabbing was wounded or otherwise incapacitated.
Jerusalem's mayor just told not so long ago to Israeli citizens that may carry and use their weapons.

Indeed, Palestinians are executed on the spot even if they have been unarmed. Their family houses will be demolished afterwards according to Israeli law enforcement.

Israeli stabbers are only arrested awaiting conviction or not.

You will hear in the media that there are Palestian stone throwers, Palestinian stabbers, etc.

But you won't hear about the Israeli organised civilian mobs, riots, arrests, looting, etc with Israeli security forces nearby...in Jerusalem and all over the West Bank...

Edited by Thorgal
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Perhaps if Kerry could find the cojones to get off the fence for once and tell Abbas to quit incitement or else U.S aid to his terror statelet will be stopped immediately.

P.s Israel has started deporting trouble makers to the Gaza Strip, I applaud this and it should be stepped up greatly as a measure.

A much better thing would be if Kerry had the cajones to get off the fence and once and for all tell Israel to obey international law, stop the provacative right-wing attempts to inflame, and stop all settlements....or all support be withdrawn.

Really? Methinks you should take a few days out and do some study and research of a non-biased type regarding the region, it's history - both past and present and then make some informed comments.

Really? Methinks you should take a few MONTHS out and do some study and research of a non-biased type regarding the region, it's history - both past and present, and then make some informed comments.

You have an unrequited hatred of Israel and a love of a non-existent nation, Palestine. Even Assad told Arafat not to forget they are really Syrians.. But let me ask you, have you even been in the area? Have you been to Israel? Have you been to West Bank? Have you been to Gaza? Do you know any Israeli Arabs? Or Gazans? I'm guessing the answer is 'no' yet you post your vile hatred from a stance of ignorance. Jordanians will tell you that Israel cannot hand back "occupied territories" as there is nobody to hand them back to, but facts don't want to be getting in the way of your vileness, do they?

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


I wonder why a so-called Palestinian leaflet, supposedly aimed at Palestinians, on "How To Stab a Jew" is in English?????

Good one, Times of Israel. It certainly looks like Israeli propaganda aimed at rednecks who don't stop to think about why it's headed in English.

Yeah, it's all Jewish propaganda. No Jews were actually stubbed. It's all staged up. And all those Palestinians with knives? well, they hold those knives to cause they sell fruits off carts, like in Thailand.

And those Zionists - damn them. They show VDO clips of a 13 years old terrorist being fed and treated at a Jewish hospital right after Abas has declared that very same terrorist being shot and killed by the Israelis for no reason at all. Shame on them!!!

Go on Seastallion, continue to spread the "truth"

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Perhaps if Kerry could find the cojones to get off the fence for once and tell Abbas to quit incitement or else U.S aid to his terror statelet will be stopped immediately.

P.s Israel has started deporting trouble makers to the Gaza Strip, I applaud this and it should be stepped up greatly as a measure.

A much better thing would be if Kerry had the cajones to get off the fence and once and for all tell Israel to obey international law, stop the provacative right-wing attempts to inflame, and stop all settlements....or all support be withdrawn.

Really? Methinks you should take a few days out and do some study and research of a non-biased type regarding the region, it's history - both past and present and then make some informed comments.

Really? Methinks you should take a few MONTHS out and do some study and research of a non-biased type regarding the region, it's history - both past and present, and then make some informed comments.

You have an unrequited hatred of Israel and a love of a non-existent nation, Palestine. Even Assad told Arafat not to forget they are really Syrians.. But let me ask you, have you even been in the area? Have you been to Israel? Have you been to West Bank? Have you been to Gaza? Do you know any Israeli Arabs? Or Gazans? I'm guessing the answer is 'no' yet you post your vile hatred from a stance of ignorance. Jordanians will tell you that Israel cannot hand back "occupied territories" as there is nobody to hand them back to, but facts don't want to be getting in the way of your vileness, do they?

I've never been to Auswitz, but I can safely say it was not a nice place!
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There is massive fault on both sides, a jew said the only way for peace is to kill every one that is not jew, kosher or what?????

Uk be prepared this iwll happen in the not too distant future, then one will not protect the muslims. The death squads are lining up, claiming dole and having free housing, they will repay us by murder on the streets

While there are extremist idiots on the Israeli side that might say this stupid thing, it is not an actual government / official policy where as with the Arab side it IS (as in "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free". Now THAT IS the BIG difference.

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Perhaps if Kerry could find the cojones to get off the fence for once and tell Abbas to quit incitement or else U.S aid to his terror statelet will be stopped immediately.

P.s Israel has started deporting trouble makers to the Gaza Strip, I applaud this and it should be stepped up greatly as a measure.

A much better thing would be if Kerry had the cajones to get off the fence and once and for all tell Israel to obey international law, stop the provacative right-wing attempts to inflame, and stop all settlements....or all support be withdrawn.

Really? Methinks you should take a few days out and do some study and research of a non-biased type regarding the region, it's history - both past and present and then make some informed comments.

Really? Methinks you should take a few MONTHS out and do some study and research of a non-biased type regarding the region, it's history - both past and present, and then make some informed comments.

You have an unrequited hatred of Israel and a love of a non-existent nation, Palestine. Even Assad told Arafat not to forget they are really Syrians.. But let me ask you, have you even been in the area? Have you been to Israel? Have you been to West Bank? Have you been to Gaza? Do you know any Israeli Arabs? Or Gazans? I'm guessing the answer is 'no' yet you post your vile hatred from a stance of ignorance. Jordanians will tell you that Israel cannot hand back "occupied territories" as there is nobody to hand them back to, but facts don't want to be getting in the way of your vileness, do they?

I've never been to Auswitz, but I can safely say it was not a nice place!

Me neither, but I have been to Auschwitz though. Today it's quite a nice place, back in the day it wasn't so pleasant though, not if you were a Jew anyway

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There is massive fault on both sides, a jew said the only way for peace is to kill every one that is not jew, kosher or what?????

Uk be prepared this iwll happen in the not too distant future, then one will not protect the muslims. The death squads are lining up, claiming dole and having free housing, they will repay us by murder on the streets

While there are extremist idiots on the Israeli side that might say this stupid thing, it is not an actual government / official policy where as with the Arab side it IS (as in "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free". Now THAT IS the BIG difference.

Israeli government officials are calling for the public to carry guns with them at all times.


i suspect it is not because it's duck season.wink.png

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What I don't understand is that the media is constantly telling this narrative of 'Palestinians terrorists out to kill any Jew they can'...but how is it which such a mediatised hatred they are limiting themselves mainly about the change in status quo in Jerusalem with stones and knives only ?

While Israeli 'Price Tags' are committed all over the country and include occupied Palestinian territories mainly on Palestinians, but also against Ethiopian Jews, Christians and even Israeli Arabs. Here they use guns, stones, knives, fire, poison, buldozers, police, soldiers, justice departments, governement and so many more to express their radicalisation...


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The Zionist State will reap the whirlwind it has sown.

Both sides have been sowing seeds of hate for so long time that only a few of us are old enough to remember the times before the hatred descended upon the lands. Both sides will now reap their double helix whirlwinds. And the hatred towards the imagined Elders of Zion, after generations, continues here as well amongst some posters.

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There is massive fault on both sides, a jew said the only way for peace is to kill every one that is not jew, kosher or what?????

Uk be prepared this iwll happen in the not too distant future, then one will not protect the muslims. The death squads are lining up, claiming dole and having free housing, they will repay us by murder on the streets

While there are extremist idiots on the Israeli side that might say this stupid thing, it is not an actual government / official policy where as with the Arab side it IS (as in "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free". Now THAT IS the BIG difference.

You're hopelessly confused.

The relevant quote is "In reference to the area of the Jewish state: From the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates."

By Theodor Herzl, one of the founders of Zionism.

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The Zionist State will reap the whirlwind it has sown.

Both sides have been sowing seeds of hate for so long time that only a few of us are old enough to remember the times before the hatred descended upon the lands. Both sides will now reap their double helix whirlwinds. And the hatred towards the imagined Elders of Zion, after generations, continues here as well amongst some posters.

It's not the Elders of Zion that most people in the world have a problem with - it's the modern day Zionists who are denying the existence of 4.5 million Palestinians and their aspirations toward statehood.

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It's not the Elders of Zion that most people in the world have a problem with - it's the modern day Zionists who are denying the existence of 4.5 million Palestinians and their aspirations toward statehood.

Let's start with this 4.5 million mumber. Most if not all are 2-3 generations removed from the region where their families may have originated. Some come from the former Egyptian territory of Gaza, now controlled by Hamas. That is not to say that there were not legitimate refugees, nor does it deny that some arabs suffered when they chose to either leave on their own or were forced out due to fighting. The fact is that prior to the re-establishment of Israel, the census of 1945 showed 756,000 permanent Arab residents in Israel. On November 30, 1947, the date of the UN partition vote the total was 809,100. A 1949 Government of Israel census counted 160,000 Arabs living in the country after the war. This indicates that no more than 650,000 Palestinian Arabs became refugees . In 1950, the number of registered Arab refugees with the UN was 711,000.

Nowhere is there any mention of the approximately 1 million refugees identified as jews who were forced out of arab countries. Unlike the arabs, the UN did not provide aid, did not provide food, clothing or health care. The jews had only one place to go because once again the west had closed its doors to the jews, and that place was Israel. The arabs have never ever acknowledged ethnic cleansing of jews, nor do people like you. Just once I would like to see you address the issue of injustice to the approximate 1 million who lost everything, including their lives. In Egypt, they were given 24-72 hours to leave. In Iraq, they were just slaughtered in their homes. The same horrors were repeated throughout arab lands. Yet, you and your friends never ever mention this. Why's that?

Here's the reality. As much as the arabs will demand compensation for these arabs linked to present day Israel, it will never ever happen. Here's why; Look at the mess in Syria today. How many Arab countries have stepped up to help the refugees? Millions of Kurds have been displaced in Turkey, Syria Iraq and Iran over the years. Turkey has fought very hard to deny the Kurds any justice. Every decade in Africa, there are whole scale refugee crises with millions on the run. Never, ever has there been any settlement along the lines that the arabs are demanding. There was no settlement for the tens of millions of refugees that came out of the India- Pakistan partition. China must tread carefully because of its treatment of Tibet and Vietnam must be careful because of its forced expulsion of ethnic Chinese. And on and on it goes. Do you really believe that Russia wants to open itself up to claims of compensation for the millions of refugees created after its invasion of the former east bloc countries?

And yet somehow, people like you focus in on Israel. Why's that? Is it because the jews are pesky folks deserving of a double standard?

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


Animals are the thieves and murderers.Jews hungry for blood stabbing each other in frenzy.There plenty of material so zionist propaganda is useless.16 year old girl executed by cops is available in different camera angles etc.You have a dog in this fight so understand...I can pm some interesting videos where settler zionists teach their kids how to "handle" rightful owners. World is waking up...and it is going to hurt someones walletbiggrin.png

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Just read with what animals the 'Zionist' state has to deal with and protect itself from...

TERRORISTS have posted videos and manuals on social media to teach Palestinian supporters — even children — “how to stab a Jew.”


Animals are the thieves and murderers.Jews hungry for blood stabbing each other in frenzy.There plenty of material so zionist propaganda is useless.16 year old girl executed by cops is available in different camera angles etc.You have a dog in this fight so understand...I can pm some interesting videos where settler zionists teach their kids how to "handle" rightful owners. World is waking up...and it is going to hurt someones walletbiggrin.png

You do know Bernie Sanders is pro Zionist? coffee1.gif Just checking. Anyway, I'm sure he'll still take the votes of people posting inflammatory posts about hungry for blood Jews anyway.

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The Zionist State will reap the whirlwind it has sown.

Both sides have been sowing seeds of hate for so long time that only a few of us are old enough to remember the times before the hatred descended upon the lands. Both sides will now reap their double helix whirlwinds. And the hatred towards the imagined Elders of Zion, after generations, continues here as well amongst some posters.

It's not the Elders of Zion that most people in the world have a problem with - it's the modern day Zionists who are denying the existence of 4.5 million Palestinians and their aspirations toward statehood.

Modern day Zionists? Most Israelis are far removed from Zionism and don't interact that much with the modern day Zionists who are mostly orthodox Jews from America. The majority of Israelis are quite secular, although the number of orthodox is growing. Referring to Israel as the "Zionist State" is what hearkens back to the sentiments of the Protocols of Zion. Might as well call Australia the criminal exile state.

But yes, I do agree that the Israeli polity is actively denying the aspirations by the Arabs of the West Bank towards an independent Palestinian state. Although I am doubtful that such a state is a viable economic entity. I think a much more viable option is for the West Bank to be re-annexed by Jordan, as well as Jordan annexing Gaza, which could then serve as the Mediterranean port for the expanded Jordanian state with a guaranteed land bridge between the two parcels of land, akin to Berlin during the era of the other wall. But that is an option favored currently neither by the Israelis, the Jordanians, nor the Arabs of the West Bank. Oh well, I am happy to piss off all sides as all sides are deserving of my scorn. Pick a side and I'll piss off you too.

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