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Chuwong's death probe is slowly divulged


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Chuwong’s death probe is slowly divulged


BANGKOK: -- As the probe into the unusual death of billionaire construction contractor Chuwong Sae Tang five months ago is moving slowly, his family yesterday went to the Medical Council of Thailand to follow up the review of the autopsy report which it said would be clue to the Crime Suppression Division (CSD) police to get closer into the actual cause of death.

Chuwong’s wife and sister wanted to inquire the results of an new autopsy which they petitioned the Medical Council of Thailand last August to perform.

The family carried with it two earlier autopsy reports which were performed by autopsy examiners from the Royal Thai Police’s Institute of Forensic Medicine.

One of the reports the family received from the Udomsuk police station while the second copy was received from the media and includes several photos of the corpse after medical examination.

Chuwong’s sister Wanpen Thanatham-sirii said they came with hope to get some concrete results but again it was not available.

But she said they would still have to wait.

She said she needed the results so that it could be handed over to the CSD so that they could conclude the investigation into the cause of death.

She said the probe could not proceed because the CSD have to wait for results from the Medical Council of Thailand and the Office of Police Forensic Science which they have yet to receive.

But even though no conclusive cause of death has been established, there has been some progress in the past two months following the family’s petition to have a new autopsy to be carried out.

The Medical Council of Thailand has forwarded the case to the Royal College of Pathologist of Thailand which set up a committee made of nine leading medical professors specialising in forensic medicine.

These professors all hold senior positions at the country’s leading hospitals such as Siriraj, Chulalongkorn, Ramatibhodi and Chiang Mai general hospitals.

The committee deemed that the evidence was inconclusive and ordered that a new autopsy be carried out.

The committee ordered a biopsy to be carried out and a complete photographic record of the actual autopsy.

Furthermore, it specified that a complete medical examination report be made and not only the examiners’ conclusions which the two former reports had.

Finally, the committee required that the report be made in English as the Thai language fails to accurately report the findings. It reasoned that almost all medical terminology is in English.

According to the autopsy reports which the family obtained, the copy which was released to the media and made public stated six types of injuries on the body of Chuwong.

But another autopsy report received from the Udomsuk police station stated five types of injuries.

Compared to the first, the second report misses the second type of injury which is a 5 by 4 cm bruising on the rear right of the head found in the first report.

Another contradictory point is on the fourth entry of the first report which clearly details bruising in front of the shoulders but comparing it to the document given to Chuwong’s family, an addition was made stating that the bruising was only on the front of the right shoulder.

The family said when inquiring why the two reports were not the same, the president of the Medical Council of Thailand Assistant Professor Somsak Lohleka stated that he had also questioned forensic examiners at the Institute of Forensic Medicine.

They said that although both documents were the same, the one given out to the media does not contain the signature of the medical examiner who carried out the autopsy which means that it is not an official document.

The president said the document given to the police investigators is not the same as the one given out to the media.

They claimed that the difference lies in the signature of the medical examiner who carried out the autopsy. They theorize that certain officials might have inadvertently given the preliminary report to the media not knowing that the medical examiner had not put his signature on the report.

“We will be looking into the matter,” he said.

However the time spent on the autopsy was very short as the family was summoned to collect the body for cremation in the morning after incident at night which was unusual. The family was earlier told to come to take the body in the afternoon.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/chuwongs-death-probe-is-slowly-divulged

-- Thai PBS 2015-10-22

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You know where to start first to clean up the Mafia corruption General, in your own backyard - the BIB.

and why are you blaming the general for this exactly? If there is a crime here (and my money says there is) then it was committed and covered up by the BIB who are in charge of the investigation if I am not mistaken???

Try focusing the blame where it belongs.

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tly is responsible for

You know where to start first to clean up the Mafia corruption General, in your own backyard - the BIB.

and why are you blaming the general for this exactly? If there is a crime here (and my money says there is) then it was committed and covered up by the BIB who are in charge of the investigation if I am not mistaken???

Try focusing the blame where it belongs.

So who exactly is in charge of the BIB? My understanding is that the former General appointed Somyot as head of Thai police force, so he has a responsibility for the subsequent failures of his appointees. Same as Yingluk is/was responsible for the actions of her cabinet. Never heard of the saying "The buck stops here"?

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this case appears to be dragging on all these so called forensic experts and no proper conclusion what on earth is going on this case should have been done and dusted months ago .

It's called getting your ducks in-line, not easy to do, there is a need to ensure that everyone has to be thoroughly drilled in all aspects of the cover up investigation .

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They also wanted to do an investigation into his wife's death be carried out, which indeed died under similar circumstances years ago. So far as no new results have been reported.
That two people were killed in similar circumstances by the same driver is highly suspect.
Rather one would win three times in succession, the Thai lottery.

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If the body has burnt to ashes how can you carry out more autopsies- guessing the autopsy released without signature invalid so that leaves 2 - 1 more to go and be disproved then only the "official" version minus the records from the actual car involved- in for repairs!!! Test crash dummies to simulate - millions of baht paid to 2 caddies - 1 of which is allegedly carrying his baby and his "friend" not injured but setting up "party together" - I credit family for asking the questions but doubt will be any different (they might have the money but but) enough said

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They also wanted to do an investigation into his wife's death be carried out, which indeed died under similar circumstances years ago. So far as no new results have been reported.

That two people were killed in similar circumstances by the same driver is highly suspect.

Rather one would win three times in succession, the Thai lottery.

But the driver is a former high ranking police officer and former MP and government member. Surely, he wouldn't lie?

You can simply believe his version of the coincidental and unfortunate fatal accidents, lucky he never even got the slightest bruise, and the apparent crooked share dealings.

The original investigating police, and his former police college classmates all did.

Case solved. Next.

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If the body has burnt to ashes how can you carry out more autopsies- guessing the autopsy released without signature invalid so that leaves 2 - 1 more to go and be disproved then only the "official" version minus the records from the actual car involved- in for repairs!!! Test crash dummies to simulate - millions of baht paid to 2 caddies - 1 of which is allegedly carrying his baby and his "friend" not injured but setting up "party together" - I credit family for asking the questions but doubt will be any different (they might have the money but but) enough said

What's the betting not one person will ever do any jail time for the apparent murder or the fraudulent share transactions?

Big bucks grease many palms and grease them well.

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