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23 year old Irishman arrested in Chiang Mai for selling marijuana to police

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Remember the corrupt Thugs In Brown arrest you for Viagra/Valium.....in fact anything you may have on you if you don't carry the prescription.

And I do not know if this prescription has to be from a Thai doctor/hospital.

I still say fifty years, in fact his whole life, is on the line for what is now a soft drug....

Far worse going on in Thailand than a young guy selling dope.

What about the distributor, the growers. Are these not protected by the local Thugs in Brown?

I hope he tags the seller and then we will see if Thai "justice" prevails with probably a Thai.


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Such irrationality here is just more proof of what a third world Banana Land this country is. Sure, on the outside, not too bad in many ways, but being a developed nation is about more than having shopping malls, a skytrain and passable internet. Being a developed nation entails some degree of rationality, a notion of fairness, and some of the philosophical wonders handed down from thousands of years of culture going back to the Ancient Greece and beyond. Things like habeus corpus and the magna carta, respect for the rights of the individual. These are hard one and cannot be bought cheaply. This is what makes a developed country. Watching them all strut about stuffed with their own importance is pitiful. I feel for the sane and decent Thai people here who must endure it.

Another guy defying logic. So let me ask you, why do you think this guy was selling marijuana? Was it a personal statement that pot should be legal? That it's a natural substance, less harmful than alcohol? That it has medicinal benefits? That laws in Thailand and all over the world are out-of-step with the times, so he's engaging in civil disobedience? Any of these reasons?

I'm pretty sure this guy was about making money. That's it and that's all. He can't sell legal products like alcohol or tobacco because there's no money in that. If pot was legal, he would be selling something else that was illegal, like meth or heroin. And if there was no money in that, he would be doing something else illegal. Because it's about the money. And still, you and your ilk would be defending him. That, Mr. toooa, is irrationality.



Here ya go Mr Lazy. Can't find anything? Who are you working for? Lol. Here are just 3 vids(of 100's if not 1000's) on the advantages of medical marijuana.



No use arguing with people who see alcohol as a medicine, lol.....I'm not doing your research for ya. Look it up yourself. If you don't find anything perhaps you should try using a proxy or VPN. Many of these stories are censored these days by Big Pharma/Government, but to be honest you are one of those people who wont even believe the truth if it was staring you right in the face..so whatever. I'm not wasting my time on you. Cheerio

I am not one of these people who doesn't believe the truth when staring me in the face,, you have no idea who i am. If I am shown evidence that it does indeed cure cancer then I will be one of the first to rant about using the drug for this purpose.

What I dont agree with to date is the use socially. No one in their right mind with hinder the use for medical purposes if it cured cancer, it's stupid to suggest otherwise.

So, thank you for sending those links, interesting but to be honest only the words of some individuals. Frankly, I have seen claims of people who have miracle cure for all sorts of things, rarely is it true, in this case I think it is sadly the same.

So, not enough Im afraid, I have seen the website "cureyourowncancer.org,,, but I would still put my faith in doctors first and foremost. And here is the question, in the unfortunate event you were diagnosed with cancer how far does your faith go in healing yourself with marijuana? Or would you go to see a Cancer specialist,, I know my answer..

Anyway, my objection is to the people who endorse canabis and frequently abuse those who do not? I don't fear peer pressure to jump on your bandwagon but i won't hurl abuse at you for your opinion, perhaps a logical, sensible argument would be the best approach for people like you to persuade an open minded person such as myself, not just you are "asleep and should wake up".

I didn't hurl abuse at you, that's a bit over-sensitive, but after you ridiculed my post and the fact that cannabis cured certain diseases and helped others to contain their pain, etc. I defended myself.

Go back and read those posts again and you will see who started the 'aggression'.

Sensible and logical arguments don't change the world I'm afraid. There are too many brainwashed naysayers who are so convinced of their old world bs.

It's like trying to convince people that the world is a sphere when they still believe the world is flat.

People who say yes to alcohol, that kills millions a year, but no to a herb that never kills, but only relieves, cures and helps is beyond my comprehension.

It's up to you if you'd like to remain ignorant to this information or jump on 'my' bandwagon. I only spread the word and hope people are wise enough to listen because it's pretty obvious governments have been lying to us, so yes, it is time to wake up

I read your post, the aggression started with you, please read your post again, The original one i answered to and read your references, I can't be bothered to trawl them and highlight them to you.

I did not ridicule your post, I simply stated that your claim about curing cancer, arthritis and Parkinsons was BS and it still is. Ok, seen some research on the potential use of canabis for cancer but miles away from clinically proven and nothing on curing Parkinsons or Arthritis.

remember you were ridiculing people who did not want to legalise it and you supported your argument with claims of it being a miracle cure, which it isn't.

What you have not addressed is the 20 year report siting canabis as potentially addictive, brings on memory loss, lack of concentration, lowers IQ and psychosis not to mention it being a gateway drug, all proven facts. This is through regular usage as a recreational drug. This is what I dont agree with and I certainly don't think it should be legalised. What do you think of those issues? Do you not think they are a problem?

I have a friend who is now clean and sober after 15 years of substance abuse, he can tell you a very different truth on how harmful canabis is and how it destroys peoples lives, he has lived in that world and can tell worrying stories, believe me I have heard them.

Perhaps that is something you should do, speak to ex addicts and ask them about legalising it. Maybe when you get both sides of the story and speak to people who have suffered you will think twice about spreading the word.



Here ya go Mr Lazy. Can't find anything? Who are you working for? Lol. Here are just 3 vids(of 100's if not 1000's) on the advantages of medical marijuana.


No use arguing with people who see alcohol as a medicine, lol.....I'm not doing your research for ya. Look it up yourself. If you don't find anything perhaps you should try using a proxy or VPN. Many of these stories are censored these days by Big Pharma/Government, but to be honest you are one of those people who wont even believe the truth if it was staring you right in the face..so whatever. I'm not wasting my time on you. Cheerio

I am not one of these people who doesn't believe the truth when staring me in the face,, you have no idea who i am. If I am shown evidence that it does indeed cure cancer then I will be one of the first to rant about using the drug for this purpose.

What I dont agree with to date is the use socially. No one in their right mind with hinder the use for medical purposes if it cured cancer, it's stupid to suggest otherwise.

So, thank you for sending those links, interesting but to be honest only the words of some individuals. Frankly, I have seen claims of people who have miracle cure for all sorts of things, rarely is it true, in this case I think it is sadly the same.

So, not enough Im afraid, I have seen the website "cureyourowncancer.org,,, but I would still put my faith in doctors first and foremost. And here is the question, in the unfortunate event you were diagnosed with cancer how far does your faith go in healing yourself with marijuana? Or would you go to see a Cancer specialist,, I know my answer..

Anyway, my objection is to the people who endorse canabis and frequently abuse those who do not? I don't fear peer pressure to jump on your bandwagon but i won't hurl abuse at you for your opinion, perhaps a logical, sensible argument would be the best approach for people like you to persuade an open minded person such as myself, not just you are "asleep and should wake up".

I didn't hurl abuse at you, that's a bit over-sensitive, but after you ridiculed my post and the fact that cannabis cured certain diseases and helped others to contain their pain, etc. I defended myself.

Go back and read those posts again and you will see who started the 'aggression'.

Sensible and logical arguments don't change the world I'm afraid. There are too many brainwashed naysayers who are so convinced of their old world bs.

It's like trying to convince people that the world is a sphere when they still believe the world is flat.

People who say yes to alcohol, that kills millions a year, but no to a herb that never kills, but only relieves, cures and helps is beyond my comprehension.

It's up to you if you'd like to remain ignorant to this information or jump on 'my' bandwagon. I only spread the word and hope people are wise enough to listen because it's pretty obvious governments have been lying to us, so yes, it is time to wake up

Flawed argument. Alcohol only kills through abuse, like absolutely anything.

Another person who believes everyone is responsible for their own deeds. As if the whole world is made up of super intelligent people without mistakes or weaknesses. It's that same stupid argument some egits make about guns. Guns only kill if used wrongly or by the wrong people. Otherwise they are completely fine. What? Since when have murderous weapons been fine? What about the millions of mentally challenged who own a gun? Should they be allowed to own a gun even though they have an IQ of 75? Typical capitalist way of thinking. Don't you understand that this 'philosophy' was made up by business people instead of intelligent people?

Alcohol is probably the worst drug on this planet because it is so easily available yet so well protected by many. Alcohol kills millions yearly and that's not only the abusers. The amount of people killed by drinkers through accidents and acts of violence is outrageous. Must run in the 100's of 1000's if not in the millions.

How can anyone with a proper head say that alcohol is not a bad drug? How many people get killed over cannabis besides the mafia who deal in large quantities? Not too many.

Selling a bottle of whiskey in a corner shop is a much worse crime than selling a few grams of herb while the shop owner does so without any punishment and the herb dealer is the criminal.

Just another sign of a society that is really ill




'I read your post, the aggression started with you, please read your post again, The original one i answered to and read your references, I can't be bothered to trawl them and highlight them to you.

I did not ridicule your post, I simply stated that your claim about curing cancer, arthritis and Parkinsons was BS and it still is. Ok, seen some research on the potential use of canabis for cancer but miles away from clinically proven and nothing on curing Parkinsons or Arthritis.

remember you were ridiculing people who did not want to legalise it and you supported your argument with claims of it being a miracle cure, which it isn't.

What you have not addressed is the 20 year report siting canabis as potentially addictive, brings on memory loss, lack of concentration, lowers IQ and psychosis not to mention it being a gateway drug, all proven facts. This is through regular usage as a recreational drug. This is what I dont agree with and I certainly don't think it should be legalised. What do you think of those issues? Do you not think they are a problem?

I have a friend who is now clean and sober after 15 years of substance abuse, he can tell you a very different truth on how harmful canabis is and how it destroys peoples lives, he has lived in that world and can tell worrying stories, believe me I have heard them.

Perhaps that is something you should do, speak to ex addicts and ask them about legalising it. Maybe when you get both sides of the story and speak to people who have suffered you will think twice about spreading the word'

I've lived on that side of the line Gazzpa, don't need to do it again. Got out in 96. Have addicts in my own family. There is a big difference between substance abusers and people who have a spliff for their own recreation or to kill their arthritis pains. Who are you to tell them that they can't do that, though it's fine to walk into 7/11 and buy a bottle of sucker juice and drive yourself to death? Double standard as always. So tired of it. It also depends on who is abusing. While some weak people will become addicted to almost anything others can use what they want and have no ill effects. It's a useless argument. People should be free to decide for themselves what is good for them instead of having some moral knight tell them. If you want to do the world a favor fight against alcohol and not against the herb.

You measure things with a double standard Gazzpa. It's fine for you to call my statements BS but when I attack you back and send you the links you requested you still shout BS and then you cry abuse.
Catch yourself on. Do more research before you shout BS. Medical marijuana and cannabis oil has been curing 1000's of people for years. Just because you are not aware of this doesn't make it BS.

That's why I say again; time to wake up and smell the coffee.

Good night




'I read your post, the aggression started with you, please read your post again, The original one i answered to and read your references, I can't be bothered to trawl them and highlight them to you.

I did not ridicule your post, I simply stated that your claim about curing cancer, arthritis and Parkinsons was BS and it still is. Ok, seen some research on the potential use of canabis for cancer but miles away from clinically proven and nothing on curing Parkinsons or Arthritis.

remember you were ridiculing people who did not want to legalise it and you supported your argument with claims of it being a miracle cure, which it isn't.

What you have not addressed is the 20 year report siting canabis as potentially addictive, brings on memory loss, lack of concentration, lowers IQ and psychosis not to mention it being a gateway drug, all proven facts. This is through regular usage as a recreational drug. This is what I dont agree with and I certainly don't think it should be legalised. What do you think of those issues? Do you not think they are a problem?

I have a friend who is now clean and sober after 15 years of substance abuse, he can tell you a very different truth on how harmful canabis is and how it destroys peoples lives, he has lived in that world and can tell worrying stories, believe me I have heard them.

Perhaps that is something you should do, speak to ex addicts and ask them about legalising it. Maybe when you get both sides of the story and speak to people who have suffered you will think twice about spreading the word'

I've lived on that side of the line Gazzpa, don't need to do it again. Got out in 96. Have addicts in my own family. There is a big difference between substance abusers and people who have a spliff for their own recreation or to kill their arthritis pains. Who are you to tell them that they can't do that, though it's fine to walk into 7/11 and buy a bottle of sucker juice and drive yourself to death? Double standard as always. So tired of it. It also depends on who is abusing. While some weak people will become addicted to almost anything others can use what they want and have no ill effects. It's a useless argument. People should be free to decide for themselves what is good for them instead of having some moral knight tell them. If you want to do the world a favor fight against alcohol and not against the herb.

You measure things with a double standard Gazzpa. It's fine for you to call my statements BS but when I attack you back and send you the links you requested you still shout BS and then you cry abuse.

Catch yourself on. Do more research before you shout BS. Medical marijuana and cannabis oil has been curing 1000's of people for years. Just because you are not aware of this doesn't make it BS.

That's why I say again; time to wake up and smell the coffee.

Good night

Seems I can't say this enough to you, IF canabis is proven to be a medical success in curing people of cancer or whatever then there is no problem BUT it is not proven yet, simple as that. And your claims that it cures Cancer, Parkinsons and Arthritis are still complete BS.

I did my research, sent some onto you, credible sources not some YouTube interview.

I disagree with legalising it for recreational use (3rd or 4th time i have written this to you). And you still do not tackle my challenge on the downsides of regular canabis use,, you keep going back to the sympathy vote of "who are you to deny people who are suffering in pain from some relief",, oh please,,

Anyway, you are ill informed in my opinion, I tackled your issue about it being a miracle cure but you dont tackle the challenge of explaining the downsides.

If you have been a user and you have addicts in your family why on earth are you endorsing the legalisation?

Anyway, enough of talking to "Mr Dodge the questions",, goodnight to you too.


The POWER of Quackery is amazing !

"In October 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with cancer. In mid-2004, he announced to his employees that he had a cancerous tumor in his pancreas. The prognosis for pancreatic cancer is usually very poor; Jobs stated that he had a rare, much less aggressive type, known as islet cell neuroendocrine tumor

Despite his diagnosis, Jobs resisted his doctors' recommendations for medical intervention for nine months, instead relying on a pseudo-medicine diet to try natural healing to thwart the disease. According to Harvard researcher Ramzi Amri, his choice of alternative treatment "led to an unnecessarily early death.""

Pot /Weed is a pseudo-medicine.

Cure yourself but do not attempt to force Quackery onto others by claiming non existent "cures"


Pot /Weed is a pseudo-medicine.

Is that the best you can do, one doctor saying one guy (Steve Jobs) shouldn't have tried cannabis for his cancer?

Here are 34 studies proving it cures cancer. https://www.endalldisease.com/34-medical-studies-proving-cannabis-cures-cancer/

This link cites CNN, the National Cancer Institute, and National Institute of Health http://thefreethoughtproject.com/main-stream-media-finally-admits-cannabis-potential-cure-cancer/


"I have a friend who is now clean and sober after 15 years of substance abuse, he can tell you a very different truth on how harmful canabis is and how it destroys peoples lives, he has lived in that world and can tell worrying stories, believe me I have heard them."

A heroin/cocaine/meth/opioid addict is not a reliable source of information.

Basically, an addict is someone who denies reality.

The whole reason they are addicts is because they thought THEY could not get addicted, and that SOMEHOW they could quit 'any time they want'.


Idiots, not geniuses. 555


smoke weed if you want to be very productive, reflexes like a race car driver, and feel great!! or NOT

most pot smokers are now like 12 years old and brains will never mature....

under 35 and addicted to pot gives them a 99% chance of being the entitlement generation, never holding a job

escape the responsibility....THINK VERY DEEP THOUGHTS (fallacy), and become the major loser..

if you have terminal cancer, then, by all means, take all you can get away with.....


^ Nope. One can't be physically addicted to pot.

If you get psychologically addicted (not the same thing) and turn into a bum then you would've become a bum anyway. Just like people get addicted to sex, fatty foods, or lying on the couch... should we ban those because they harm productivity in a few people?

No causal correlation between pot smoking and ending up a loser at all.

Plenty of artistic endeavours have been aided by the influence of pot, half the music you listen to probably wouldn't have been written.

Plenty of functional potheads too, who make it to work on time, drive, and do everything else like any other person, smoking cannabis every single day.



""""what a perfect example of leftist type of thinking!!

unbelievable audacity...

Thai state exists to make it easy for THAIS to make money. Also Thai government as a mercy let foreigners do some money if they follow the rules, and as long as it benefits Thai citizen.

if you can't follow the rules and make money - it's your problem. go back to your home country and make money there. Thailand does not owe you anything""

------ If you read the Foreign Business Act, it specifically states that foreigners can't operate many businesses because Thais are not ready

to compete with foreigners. They recognize this and try to protect them. If they let any foreign company into the livestock or rice industry, every Thai

will be working for them in 10 years.

Read the definition of 'work' in regard to a work permit. It says work is "exertion of energy, or use of knowledge, whether for compensation or not". They

may as well call it "the". We are all violating labor laws by typing and breathing on this forum. Think about that.


Pot /Weed is a pseudo-medicine.

Is that the best you can do, one doctor saying one guy (Steve Jobs) shouldn't have tried cannabis for his cancer?

Here are 34 studies proving it cures cancer. https://www.endalldisease.com/34-medical-studies-proving-cannabis-cures-cancer/

This link cites CNN, the National Cancer Institute, and National Institute of Health http://thefreethoughtproject.com/main-stream-media-finally-admits-cannabis-potential-cure-cancer/

You display a spectacular lack of understanding of either science or medicine.

Non of those links "prove" anything ...................

The "freethought" link is unscientific Tabloid garbage probably written by a dope-head.



Whilst I don't disagree that there may well be long term side effects of chronic cannabis use, the study you refer to has since been widely criticised. Both the methodology used to gather evidence and the interpretation of the results have been questioned by many experts within the neuroscience field:



More recent studies (using more robust methodologies) have indicated that even chronic cannabis use amongst teens has no effect on IQ:


Interestingly, the only precursor for a reduction in IQ was associated with regular alcohol consumption.

The negative societal outcomes you refer to (with regards to the legalisation of illicit substances) also appear not to be borne out by the evidence. It is, admittedly, early days for those states in the US that have legalised cannabis, but the credible studies that have been carried out generally indicate a positive societal outcome, with no noticeable increase in usage despite the wider availability:


Wider ranging studies have also been carried out based on the experiences in Portugal, whose government decriminalised all drug use over 14 years ago. On the whole this appears to have been a huge success, with a wide ranging number of positive outcomes experienced across the board:


I feel very sorry for the young Irishman. Yes, what he did given Thailand's drug laws was monumentally stupid, but it no way does the potential punishment fit the alleged crime. Unfortunately, I suspect this young man will just end up as yet another statistic of the 'War on Drugs'. I can only hope that in years to come things will change, and we will look back on this period of history as the monumental folly that it so clearly is.



Whilst I don't disagree that there may well be long term side effects of chronic cannabis use, the study you refer to has since been widely criticised. Both the methodology used to gather evidence and the interpretation of the results have been questioned by many experts within the neuroscience field:



More recent studies (using more robust methodologies) have indicated that even chronic cannabis use amongst teens has no effect on IQ:


Interestingly, the only precursor for a reduction in IQ was associated with regular alcohol consumption.

The negative societal outcomes you refer to (with regards to the legalisation of illicit substances) also appear not to be borne out by the evidence. It is, admittedly, early days for those states in the US that have legalised cannabis, but the credible studies that have been carried out generally indicate a positive societal outcome, with no noticeable increase in usage despite the wider availability:


Wider ranging studies have also been carried out based on the experiences in Portugal, whose government decriminalised all drug use over 14 years ago. On the whole this appears to have been a huge success, with a wide ranging number of positive outcomes experienced across the board:


I feel very sorry for the young Irishman. Yes, what he did given Thailand's drug laws was monumentally stupid, but it no way does the potential punishment fit the alleged crime. Unfortunately, I suspect this young man will just end up as yet another statistic of the 'War on Drugs'. I can only hope that in years to come things will change, and we will look back on this period of history as the monumental folly that it so clearly is.

Kicking off with a link to the Huff-Puff Post instantly discredits anything that follows !


Did you read it? What sections of the article do you disagree with?

The "Huff Puff Post" is a refuge for the intellectually disabled.!

No I do not , ever, read the Huffy Puffy Post !

Try digging out some real information that is published in reputed , peer reviewed, scientific journals and I might be interested.


Pot /Weed is a pseudo-medicine.

Is that the best you can do, one doctor saying one guy (Steve Jobs) shouldn't have tried cannabis for his cancer?

Here are 34 studies proving it cures cancer. https://www.endalldisease.com/34-medical-studies-proving-cannabis-cures-cancer/

This link cites CNN, the National Cancer Institute, and National Institute of Health http://thefreethoughtproject.com/main-stream-media-finally-admits-cannabis-potential-cure-cancer/

if you got cancer would you put your faith in it curing you,,, after all you claim that there are 34 studies that prove it. Or would you go and see a cancer specialist? I challenge you to answer.

I find it staggering that people who smoke this crap are now claiming miracle cures, completely unproven with any credible institute, and the claimed reason for this? pharmaceutical giants hiding it from the public! It doesn't occur to you people however that if it was a cure wouldn't the so called power of these companies not squash the legalisation so they can produce the medicine and clean up by controlling the drug in the market? Please think people...

. I guess anything to justify this habit people have.

It has taken years to make regular smoking publicly unacceptable and now here we are with people claiming its ok, it does no harm, its better the booze and taking down that smoke into your lungs will actually cure your lung cancer,,,

So quick take the kilo from the Irishman and sprint down to the nearest cancer ward and save their lives,,, you can all get high and laugh about the pesky cancer you've just defeated whilst eating a pile of junk food.


"wouldn't the so called power of these companies not squash the legalisation so they can produce the medicine and clean up by controlling the drug in the market? Please think people..."

Cannabis is already grown legally in the UK by GW Pharmaceuticals to produce Sativex:


This medicine is basically a whole plant extract but has been mostly rejected by NICE on the basis of it costing too much.


""""what a perfect example of leftist type of thinking!!

unbelievable audacity...

Thai state exists to make it easy for THAIS to make money. Also Thai government as a mercy let foreigners do some money if they follow the rules, and as long as it benefits Thai citizen.

if you can't follow the rules and make money - it's your problem. go back to your home country and make money there. Thailand does not owe you anything""

------ If you read the Foreign Business Act, it specifically states that foreigners can't operate many businesses because Thais are not ready

to compete with foreigners. They recognize this and try to protect them. If they let any foreign company into the livestock or rice industry, every Thai

will be working for them in 10 years.

Read the definition of 'work' in regard to a work permit. It says work is "exertion of energy, or use of knowledge, whether for compensation or not". They

may as well call it "the". We are all violating labor laws by typing and breathing on this forum. Think about that.

you can speculate (and pretend you don't understand what the law speaks about) as much as you like. you can also dream about farang superiority.

but the truth is - Thais make rules for foreigners in Thailand. and foreigners have two choice:



or face the consequences

everything else is just useless ranting.

as simple as that


^ Nope. One can't be physically addicted to pot.

If you get psychologically addicted (not the same thing) and turn into a bum then you would've become a bum anyway. Just like people get addicted to sex, fatty foods, or lying on the couch... should we ban those because they harm productivity in a few people?

No causal correlation between pot smoking and ending up a loser at all.

Plenty of artistic endeavours have been aided by the influence of pot, half the music you listen to probably wouldn't have been written.

Plenty of functional potheads too, who make it to work on time, drive, and do everything else like any other person, smoking cannabis every single day.

what a blatant speculation...

If you get psychologically addicted (not the same thing) and turn into a bum then you would've become a bum anyway.

there is no doubt that some people are predisposed to be psychologically addicted. but it's much less harmful to be addicted to sex or lying on the bed. these things don't turn the person into a vegetable like infantile potheads who smoke for many years.

I've seen them a lot.

and yes, there are some people who manage to indulge there weed addiction and stay in the society for a long time, same as there are some heroin addicts who manage to hide there passion for a drug for decades. junkies love to talk about "a guy who did heroin since he was 16 and died at 84" and try to forget about those who died at 19.

this guy was caught in Pattaya 10 days ago. this is how professional pothead looks like. if you've seen such a face for one time you will always recognize it.


people tend to believe in what they want to believe, especially if addiction forces them. this is called "rationalization"


You could have probably held your breath. It took me less than a minute to find a video, photos, articles about cannabis curing skin cancer and I even found two bonus articles about a young boy who used to suffer from 300 grand mal seizures a day until he was treated with cannabis.






^ so was ... . That was a pov!

Still a crime dave despite personal pov. Age has nothing to do with it. I think you will find some of the older folk are more au fait with the magic weed than you think. Just more careful in a foreign country than our friend.

TV. Plenitude ...

Nothing to do with my pov. I don't smoke. Many friends with illnesses like Arthritis, MS, Parkinson's and even cancer patients have shown big improvements and even some have healed altogether because of this 'monstrous' weed. People who still believe that this is a bad drug are either backward, braindead or in bed with Big Pharma.

And who cares about laws that a bunch of backward apes have drawn up? Here and back home.....just don't get caught

Show me 1 case where marijuana has cured Arthritis, Parkinsons or Cancer! What a load of bull. The only thing it can do is stimulate and make you dopey as well fed puppy and therefore numbing some pain. The same could e said for alcohol or many other controlled and prescribed pain killers.

I wish people would stop with this rubbish about claims of marijuana. It is a nasty drug with proven long term side effects now, yes it is not as harmful as many but there are opinions for and against, better if we stick to the facts rather then read nonsense claims.

The guy was dealing it, he sold it to the police and now needs to be punished, simple as that..

Youtube or Google it if you are not too lazy. Loads of videos and blogs of terminal cancer patients getting better due to cannabis oil....time to wake up.

send me the link, any link where marjuana has cured either Arthritis, Cancer or Parkinsons, I cannot find anything.

I suspect you cannot, and I am fully awake, are you? There are so many people like you that are jumping on the bandwagon and screaming that everyone who does not want to see marijuana being sold legally is an "ape", behind the times or an idiot or some such abuse. Well i am not old, not behind the times and I am switched on.

I have seen too many people suffer with it and my personal experience tells me a different story to the wonder drug people like you describe. It seems the recent 20 year old research by Dr Hall (google it if you are not too lazy) supports what people like me already know.

I dont want to see news in the next 20 years doped up teenagers on street corners and it being legal, and believe me it is exactly what will happen in the US. People will then be screaming for something to be done but it will be too late.

So, why don't you ignore everyone, read both sides and make an informed judgement rather then just abusing people who appose your ill informed "miracle drug" nonsense.

Oh, and send me the link please, any link that proves your statement, I won't hold my breath.


if you got cancer would you put your faith in it curing you,,, after all you claim that there are 34 studies that prove it. Or would you go and see a cancer specialist? I challenge you to answer.

Well I'd keep smoking it on a daily basis as I do now, yes.


Pot /Weed is a pseudo-medicine.

Is that the best you can do, one doctor saying one guy (Steve Jobs) shouldn't have tried cannabis for his cancer?

Here are 34 studies proving it cures cancer. https://www.endalldisease.com/34-medical-studies-proving-cannabis-cures-cancer/

This link cites CNN, the National Cancer Institute, and National Institute of Health http://thefreethoughtproject.com/main-stream-media-finally-admits-cannabis-potential-cure-cancer/

You display a spectacular lack of understanding of either science or medicine.

Non of those links "prove" anything ...................

The "freethought" link is unscientific Tabloid garbage probably written by a dope-head.

Did you feel compelled to write that or did you write it just on impulse?

"Long-Term Effects Of Alcohol Impair Brain's Pathways That Underlie Impulse Control"




Irish trash , if he want to sell drugs do it in Ireland. At least he will get a decent meal in prison there. Now his life will be like hell for a long time.

Pot...not Heroin or meth....big difference. If you don't like pot...don't smoke it. Simple as that. Many people around the world enjoy smoking pot. More people drink and die from alcohol. Are they trash? Do you drink alcohol? If you do. YOU'RE trash, right? You want this young man to suffer, why? You don't sound like a caring person just from your statement here. He made a mistake and you are cheering for him to suffer...how sad for you. You're no better than this guy. Get off your self-righteous high-horse, please.

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