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EU agrees on thousands of extra refugee places on Balkan migration route


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EU agrees on thousands of extra refugee places on Balkan migration route


BRUSSELS: -- European Union leaders have agreed to provide another 100,000 spaces in refugee welcome centres along the route from Greece towards Germany.

It’s part of a 17 point plan to cooperate on managing the flow of migrants through the Balkan peninsula.

The heads of 11 EU states and three non-EU countries endorsed the measures at an emergency summit in Brussels

The UN’s refugee body, the UNHCR, will provide another 20,000 spaces.

Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker stressed the unilateral moving of migrants from one border to another must cease.

“We have made very clear that the policy of simply waving people through must be stopped. And that will be the case.”

However Slovenia which is one of several countries struggling to cope with the influx of thousands of migrants remains unconvinced that everyone is thinking the same way.

“There is some fear in the air that Germany, and consequently Austria as well, could close their borders, which would lead to a domino effect, which would be quite a disaster, if I may say so, for the European Union.,” said Slovenian Premier Miro Cerar,

Afterwards German Chancellor Angela Merkel said meeting had been the first of many steps…

Our reporter in Brussels Efi Koutsokosta summed up the summit:

“Despite the fact that there is still cautiousness, at this summit, leaders from central and southeastern Europe sat on the same table and committed themselves to stop taking unilateral actions and instead will cooperate in the management of the migration flows with the support by the EU and the relevant authorities: They also decided to increase reception capacity as despite the worsening weather conditions the flow of migrants hasn’t decreased. Greece has seen a record 48,000 people land on its shores over the last five days.”

For full details of the agreement: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-15-5904_en.htm

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-26

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Finally. Working together instead of finger pointing and isolated (understandable) desperate measures. Maybe, after all Europe is not lost.

When will people realise that the mojority of these people are not from Syria. The EU does not have the ability to screen thousands of people who purposly dump all ID once they land.

Among these migrants there will be terrorists anf very soon we will feel the results of this infiltration.

Common sense says the best solution is to side with Assad and bring the civil war to a quick end. The EU could make it a condition that the Kurds are given a respectable amount of aurtonomy.

If that is corried out then there would be no reason for refugees and the borders to the EU could be closed.

There may well be some of the oppersition try to get in but do you want to open the doors to IS.

AND the people who have joined IS from around the world need to be rounded up and dealt with.

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Common sense says the best solution is to side with Assad and bring the civil war to a quick end. The EU could make it a condition that the Kurds are given a respectable amount of aurtonomy.

You think that Assad is going to agree to give the Kurds a 'respectable' amount of autonomy? You think that Iraq, Iran and Turkey are going to go along with this plan?

The reason that situations like this exist is because dictatorial powers do not allow for a 'respectable' amount of anything, certainly not things like autonomy or freedom.

It's a nice thought, though.

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Finally. Working together instead of finger pointing and isolated (understandable) desperate measures. Maybe, after all Europe is not lost.

It's lost.

And now imagine that next year everything is under control. Just imagine it. With all these "the world is coming to an end"-predictions, wouldn't that be terrible?

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