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Support for U.S. Tea Party drops to new low in lead-up to 2016 elections: Gallup


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Support for U.S. Tea Party drops to new low in lead-up to 2016 elections: Gallup

WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- Americans' support for the Tea Party has plummeted to a mere 17 percent, its lowest point ever, from a high of 32 percent in 2010, a Gallup poll released Monday found.

The Tea Party emerged on the U.S. political scene in 2009, grabbing international headlines in opposition to the fledgling administration of U.S. President Barack Obama.

The Tea Party is not a national political party, and most of its members consider themselves to be Republicans. They call for reducing national debt and budget deficit by slashing government spending and lowering taxes.

Support for the Tea Party peaked at 32 percent in November 2010, just after the mid-term elections, in which Tea Party supporters were widely credited with helping the Republican Party gain control of the U.S. House of Representatives, Gallup found.

Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-10/27/c_134752419.htm

-- Xinhua 2015-10-27

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I support them. What's not to like? Reduce debt, slash spending, lower taxes!

What's not to like?

Off the top of my head

1) They have turned the US congress into a complete cluster&^k where virtually nothing gets done, by refusing to compromise even a little with other elected officials who do not share their fundamentalist views

2) They have brought the US government to the brink of defaulting on its debt a couple of times now, actions which have cost the US taxpayer billions of dollars, and have cut a couple of percentage points off economic growth rates. They have done this apparently because they are too stupid to understand that the debt ceiling has nothing to do with future spending decisions, it simply allows the government to pay for past spending decisions. As someone who worked hard to accumulate a decent retirement fund for myself, I am getting sick and tired of these morons putting it all at risk by threatening to tank the global economy out of pure ignorance.

How's that for a couple of things not to like?

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I support them. What's not to like? Reduce debt, slash spending, lower taxes!

What's not to like?

Off the top of my head

1) They have turned the US congress into a complete cluster&^k where virtually nothing gets done, by refusing to compromise even a little with other elected officials who do not share their fundamentalist views

2) They have brought the US government to the brink of defaulting on its debt a couple of times now, actions which have cost the US taxpayer billions of dollars, and have cut a couple of percentage points off economic growth rates. They have done this apparently because they are too stupid to understand that the debt ceiling has nothing to do with future spending decisions, it simply allows the government to pay for past spending decisions. As someone who worked hard to accumulate a decent retirement fund for myself, I am getting sick and tired of these morons putting it all at risk by threatening to tank the global economy out of pure ignorance.

How's that for a couple of things not to like?


1) You think a small minority of representatives can screw up Congress? Without them Congress would be great? That's a stretch.

So, they should express an opinion shared by a fifth of the country, at least? Isn't fundamentalism relative?

2) I think your statement questionable. You prefer to pile up debt for your children to unfairly fund your retirement? How selfish. You don't think the debt ceiling has anything to do with future spending? I think it does, as if you don't raise it they don't have any money for future spending, but perhaps you are an intellectual economist.

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The majority of Tea Party members are out supporting Trump or Cruz or even Carson Remember the Tea Party is not one entity ... it is many separate groups and their orientation varies somewhat. The Tea Party is a true Grass Roots organizations - or series of organizations. They cannot be pigeon holed into one homogeneous political organization.

I laugh when so call 'polls' are taken and pundits make remarks on those polls at this premature time in a President Election run up... Those who dislike Conservatives are going to slant the views in the hopes of sowing the seeds of doubt and even dissension among the voters. The general Tea Party concept is that of a Conservative - Principled Constitutional Conservationism...

Brought about by Trump there has been a Populist Uprising in America and the Populist and Conservatives are running away with public opinion. Trump is not a true conservative - but he does subscribe to love of country and to gutting political correctness which clouds the real issues America faces. Conservatives by the tens of millions support Trump, Cruz and Carson. Trump will win after the Primary Elections are over ... and the huge number of aroused Conservative and right leaning moderates and even some total middle of the road folks - plus a number of Democrats - will vote for Trump. It is highly possible that Trump with the Tea Party inspired Conservatives will run the table on all 50 states.

Then the God Awful Obama Era will be done ...

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I support them. What's not to like? Reduce debt, slash spending, lower taxes!

Sure. Lower taxes for the very wealthy, higher taxes for the middle class. Reduce government spending on R&D and social services, increase military spending. It tool a while but We the People began to read the fine print.

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Some people did very well by this Tea Party stuff.

Glen Beck made a fortune. So did FN. And then there are all those "take our country back" websites that require subscriptions to access. Sarah Palin made some serious bank as well. And all those ridiculous books by people who appear on FN.

I think that, as a movement, people took it to be what they wanted it to be. But it was a farce at its origins, and its founder, Dick Armey, did so at the behest of big biz/big money. So much for a grassroots uprising. There would be town hall meetings of ordinary working folks, and they were demanding reductions of corporate taxes -- what the hell?

I remember at one meeting there was this old codger making an impassioned speech about how he is dead against socialized medicine. When asked if he would give up his Medicare card (for those who don't know, Medicare is a gov't health care program for people over 65, has been around a long time) he shouted "You can't do that! That is my right!" Their stuff usually doesn't make sense if you think about what you heard for ten seconds.

But I think the real genesis of the movement was the bully-boys who forcefully demanded that ballot counting stop in Florida during the 2000 election fiasco.

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$18,422,792,500,500 and growing.


Since 1960 the US debt was increased on average by:

Republicans 85% each.

Democrats 29% each.

Ronald Reagan was the king of running up the debt 186%

GW Bush comes in 2nd 101%

Now you know.

Hilarious made-up statistic. The growth in debt is driven by unfunded entitlements enacted by Democrats. Republicans (RINOs) also create debt, because they are in coalition with the corporations (as are Democrat politicians) that fund their campaigns, That is why when politicians reach Washington they become exactly the same, supporting endless war and using workers money to buy the votes of non-working voters.

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No the statistics I posted are rock solid. Google it.

Here it is in a nutshell:

Republicans increase the national debt more than Democrats do, and contrary to popular belief, Democratic Presidents are more fiscally responsible than Republican Presidents.

Edited by RidgeRunner
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No the statistics I posted are rock solid. Google it.

Here it is in a nutshell:

Republicans increase the national debt more than Democrats do, and contrary to popular belief, Democratic Presidents are more fiscally responsible than Republican Presidents.

Okay. Google to the rescue. Here is one from the famously conservative New York Times: http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/01/16/what-is-driving-growth-in-government-spending/?_r=0

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The majority of Tea Party members are out supporting Trump or Cruz or even Carson Remember the Tea Party is not one entity ... it is many separate groups and their orientation varies somewhat. The Tea Party is a true Grass Roots organizations - or series of organizations. They cannot be pigeon holed into one homogeneous political organization.

I laugh when so call 'polls' are taken and pundits make remarks on those polls at this premature time in a President Election run up... Those who dislike Conservatives are going to slant the views in the hopes of sowing the seeds of doubt and even dissension among the voters. The general Tea Party concept is that of a Conservative - Principled Constitutional Conservationism...

Brought about by Trump there has been a Populist Uprising in America and the Populist and Conservatives are running away with public opinion. Trump is not a true conservative - but he does subscribe to love of country and to gutting political correctness which clouds the real issues America faces. Conservatives by the tens of millions support Trump, Cruz and Carson. Trump will win after the Primary Elections are over ... and the huge number of aroused Conservative and right leaning moderates and even some total middle of the road folks - plus a number of Democrats - will vote for Trump. It is highly possible that Trump with the Tea Party inspired Conservatives will run the table on all 50 states.

Then the God Awful Obama Era will be done ...

The sound and fury around the hate filled crazies living in outer Wingnuttia.

Two points from the above:

1. "it is many separate groups and their orientation varies somewhat." What they do have in common is that they are all bat shit, tin foil hat wearing, %$#*@%^ nuts.

2. "It is highly possible that Trump with the Tea Party inspired Conservatives will run the table on all 50 states." What dimension of reality are you speaking from? Ben Carson happens to be up today, so it's difficult to call the race at this point on the GOP side, except to say if either of these tools win the nomination, it will be the worst defeat in American history. It will be end of the Republican party. After the bloodbath the idiots will go more extreme right, thinking we didn't go far enough this time. facepalm.gif

It is delusional to believe the Republicans have a prayer in the next election with any of these candidates. Absolutely delusional. Current leaders of the pack, Trump and Carson are two of the worst candidates in the history of America. Pray one of the other idiots somehow can take the nomination and at least make it a bad beating instead of either of these two jokers making it a slaughter.

The pathetic Republican party has no credibility that they are capable of governing.

Trump and Carson cheesy.gif Oh my Buddha.

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The majority of Tea Party members are out supporting Trump or Cruz or even Carson Remember the Tea Party is not one entity ... it is many separate groups and their orientation varies somewhat. The Tea Party is a true Grass Roots organizations - or series of organizations. They cannot be pigeon holed into one homogeneous political organization.

I laugh when so call 'polls' are taken and pundits make remarks on those polls at this premature time in a President Election run up... Those who dislike Conservatives are going to slant the views in the hopes of sowing the seeds of doubt and even dissension among the voters. The general Tea Party concept is that of a Conservative - Principled Constitutional Conservationism...

Brought about by Trump there has been a Populist Uprising in America and the Populist and Conservatives are running away with public opinion. Trump is not a true conservative - but he does subscribe to love of country and to gutting political correctness which clouds the real issues America faces. Conservatives by the tens of millions support Trump, Cruz and Carson. Trump will win after the Primary Elections are over ... and the huge number of aroused Conservative and right leaning moderates and even some total middle of the road folks - plus a number of Democrats - will vote for Trump. It is highly possible that Trump with the Tea Party inspired Conservatives will run the table on all 50 states.

Then the God Awful Obama Era will be done ...

The sound and fury around the hate filled crazies living in outer Wingnuttia.

Two points from the above:

1. "it is many separate groups and their orientation varies somewhat." What they do have in common is that they are all bat shit, tin foil hat wearing, %$#*@%^ nuts.

2. "It is highly possible that Trump with the Tea Party inspired Conservatives will run the table on all 50 states." What dimension of reality are you speaking from? Ben Carson happens to be up today, so it's difficult to call the race at this point on the GOP side, except to say if either of these tools win the nomination, it will be the worst defeat in American history. It will be end of the Republican party. After the bloodbath the idiots will go more extreme right, thinking we didn't go far enough this time. facepalm.gif

It is delusional to believe the Republicans have a prayer in the next election with any of these candidates. Absolutely delusional. Current leaders of the pack, Trump and Carson are two of the worst candidates in the history of America. Pray one of the other idiots somehow can take the nomination and at least make it a bad beating instead of either of these two jokers making it a slaughter.

The pathetic Republican party has no credibility that they are capable of governing.

Trump and Carson cheesy.gif Oh my Buddha.

John Kasich paired with Fiorina might be their best shot. I would not call THEM idiots.

Where is John Huntsman this year?

He seemed to be the most reasonable contender last time around although FOX blackballed him when he sided with the scientists on global warming and evolution.

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Where is John Huntsman this year?

He seemed to be the most reasonable contender last time around although FOX blackballed him when he sided with the scientists on global warming and evolution.

He was smart enough to figure out this bloodsport was not for him in 2012.

I think Kasich is the real best bet for the GOP, the rest are either clowns or no-chancers. If Trump succeeds in getting Jeb out of the race I'll never say anything bad about him again. VPs aren't necessarily picked from pool of candidates, and Fiorina as VP would be the real Selena Meyer. Lots of chatter about Nickey Haley.

Edited by bendejo
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