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Thai police submit shrine bomb report with military court


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Police submit shrine bomb report with military court
Jitraporn Senawong
The Nation


Raft of charges prepared against jailed duo as hunt on for remaining suspects

BANGKOK: -- THE OFFICIAL report into the August 17 Erawan Shrine bombing, which also encompasses the Sathorn Pier bombing the following day, has been submitted to the chief military prosecutor by Pol Lt-General Srivara Rangsibrahmanakul, acting deputy police chief.

Srivara along with police officers from four precincts - Lumpini, Yannawa, Nong Chok and Min Buri - handed over the case report in 40 files comprising almost 10,000 pages to chief military prosecutor Maj-General Wittaya Poungpan-ngam.

Pol Maj-General Chayapol Chatchaidech, chief of the Metropolitan Police Bureau's Division 6, had earlier said that police would charge Yusufu Mierili and Bilan Muhammad with conspiracy to commit premeditated murders, conspiracy to commit attempted murders and conspiracy to manufacture explosives that killed and seriously wounded others.

The duo also face charges of conspiracy to cause property damage, conspiracy to posses unauthorised explosives, conspiracy to carry explosives to a public place without a sound reason, and conspiracy to possess weapons without permission.

The pair are being detained at the temporary detention facility at the 11th Army Circle's Infantry Battalion in Bangkok.

Srivara said the court would be asked to allow a sixth detention period for Muhammad and a fifth for Mierili on October 30.

He said Muhammad's nationality had not yet been confirmed.

He said additional charges, such as terrorism, had yet to be filed against the suspects. He said the chief military prosecutor also instructed that the same interpreter who had been used all along be used going forward. Police are in the process of hunting down the other suspects in the case, Srivara said.

Investigators issued arrest warrants for 17 suspects, including Mierili and Muhammad. Among them was Abudustar Abdulrahman, or Izan, who fled the country one day after the shrine bombing and was considered the mastermind behind the attack.

The shrine bombing killed 20 people and injured more than 100 others. The pier bombing occurred on August 18 and caused no injuries.

Muhammad was arrested at an apartment in the Nong Chok area of Bangkok on August 29, and Mierili was arrested in early September near the Thai-Cambodian border in Sa Kaew province.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Police-submit-shrine-bomb-report-with-military-cou-30271738.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-28

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To the casual observer it would seem the RTP have done an awful lot of work in their preparation of the case report – wow, 40 files comprising almost 10,000 pages!

An awful lot of work, but only 2 suspects in custody out of a possible 17 (by their estimate). Though, we are told that police are in the process of hunting down the other suspects in the case.

So, of the awful lot of work they have done (in this case), it would be fair to say the RTP have done a lot of awful work!

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The RTP deserves another reward. whistling.gif

EDIT: I am being facetious, for those of you might think I'm being serious.

I am being facetious, for those of you might think I'm being serious.

Everyone understood you were ThaiVisacetious.whistling.gif

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Good work RTP! You have your culprits, not terrorism, case closed. Let tourism flourish.

What? You think there might still be some real suspects on the loose?

You mean that "Aod" character that Somyot fabricated so that he could take his retirement, claiming that he solved the last 3 bombing incidents in Bangkok?

Or, ISIL, and its operatives in Thailand, who delivered and distributed about 50,000 fake Turkish passports to smuggled Uighurs in Thailand so that they could travel on to Turkey and then fight for ISIL?

Or, the uncountable immigration and RTP officers who received payments to look the other way or provide protection for ISIL so that they could operate a smuggling ring inside Thailand?

Or, the immigration officers on the Cambodian border who accepted bribes in exchange for allowing Uighurs to enter Thailand without a passport?

Or Izan, perhaps the mastermind of the Thai operation, who quickly was able to flee to Syria and under the protection of ISIL, while your boys handed out rewards like it was candy for pinning the bombing on two smuggled Uighurs who happened to be staying in the apartments where the bombs had been constructed?

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The RTP deserves another reward. whistling.gif

EDIT: I am being facetious, for those of you might think I'm being serious.

ehhhh.... what's up with the coppers smiles ? they look like a couple of rats that just found a block of welfare cheese ......................

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The RTP deserves another reward. whistling.gif

EDIT: I am being facetious, for those of you might think I'm being serious.

They sure have that "give me another reward" look on their faces. Lets round up the rest of the perps and not sit on our laurels. There has been little new news in the last month or so. Guess they are waiting for a remuneration kickstart. The back slapping financial payout part is over for now lets get down to some real police work.

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am I reading this wrong

They are being charged with conspiracy?

Not the placement and detonation?

They are considering the T word charge but that would make the other T look in a bad light and scare the T's away. They kind of look like their T's are in a wringer. Stay T

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At least this hasn't been declared as yet another 'perfect' investigation. Hopefully, they've used better creative fiction writers than they employed for the Koh Tao murders prosecution.

Military court.. Doubt we will ever hear anything..

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Why can Thai police do there job without receiving reward money. They are paid to do there job but since new PM they get reward money. They did there job why reward? Why do they get paid when they beet false confessions from people?

Edited by Nobb
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