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US: Arrest of girl who texted in class prompts civil rights case


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And the ACLU and NAACP are correct, as usual. ACLU, CCR and National Lawyers Guild has been in my corner more than once and we always won, eventually, even if one case had to go to the Supreme Court, it was then. Ah, so it was her attitude that brought on the abuse by the cop. Time for a little "attitude adjustment". Yea I bet that really helped. Had I ever done something anywhere near like that I would have been fired withing 24 hours and rightly so. America is a surveillance/police state, the cops are militarized and act like they are an occupying army, and has a school to prison pipeline. Perhaps some of the sheeple are starting to realize they can stand on their hind feet. Question authority.

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And the ACLU and NAACP are correct, as usual. ACLU, CCR and National Lawyers Guild has been in my corner more than once and we always won, eventually, even if one case had to go to the Supreme Court, it was then. Ah, so it was her attitude that brought on the abuse by the cop. Time for a little "attitude adjustment". Yea I bet that really helped. Had I ever done something anywhere near like that I would have been fired withing 24 hours and rightly so. America is a surveillance/police state, the cops are militarized and act like they are an occupying army, and has a school to prison pipeline. Perhaps some of the sheeple are starting to realize they can stand on their hind feet. Question authority.

" Ah, so it was her attitude that brought on the abuse by the cop."

Her attitude certainly didn't help the situation. It seems she refused requests to surrender her cell phone by her teacher, a school administrator and a school security officer.

Since requesting her cooperation failed to get the desired result, what would you have done in the exact same situation.

Resort to begging?

Personally, I would have dragged her chair, with her in it, out into the hall and walked off, leaving her sitting in the middle of the hall. I would then have called her parents and told them she was suspended from school for three days and was not permitted to bring an electronic device to school for the remainder of the school year.

If she violated that edict, she would be permanently suspended from Spring Valley High School...end of story.

Come and get her.

The security officer overreacted, as I have said several times before. He has suffered the consequences of his actions by being fired.

All she has received are commiserations from a bunch of bleeding heart liberals.

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And the ACLU and NAACP are correct, as usual. ACLU, CCR and National Lawyers Guild has been in my corner more than once and we always won, eventually, even if one case had to go to the Supreme Court, it was then. Ah, so it was her attitude that brought on the abuse by the cop. Time for a little "attitude adjustment". Yea I bet that really helped. Had I ever done something anywhere near like that I would have been fired withing 24 hours and rightly so. America is a surveillance/police state, the cops are militarized and act like they are an occupying army, and has a school to prison pipeline. Perhaps some of the sheeple are starting to realize they can stand on their hind feet. Question authority.

" Ah, so it was her attitude that brought on the abuse by the cop."

Her attitude certainly didn't help the situation. It seems she refused requests to surrender her cell phone by her teacher, a school administrator and a school security officer.

Since requesting her cooperation failed to get the desired result, what would you have done in the exact same situation.

Resort to begging?

Personally, I would have dragged her chair, with her in it, out into the hall and walked off, leaving her sitting in the middle of the hall. I would then have called her parents and told them she was suspended from school for three days and was not permitted to bring an electronic device to school for the remainder of the school year.

If she violated that edict, she would be permanently suspended from Spring Valley High School...end of story.

Come and get her.

The security officer overreacted, as I have said several times before. He has suffered the consequences of his actions by being fired.

All she has received are commiserations from a bunch of bleeding heart liberals.

Well Chuck, I liked your story of how you bullied one of your employees because his wife was not suitably respectful to you better than your fantasy about beating up on teenage girls. What would be the effect of your Taliban approach to behaviour modification? Short term success - yes, if you define success as proving your manhood by such actions. It is interesting that you view any action that does not involve violence and 'fiats' - your word - are symptomatic of 'bleeding heart liberals'.

I know from experience that your tough guy approach to interpersonal communications only works if you are respected and with that respect comes Authority. Otherwise you are merely a dick.

One small point of correction. I believe the police officer was employed by or assigned to the school (I do not know the contractual details) as a School Resource Officer and that his duties did not or primarily did not involve enforcement. As I understand from the police supervisor's interview on CNN, a School Resource Office is responsible for educational programs. Referring to that officer as a Security Officer, may be misleading.

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While I can agree with much of your solution, let me point out to you, I'm no bleeding heart liberal, no "smoke, love, and good vibes" dude, never have been and never will be. I am an intelligent, thinking person with more than one working brain cell. In fact I am a left wing radical militant with good reason. You've already read most of my "resume" in other threads where I was questioned, if you want to spend the time, do some searching and also read Nancy Saunders' book "Combat By Trial", (confession, she allowed me to edit a lot of myself out). If that young girl ever finishes school now I will be surprised. And, if she didn't already hate cops, but doesn't really hate now I will be doubly surprised. Cops don't belong in classrooms. Question authority.

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And the ACLU and NAACP are correct, as usual. ACLU, CCR and National Lawyers Guild has been in my corner more than once and we always won, eventually, even if one case had to go to the Supreme Court, it was then. Ah, so it was her attitude that brought on the abuse by the cop. Time for a little "attitude adjustment". Yea I bet that really helped. Had I ever done something anywhere near like that I would have been fired withing 24 hours and rightly so. America is a surveillance/police state, the cops are militarized and act like they are an occupying army, and has a school to prison pipeline. Perhaps some of the sheeple are starting to realize they can stand on their hind feet. Question authority.

" Ah, so it was her attitude that brought on the abuse by the cop."

Her attitude certainly didn't help the situation. It seems she refused requests to surrender her cell phone by her teacher, a school administrator and a school security officer.

Since requesting her cooperation failed to get the desired result, what would you have done in the exact same situation.

Resort to begging?

Personally, I would have dragged her chair, with her in it, out into the hall and walked off, leaving her sitting in the middle of the hall. I would then have called her parents and told them she was suspended from school for three days and was not permitted to bring an electronic device to school for the remainder of the school year.

If she violated that edict, she would be permanently suspended from Spring Valley High School...end of story.

Come and get her.

The security officer overreacted, as I have said several times before. He has suffered the consequences of his actions by being fired.

All she has received are commiserations from a bunch of bleeding heart liberals.

Well Chuck, I liked your story of how you bullied one of your employees because his wife was not suitably respectful to you better than your fantasy about beating up on teenage girls. What would be the effect of your Taliban approach to behaviour modification? Short term success - yes, if you define success as proving your manhood by such actions. It is interesting that you view any action that does not involve violence and 'fiats' - your word - are symptomatic of 'bleeding heart liberals'.

I know from experience that your tough guy approach to interpersonal communications only works if you are respected and with that respect comes Authority. Otherwise you are merely a dick.

One small point of correction. I believe the police officer was employed by or assigned to the school (I do not know the contractual details) as a School Resource Officer and that his duties did not or primarily did not involve enforcement. As I understand from the police supervisor's interview on CNN, a School Resource Office is responsible for educational programs. Referring to that officer as a Security Officer, may be misleading.

I am certainly pleased I was able to brighten your probably dismal day.

Having said that, your opinion of how i might have chosen to handle a particular employee situation in a closed society such as Saudi Arabia means squat to the conversation. I took care of it without having to "prove my manhood" at all. I had a quiet discussion with the employee informing him what the consequences would be if his wife repeated her actions and the situation was resolved during the remaining few years of our working relationship. Perhaps you have never been in a management position so I can understand your angst.

The security officer was indeed an employee of the Richland County Sheriff's Department as a Senior Deputy. He was assigned to the High School as a part of his law enforcement duties.

From the OP..."Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott suspended Senior Deputy Ben Fields without pay..."

In conclusion permit me to make the following comment. You make this claim:

"It is interesting that you view any action that does not involve violence and 'fiats' - your word - are symptomatic of 'bleeding heart liberals'."

One minor correction on my part. I never used the word "fiats" in my post.

Since sgtsabai claims agreement with "much" of my solution, please tell me what an apparent bleeding heart liberal would have done to resolve the situation.

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And the ACLU and NAACP are correct, as usual. ACLU, CCR and National Lawyers Guild has been in my corner more than once and we always won, eventually, even if one case had to go to the Supreme Court, it was then. Ah, so it was her attitude that brought on the abuse by the cop. Time for a little "attitude adjustment". Yea I bet that really helped. Had I ever done something anywhere near like that I would have been fired withing 24 hours and rightly so. America is a surveillance/police state, the cops are militarized and act like they are an occupying army, and has a school to prison pipeline. Perhaps some of the sheeple are starting to realize they can stand on their hind feet. Question authority.

" Ah, so it was her attitude that brought on the abuse by the cop."

Her attitude certainly didn't help the situation. It seems she refused requests to surrender her cell phone by her teacher, a school administrator and a school security officer.

Since requesting her cooperation failed to get the desired result, what would you have done in the exact same situation.

Resort to begging?

Personally, I would have dragged her chair, with her in it, out into the hall and walked off, leaving her sitting in the middle of the hall. I would then have called her parents and told them she was suspended from school for three days and was not permitted to bring an electronic device to school for the remainder of the school year.

If she violated that edict, she would be permanently suspended from Spring Valley High School...end of story.

Come and get her.

The security officer overreacted, as I have said several times before. He has suffered the consequences of his actions by being fired.

All she has received are commiserations from a bunch of bleeding heart liberals.

Well Chuck, I liked your story of how you bullied one of your employees because his wife was not suitably respectful to you better than your fantasy about beating up on teenage girls. What would be the effect of your Taliban approach to behaviour modification? Short term success - yes, if you define success as proving your manhood by such actions. It is interesting that you view any action that does not involve violence and 'fiats' - your word - are symptomatic of 'bleeding heart liberals'.

I know from experience that your tough guy approach to interpersonal communications only works if you are respected and with that respect comes Authority. Otherwise you are merely a dick.

One small point of correction. I believe the police officer was employed by or assigned to the school (I do not know the contractual details) as a School Resource Officer and that his duties did not or primarily did not involve enforcement. As I understand from the police supervisor's interview on CNN, a School Resource Office is responsible for educational programs. Referring to that officer as a Security Officer, may be misleading.

I am certainly pleased I was able to brighten your probably dismal day.

Having said that, your opinion of how i might have chosen to handle a particular employee situation in a closed society such as Saudi Arabia means squat to the conversation. I took care of it without having to "prove my manhood" at all. I had a quiet discussion with the employee informing him what the consequences would be if his wife repeated her actions and the situation was resolved during the remaining few years of our working relationship. Perhaps you have never been in a management position so I can understand your angst.

The security officer was indeed an employee of the Richland County Sheriff's Department as a Senior Deputy. He was assigned to the High School as a part of his law enforcement duties.

From the OP..."Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott suspended Senior Deputy Ben Fields without pay..."

In conclusion permit me to make the following comment. You make this claim:

"It is interesting that you view any action that does not involve violence and 'fiats' - your word - are symptomatic of 'bleeding heart liberals'."

One minor correction on my part. I never used the word "fiats" in my post.

Since sgtsabai claims agreement with "much" of my solution, please tell me what an apparent bleeding heart liberal would have done to resolve the situation.

My apologies. You are correct and you did not use the word fiat. You used the word edict. One could, I guess discriminate between the two words on the basis of implied arbitrariness in the word fiat and I fully agree with you that the request/requirement to surrender the cell phone was backed by policy and necessary authority.

In your politicised world view though, the idea of non-confrontational methods are seen as soft, liberal and bleeding hearted. What would I have done? I would have de-escalated. I know that any personal information I give will be grist to your mill of trying to out me, but many lifetimes ago, I actually worked in a classroom and other parts of my state's educational bureaucracy. I had very few issues with classroom management but in a very small number of cases that you could count on one hand, there were difficulties connecting with 14 year old girls and red haired guys, actually only one. I learned from those mistakes that de-escalation is the most productive outcome. My prejudice against Math teachers aside, at least the Administrator should have been experienced enough to know this.

I won't push back at you on the role of police officers in schools in the US. I clearly do not support this and see it primarily as a systemic failure of educational institutions to evolve to meet the needs of children in current society. That would be a long, wide ranging and complex discussion fraught with ideological pitfalls.

I also will not bite at the morsel you dangle on management experience. I saw you using this trope in the other thread to put down another poster in your inimical style. Suffice to say that I have been a manager in both the public and private sector and it is not my thing. I had successes and failures and I have experienced good and bad managers. You equate your experience in a 'closed system' with the high school institutional context. I think your closed system is more akin to some cult like scientology or the Apple Corporation and your familiar energy multinationals rather then an institution designed for the structured development of children. My main issue with your anecdote is that you did not confront your antagonist directly and mis-used your position to resolve the problem. But that's an argument for another day.

Since this thread is starting to die and more red meat for the absolutists continues to emerge, then I guess we've almost beat'n this horse to death.

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More educational institution failures, just from today: http://jonathanturley.org/2015/11/05/first-grader-plays-a-power-ranger-with-imaginary-bow-and-arrow-ohio-school-suspends-him-for-three-days/ http://jonathanturley.org/2015/11/05/eighth-grader-in-florida-disciplined-for-giving-hug-to-friend-at-school/ . For those ready to pounce on Prof. Turley's very highly regarded Constitutional credentials, better think twice as he at times even works for the destroyers of America, the Republican Party. I have another more appropriate name for them but one person that sees his authority as that of a school crossing guard bully, or today's cop, takes exception to much of what I say. I hated dealing with juvies, for one it was a long way to he juvenile detention center in Santa Fe, over 2 hrs. and we only used pickup trucks, need a witness to ride along. That said, I would have done my best to deescalate until chuckd's solution or one very similar became the only one left. Ahem, by absolutists I have to believe you mean right wingers and it would be raw inedible meat, poisoned at its birth. Yes, the horse has been well tenderized, and nobody is going to change anybodies mind. I don't try to, just educate. As the old movie quote goes, right wingers "can't handle the truth".

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