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Urgent Co-owner Meeting 9 Karat Condo 31 October 2015


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An urgent co-owner meeting notice for all co-owners at 9 Karat Condo, has been posted on short notice. The meeting is Saturday 31 October 2015 at 1 pm. All co-owners are requested to attend or send their proxy to another co-owner, along with copies of their ID and Chanote. Co-owners must bring photo copies of their ID and Chanoote to the meeting in order to vote.

The purpose of the meeting is to elect a new Condo Manager and a new condo committee.

If you know of any co-owners please notify them immediately.

It should be a very eventful meeting!!


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Good luck with that. I know how appallingly devious and dishonest condo managers and management companies can be here, and co-owners for that matter.

Just one point: your meeting is not legal unless 7 days notice in writing was given to co-owners, along with an agenda (which can contain a line for "other business"). In practice if most co-owners are in favour of what you are doing then the lack of notice wont matter.

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Good luck with that. I know how appallingly devious and dishonest condo managers and management companies can be here, and co-owners for that matter.

Just one point: your meeting is not legal unless 7 days notice in writing was given to co-owners, along with an agenda (which can contain a line for "other business"). In practice if most co-owners are in favour of what you are doing then the lack of notice wont matter.

Every co-owner I know, except the Chinese guy, are in favour of new condo management and a new condo committee.

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I don't think the meeting is legal. Notice to all owners must be done by registered letter so condo can prove letters were sent to all owners. A log sheet generated at Post Office for all registered letters sent must be presented with other necessary forms to register manager and committee at land office. Land office required post office register letter log for our meeting held last July.

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I don't think the meeting is legal. Notice to all owners must be done by registered letter so condo can prove letters were sent to all owners. A log sheet generated at Post Office for all registered letters sent must be presented with other necessary forms to register manager and committee at land office. Land office required post office register letter log for our meeting held last July.

This information is correct. In my previous post I posted a link to The "New Condominium Act 2008" As I previously stated all the information you require is there.

As far as I can remember, without wading through the whole thing, The first AGM has to be called as stated above by ballbreaker. I think a quorum represents 25% of all co-owners, if lower than this, on that day, and not before, a second meeting is called, (again as stated by ballbreaker) allowing at least 15 days notice. At this second meeting a simple majority is required for the meeting to proceed.

Re the association dues, this is very difficult to increase, I think from memory you have to have a very high percentage of C/O. to vote in favor. The committee or juristic person has no power over this. The C.A, is lacking simple common sense here, as many condos have not seen an increase in years ! I think once a condo has somehow established the correct Association due rate, the law should be changed to allow the rate to be raised in line with inflation.

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