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Red shirts go to ground after Article 44 used


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I think their could quite easily be a civil war, I think both leaders know it. Its an all or nothing situation for both of them , If the reds were allowed to gather it could quite easily get out of control army kill another 100 odd and round we go again breeding more hatred, Very important what happens to yingluck because the boot could be on the other foot in the not so distant future. She's basically a hostage being used to keep her brother under control or out of mischief or meddling, recon there is a bit of tit for Tat , the red shirts didn't rise to the bait and give The junta a propaganda victory, Im happy for the posters who enjoy suppressing peoples political beliefs , I notice one of them stated in so many words that Hitler was a Friend of the UK and for the historical expert Russia had an alliance with the Nazis and split up Poland with them , Europe surrendered and we fought on if we hadn't the US wouldn't have joined in and Hitler would have defeated and occupied most of Russia, so stop watching the History channel and read a book or 2

Edited by This Thing of Darkness
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Thaksin shows support for Yingluck on social media


BANGKOK: -- Redshirt supporters did not show up at public gatherings in red clothes yesterday to give moral support to former premier Yingluck Shinawatra but their leaders merely posted photos on social media wearing red to show symbolic support for her.

Posted on Instagram Thaksinlive wearing red T-shirt was the fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Thaksin was first to post photos in red T shirt on Instagram Thaksinlive at 10.45 am Sunday, and was widely shared on the social media.

Thaksin said “Today is Sunday and I am wearing red T shirt to give moral support for democracy lovers and those seeking for justice.”

But he said his red T shirt has yellow colour on the heart logo as he wanted to see reconciliation in the country which he loves and worries.

He said he dressed in red today with reasons that it was a fashion trend, it was Sunday, he has many red shirts, shared the same thought that redshirt people wishing to see justice and democracy returned to the country as soon as possible.

Thaksin also suggested the simplest way to win the heart of redshirt people without resorting to gun or law is to just using “justice of heart and principle of clemency.”

He didn’t elaborate but said this would easily help to win the heart of the redshirts without having to waste budget and so much time.

Following Thaksin’s post on Instagram, leading figures of the Pheu Thai part followed suit posting selfies of them in red colour shirts on Facebook as a show of support to Ms Yingluck.

It is also a symbolic demand of justice for her over the rice pledging scheme in which the Finance Ministry was considering to demand enormous compensation from her for inflicting over 500 billion baht damages to the state.

They included former deputy prime minister Kittirat Na Ranong, former energy minister Pichai Naripthaphan, deputy finance minister Thanusak Lek-uthai, former party-list MP Ms Kattiya Sawasdipol.

But most photos were taken at homes and posted on the social media to avoid defying the order of the military junta’s public gathering ban.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/thaksin-shows-support-for-yingluck-on-social-media


-- Thai PBS 2015-11-02

He got only 3463 likes. Khun Thaksin is it downhill from here?

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Civil war. And then what? After destroying the country,these poor puppets will go back to living there dogshit lives. Maybe with a few dead relatives to bury. What for?

Are you drunk,Did I say they should have one ? , So they have "Dog shit lives " do they ? , Just shows your contempt for the ordinary Thai people. Perhaps they want freedom like most people with "Dog shit lives" So your life is wonderful in comparison ? doesn't sound like it with that massive chip on your shoulder

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No im not drunk . I rarely drink. I didnt say you did say this or that.

As for feedom. Freedom from what? Who is opressing them? They are just puppets of yingluck and taksin.If they do have a civil war, i guarantee they wont be any better off.

As for dogshit lives. Well if they are so happy with there lives , why are they fighting? Are they fighting bacause they think there lives are so fantastic. I doubt it. I feel sorry for them being used by the elites on the redskirts side. I have very good friends from all over thailand. Have mixed with super rich and very poor. So i can assure you i have no need to have a chip on my shoulder as i and my wife can return to oz ,still haveing a great lifestyle. I just feel sorry for people who dont have that choice. It frustrates me. Wish i could just wake them up

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And the Brits would be speaking German if it was not for the Russians ans Americans. (Naming the Brits first while in reality the other powers did far more).

I don't frighten easy, I just don't like people getting killed during street protests.

You guys with your remarks about how bad it will get.. sounds more like wishful thinking for some of you. It is as if some of you wish for a civil war.

Phutoie's comment was a typical nasty attack by a Pheu-Thai supporter with no relevance to any argument which made any sense. These pathetic, racist comments are the last resort of the witless.

But don't forget Hitler never really had any chance to invade the UK. He actually admired Britain and hoped they would make peace which some say is why he let so many escape at Dunkirk. We held out on our own for years before the USA joined in.

I wonder if the lunatics thinking their communist revolution is just around the corner are starting to cotton on to the real world yet. The best you are going to manage guys is to become an underground terrorist group. How proud that will make your mothers. Go read up (or get someone to read it out to you) on the other communist Asian countries and compare them to South Korea. I think most Thais know which direction they want to go.

John, what's the reason behind your ramblings about communism? Do the Shins look like communists to you? Does resistance towards an unelected junta make people communists? This is exactly why I tell you not to call other people stupid, John. Please pay attention this time!

Mr MZurf,

It is as clear as day that red-shirts do not stand for democracy. They stand for taking the money from those that have it and giving it to them. That's why the Shins are so popular : the red-shirts want Thaksin to get rid of those 'Bangkok Elite' and make them all rich. When he said how easy it is to win the hearts of red-shirts, this is exactly what he means - and exactly what he did (under advice from a foreign PR company of course).

Hiding behind 'unelected junta' is opportunism on your part : red-shirts violently oppose ANYONE who is stopping them getting what they want. Suggesting the current situation warrants a 'peoples uprising' is simply ridiculous. Thailand is better now than it ever was under Pheu-Thai and as much as you hate the prospect, Prayuth will certainly return the country to something a bit closer to democracy. The only issue is the timescale because a certain event is not far around the corner and I'm sure the aforementioned bogeyman will be thinking how he can exploit that power vacuum.

All of your talk about losing your rights is more opportunism. What rights have you lost ?. The right to carry M79's and murder any opposition ?. The right to move freely while you do it with the help of the police ?. The right to put mobs anywhere someone does something your leaders don't like ?. The only right you have lost is the one to incite violence. Virtually all of your predictions about the Junta have failed to come true : the only people 'missing' are those criminal who fled abroad. The worst part though is the level of hypocrisy I see. Every time your argument or prediction is clearly false, you simply make up another one. It's been going on like this since the coup and not a single one has turned out to be true.

What the rice scheme has failed to teach you is that communism does not work. Other peoples money soon runs out and you will find some people will always be more equal than others. Even if your 'uprising' was successful, what do you think your end-goal is ?. Thaksin back and all other parties removed ?. A massively corrupt megalomaniac with total power who freely murders those in his way ... now where have I seen that before ?. Ah yes, North Korea.

I was in the UK consulate getting a visa a couple months back and was chatting to the guy. I told him how Thailand seems better under the Junta. He told me that everybody else he talked to agrees with that sentiment. Corruption was a total free-for-all under Pheu-Thai. I know you people just ignore anything which doesn't suit your cause, but you should take a bit of time and wonder whether you are on the side of right or wrong. Or worse, ask yourself if you even care.

One final thing to remember : in your utopia, just remember that once the money from other people has all been stolen, nobody will be earning more to take. You will be much worse off than you are now and those people who try to protest will get the same treatment Pheu-Thai gave their opposition, but this time it will be unrestricted and there will be no Army to stop it.

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English john. Not to mention the 15billion bart borrowed from imf to buy rubber from the rubber farmers at 100 bart per kilo. Only rubber bought was from politicians farms. Then there was a mysterious fire and all was lost. Amazing eh. No known ammount of rubber in the shed. Shock horror. Never ever had a fire before in the main rubber storage area of the south untill then . Amazing hu. Helloooooo

Oh yes and then when the southern rubber farmers held a protest walk from chumpon to parliment in bangkok. The leader of the protest was arrested and jailed for about 2 weeks. Helllooooooo

Edited by cobbler
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..................."Understandable he frightens easily, he is from a part of Europe that would be still licking out German dustbins if it wasn't for the Brits and others."..................

I bet robblok is still laughing at that off topic jibe ! clap2.gif

I was amazed.. but hey the guy does have a picture of a bridge too far in his AV.

If we have to recount history, I believe the Dutch burned the entire English fleet in their own harbor. One of the worst defeats ever of the British navy.


But hell I have no idea why people feel so proud about things other people who were of the same nationality did. I personally only take credit for things I do myself. Guess if you haven't done much with your life you have to be proud for the achievements of others.

His bridge picture is from the "Bridge on the River Kwai. Lot of Dutch died working on that.

A "Bridge too far" was Arnhem - were several thousand British, Poles and allied troops gave their lives trying to free Netherlands from the Nazis. Until the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor and Hitler declared war on US, Europe's only hope was Britain. The Russians were happy to be allied to the Nazis until Hitler turned on them.

Defending Europe's freedom, in two world wars cost Britain high in terms of lives, it's position in the world order, it's economy and future. How quick continental Europe is to forget.

There are one or two posters now, Shin fans, who like to post that civil war, a red uprising, restoring the Shins back to power is gonna happen anytime soon. Hopefully, it has about as much reality as Thaksin returning to do his time or Yingluck telling the truth and presenting facts in court. Not going to happen

I wanted to correct that it was indeed the river Kwai, seen that movie seen many WW2 movies. It been a while.

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"If this goes on long enough the people might start to think differently about street protests. "

If this goes on long enough the street protests you found so frightening will seem like a minor inconvenience.

its all about No 1 with Robbo, he can get to work now, no nasty red shirts in his way. All down to the coup and military running the show. Understandable he frightens easily, he is from a part of Europe that would be still licking out German dustbins if it wasn't for the Brits and others.


And the Brits would be speaking German if it was not for the Russians ans Americans. (Naming the Brits first while in reality the other powers did far more).

I don't frighten easy, I just don't like people getting killed during street protests.

You guys with your remarks about how bad it will get.. sounds more like wishful thinking for some of you. It is as if some of you wish for a civil war.

Phutoie's comment was a typical nasty attack by a Pheu-Thai supporter with no relevance to any argument which made any sense. These pathetic, racist comments are the last resort of the witless.

But don't forget Hitler never really had any chance to invade the UK. He actually admired Britain and hoped they would make peace which some say is why he let so many escape at Dunkirk. We held out on our own for years before the USA joined in.

I wonder if the lunatics thinking their communist revolution is just around the corner are starting to cotton on to the real world yet. The best you are going to manage guys is to become an underground terrorist group. How proud that will make your mothers. Go read up (or get someone to read it out to you) on the other communist Asian countries and compare them to South Korea. I think most Thais know which direction they want to go.

As usual a thread about Thailand being used by some to peddle or even re-peddle their pet nonsense historical theories and what have we got here? The Mr Friendly Hitler kindly allowing the Dunkirk evacuation. In addition the UK being on its own until the US formally entered the war, again not true. As for TV Reds supporters thinking that theirs is some type of left-wing liberation struggle, well it ain't so and neither is the accusation that Thaksin and his shirts are in any way going in that direction.

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Its all about who's in power in the event of any major upheaval..... The military who put in Prayuth have pole position there......... What happens after that is anyone's guess.

This was not the same as any previous coup.....

Edited by Loeilad
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