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Missing Mail And Delays


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I have a question to find out if I am the only one here who has problems receiving mail from abroad.

Have any of you who receive mail on a regular basis from abroad noticed any delays? Or even mail missing.

Waiting for 2 packages and 1 letter to arrive from Europe. All sent out on Sept 22, 2006 by express airmail. Not registerd. Never had any problems with delays. First I thought that it might have been the Hotel who just didn't forward my mail, however after visiting them I know now that they aren't the reason. So I thought that the reasons might have ben the new airport.

Normally it never takes longer than 4 days to arrive. Its been now well over 9 Days.

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I have a question to find out if I am the only one here who has problems receiving mail from abroad.

Have any of you who receive mail on a regular basis from abroad noticed any delays? Or even mail missing.

Waiting for 2 packages and 1 letter to arrive from Europe. All sent out on Sept 22, 2006 by express airmail. Not registerd. Never had any problems with delays. First I thought that it might have been the Hotel who just didn't forward my mail, however after visiting them I know now that they aren't the reason. So I thought that the reasons might have ben the new airport.

Normally it never takes longer than 4 days to arrive. Its been now well over 9 Days.

Where do you live?

Normally mail is okay last week I had mail from UK took 5 days, however I am waiting for DVD's from USA they are taking ages.

I have had mail not arrive on odd ocassions but not very often. I live in a village 14k from the main town and the postie is pretty good, he will even take mail and post it if I am not going to town. Whether the New Airport is a contributory factor or not reamins to be seen unless the mail is classed as cargo then it could still be going into Don Muang.


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I am living in Bangkok. Mail is coming from Holland. Am receiving mail on time for over the past 6 years. But just now it hasn't.

But looking at the comment on another post in "gerneral topics" its starting to make sence.

So, I will play it by ear for now.

Thanks for your reply.

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I sent my wife (in Korat) a USPS Global Priority envelope (with a document inside) on Sept 5. She never got it.

Prior to that, I never had trouble sending her letters using the same type of service.

(Btw, USPS = US Postal Service)

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25 km from Surin town the mail from UK typically takes two weeks to arrive. One week to Thailand and one week to Surin.

Mail posted on July and August from the UK Pensions "service" still hasn't arrived.

I think it might be better to revert to sending by boat. Singapore to UK is only 3 weeks.

Roger in Surin

Edited by raslin
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Outgoing seems to be via new airport. I just sent an EMS to UK more than 10 days ago, and just arrived today. Seemed stuck at new airport for a week. (According to the EMS track and trace.)

I sent an EMS to the same place in London a few months ago, and arrived in 4 days no problem. In the past, have received mail from Japan pretty promptly, even those just airmail, not registered mail or anything. Maybe it is just the new airport, but hopefully it will be sorted out. It cost me nearly 1,000B to send a document, taking 10 days?! Next time will try Fedex or DHL...

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