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The US needs a coup to replace Bush...the only problem is there would be no one qualified to run the country :o

Nah. The US has some good military men as well.

We don't do coups though.

Not enough BANANAS.

I don't mind that Washington is trying to apply pressure for elections to happen sooner than later. The trouble is that Washington has pretty much lost all its credibility under the current failed and morally questionable leadership.

But unfortunately Thaiquila, as recent history has shown us, The US will scream for free and democratic elections, but if the winning candidate did not meet with the acceptance of the US, all aid would be cut off and sanctions probably put in place.....

No, I fear, the only democratic elections approvable by the current US admin, would be their own preapproved candidate.

I am as anti-Bush as they come, but that is ridiculous.

The US would accept any reasonably fair elections in Thailand and any winner.I am not saying in some countries in the past and now that the US is much more involved (Iraq) but they are not all that influential in modern Thailand.

Thaiquila, I know that this will go against your grain, but what about the democratic, free, and certified recent elections in Palestine.....

The Palestine voters spoke, but not to US liking..... so what was the result..... Not saying that I agree with the end result either but that is the democratic process.

Here I do think there was a time and a place for this coup....I am pleased to see the good General Surayud , the new PM taking the steps he is..... If it and he continues on this path, I think Thailand will be a much better place for all. Thais and expats.


Read what I said.

I said quite clearly the US foreign policy is indeed hypocritical and does not automatically support all democratic elections, now or in the past.

I also made it quite clear Thailand is NOT Palestine, and there is no conceivable scenario where Thailand will elect an Al Queda friendly prime minister, so in the case of today's Thailand, you can be sure the US will be OK with elections and the results.

I also acknowledged, that the bush foreign policy is so extremely morally bankrupt, that whatever it is says carries almost no weight in today's world. This to me is a shame, because calling for elections as soon as possible is to my mind a good message, no matter that it comes from the bush white house. If all western democracies applied similar messages, it would perhaps increase the likelihood that Thailand doesn't have a military regime installed for a decade (as it has in the past). End of 2007 for elections sounds reasonable, but there is no guarantee of that.

Regarding alternatives to bush and bush foreign policy, don't get me started! Of course, there are alternatives. Many are chomping at the bit to take on bush's failed party. And the change will occur in due time, democratically and peacefully. It may be boring and slow, but a change will happen. And the obvious alternative number one: the war in Iraq was not necessary and Iraq had nothing to do with Al Queda.

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Hitler never broke a German law, according to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Actually, he did, in his attempted 'beer hall putsch' in 1923.

For this he was sentenced and jailed.

After 1933 of course he could not break a German law as he was the law, according to Nazi ideology and the Fuehrer principle.


Anyhow... moving swiftly away from an over discussed hitler topic...

What if there WAS a coup in the states?

There was a movie (i was told) made in the UK recently, about a conspiracy thingie organised by Cheney.

In it, Bush got assasinated, and Cheney took over... (oops!)

THat aside as well though,

What if there Was really a coup in the States.

Who'd give 'em Banana Relief?

The US needs a coup to replace Bush...the only problem is there would be no one qualified to run the country :o

There's plenty of people qualified. They just aren't stupid enough to put themselves into the position to get there....or into politics for that matter.


I have heard many Americans condenm the Thais for attacking their government, that is how I have heard some people say it. I can't help but think that the day an American is afraid or reproachful of "attacking" governments is the day we know the Republic is dying.

Kayo, you wonder would would happen if a coup happened in America, so do I and I know it won;t happen, Americans are not the people of fire we once were, we are now sheep and people too stuffed with the fat of the land to know what is good for us. We let our beveolent government think for us.

"What does the billbroad say? Come and play, come and play, forget about the movement." RAGE.

I have heard many Americans condenm the Thais for attacking their government, that is how I have heard some people say it. I can't help but think that the day an American is afraid or reproachful of "attacking" governments is the day we know the Republic is dying.

Kayo, you wonder would would happen if a coup happened in America, so do I and I know it won;t happen, Americans are not the people of fire we once were, we are now sheep and people too stuffed with the fat of the land to know what is good for us. We let our beveolent government think for us.

"What does the billbroad say? Come and play, come and play, forget about the movement." RAGE.

What would happen if a coup happened in America?? The last militay coup d'etat in the US was in '63 wasn't it? Imagine today - you get Bush and up steps Cheney to (even more) power......that would take the 'fire' out of most people....so they just stick with the lesser of the 2 evils :o


Maybe now is the time for the new PM to take to task the almighty G.Bush who thinks by throwing US Taxpayer money to other countries, that this gives him some right to call the shots.

That is how it usually works. TIT. :o

Thank God the vast majority of Americans despise the way G. Bush is running the country and worse yet damaging our foreign relations with our European allies as well as the rest of the world.

I for one can't wait till things change for the better


Maybe now is the time for the new PM to take to task the almighty G.Bush who thinks by throwing US Taxpayer money to other countries, that this gives him some right to call the shots.

That is how it usually works. TIT. :o

Thank God the vast majority of Americans despise the way G. Bush is running the country and worse yet damaging our foreign relations with our European allies as well as the rest of the world.

I for one can't wait till things change for the better

Not exactly split down the middle if you want to be accurate....smth like 53% vs 47%


The US needs a coup to replace Bush...the only problem is there would be no one qualified to run the country :o

Which is why I voted for him, although many of us are now having second thoughts on that.

There were plenty of superior alternatives to George Bush during the elections. You just had your minded clouded by watching too much of the propaganda that masqueraded as news presented by FOX news. You who voted for him have nobody else to blame for the current fiasco other than yourselves. Bush was an idiot from the get go.

But a coup of some sort in the US is not that far fetched if Bush refuses to recognize that he has been wrong and the military decides it is no longer worth sending young people to die in vain for the honor of the GOP (Gay Older Pedophiles) Party.


The subject under discussion is the possibility of a US-Thai rift, not a general discussion on GWB's presidency.

Please keep on topic.


Maybe now is the time for the new PM to take to task the almighty G.Bush who thinks by throwing US Taxpayer money to other countries, that this gives him some right to call the shots.

That is how it usually works. TIT. :o

Thank God the vast majority of Americans despise the way G. Bush is running the country and worse yet damaging our foreign relations with our European allies as well as the rest of the world.

I for one can't wait till things change for the better

actually in pure nation wide polls (not ones taken in New York City) Bush has majority support. Sorry everybody, but you are just going to have to hate us and suck it up. Oh, who is the favorite to win the white house in 2008?....lets see, there are three war-mongering republicans ahead of the dems fav...hilary. God, I love be a warmongerer. The only ally we have ever had in europe, by the by, is England and always will be England. We have never had truly strong ties with the rest of europe. They only call on us when they need our help...WW1, WW2, Yugoslavia...besides that it is always trendy to rip on the U.S. and we always still help when called. Yeah Warmongers!!! The U.S. is still a strong ally and friend to Thailand...what, you think they should praise a military coup that toppled a democratically elected government? I don't remember any international agencies bringing up voter fraud in the last election. If Thailand truly wants to be recognized as a democracy then it must change things by the power of the ballot and not the really old M48 (but very clean and shiny) tank. What happens if the military decides they don't like the next governemnt? How many coups will that make? In the U.S., the military is under the command and control of an elected civilian government. When I was in the Army (GO ARMY, BEAT NAVY), we were not even allowed to be associated with political parties while in uniform or on duty. When you join the military you give up certain freedoms in order to defend the country and the ELECTED CIVILIAN GOVERNMENT WHICH CONTROLS IT. I love Thailand and its people...the friedliest people on earth...but if they want to be taken seriously on the world stage then they must abide by their own democrati laws. I know most of you hate Bush because, how dare he upholds international law (and 17 u.s. resolutions against Iraq saying that the u.n. would use force if Hussein did not abide by international law and the agreements he made after the end of the gulf war) and the fact that he actually means what he says-but the stance towards Thailand has not truly changed. When an a civilian governement once again takes over then normal democrati relations will resume. What do you want the U.S. to do? Be more like France? Be more like the U.N.? No, we will keep doing what we think is right and if that means the world despises us...that is okay. At least we won't feel like we have to take a hot shower at the end of the day to wash away the stench of corruption and apathy. When you need us again, we will show up. Darfur, Sudan? While the U.N. keeps talking (despots talking to anti-semites) the U.S. is preparing to now take action. Where will your country be? If your Britain, then your country usually does the right thing and well will always support the Brits. Most of the worlds' problems occured because Europe and the U.N. are too apathetic. Where are all those U.N. troops that are supposed to be in Lebanon? Where are the French forces, since they declared that they are in charge? No, it is the Italians who stepped in. Kofi and the Rest of the U.N. wanted to bring in countries, that refuse to recognize Israel's existence, to act as a U.N. force. To the gentlemen who called Ameicans lazy and fat, talk to the young men and woman who are in the u.s. military now. By the way, all the military services have surpassed their recruiting goals...again. Now is when you can start bashing me and calling me color blind to the George Bush war machine, blah, blah, blah...I still love you guys...

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