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US jobless down to 5 percent as 271,000 jobs created in October


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lol the right wing's heads have exploded. They are all over the place in desperation. It is funny to watch. Fox News has lapsed into a coma, the right wing propaganda machine has been switched to overdrive exploding with misinformation.

'The numbers are all made up' rhetoric. Of course if Republicans were generating these numbers they would be solid gold accurate. Fact is interconnected Global financial markets make it impossible to fudge unemployment numbers by major trading countries. 2 years ago Australia released a month of unemployment numbers and within one hour the financial markets 'red flagged' the numbers as incorrect. The ABS withdrew the numbers immediately and discovered a statistical error of 0.2% and did not release new numbers till they had corrected the statistical analyses error which took an entire month to correct properly. The complex algorithms used by Global financial institutions cease to operate when incorrect data is put in. So that is all hogwash.

The funniest evidence used by 'employment deniers' is 'I have seen hundreds of signs for positions vacant in corner fruit and veg stores offering way above award wages desperately looking for workers'. Please. Really? Just nonsensical. In the next breath the right wingers are saying the real unemployment rate is 35% not 5%. Give me strength.

Corporate America can only dream of an unemployment rate of 35%. A massive work force down and out struggling to survive and plump and ripe to be exploited, reduce wages and grow profits. Republicans LOVE high unemployment numbers. The more people out of work the better.

Indeed, funny how the right wingers pick and chose their spoon fed lines from their propaganda websites. Like lemmings they are....

The right wingers love to bleat how markets (and guns) are the solution to all of things. Socialism they cry, is an evil. Trust in markets.

So we trust in markets. The good thing about markets, as you say, is they call BS on incorrect government statistics faster than you can say 'algorithm'.

But when the market doesn't call BS....well its all a conspiracy. They are in chahoots, trying to keep the 'man' down. Revolution is coming, don't tread on me. blah blah blah.

Every time there is a gun massacre in the US, the right like to wheel out the ole "mental health' issue. I'm starting to think they are onto something....except, it is the right who have mental health issues. If you see a conspiracy around every corner, then something is up. Chemical imbalance in the ole noggin. All played out here on TV.

Highly entertaining. Keep it up fellas. And, oh, take your meds.....

How do you explain the numbers of folks out of the workforce?

"Take your meds..."? Bit of a Trolling post it would appear...wink.png

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94 Million out of the work force does not seem to affect the figures

I have seen independant % and they say it's closer to 34% unemployment

Unemployment is 34% eh?

So that means the unemployment rate 7 years ago, under GW Bush was 68%.

We do know that unemployment was halved since 2008 when 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month.

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The anchors at FOX almost choked when they had to announce the 5% unemployment number.


The dumb, hot blond attempts to Deflect Away from Positive Unemployment Data by sadly saying "ONLY" 271,000 new jobs."

"ONLY" 270,000 new jobs a month.......but....but... they are all low paying jobs, going to disease infested, criminal, drug using, illegal aliens.blink.png

No wonder those guys down at the coffee shop that watch FOX are so depressed and angry all the time. Everything is always wrong and it's all Obamas fault! Hillary too!
Edited by RidgeRunner
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Absolutely correct. The American government manipulates everything to keep its populace in the dark and uniformed. The current administration has done nothing to help the poor or middle class and I doubt the next President will do anything either unless a miracle happened and Bernie Sanders was elected. The truth is that the United States is printing money at an alarming rate and while the markets are reacting they do so because they know that if the US goes under so will they. Politicians, Lawyers and Accountants. Only they will be left along with the cockroaches if a nuclear war erupts. You can't tell the difference.

Sorry, but BS. The government is one of the most open in the world. Journalists are free to peruse non-sensitive data at will. It's out there for the public to view. Some don't like how the unemployment numbers are calculated, but not matter how it's done, some will always be unhappy. You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

My brother is in the healthcare industry. And has no health insurance. He says Obama's new policy is a dream for him, and many others. He's living with it and knows better than us over here.

I find it amazing that many on here who complain have never been to the US. And get most of their info from "fringe" websites. Don't believe everything you read on zerohedge.com or RT times.

The US is doing very well right now. Some areas need addressing. Just like in every country. But overall, the US has come a long way since the 2nd biggest depression in history a few years ago.

Agree. People can complain all they want about the unemployment rate, but it's always been calculated that way. What is indisputable is that the unemployment rate has been steadily going down under this administration. The GOP has to preach doom and gloom because that's the only way they can win back the Presidency. It's really quite amazing what President Obama has been able to accomplish after inheriting such as mess. But the Republicans will never admit it because frankly, they can't.

Yeah, sure He's accomplished a lot, alright:

Of course we won't discuss the 10 trillion additional debt that occurred under Obama, will we?

Or the miserable US GDP growth rate for the last four years (World Bank - GDP Growth Data):

2011 - 1.6

2012 - 2.3

2013 - 2.2

2014 - 2.4

2015 - 2.76 (Average of first 3 quarters - Trading Economics

The US Department 0f Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis visuals indicate a country suffering from economic delirium tremens:


Then there is the Food Stamp Situation: Up 70% Under Obama - Washington Times - March 28, 2013

(Gee, I wonder if it's gotten any better).

I would go on a the risk of confusing you even more with facts.

Another lame attempt at pinning $10 trillion of the debt on Obama.

The debt was growing at $45,000 per second when he took office.

Fact is, Obama began with 10.6 trillion debt. Now + 7 years interest, two wars, housing crisis, banking crisis, tax cut, unemployment 11% and stock market drop 70%.

Recent calculations reveal $15.9 trillion belong to the previous administrations.

Obamas actual debt is around $4 trillion.

The numbers are going down as Obamas last budget came in 60 billion less than the previous year.

Edited by RidgeRunner
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lol the right wing's heads have exploded. They are all over the place in desperation. It is funny to watch. Fox News has lapsed into a coma, the right wing propaganda machine has been switched to overdrive exploding with misinformation.

'The numbers are all made up' rhetoric. Of course if Republicans were generating these numbers they would be solid gold accurate. Fact is interconnected Global financial markets make it impossible to fudge unemployment numbers by major trading countries. 2 years ago Australia released a month of unemployment numbers and within one hour the financial markets 'red flagged' the numbers as incorrect. The ABS withdrew the numbers immediately and discovered a statistical error of 0.2% and did not release new numbers till they had corrected the statistical analyses error which took an entire month to correct properly. The complex algorithms used by Global financial institutions cease to operate when incorrect data is put in. So that is all hogwash.

The funniest evidence used by 'employment deniers' is 'I have seen hundreds of signs for positions vacant in corner fruit and veg stores offering way above award wages desperately looking for workers'. Please. Really? Just nonsensical. In the next breath the right wingers are saying the real unemployment rate is 35% not 5%. Give me strength.

Corporate America can only dream of an unemployment rate of 35%. A massive work force down and out struggling to survive and plump and ripe to be exploited, reduce wages and grow profits. Republicans LOVE high unemployment numbers. The more people out of work the better.

Indeed, funny how the right wingers pick and chose their spoon fed lines from their propaganda websites. Like lemmings they are....

The right wingers love to bleat how markets (and guns) are the solution to all of things. Socialism they cry, is an evil. Trust in markets.

So we trust in markets. The good thing about markets, as you say, is they call BS on incorrect government statistics faster than you can say 'algorithm'.

But when the market doesn't call BS....well its all a conspiracy. They are in chahoots, trying to keep the 'man' down. Revolution is coming, don't tread on me. blah blah blah.

Every time there is a gun massacre in the US, the right like to wheel out the ole "mental health' issue. I'm starting to think they are onto something....except, it is the right who have mental health issues. If you see a conspiracy around every corner, then something is up. Chemical imbalance in the ole noggin. All played out here on TV.

Highly entertaining. Keep it up fellas. And, oh, take your meds.....

How do you explain the numbers of folks out of the workforce?

"Take your meds..."? Bit of a Trolling post it would appear...wink.png

Boony, as a paid up member of the hard right, who's base philosophy is the supremecy of the individual, the only correct answer for you is: 'Why do you care? It isn't any of your business (and you'll get shot if you come any closer)".

Any concern you have for these people is likely inspired by anti-Obama tendencies. Or it might just be you are really just a closet socialist to be caring that much about the folks who are out of the work force for their own private reasons.

Why are you questioning the motives of rational individuals? Their choices are theirs. None of your business. If they want work, it is there for them no? Thats what you would say if this was an argument about welfare....

Edited by samran
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You will find the methodology of producing employment statistics will be consistent throughout major Trading Nations and consistent from one set of numbers to the next. So this right wing attempt to undermine the good numbers the Obama administration has achieved is just sour grapes. Even in defeat right wing Republicans cannot show any strength of character.

So some have argued that the 'true' unemployment number is not 5% but 35% so that would mean when GWB left office the unemployment rate was 10% so that would be 70% unemployment. It is as obvious as gumboots on a duck that some are just running a flawed political ideology that has nothing to do with facts.

I presume you will consider my response as proof of a lack of strength of character. Too bad.


Many consider the real unemployment rate as being the U-6 rate, which is described as follows:

"U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force"

With the further explanation:
"NOTE: Persons marginally attached to the labor force are those who currently are neither working nor looking for work but indicate that they want and are available for a job and have looked for work sometime in the past 12 months. Discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached, have given a job-market related reason for not currently looking for work. Persons employed part time for economic reasons are those who want and are available for full-time work but have had to settle for a part-time schedule. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data."
​The U-6 unemployment rate for October 2015 stands at 9.8%, nearly doubling the announced 5% figure.
The main stream media seldom points out the U-6 rate.

"I presume you will consider my response as proof of a lack of strength of character."

Yep pretty much.


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You will find the methodology of producing employment statistics will be consistent throughout major Trading Nations and consistent from one set of numbers to the next. So this right wing attempt to undermine the good numbers the Obama administration has achieved is just sour grapes. Even in defeat right wing Republicans cannot show any strength of character.

So some have argued that the 'true' unemployment number is not 5% but 35% so that would mean when GWB left office the unemployment rate was 10% so that would be 70% unemployment. It is as obvious as gumboots on a duck that some are just running a flawed political ideology that has nothing to do with facts.

I presume you will consider my response as proof of a lack of strength of character. Too bad.


Many consider the real unemployment rate as being the U-6 rate, which is described as follows:

"U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force"

With the further explanation:
"NOTE: Persons marginally attached to the labor force are those who currently are neither working nor looking for work but indicate that they want and are available for a job and have looked for work sometime in the past 12 months. Discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached, have given a job-market related reason for not currently looking for work. Persons employed part time for economic reasons are those who want and are available for full-time work but have had to settle for a part-time schedule. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data."
​The U-6 unemployment rate for October 2015 stands at 9.8%, nearly doubling the announced 5% figure.
The main stream media seldom points out the U-6 rate.

"I presume you will consider my response as proof of a lack of strength of character."

Yep pretty much.


Interesting yet childish graph. Why is the "George Dubyah" arrow thingy pointed at mid 2009 on the rolling chart? Wasn't he gone by then?

What's your source for that little charade. Just a wild guess here that it isn't the BLS.

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The arrow points to January 21,2009.

Check out a stock market chart that begins March 1,2009.

The world sighed in relief and the stock market surged 200%.

Yep. Obama took office, the market surged and unemployment dropped.

Housing inventory is at an all time low too.

Doesn't look like January 21 to me. It looks more like mid 2009. Until we are provided with a link to the source material, we won't really know, now will we.

The recession was officially declared over in June 2009. Of course the market is going to surge when the recession is declared finished.

We are now in the 7th year of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US.

PS: I've already proven your ridiculous claim wrong about the national debt being $15.9 trillion. Surely you are smart enough not to bring it up three times.

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The arrow points to January 21,2009.

Check out a stock market chart that begins March 1,2009.

The world sighed in relief and the stock market surged 200%.

Yep. Obama took office, the market surged and unemployment dropped.

Housing inventory is at an all time low too.

Doesn't look like January 21 to me. It looks more like mid 2009. Until we are provided with a link to the source material, we won't really know, now will we.

The recession was officially declared over in June 2009. Of course the market is going to surge when the recession is declared finished.

We are now in the 7th year of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US.

PS: I've already proven your ridiculous claim wrong about the national debt being $15.9 trillion. Surely you are smart enough not to bring it up three times.

Studies show that FOX viewers are very misinformed.

Yes. The Obama debt numbers I quoted are rock solid.

The previous administrations account for 15.9 trillion of the debt. The debt was racing along at $45.000 per hour when Obama took office.

Thankfully we will have another Clinton in charge soon so look for budget surpluses again.

Edited by RidgeRunner
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Yep, The US recovery began just weeks after GW Bush left town.

The biggest boom in stock market history.

Plus the jobs and housing recovery has been outstanding.

This SP500 chart pegs the bottom at March 1 2009.

230,000 million Americans with retirement accounts are very pleased indeed.


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Doesn't look like January 21 to me. It looks more like mid 2009. Until we are provided with a link to the source material, we won't really know, now will we.

The recession was officially declared over in June 2009. Of course the market is going to surge when the recession is declared finished.

We are now in the 7th year of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US.

PS: I've already proven your ridiculous claim wrong about the national debt being $15.9 trillion. Surely you are smart enough not to bring it up three times.

Studies show that FOX viewers are very misinformed.

Yes. The Obama debt numbers I quoted are rock solid.

The previous administrations account for 15.9 trillion of the debt. The debt was racing along at $45.000 per hour when Obama took office.

Thankfully we will have another Clinton in charge soon so look for budget surpluses again.

"Studies show that FOX viewers are very misinformed."

I haven't watched Fox in around 7 years. You must watch it quite a bit.

An interesting article out today about Obama's contribution to the national debt.


Debt hits major milestone with Obama
11/10/15 12:01 AM
President Obama reached a milestone last week: a doubling of the national debt held by the public in his nearly seven years in office.
Obama made his first presidential impression on federal spending in mid-March, 2009, less than two months after entering office. When he signed an omnibus spending bill into law that boosted federal agency budgets by double digits in some cases, the debt held by the public sat at $6.662 trillion.
Late last week, just days after Obama signed a bill to suspend the debt ceiling, total public debt rose to $13.378 trillion, doubling in just short of seven years.
Edited by chuckd
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Dumber & dumber... Forgot the many ignorance that runs outside the country. The report was a report not a fact & the racial categorization made it hilarious. The or of which Government has nothing to do with job growth as well...apparent the idiot outsiders continue with their bashing (re. Outsiders who are 1. Non-educated & 2. Not born an America with American born parents. 3. Don't live in the country) opinions are guessing. The American job market is faltering do to the gov interference - outsourcing (services & manufacturing), more regulations on small businesses & entertainment; and general strong increased taxing on a nation that still has low salaries. Creating a rift changing America from the free to a strong God-like government, than the Rich the poor....

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Doesn't look like January 21 to me. It looks more like mid 2009. Until we are provided with a link to the source material, we won't really know, now will we.

The recession was officially declared over in June 2009. Of course the market is going to surge when the recession is declared finished.

We are now in the 7th year of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US.

PS: I've already proven your ridiculous claim wrong about the national debt being $15.9 trillion. Surely you are smart enough not to bring it up three times.

Studies show that FOX viewers are very misinformed.

Yes. The Obama debt numbers I quoted are rock solid.

The previous administrations account for 15.9 trillion of the debt. The debt was racing along at $45.000 per hour when Obama took office.

Thankfully we will have another Clinton in charge soon so look for budget surpluses again.

"Studies show that FOX viewers are very misinformed."

I haven't watched Fox in around 7 years. You must watch it quite a bit.

An interesting article out today about Obama's contribution to the national debt.


Debt hits major milestone with Obama
11/10/15 12:01 AM
President Obama reached a milestone last week: a doubling of the national debt held by the public in his nearly seven years in office.
Obama made his first presidential impression on federal spending in mid-March, 2009, less than two months after entering office. When he signed an omnibus spending bill into law that boosted federal agency budgets by double digits in some cases, the debt held by the public sat at $6.662 trillion.
Late last week, just days after Obama signed a bill to suspend the debt ceiling, total public debt rose to $13.378 trillion, doubling in just short of seven years.

The GOP tries hard to deflect from the numbers but facts are facts. Lets look at the last 4 US presidents and their jobs growth records.

What is the score?

DEMOCRATS 35.8 million jobs created.

REPUBLICANS 5.5 million jobs created.

Barak Obama has created 12.8 million jobs.

GW Bush created about 3 million jobs.

Bill Clinton created 23 million jobs.

George H Bush created 2.5 million jobs.


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That 92 million figure. I doubt anyone is really saying that all 92 million represent people who want to have a job but have given up out of despair. But from years of reading about this situation - I am convinced that somewhere between 22 and 25 million of these people are in fact wanting to become re-employed but remain blocked.

As an example - one main group are people age of 55 and over. Rampant age discrimination has taken place in America over the past 7 years and more. Age discrimination in employment is supposed to be against Federal Law... But no one will enforce it. Another trait of the Obama Administration - not enforcing standing laws - just makes up his own.

People over the age of 55 by the millions were forced out of work on purpose to lower the financial overhead of having employees. Older employees cost more due to - accrued high salary level for many years of service and because of cost of benefits - mainly Health Care Insurance.

Once laid off or fired - a person aged 55 in America - regardless of profession may well never get a professional level job again.

This is one of the reasons that Disability Claims in the past 7 years or so have skyrocketed. People became desperate after the unemployment benefits ran out - so they found many reasons to apply for disability insurance - just to survive..

And you obamabots can believe this or not - it doesn't matter what you believe. The older American workers believe it - or should I say 'used to be older workers' believe it... This class of Americans are part of the Populist Uprising that is propelling Donald Trump to the top of the charts. Come mid January 2017 Obama's disastrous policies of hate America and hate white Americans will begin to be dismantled. Whether Liberals and Leftists, Socialists and the misnomered 'Progressives' like it or not.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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That 92 million figure. I doubt anyone is really saying that all 92 million represent people who want to have a job but have given up out of despair. But from years of reading about this situation - I am convinced that somewhere between 22 and 25 million of these people are in fact wanting to become re-employed but remain blocked.

As an example - one main group are people age of 55 and over. Rampant age discrimination has taken place in America over the past 7 years and more. Age discrimination in employment is supposed to be against Federal Law... But no one will enforce it. Another trait of the Obama Administration - not enforcing standing laws - just makes up his own.

People over the age of 55 by the millions were forced out of work on purpose to lower the financial overhead of having employees. Older employees cost more due to - accrued high salary level for many years of service and because of cost of benefits - mainly Health Care Insurance.

Once laid off or fired - a person aged 55 in America - regardless of profession may well never get a professional level job again.

This is one of the reasons that Disability Claims in the past 7 years or so have skyrocketed. People became desperate after the unemployment benefits ran out - so they found many reasons to apply for disability insurance - just to survive..

And you obamabots can believe this or not - it doesn't matter what you believe. The older American workers believe it - or should I say 'used to be older workers' believe it... This class of Americans are part of the Populist Uprising that is propelling Donald Trump to the top of the charts. Come mid January 2017 Obama's disastrous policies of hate America and hate white Americans will begin to be dismantled. Whether Liberals and Leftists, Socialists and the misnomered 'Progressives' like it or not.

At least we are much better off than we were 8 years ago. Agreed? (FOX viewers need not respond)

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How about giving us a link to support all these alleged facts?

What? FOX News hasn't reported these numbers? Not surprised.cheesy.gif

We're still waiting on verification of those numbers and no, this poster doesn't watch Fox News either.

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Right Wing news consumers are always shocked when presented with a fair and balance report. They only get the "other side' of the story. Sad.

Over the last six decades or so, history has tended to favor Democratic presidents in terms of economic performance.

The country's unemployment rate has been lower at the end of every Democrat's tenure since Kennedy took office in 1961.

Maybe it's just luck?cheesy.gif

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The good news is another Clinton will be back at work soon producing jobs and balancing the budget.

Bill Clinton produced 242,000 jobs every month for 8 years!

Obama has produced an average of 152,380 jobs every month.

A FOX viewer explained to me that sure, Obama is producing jobs but they are all low paying jobs going to illegal immigrants.clap2.gif

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I am just finishing a 2+ week trip through much of the Western portion of the States and stayed in 10 different states. I had the opportunity to talk to a lot of people and got some insights into the employment situation, as well as a lot of other things. Three states are doing very well because of the energy boom, including oil, coal and wind generating plants. Some of those areas have close to zero unemployment and I met a lot of people who came out of retirement to help run businesses. Many are cooks, waiters, restaurant workers and they seem to be split by the very young, maybe high school/University age. A handful of young to middle age workers, but mostly as managers.

Nearly every gas station, convenience store, liquor store as well as department stores had ads on the door announcing job openings.

I met a young man I met with who worked briefly in Thailand as an English Teacher. He left because he had no degree and could not get a work permit. He is now working for a distribution company and earning $45,000 per year. He started entry level.

People still don't seem to be very happy, but if you want or need a job, it seems pretty easy to get. We all have to start somewhere and those who have been through tough times may have to start over more than once, but once employed your in circulation. People move on, you can move up. You hear about new opportunities.

I was extremely proud of some young members of my family who have managed to start their own successful businesses. They think they should be doing better, but I assured them that they are doing VERY well. Low debt, new vehicles, nice home and kids in private school. And he's just 29.

I know one chronically unemployed engineer who has sufficient funds to live on (and a wife who works). He won't accept anything less than full engineering job and so he remains unemployed -- or under employed. He does help a lot of people and they pay him because he is brilliant as what he does. He does have one major drawback in looking for work in his field (which he did for 45 years), he is Muslim.

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Some say that 5% USA unemployment number is the lowest it can go. Nobody wants those jobs. Unemployment among people that really want a job is near zero.

Trumps idea of closing factories in China and bringing 5 million jobs back to the USA is plain stupid. The Chinese produce lots of stuff for $1 an hour in China.

The USA will have to import 5 million Chinese to do that work and pay them $15-$20 dollars an hour. blink.png

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Right Wing news consumers are always shocked when presented with a fair and balance report. They only get the "other side' of the story. Sad.

Over the last six decades or so, history has tended to favor Democratic presidents in terms of economic performance.

The country's unemployment rate has been lower at the end of every Democrat's tenure since Kennedy took office in 1961.

Maybe it's just luck?cheesy.gif

"The country's unemployment rate has been lower at the end of every Democrat's tenure since Kennedy took office in 1961.

Yet another unsupported claim.

However, let's look at all this marvelous job creation that some claim has occurred under Obama.

To understand the "new jobs created" category, one needs to understand how the number is arrived at.

The job creation numbers come as an estimate by the BLS from thousands of employers and is really a very simple calculation.

The numbers generated by the BLS are actually "total employment," and the "new jobs" numbers cited are simply "the change in total employment" month to month. They reflect "net new jobs" and do not attempt to estimate the absolute number of so called shovel ready new jobs.


Permit me to compare then with now...

1. Civilian labor force aged 16-64

Jan 2009 - 154,210,000

Oct 2015 - 157,028,000

2. Labor force participation rate

Jan 2009 - 65.7%

Oct 2015 - 62.4%

3. Number employed

Jan 2009 - 142,152,000

Oct 2015 - 149,120,000

4. Employed to population ratio

Jan 2009 - 60.6%

Oct 2015 - 59.3%

5. Unemployed

Jan 2009 - 12,058,000

Oct 2015 - 7,908,000

6. Not in Labor Force

Jan 2009 - 80,529,000

Oct 2015 - 94,513,000


These numbers tell us several things.

1. The number of employed citizens during the period of Jan 2009 through Oct 2015 has grown by 6,968,000.

2. The number of unemployed citizens has dropped from 12,058,000 to 7,908,000, a decrease of 4,120,000.

These numbers would be surprisingly good unless one looks at a few other factors.

3. The civilian labor force has increased 2,818,000.

4. The labor force participation rate has decreased 3.2%.

5. The labor force participation number has increased by 13,984,000 which means that many fewer people actively seeking employment.

To summarize:

While the number of employed citizens has increased and the number of unemployed citizens has decreased, the net differential does not mean there have been over 11,000,000 jobs created during the Obama recovery.

As the above number fluctuated, so too did the civilian labor force by some 2,818,000 and even more glaringly, 13,874,000 citizens have dropped from the active unemployment rolls and are no longer in the labor force.

Further consider that the BLS counts any work performed by any citizen for even one day in the month as a new job. As an example if some single mom takes five day jobs with five different companies for one day per month, she suddenly has created five new jobs while only working five days in the month.

By the same token if that same single mom then goes one full calendar month and does not seek a job, she is dropped from the rolls and is no longer considered as unemployed either.

I say my 13,874,000 citizens that have left the labor force far outweigh any "new job" increase this administration has been able to accomplish.

Now just for the record, none of this information was obtained from Fox News. As i have stated earlier in this thread, I do not receive nor do i watch Fox News.

My figures are taken directly off the Bureau of Labor Statistics web site. As you may or may not know, the BLS is part and parcel of the US Department of Labor.

Here's the link for you to gain some knowledge, but don't try and foist off some editorial from Huffington Post or any other secular progressive site that is in the pocket of the administration and Democrat party.

Perhaps this site will get you to think on your own: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t01.htm

And we haven't even begun to discuss the affect Obamacare is having on the unemployment problem.

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Doesn't look like January 21 to me. It looks more like mid 2009. Until we are provided with a link to the source material, we won't really know, now will we.

The recession was officially declared over in June 2009. Of course the market is going to surge when the recession is declared finished.

We are now in the 7th year of the longest recession recovery in the history of the US.

PS: I've already proven your ridiculous claim wrong about the national debt being $15.9 trillion. Surely you are smart enough not to bring it up three times.

Studies show that FOX viewers are very misinformed.

Yes. The Obama debt numbers I quoted are rock solid.

The previous administrations account for 15.9 trillion of the debt. The debt was racing along at $45.000 per hour when Obama took office.

Thankfully we will have another Clinton in charge soon so look for budget surpluses again.

"Studies show that FOX viewers are very misinformed."

I haven't watched Fox in around 7 years. You must watch it quite a bit.

An interesting article out today about Obama's contribution to the national debt.


Debt hits major milestone with Obama
11/10/15 12:01 AM
President Obama reached a milestone last week: a doubling of the national debt held by the public in his nearly seven years in office.
Obama made his first presidential impression on federal spending in mid-March, 2009, less than two months after entering office. When he signed an omnibus spending bill into law that boosted federal agency budgets by double digits in some cases, the debt held by the public sat at $6.662 trillion.
Late last week, just days after Obama signed a bill to suspend the debt ceiling, total public debt rose to $13.378 trillion, doubling in just short of seven years.

A GFC caused by a Republican Government deregulating the Financial Sector are very expensive and take a long time to pay off the Banks debt and repair the damage done

Plus Wars started by incompetent Republican Administrations are VERY expensive. $5 Trillion right there.

Citizens will always be better off with a Democrat Administration. It really comes down to 'who do you trust' when it comes to financial competence and accountability and less warmongering.

What really further hampered repairing the damage done by George Dubayah was an obstructionist Republican Congress that simply voted down EVERY single strategy to repair the damage they had actually caused.

Republicans are simply un electable.

If the current debt is $13T then take out the $5T for Dubayah's War, say another $4T to prop up the economy after Dubayah's GFC carnage then America would probably be sitting around $4T debt.

The American people should put the blame fairly and squarely on Republicans for the mess and the ongoing mess they are causing in Congress obstructing Obama's best efforts to clean up the mess they caused.

History will show Obama as one of the best Presidents America has ever had.

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The conservatives have selective abnesia (sic)

800,000 people a month were losing jobs when Obama took office.

That's all you have???

Just for the record and in accordance with BLS numbers:

There were 146,156,000 employed citizens on 1 Feb 2008.

There were 142,152,000 employed citizens on 1 Feb 2009, a net decrease of 4,004,000.

The monthly average comes out to 333,666 more unemployed per month in the last year of the recession, less than half of your unsupported claim.

I do wish you would do some research prior to these off the wall posts.

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