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is it ok for me to bring a handful of apples into thailand

or are they as tough on foodstuff as the aus govt ?

tgf keeps asking for me to bring some


stu $


Pretty good apples too,I bake em, fry em and sauce em and the Thai apple is well worth buying,,darn site better than the Washington state red delicious that they send here.


Aha! I have discovered something no one else, to my knowledge has found.

Unripe Mangoes taste just like baking apples. I like a little bit sour so I eat them

As I do a little baking, I braised some with a little water and sugar. Let them cool and made an apple pie. I'd challenge anyone to tell the difference. I have done it many times, giving them to my friends, who all say the same. APPLE PIE!


I don't recall ever seeing anything about this on Thai immigration forms or signs at the airport. So you could probably just walk them through and plead ignorance if by some odd chance you are searched. Maybe there should be a rule though.


right on, Simbo...I knew there had to be an attraction to green mangoes that eludes most falangs. Have you thought of forwarding your discovery to international representatives???...green mango ice cream...green mango en creme brule...green mango tart with encrusted chocolate...

technical rights and priviledges should be held by the originator...

and then there was the secretary in an office in a squalid place in Central America that liked green mangoes with salt...her taste was barbaric but I wanted to bend her over and plug her all the same...

is it ok for me to bring a handful of apples into thailand

or are they as tough on foodstuff as the aus govt ?

tgf keeps asking for me to bring some


stu $

aussie apples are the equivalent of Brit steak, (as in mad cow ) S H I T fruitfly is the prob. Stick to your Immigration problems. DON'T ADD TO 'EM. The supermarket has PLENTY of apples,

is it ok for me to bring a handful of apples into thailand

or are they as tough on foodstuff as the aus govt ?

tgf keeps asking for me to bring some


stu $


well ok but only if you wash them and keep them in your socks in you carry on bag.....on a Friday night flight, with a full moon



There are certainly rules about bringing in plants and seeds.

I suppose apples contain seeds........

However there are no stringent checks like OZ.

Just pack them in your hand baggage and say nothing.


On has to ask how old the tgf is as many years ago apples were indeed rare here and GI's often gave them as gifts. In those days the going price was about US$1 per apple if I recall correctly. At any rate they were very expensive on the local market.

These days apples from the USA - Thailand - China are good and cheap in any supermarket and most local markets. Even the great sugar treat giants grown in Japan are available (although not cheap).


Hey, give him a break, if GF wants apples she wants apples.

No restrictions I know of. (Used to be or is? different with beef due BSE)

My wife loves dragon fruit from VN. My staff in Saigon always give me 5-10 kgs instead of 2-3 pieces. :o

No problem, I keep it at Thai customs on top of the trolley. Sometimes look in 'Ah dragon fruit, nice' and can go.

My wife loves dragon fruit from VN

That's another thing as common as rice in the markets these days. A few years ago they were hard to find. There isn't much that is that hard to obtain here these days. Although no Good & Plenty candy that I have found. :o


SIMBO; Apple pie is an easy one to fake, I had a sister in law that used to make apple pie using RITZ crackers for apples and you couldnt tell the difference,,in fact I liked it better than with apples.

TUTSI, But they have a different breed of mango in C.A. and I never heard of anyone eatin one green,and I like them better than the Thai mango,altho am gonna try them in some chutney soon as I get around to making it. :o

Guest chingy
is it ok for me to bring a handful of apples into thailand

or are they as tough on foodstuff as the aus govt ?

tgf keeps asking for me to bring some


stu $

are those golden apples :o ,

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