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Danish Resident in knife-incident with watch-seller at Pattaya Beer Bar

Jonathan Fairfield

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Weird. If you're prepared to pull a knife on someone to get their money, why bother with the watch selling stuff beforehand?

Saw something similar happen on Suk 4 a long while ago. Seems the guy wanted to see a watch, didn't like what he saw, said no thanks, and the Thai seller went berserk, started making threats, etc. The guy was so scared that he apologized and gave the guy some cash.

Nothing like positive reinforcement to insure this happens repeatedly.

Often, all that's required is a small pretext, a perceived (or manufactured) insult, and it is exploited...

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On many occasions I've been poked and grabbed by vendors to get my attention for something I clearly didn't want.

I've also been approached by some very aggressive vendors, almost instigating a problem. Most notably shoe cleaners and watch sellers.

While most show what they are selling and move on, there are definitely some very nasty ones around.

With the penalties (if anything) for Thais doing something to a foreigner being so low, it is giving them the impression that they can do what they want, and get away with it.

Only when an incident is videoed and put on social media does something happen. But even this only seems to spark a reaction when a Thai is the victim. Take the recent incident at Oasis agogo as an example where the Thai attacker, caught on video, had no action taken against him.

Things will only get worse unless the right message is sent out and action is taken.

But with police corruption from the lowest to the highest ranks in Pattaya, this isn't going to change any time soon.

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No wonder GOOD tourists like Americans, Europeans, Canadians and Australians are finding other places to go for holiday or retirement! From new Immigration regulations, to corrupt police and the ever increasing violent acts against us, .. you deserve to be taken over by the Russians ansd Chinese you now prefer to us!

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You can REDUCE your chances of being attacked by a nutcase with a knife with those confrontation avoidance tactics. You can't eliminate them. Some people will just snap and you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. Don't blame the Dane unless you were there and saw him attack the knifer first.

I know this man, Lars... I can garrantee, he was not the instigator... he's a SUPER nice guy..

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The new elite tourists from China ain't buying, business is bad and tensions high. There's much more of this to come as the traditional businesses of Pattaya continue to wither away.

And since business is withering away throughout the country due to the being a less and less attractive holiday destination, the locals just raise their prices, loose the (crocodile) smiles, get more unfriendly and even violent... great business tactics!

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I've never understood how people can't deal with these guys. Just say no and then ignore them completely. They soon get the message.


Some years ago I was sitting at a streetside table when a beggar walked up to stand in front of me, shaking his cup of coins. Didn't say anything... just stood there shaking his cup and staring at me. My general rule is that if a beggar is 'selling something,' be it a twisted colored straw or a half-dead flower, I'll buy or throw 10 baht into their cup. But if they just walk around and beg, I don't usually give. So I just plan to ignore him figuring that he'll leave after a minute or two.

Fifteen minutes later, he's still standing in from of my table, shaking his cup of coins, not saying a word. I couldn't take it any more, so I threw a few baht into his cup. He didn't acknowledge in in any way. He just moved to the next table, stood in front of it, shaking his cup of coins, not saying a word....

This guy probably buys a new car every two years.

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I've never understood how people can't deal with these guys. Just say no and then ignore them completely. They soon get the message.


Some years ago I was sitting at a streetside table when a beggar walked up to stand in front of me, shaking his cup of coins. Didn't say anything... just stood there shaking his cup and staring at me. My general rule is that if a beggar is 'selling something,' be it a twisted colored straw or a half-dead flower, I'll buy or throw 10 baht into their cup. But if they just walk around and beg, I don't usually give. So I just plan to ignore him figuring that he'll leave after a minute or two.

Fifteen minutes later, he's still standing in from of my table, shaking his cup of coins, not saying a word. I couldn't take it any more, so I threw a few baht into his cup. He didn't acknowledge in in any way. He just moved to the next table, stood in front of it, shaking his cup of coins, not saying a word....

This guy probably buys a new car every two years.

So why do it in the first place?

Normal Thai people are VERY embarrassed by these people themselves and normally completely ignores them, so should you, regardless if they have anything to sell or not.

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Weird. If you're prepared to pull a knife n someone to get their money, why bother with the watch selling stuff beforehand?

Now it's "less" illegal to cheat someone by selling a fake watch than armed robbery but just wait and see, soon it will be harder punishment on selling a fake watch than armed robbery thanks to the intellectual rights laws...

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I've occasionally sat outside bars and have seen p*ssed-up farangs just say "#@$! off" to vendors who have done nothing worse than show their wares with a smile.

It doesn't surprise me that some get knifed.

Wow; thirteen people (poster and likes) seem to think it is SOP to be threatened and occasionally stabbed with a knife in Thailand for telling someone to F off.

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The Dane looks like a calm and reasonable chap in the photo. He's 50? Must have had a tough life.

Need age of wife to get the whole picture........hahahaha.

Hard life-the guy doesnt look a day under 70. I know what you mean.

Edited by Nomyai
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