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Former Thai army chief assures of clean and clear construction donation


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Ok so just leave y/s in to continue destroying thailand. Thats what youre saying. She was controlling the media. So the bad things she was doing werent put on tv. Demonstration marches were stopped. Not a democratic government at all. Im not saying the other side is better ,. Thailand needed a clean up.

And you dear sir believe they are cleaning up. The truth is that they are only cleaning up what they want and anybody that gets in the way are removed (transferred or shown the window). They are consolidating their power base by replacing senior civil servants with their people. Any future elected government will be undermined by these plants and if they try to get rid of them the same will happen that happened to YS.

Do some research about the Eastern Tigers and the trade in gems and see where some people got their money from and these are the people that you believe are cleaning up the country? Dear sir do you really believe that only one military officer (and a contractor no less) could run the trafficking operation in the south without any other officer knowing about it ? How could thousands of slaves be brought through military and police check points without anybody else knowing about it ? There are complaints of kickbacks at a certain park in HH, with the suppliers being the people complaining and the police saying there was graft, yet your anti-corruption knights say there was no graft. Dear sir do you remember the issue about the NLA members appointing friends and family, can you please tell us what happened to these people ? Did any get fired ? Dear sir your knights in shining armour have a big broom and a bigger carpet. The big broom are used to sweep the dirt under the carpet and if someone dare to ask questions this broom are used to hit them. Please read the BKK opinion piece by Sanitsuda today about the fear that are gripping Thai society.

Please dear sir learn something today from me, in Thailand nothing is what it seems, nothing. There are layers of corruption in this country and the highest powers in the civil service (police and military included) are not excluded. The civil service is the hub of corruption (sorry for the pun) and they succeeded in creating a myth that the politicians are the corrupt ones. As governments come and go these corrupt officials rape their own country, instead of serving it. Yes politicians are corrupt but they are not the hub of corruption in this country as they know they can be removed in elections or through coup's. The civil servants on the other hand are protected by many laws and their friends on the bench.

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Asking for donations for building the Rachaphakde ('Loyalty to the King') Park by the good general was exactly the same as asking for money for 'Bike for Mom' and 'Bike for Dad' manifestations by the three accused of which two died. Why then were this three accused of lese majeste and general Udomdej not?

Just think of the Army as being like the Catholic church, covering up and protecting it's own child abusers, in order to maintain it's "moral" authority, credibility and, most of all, power.

Easy to do when you have authority over everything and everybody.

And I do mean everybody.

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Asking for donations for building the Rachaphakde ('Loyalty to the King') Park by the good general was exactly the same as asking for money for 'Bike for Mom' and 'Bike for Dad' manifestations by the three accused of which two died. Why then were this three accused of lese majeste and general Udomdej not?

Beacuse we can not discuss those details. Those peoples might be charged next time when a new government is in power as trumping up LM charges comes from the top which as I said can't be discussed.

I now understand why Thaksin didn't wanted to return to Thailand to face the charges. It would be 2-3 days and he would be dead by heart failure, infection or whatever those guys come up with. Everyone knows who is behind those deaths.

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A tenuous link,but relevant I hope.....tried to visit the "Army beach" at Hua HIN ,last week...still covered in oil. Most hotels have completed a clean up of their own stretch.

Decided therefore to visit the new,impressive but very expensive (1B Baht!) park. Huge numbers of army squaddies,have been used as free labor to construct it....but nobody available to clean the beach?

Statues were impressive,museum less so....and then what? After 15 min there s little else to see.

If as claimed,this park is for Thai people,why not make it friendly for kids...somewhere to kick a ball,buy an ice cream,maybe free (or nominal charge) barbecue/ picnic area. There is certainly enough room?!

Or is it perhaps a grandiose expression of loyalty,and not a place for ordinary people to enjoy?

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Southernstar , very enlightened by your words. Dont doubt what you say is true.

Down here in bangsaphan. Who owns the rubber tree farms closest to the boarder (in the national parks) if not pollies and r8ch well conected businessmen, its the military boarder patrol bigwigs.

Those that can do. TIT

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There are so many negative post these days about the PM, Coup and almost everything ! If I was an Expat and the unhappy here I would pack my duffle and shpw my Donkey to Costoms and go. By the way, I am an expat who is glad to see someone trying to clean up the many, many years of corruption that has become a Cancer in Thailand.

If you are a Thai and sat on your hands all these years and kept the same corrupt people in power, then you are part of the problem.

Let the General/PM keep flushing the devise until the water is clear, and if you can not handle it get your Donkey out of Dodge !!

wow finally somebody who can see through the mud. Not liveing in redshirtvill eh. Good on you for useing your brain ,not like so many of the sheep.

This is the cycle thailand goes through. The military cleans it up then the pollies destroy it all again

How incredibly naive u both are.

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There are so many negative post these days about the PM, Coup and almost everything ! If I was an Expat and the unhappy here I would pack my duffle and shpw my Donkey to Costoms and go. By the way, I am an expat who is glad to see someone trying to clean up the many, many years of corruption that has become a Cancer in Thailand.

If you are a Thai and sat on your hands all these years and kept the same corrupt people in power, then you are part of the problem.

Let the General/PM keep flushing the devise until the water is clear, and if you can not handle it get your Donkey out of Dodge !!

wow finally somebody who can see through the mud. Not liveing in redshirtvill eh. Good on you for useing your brain ,not like so many of the sheep.

This is the cycle thailand goes through. The military cleans it up then the pollies destroy it all again

How incredibly naive u both are.
thaiatheart, did you read my post just above this 1. ?

Read it and then tell me your thoughts. Cheers Cobbler

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