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Trump under fire from rivals in US Republican debate


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Trump might not get to 12 million but here are about 350,000 ready candidates for deportation. All we have to do is find them, since they have been released by ICE.


7 Jul 2015
Hundreds of thousands of convicted criminal immigrants remain at large in the U.S. and a number have gone on to commit additional crimes.
According to a March 2, 2015 “ICE Weekly Departures and Detention Report” obtained by Center for Immigration Studies expert Jessica Vaughan and shared with Breitbart News, there were 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who had final orders of removal but who remained at large in the U.S.
Another 179,018 convicted criminal immigrants with deportation cases pending also remained at large.
While the vast majority were not in custody some were detained — namely 6,220 criminal immigrants facing final deportation orders and another 7,680 convicted criminal immigrants with immigration cases pending.
The article goes on to say in 2013 the Obama administration had released 36,007 criminal immigrants that had some 88,000 convictions including 193 homicide convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, 1975 aggravated assault convictions and 426 convictions for sexual assault.
This current group won't even get rid of the murderers and rapists that walked across the Rio Grande.
Edit in to add Congressional testimony.
Edited by chuckd
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If you are going to use an argument to justify your position, at least get the facts right. Reagan signed a law passed by Congress. Obama's executive orders were not passed by Congress and has been challenged in court for various reasons and has been blocked by the court and the block upheld by the Appeals court. We will have to wait to see where that goes.

As far as illegals taking precedence over people legally waiting their turn. The point is not that it would speed up those wanting to come legally to deport the illegals, it is the fact that if you cheat you win.

For those that think that it is unfair to deport people, why not just open the country to anyone who wants to come from the Middle East, Africa, Latin America or anywhere. Why have immigration laws at all?

While Trump may take the tough stand and it may be unrealistic to deport 11 million people, in principle he is right. What kind of place do you live if the law isn't followed? I don't let people enter my house without my permission, why should we let people enter the country without permission. We all see what is the beginning of the end in Europe. Massive immigration changes the balance of any society when done too fast. Sure these immigrants only want a better life, but why should the lives of the citizens be diminished by a rapid influx of migrants. In reality the way out of the mess in the US is to first and foremost secure the border, then deport anyone with ANY violation of the law, allow others a guest worker permit, no benefits (social security, medical, welfare, food stamps, etc. and no citizenship ever as they broke the law to get to the US). Anyone illegally entering the US in the future is automatically deported, no exceptions. Issue a national identity card in different colors for citizens, guest workers, etc. No work without the right card and a fine stiff enough to discourage companies from hiring people without the right card. Both Truman and Eisenhower both had significant amounts of deportations or voluntary repatriations, under threat of deportation, during their terms in office: Truman 3.4 million and Eisenhower 2.1 million. So yes it is possible to deport people if there is a will. The point is people are fed up. Most people do not hate or dislike the hispanic immigrants in this country, they are fed up with the failure of the government to stop the flow. Further check out the statistics by ethnic/racial makeup of who is in jail any you will find that the smallest percentage is caucasian. So somewhere, something is wrong.

Obama's executive orders were not passed by Congress

The first thing Donald Trump and his Republican rightwing cohorts need to learn is that POTUS has authority under the Constitution to issue executive orders or actions. POTUS also has authority to issue executive orders and actions under the authority of statutory laws enacted by the Congress. The president's immigration actions are Constitutional and based on existing immigration laws enacted by the Congress.
So yes, let's get some facts straight which Mr. Trump and the Republicans running for POTUS have no clue of....
On November 20, 2014, the President announced a series of executive actions to crack down on illegal immigration at the border, prioritize deporting felons not families, and require certain undocumented immigrants to pass a criminal background check and pay taxes in order to temporarily stay in the U.S. without fear of deportation.
The actions including allowing parents of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents to request deferred action and employment authorization for three years, in a new Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents program, provided they have lived in the United States continuously since January 1, 2010, and pass required background checks | Details
Donald Trump further needs to know that...
Deferred action is a discretionary determination to defer removal action of an individual as an act of prosecutorial discretion. Deferred action does not confer lawful status upon an individual. In addition, although an individual whose case is deferred will not be considered to be accruing unlawful presence in the United States during the period deferred action is in effect, deferred action does not excuse individuals of any previous or subsequent periods of unlawful presence.
Because Trump and the other clowns on board the bus also do not know that....
In place of nationality and ethnic considerations, the INA amendments of 1965 (Public.Law 89 236; 79 Stat. 911) substituted a system based primarily on reunification of families and needed skills. The 1965 law amended the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act. These two laws are at the core of Prez Obama's 2014 executive action implementing the new program and extending the DACA program of 2012 (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals). The DACA has not been challenged in the federal courts nor does the present case (dare to) challenge the DACA.
This following is actually what the rightwing has been hollering about since the election of Barack Obama as POTUS, in part because they think everything they don't like starts with Barack Obama being elected POTUS.
Since 1965, the major source of immigration to the United States has shifted from Europe to Latin America and Asia, reversing the trend since the founding of the nation.


The objection of the federal district court and the federal appeals court are based on the Administrative Procedures Act of 1946. In other words, there are no Constitutional issues in Prez Obama's executive actions. There are no violations of immigration laws found by the federal district or appeals courts.

The objection begins with the federal district court judge who believes Prez Obama should have published the executive actions in the Federal Register for public review or comment before announcing and implementing them. The federal appeals court agreed.

The case now goes to SCOTUS where POTUS is requesting an expedited action by the Court..

The position of POTUS is that, because his executive actions are policy decisions rather than rulemaking, POTUS is not obliged or required by the APA to publish the actions prior to implementing them.

POTUS lawyers in the Justice Department cite the provisions of the APA which state this to be the case. DoJ lawyers provide SCOTUS precedent to support their position, to include a similar ruling by SCOTUS in a February case in which the justices agreed 9-0.

Edited by Publicus
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Trump might not get to 12 million but here are about 350,000 ready candidates for deportation. All we have to do is find them, since they have been released by ICE.


7 Jul 2015
Hundreds of thousands of convicted criminal immigrants remain at large in the U.S. and a number have gone on to commit additional crimes.
According to a March 2, 2015 “ICE Weekly Departures and Detention Report” obtained by Center for Immigration Studies expert Jessica Vaughan and shared with Breitbart News, there were 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who had final orders of removal but who remained at large in the U.S.
Another 179,018 convicted criminal immigrants with deportation cases pending also remained at large.
While the vast majority were not in custody some were detained — namely 6,220 criminal immigrants facing final deportation orders and another 7,680 convicted criminal immigrants with immigration cases pending.
The article goes on to say in 2013 the Obama administration had released 36,007 criminal immigrants that had some 88,000 convictions including 193 homicide convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, 1975 aggravated assault convictions and 426 convictions for sexual assault.
This current group won't even get rid of the murderers and rapists that walked across the Rio Grande.
Edit in to add Congressional testimony.

Right wing news consumers are so confused. Let me clear this up.

Obama has been called the Deporter-in Chief, because the total number of deportations during Obama’s tenure puts him on track to “have deported more people by the end of 2014 than George W. Bush did in his entire eight years.

Homeland security officials in the Obama administration have more than doubled the Border Patrol’s size and spent billions on drones, sensors and other technology at the border — say enhanced security is driving the new trends.

Nowdays it is much more difficult to get across, the Mexicans will tell you. The numbers crossing have been cut dramatically under Obama.

Under Bush, the majority of immigrants that the U.S. sent home were simply “returned.” Nobody took their fingerprints or put a permanent mark on their immigration records. Instead, U.S. authorities put them on buses and sent them back across the border. According to Homeland Security, between 2001 and 2008, million of these informal “returns" were back in the USA.

​"They were picked up on a Friday, deported, and back at work on Monday!"

Fact is, fewer are now crossing into the US and more are being deported than ever before under the Obama administration. Border security it tighter than ever and more are being deported than ever before.

Now you know.

FOX viewers pay attention please.

Edited by RidgeRunner
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