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Tiger meat seized before being served in Bangkok restaurants


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I saw some pots of stuff openly on sale at Lotus....balm made from tigers. Disgusting...should be stopped.

Not to mention Chang beer, that stuff must be full of minced elephants.

And Tiger beer, which is brewed from tiger spleens, same as Leo beer is brewed from lion spleens (I hear they toss a bit of lion liver into the mix as well) clap2.gif .

I actually like Tiger beer. Singha is OK I suppose, but then again, I've never been a big fan of liver.

Now you are just being silly . Leo is made from leopard spleen . Can't imagine what Phuket beer is made from. Condo Jumpers possibly ?

We used to get TUSKER beer in East Africa until some supercilious <deleted> decided to ban Elephant shooting

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Just how many low life reside in Thailand , to actually kill a beautiful animal like the Tiger and then head off to sell it as meat at a restaurant , beggars belief , these people should be flogged till they are red raw just like the tiger meat , the land of Smiles , what a load of crap...................bah.gif

So what about India, China, USA, SA who people either eat or kill wildlife ? I get your a Thai hater, think your a load of crap...

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Delivering the meat to Bangkok restaurants... who were waiting for their <deleted> tiger meat? Who had customers waiting - for their order of tiger meat?

Shoot the whole lot of them, the sick bastards. Loads of money but no breeding or class, is the problem.

Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...

Quote : 'Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...'

So... Mister ParadiseLost, after you write something like that, how do you feel ? relieved ? better ?

'Sociopaths who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously' ... are they, in your eyes, an Asian specialty somehow ? Do you not realize that the whole world is in deep sh*t due to loss of values, principles, references, education ?

How many fortunes around the world are/were made not dubiously ? To take but one example (and he is regarded as a hero by 90% of his countrymen) Henry Ford became immensely rich by inventing assembly lines, which in effect turned human beings into robots. Did he do it for the good of humanity ? Did he even take the good of humanity into account ? Of course not, he did it because it made him immensely rich, full stop. What did he care if his 'fellow' human beings ended up doing the same mechanical gesture a million times a day, totally stripped of respect and self-respect ?

The negative consequences of this 'brilliant invention' of his are inumerable, and it put humanity on the path to this Brave New World in which we are now striving to survive, where 'the poor stay poor and the rich get richer'. How dubious is that ?

Need I remind you of the fortunes made in Wall Street by the 'Golden Boys' ? Do you remember the subprimes and their terrible consequences through the whole world, just because a handful of demented sorcerer's apprentices had found a clever and easy way of making billions, knowing full well that what they were doing was absurd, dangerous and bound to wreak havoc pretty soon ? It didn't explode in their face, though, it exploded in ours.

Sociopaths ... yes, you're right about that, but by implying that there are more of them in Asia, you perpetuate a way of thinking which blinds you from seeing the whole world as it is. If you blame the bad things on 'foreigners' only, you are not even beginning to see, let alone adress the real problems, you're just trying to make yourself feel better, which is understandable on the individual level, but useless on the social one.

Edited by Yann55
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Just how many low life reside in Thailand , to actually kill a beautiful animal like the Tiger and then head off to sell it as meat at a restaurant , beggars belief , these people should be flogged till they are red raw just like the tiger meat , the land of Smiles , what a load of crap...................bah.gif

This is just not a matter of a "tasty steak" but these Chinese retards actually think that it will make them virile again.

Only someone who is intellectually challenged will think that it's only the Chinese who want a hard-on.

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Delivering the meat to Bangkok restaurants... who were waiting for their <deleted> tiger meat? Who had customers waiting - for their order of tiger meat?

Shoot the whole lot of them, the sick bastards. Loads of money but no breeding or class, is the problem.

Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...

Quote : 'Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...'

So... Mister ParadiseLost, after you write something like that, how do you feel ? relieved ? better ?

'Sociopaths who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously' ... are they, in your eyes, an Asian specialty somehow ? Do you not realize that the whole world is in deep sh*t due to loss of values, principles, references, education ?

How many fortunes around the world are/were made not dubiously ? To take but one example (and he is regarded as a hero by 90% of his countrymen) Henry Ford became immensely rich by inventing assembly lines, which in effect turned human beings into robots. Did he do it for the good of humanity ? Did he even take the good of humanity into account ? Of course not, he did it because it made him immensely rich, full stop. What did he care if his 'fellow' human beings ended up doing the same mechanical gesture a million times a day, totally stripped of respect and self-respect ?

The negative consequences of this 'brilliant invention' of his are inumerable, and it put humanity on the path to this Brave New World in which we are now striving to survive, where 'the poor stay poor and the rich get richer'. How dubious is that ?

Need I remind you of the fortunes made in Wall Street by the 'Golden Boys' ? Do you remember the subprimes and their terrible consequences through the whole world, just because a handful of demented sorcerer's apprentices had found a clever and easy way of making billions, knowing full well that what they were doing was absurd, dangerous and bound to wreak havoc pretty soon ? It didn't explode in their face, though, it exploded in ours.

Sociopaths ... yes, you're right about that, but by implying that there are more of them in Asia, you perpetuate a way of thinking which blinds you from seeing the whole world as it is. If you blame the bad things on 'foreigners' only, you are not even beginning to see, let alone adress the real problems, you're just trying to make yourself feel better, which is understandable on the individual level, but useless on the social one.

Funny, I feel just fine, I have nothing against Asian people, you know, the normal working class Joe citizen. I have been married to one for a long time. Don't need to post here to 'feel better' - but thanks for the concern anyway.

No, I was discussing an incident which occurred in Asia, with Asian people. Where did I say I exclude the rest of the world? When you discuss this country's road death-toll do you brush it aside as it happens everywhere? Or is the problem particularly bad in Thailand?

And where did I imply there are 'more of them in Asia' - I was merely discussing the forum topic and sorry but this is an Asian problem. Exactly where does majority of the world's poached ivory, rhino horn etc. land up???

If you want the soapbox it is free to all - no need to attack someone to make your point. And I agree - shit happens everywhere. But here we are discussing sick Asian freaks of nature who deserve to be culled. Okay?

Edited by ParadiseLost
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Delivering the meat to Bangkok restaurants... who were waiting for their <deleted> tiger meat? Who had customers waiting - for their order of tiger meat?

Shoot the whole lot of them, the sick bastards. Loads of money but no breeding or class, is the problem.

Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously...

My thoughts exactly.

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Where are the restaurants names that have tiger meat on the menu?

Why do they always leave out the important parts of a story...

The owners should also get whatever punishment is given to the ones that shot the tiger.... But I guess they're too high up the food chain to be named and shamed...

So the 'Whities' that decimate(d) all the Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Rhinos etc in Africa and Asia just for the trophies are soooo different because they didn't (don't) sell the meat?

No, they are wrong too.

And a lot of us believe that there should be the death penalty for poaching endangered animals.

Look at the world-wide uproar over the death of Cecil the Lion, in Zimbabwe.

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Just how many low life reside in Thailand , to actually kill a beautiful animal like the Tiger and then head off to sell it as meat at a restaurant , beggars belief , these people should be flogged till they are red raw just like the tiger meat , the land of Smiles , what a load of crap...................bah.gif

So why does a Tiger have more of a right to life than a pig, sheep or cow? which you no doubt scoff down at regular intervals in restaurants. If the Tiger was not endangered then it would be ok, it's all about them being rare is it and not the morality of killing animals to eat them

Tigers are much nicer to look at.

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Just how many low life reside in Thailand , to actually kill a beautiful animal like the Tiger and then head off to sell it as meat at a restaurant , beggars belief , these people should be flogged till they are red raw just like the tiger meat , the land of Smiles , what a load of crap...................bah.gif

This is just not a matter of a "tasty steak" but these Chinese retards actually think that it will make them virile again.

Only someone who is intellectually challenged will think that it's only the Chinese who want a hard-on.

Yes but is primarly the Chinese that will kill or purchase nearly extinct animals for that affect. Most guys will just take a viagra. I have read that many of the debunked potency concoctions in China are now spiked with viagra so they are still popular, what a scam and a plague on the planet. China is the worlds current largest consumer of endangered species and have decimated the wildlife of Laos and Myanmar.
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Delivering the meat to Bangkok restaurants... who were waiting for their <deleted> tiger meat? Who had customers waiting - for their order of tiger meat?

Shoot the whole lot of them, the sick bastards. Loads of money but no breeding or class, is the problem.

Asia is full of wannabe sociopaths and their retard offspring, who got their hands on fortunes very dubiously.

Stake them out in the jungle and pour honey on them.

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Ok, I understand that people get upset about this know of thing, but let's not forget to apply logic.

a/ The people in the car with the dead tiger in all probability are not the ones who killed the tiger.

b/ How the hell do you fit a tiger in a cooler box ?

c/ The killing of ANY animal for meat is equally abhorrent, how can you be so offended by this while eating a steak pie.. or whatever.

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Catching a couple of guys who are paid 3,000 Baht to kill a Tiger is going to do nothing to stop this problem. Shutting down this restaurant and putting the owner in prison would. Plus a +10,000 Baht Fine for anyone who knowingly orders Tiger Meat to eat in a restaurant.

This beautiful creature "Bengal Tiger" needs our protection if they are going to remain in the wild or on Earth. If you shoot a Panda Bear in China you could face the death penalty. It is time to take a serious look at this, instead of wrapping a couple of guys on the knuckles that you caught by luck.

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The guys they arrested know where they picked up the mean and from whom. They also know the places it was to be delivered. Smart police would have set up a sting operation and arrested the waiting recipients of the meat. This isn't rocket science.

Smart police? Yeah right! Expect the unexpected.

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Catching a couple of guys who are paid 3,000 Baht to kill a Tiger is going to do nothing to stop this problem. Shutting down this restaurant and putting the owner in prison would. Plus a +10,000 Baht Fine for anyone who knowingly orders Tiger Meat to eat in a restaurant.

This beautiful creature "Bengal Tiger" needs our protection if they are going to remain in the wild or on Earth. If you shoot a Panda Bear in China you could face the death penalty. It is time to take a serious look at this, instead of wrapping a couple of guys on the knuckles that you caught by luck.

I agree and a 10,000 baht restaurant fine is way to low. 100,000 bahts seems more in line plus 5 years in the slammer.

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Unless you're a VEGETARIAN/VEGAN, then shut your doublestandard mouths by saying this is unfair and cruel. The various meats and fish you eat on a daily basis are flesh from animals who want to live as much as we and ALL other animals. Why do you love your cats and dogs but slaughter others?

And here, some people who eat chicken, beef, pork, etc are bashing those who eat dog, shark, cats, tiger, etc. Think about it. Is there really a difference or you're just playing holy because you've a different preference.

Fruits, vegetables and grains contain ALL the nutrients we humans ever need. There are thousands of very healthy and delicious vegetarian foods one can make without all the violence and sin involved.

Leave the animals alone. They wanna live as much as we all do. Yes, I've been a vegetarian my whole life so I can say these without any guilt.

I'm not playing holy but it's just rediculous seeing meat eaters bash other meat eaters for having a different preference.

Sorry -whilst I have a lot of respect for many forms of vegetarianism, I don't think your arguments re hypocrisy hold water.

The main concern about the consumption of tigers is from a conservation angle.

Eating meat is concomitant with virtually every human society since the beginning of time. Whereas there are undoubtedly environmental consequences of industrail farming of meat, it still represents the only source of high protein for many people and helps provide things like omega acids.

domesticated animals have been bred for food over millennia - Tigers are not domesticated and their function is as apex predators in many fragile bio-systems.

Also using anthropomorphic concepts to argue against the slaughter of animals for meat is not really a valid argument.

While 'wanting to live as much as we do' certainly may qualify as an anthropomorphic argument, suffering and fear do not. Animals other than human animals have been shown to suffer and experience fear. Domesticated "food animals" (hate those words) included. Inhumane slaughter of animals for food is torture...and animal slaughter for food is almost always inhumane. Watch this newly released vid if you disagree...

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Once I was attacked by 10 tigers in Africa.....I didn't want to harm them, so I put them all in a sleeper hold and made my escape.

I am so vegan I can't even go into a supermarket that sells meat.......


Not a bad effort on your part seeing as tigers are not found in Africa

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Unless you're a VEGETARIAN/VEGAN, then shut your doublestandard mouths by saying this is unfair and cruel. The various meats and fish you eat on a daily basis are flesh from animals who want to live as much as we and ALL other animals. Why do you love your cats and dogs but slaughter others?

And here, some people who eat chicken, beef, pork, etc are bashing those who eat dog, shark, cats, tiger, etc. Think about it. Is there really a difference or you're just playing holy because you've a different preference.

Fruits, vegetables and grains contain ALL the nutrients we humans ever need. There are thousands of very healthy and delicious vegetarian foods one can make without all the violence and sin involved.

Leave the animals alone. They wanna live as much as we all do. Yes, I've been a vegetarian my whole life so I can say these without any guilt.

I'm not playing holy but it's just rediculous seeing meat eaters bash other meat eaters for having a different preference.

Sorry -whilst I have a lot of respect for many forms of vegetarianism, I don't think your arguments re hypocrisy hold water.

The main concern about the consumption of tigers is from a conservation angle.

Eating meat is concomitant with virtually every human society since the beginning of time. Whereas there are undoubtedly environmental consequences of industrail farming of meat, it still represents the only source of high protein for many people and helps provide things like omega acids.

domesticated animals have been bred for food over millennia - Tigers are not domesticated and their function is as apex predators in many fragile bio-systems.

Also using anthropomorphic concepts to argue against the slaughter of animals for meat is not really a valid argument.

While 'wanting to live as much as we do' certainly may qualify as an anthropomorphic argument, suffering and fear do not. Animals other than human animals have been shown to suffer and experience fear. Domesticated "food animals" (hate those words) included. Inhumane slaughter of animals for food is torture...and animal slaughter for food is almost always inhumane. Watch this newly released vid if you disagree...

Jeeeeeez, where are these do good organisations in situations such as this?

Are these 'things' really humans?

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Just how many low life reside in Thailand , to actually kill a beautiful animal like the Tiger and then head off to sell it as meat at a restaurant , beggars belief , these people should be flogged till they are red raw just like the tiger meat , the land of Smiles , what a load of crap...................bah.gif

This is just not a matter of a "tasty steak" but these Chinese retards actually think that it will make them virile again.

Only someone who is intellectually challenged will think that it's only the Chinese who want a hard-on.

Yes but is primarly the Chinese that will kill or purchase nearly extinct animals for that affect. Most guys will just take a viagra. I have read that many of the debunked potency concoctions in China are now spiked with viagra so they are still popular, what a scam and a plague on the planet. China is the worlds current largest consumer of endangered species and have decimated the wildlife of Laos and Myanmar.

IN Thailand i met a farang swearing blind about "red ant powder" - of course it was it fact largely Viagra.

Chinese consumption of "rare animals" has accelerated together with the burgeoning middle class there. However the trade requires complicity by others - Thailand is currently putting it's case to CITES who have demanded they get their act together - Vietnam is a massive consumer of tiger and other animals. In Laos, the casinos in the Golden Triangle are just about a free for all in any kind of trade including endangered species and bits of them.

Thailand is still way off the mark in tackling the trade in endangered species and eve dragging their heels in some respects (e.g. ivory), back in the last century, it was the army who were the prime movers in this area together with logging they facilitated the movement of all sorts of illegal goods over Thailand's borders (and back again) - one hopes it's not a case of all habits die hard.

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Unless you're a VEGETARIAN/VEGAN, then shut your doublestandard mouths by saying this is unfair and cruel. The various meats and fish you eat on a daily basis are flesh from animals who want to live as much as we and ALL other animals. Why do you love your cats and dogs but slaughter others?

And here, some people who eat chicken, beef, pork, etc are bashing those who eat dog, shark, cats, tiger, etc. Think about it. Is there really a difference or you're just playing holy because you've a different preference.

Fruits, vegetables and grains contain ALL the nutrients we humans ever need. There are thousands of very healthy and delicious vegetarian foods one can make without all the violence and sin involved.

Leave the animals alone. They wanna live as much as we all do. Yes, I've been a vegetarian my whole life so I can say these without any guilt.

I'm not playing holy but it's just rediculous seeing meat eaters bash other meat eaters for having a different preference.

Sorry -whilst I have a lot of respect for many forms of vegetarianism, I don't think your arguments re hypocrisy hold water.

The main concern about the consumption of tigers is from a conservation angle.

Eating meat is concomitant with virtually every human society since the beginning of time. Whereas there are undoubtedly environmental consequences of industrail farming of meat, it still represents the only source of high protein for many people and helps provide things like omega acids.

domesticated animals have been bred for food over millennia - Tigers are not domesticated and their function is as apex predators in many fragile bio-systems.

Also using anthropomorphic concepts to argue against the slaughter of animals for meat is not really a valid argument.

While 'wanting to live as much as we do' certainly may qualify as an anthropomorphic argument, suffering and fear do not. Animals other than human animals have been shown to suffer and experience fear. Domesticated "food animals" (hate those words) included. Inhumane slaughter of animals for food is torture...and animal slaughter for food is almost always inhumane. Watch this newly released vid if you disagree...

Jeeeeeez, where are these do good organisations in situations such as this?

Are these 'things' really humans?

Unfortunately and very sadly...this is not an exception, but rather the norm. This kind of treatment goes on in every meat (and dairy) factory...pigs, cows, chickens...all. Money and greed are the motivators, NOT the humane treatment and housing of the animals. SICKENING sick.gif

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This dead tiger was almost certainly poached in a national park.

China has tiger-farms. Plenty of consumerism-tigers there.

they don't shoot their tigers though - unless they are trying to convince the tiger was "wild" - which gets an added premium.

In fact the tiger farms of China are a crucial part of the problem......they encourage the consumption of tigers and increase the ability of those getting tigers "for free" from the wild to then launder their carcasses through the "legal" trade......

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Sorry -whilst I have a lot of respect for many forms of vegetarianism, I don't think your arguments re hypocrisy hold water.

e a VEGETARIAN/VEGAN, then shut your doublestandard mouths by saying this is unfair and cruel. The various meats and fish you eat on a daily basis are flesh from animals who want to live as much as we and ALL other animals. Why do you love your cats and dogs but slaughter others?

And here, some people who eat chicken, beef, pork, etc are bashing those who eat dog, shark, cats, tiger, etc. Think about it. Is there really a difference or you're just playing holy because you've a different preference.

Fruits, vegetables and grains contain ALL the nutrients we humans ever need. There are thousands of very healthy and delicious vegetarian foods one can make without all the violence and sin involved.

Leave the animals alone. They wanna live as much as we all do. Yes, I've been a vegetarian my whole life so I can say these without any guilt.

I'm not playing holy but it's just rediculous seeing meat eaters bash other meat eaters for having a different preference.

The main concern about the consumption of tigers is from a conservation angle.

Eating meat is concomitant with virtually every human society since the beginning of time. Whereas there are undoubtedly environmental consequences of industrail farming of meat, it still represents the only source of high protein for many people and helps provide things like omega acids.

domesticated animals have been bred for food over millennia - Tigers are not domesticated and their function is as apex predators in many fragile bio-systems.

Also using anthropomorphic concepts to argue against the slaughter of animals for meat is not really a valid argument.

While 'wanting to live as much as we do' certainly may qualify as an anthropomorphic argument, suffering and fear do not. Animals other than human animals have been shown to suffer and experience fear. Domesticated "food animals" (hate those words) included. Inhumane slaughter of animals for food is torture...and animal slaughter for food is almost always inhumane. Watch this newly released vid if you disagree...

Jeeeeeez, where are these do good organisations in situations such as this?

Are these 'things' really humans?

Unfortunately and very sadly...this is not an exception, but rather the norm. This kind of treatment goes on in every meat (and dairy) factory...pigs, cows, chickens...all. Money and greed are the motivators, NOT the humane treatment and housing of the animals. SICKENING sick.gif

Sadly your naive attempts to dichotomise the situation does more harm than good - to put the slaughter of Tigers in the same box as domesticated food source animals is avoiding the environmental and conservation issues and trying to change the entire planet on the basis of "meat is murder" is just baby-talk.

if you want to campaign against animal cruelty in slaughterhouses do so, but trying to link that to the very real and imminent threat of extinction facing the "Corbetti" tiger is just downright irresponsible and potentially very damaging to an urgent cause.

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Unfortunately and very sadly...this is not an exception, but rather the norm. This kind of treatment goes on in every meat (and dairy) factory...pigs, cows, chickens...all. Money and greed are the motivators, NOT the humane treatment and housing of the animals. SICKENING sick.gif

Sorry -whilst I have a lot of respect for many forms of vegetarianism, I don't think your arguments re hypocrisy hold water.

e a VEGETARIAN/VEGAN, then shut your doublestandard mouths by saying this is unfair and cruel. The various meats and fish you eat on a daily basis are flesh from animals who want to live as much as we and ALL other animals. Why do you love your cats and dogs but slaughter others?

And here, some people who eat chicken, beef, pork, etc are bashing those who eat dog, shark, cats, tiger, etc. Think about it. Is there really a difference or you're just playing holy because you've a different preference.

Fruits, vegetables and grains contain ALL the nutrients we humans ever need. There are thousands of very healthy and delicious vegetarian foods one can make without all the violence and sin involved.

Leave the animals alone. They wanna live as much as we all do. Yes, I've been a vegetarian my whole life so I can say these without any guilt.

I'm not playing holy but it's just rediculous seeing meat eaters bash other meat eaters for having a different preference.

The main concern about the consumption of tigers is from a conservation angle.

Eating meat is concomitant with virtually every human society since the beginning of time. Whereas there are undoubtedly environmental consequences of industrail farming of meat, it still represents the only source of high protein for many people and helps provide things like omega acids.

domesticated animals have been bred for food over millennia - Tigers are not domesticated and their function is as apex predators in many fragile bio-systems.

Also using anthropomorphic concepts to argue against the slaughter of animals for meat is not really a valid argument.

While 'wanting to live as much as we do' certainly may qualify as an anthropomorphic argument, suffering and fear do not. Animals other than human animals have been shown to suffer and experience fear. Domesticated "food animals" (hate those words) included. Inhumane slaughter of animals for food is torture...and animal slaughter for food is almost always inhumane. Watch this newly released vid if you disagree...

Sadly your naive attempts to dichotomise the situation does more harm than good - to put the slaughter of Tigers in the same box as domesticated food source animals is avoiding the environmental and conservation issues and trying to change the entire planet on the basis of "meat is murder" is just baby-talk.

if you want to campaign against animal cruelty in slaughterhouses do so, but trying to link that to the very real and imminent threat of extinction facing the "Corbetti" tiger is just downright irresponsible and potentially very damaging to an urgent cause.

Apples and oranges, maybe...but it was you who mixed the two. Had you just made your point about the tigers and bio-systems and left it there, then we would not have much to disagree on. However...you added an "also" in the last sentence of your post, which accused another of making an invalid anthropomorphic argument about "slaughter of animals for meat". With that, you addressed and "dichotomised" it, thus opening up the sub-topic...which was the point of my rebuttal. passifier.gif

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