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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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Obviously a well funded, well organized, multiple location terrorism event.

Obviously Islamist related.

Report from the concert hall, gunman shouted: This is for Syria.

Big surprise. ph34r.png

The dead are now dead, but think of what those hostages must be feeling now.

The hostages will pray that their leaders will not sacrifice their lives for pseudo-religious interests.

Hostages can be exchanged.

Where are the patriotic political and financial leaders to offer their bodies as substitute hostages?

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Jean-Claude Juncker and the voice of surrender speaking just a couple of months ago demanding that his fellow Europeans commit suicide or else. What you going to say today, boy?

Since the beginning of the year, nearly 500,000 people have made their way to Europe. The vast majority of them are fleeing from war in Syria, the terror of the Islamic State in Libya or dictatorship in Eritrea. The most affected Member States are Greece, with over 213,000 refugees, Hungary, with over 145,000, and Italy, with over 115,000.

The numbers are impressive. For some they are frightening. But now is not the time to take fright. It is time for bold, determined and concerted action by the European Union, by its institutions and by all its Member States.

This is first of all a matter of humanity and of human dignity. And for Europe it is also a matter of historical fairness.

We Europeans should remember well that Europe is a continent where nearly everyone has at one time been a refugee. Our common history is marked by millions of Europeans fleeing from religious or political persecution, from war, dictatorship, or oppression.


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Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

mothers and the god they worship....

This thread starts to be used by some who like to express extreem right and islamophobic ideas...

Comments like this from brainwashed idiots is why the murderous act has happened

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Paris prosecutor announces over 120 dead and LOTS of woundeds with very serious states..

Don't forget on top of it there is fom yesterday onwards a huge doctor's strike going on in France, all private doctors are on strike due to another new Hollande's law..

Apparently those people were in a car.. They went through Boulevard de Charonne in direction of the "Bataclan" (type of cabaret).. They fired from the car on people walking on the sideways.. 18 dead on this street.. they went to the Bataclan, entered and began to shoot in this place..

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Obviously a well funded, well organized, multiple location terrorism event.

Obviously Islamist related.

Report from the concert hall, gunman shouted: This is for Syria.

Big surprise. ph34r.png

The dead are now dead, but think of what those hostages must be feeling now.

The hostages will pray that their leaders will not sacrifice their lives for pseudo-religious interests.

Hostages can be exchanged.

Where are the patriotic political and financial leaders to offer their bodies as substitute hostages?

Why the hell would they do that ?

At times of crisis you need leaders, not body count.

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Official: As many as 120 dead in string of Paris attacks

LORI HINNANT, Associated Press

GREG KELLER, Associated Press

PARIS (AP) — A series of attacks targeting young concert-goers and Parisians enjoying a Friday night out at popular nightspots killed as many as 120 people in the deadliest violence to strike France since World War II. President Francois Hollande pledged that France would stand firm against what he called terrorism.

The worst carnage was at a concert hall hosting an American rock band, where scores of people were held hostage and attackers hurled explosives at their captives. Police who stormed the building, killing three attackers, encountered a bloody scene of horror inside.

Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins said as many as five attackers may have been killed, though it was not clear how many there were altogether and how many were still at large. Authorities said the death toll at the six sites could exceed 120.

Hollande declared a state of emergency and announced that he was closing the country's borders. The violence spread fear through the city and exceeded the horrors of the Charlie Hebdo attack just 10 months ago.

In addition to the deaths at the concert hall, a police official said 11 people were killed in a Paris restaurant in the 10th arrondissement and other officials said at least three people died when bombs went off outside a stadium.

All of the officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to be publicly named in the quickly moving investigation.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks, and no clear picture of how many attackers were involved and if any were on the run. Jihadists on Twitter immediately praised the attack and criticized France's military operations against Islamic State extremists.

Hollande, who had to be evacuated from the stadium when the bombs went off outside, said in a televised address that the nation would stand firm and united.

"This is a terrible ordeal that again assails us," he said. "We know where it comes from, who these criminals are, who these terrorists are."

U.S. President Barack Obama, speaking to reporters in Washington, called the attacks on Paris "outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians" and vowed to do whatever it takes to help bring the perpetrators to justice. He called the attacks a "heartbreaking situation" and an "attack on all of humanity."

Earlier Friday, two explosions were heard outside the Stade de France stadium north of Paris during a France-Germany exhibition soccer game. A police union official said there were two suicide attacks and a bombing that killed at least three people.

The official, Gregory Goupil of the Alliance Police Nationale, whose region includes the area of the stadium, said explosions went off simultaneously near two entrances and a McDonalds.

An Associated Press reporter in the stadium Friday night heard two explosions loud enough to penetrate the sounds of cheering fans. Sirens were immediately heard, and a helicopter was circling overhead.

The attack comes as France has heightened security measures ahead of a major global climate conference that starts in two weeks, out of fear of violent protests and potential terrorist attacks. Hollande canceled a planned trip to this weekend's G-20 summit in Turkey, which was to focus in large part on growing fears of terrorism carried out by Islamic extremists.

Emilio Macchio, from Ravenna, Italy, was at the Carillon restaurant that was targeted, having a beer on the sidewalk, when the shooting started. He said he didn't see any gunmen or victims, but hid behind a corner, then ran away.

"It sounded like fireworks," he said.

France has been on edge since January, when Islamic extremists attacked the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, which had run cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, and a kosher grocery. Twenty people died, including the three attackers. The Charlie Hebdo attackers claimed links to extremists in Yemen, while the kosher market attacker claimed ties to the Islamic State group.

This time, they targeted young people enjoying a rock concert and ordinary city residents enjoying a Friday night out.

One of at least two restaurants targeted Friday, Le Carillon, is in the same general neighborhood as the Charlie Hebdo offices, as is the Bataclan, among the best-known venues in eastern Paris, near the trendy Oberkampf area known for a vibrant nightlife. The California-based band Eagles of Death Metal was scheduled to play there Friday night.

The country has seen several smaller-scale attacks or attempts since, including an incident on a high-speed train in August in which American travelers thwarted an attempted attack by a heavily armed man.

France's military is bombing Islamic State targets in Syria and Iraq and fighting extremists in Africa, and extremist groups have frequently threatened France in the past.

French authorities are particularly concerned about the threat from hundreds of French Islamic radicals who have travelled to Syria and returned home with skills to stage violence.

Though who was responsible for Friday night's violence remained a mystery, the Islamic State is "clearly the name at the top of everyone's list," Brian Michael Jenkins, a terrorism expert and senior adviser to the president of RAND Corp., said.

Jenkins said the tactic used — "multiple attackers in coordinated attacks at multiple locations" — echoed recommendations published in extremist group's online magazine, Dabbiq, over the summer.

"The big question on everyone's mind is, were these attackers, if they turn out to be connected to one of the groups in Syria, were they homegrown terrorists or were they returning fighters from having served" with the Islamic State group, Jenkins said. "That will be a huge question."


Associated Press writers Angela Charlton, Jerome Pugmire, Samuel Petrequin, Jamey Keaten and John-Thor Dahlburg contributed to this story.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-14

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120 Killed In Paris Concert Hall 'Carnage'

At least 120 people have been killed inside the Bataclan concert hall where attackers seized hostages, police officials say.

Elite police commandos launched an assault on the venue and killed two gunmen - but were unable to save the hostages.

One official described "carnage" inside the building, saying the attackers had tossed explosives at the hostages.

Witnesses outside the venue in the 11th arrondissement reported hearing five successive explosions followed by gunshots.

Officials said they expect the death toll to rise.

-- Sky News

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RIP those who got killed.

Hopefully all these killings will stop one day.

The hostages still have a (theoretical) chance to survive. In case their government doesn't sacrifice their lives to political and economic interests.

What are the concrete demands of the hostage-takers?

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So-called moderate Muslims are partly to blame. Many of them applaud this sort of thing whether they admit it or not. During 9-11 I was teaching at Dubai Women's College, where some Muslim "colleagues" said Americans deserved it. If the Muslim world can't control their people, the rest of us should do it for them.

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So good of Merkel to let them all in. What could possibly go wrong?

She (and all the PC politicians) that let this evil mob into Europe should be charged as an accessory to mass murder. I, and many others on this forum, could see exactly this situation would happen. You were warned, you failed to accept the warning and called us bigots for trying to talk about it. Well, time to pay the piper. No mercy for them.

I wasnt aware the attacks were carried out by the refugees Merkel let in. Do you have a link?

Don't try and be smart, at some point they were a refugee/asylum seeker...lets just wait, the ones Merkel is letting in will be the terrorists of tomorrow without a doubt..just look at the scenes in Hungary, hundreds of angry young men burning and throwing things

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Another travesty in the name of Islam. Well done. Keep it going. already half of the non muslim world are starting to hate you, the rest will follow. Cowards of the highest form.

Dont forget over 99% of the muslim world hates them too.

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This is the beginning of an Armageddon of Islam V. Christianity and Judaism....

This is the thanks and the gratitude Muslims/Arabs who were allowed to settle in the EU and the west

is giving back to tier hosts...

Europe has systematically eliminated, purged and exiled the Jews from Europe 70-80 years ago branding them to

be vile and the source of all evil, instead, they allow the Muslims in, and now they pay the price....

This is mainstream Islam, not extremism. The extremists are the liberal Muslims who think Islam has little business spreading itself by violence. Those Muslims, although the vast majority, are apostates and they will be lumped together with the Christians, the Jews, and other infidels, kafirs, and devils that must be destroyed to make way for a new Islamic State.

These people will not stop at the borders of their native states. The "Islamic State" will not stop at the Turkish or Saudi border. Boko Haram will not stop at the border of Nigeria. Abu Sayyeff will not stop in the Philippines, and Al Shabaab will not stop with Somalia. In fact, the world seems to be on the brink of a global Islamic uprising that will not only include the active, militant movements that exist across Africa and Asia, but may soon include outbursts of activity in Europe and the Americas.

Islam sees the world in black and white. All things are either good or evil. America and the western world is a great evil. America itself is the Great Satan, and we're going to have a very hard time arguing that point because the United States is quite evil.

It's coming, fast, and in days wekks and months to come we will witness more of the same...

You've never lived in the U.S., obviously. Aside from being a much friendlier country than many others, the U.S. has a First Amendment which strictly enforces the separation of religion and state.

Edited by Dustdevil
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So good of Merkel to let them all in. What could possibly go wrong?

She (and all the PC politicians) that let this evil mob into Europe should be charged as an accessory to mass murder. I, and many others on this forum, could see exactly this situation would happen. You were warned, you failed to accept the warning and called us bigots for trying to talk about it. Well, time to pay the piper. No mercy for them.

I wasnt aware the attacks were carried out by the refugees Merkel let in. Do you have a link?

just wait all will be revealed in the meantime just make sure you do not go blind

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So good of Merkel to let them all in. What could possibly go wrong?

She (and all the PC politicians) that let this evil mob into Europe should be charged as an accessory to mass murder. I, and many others on this forum, could see exactly this situation would happen. You were warned, you failed to accept the warning and called us bigots for trying to talk about it. Well, time to pay the piper. No mercy for them.

I wasnt aware the attacks were carried out by the refugees Merkel let in. Do you have a link?

Don't try and be smart, at some point they were a refugee/asylum seeker...lets just wait, the ones Merkel is letting in will be the terrorists of tomorrow without a doubt..just look at the scenes in Hungary, hundreds of angry young men burning and throwing things

So the answer is no.

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RIP those who got killed.

Hopefully all these killings will stop one day.

The hostages still have a (theoretical) chance to survive. In case their government doesn't sacrifice their lives to political and economic interests.

What are the concrete demands of the hostage-takers?


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Another travesty in the name of Islam. Well done. Keep it going. already half of the non muslim world are starting to hate you, the rest will follow. Cowards of the highest form.

Dont forget over 99% of the muslim world hates them too.

I think the correct number is 97,3 % coffee1.gif

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So-called moderate Muslims are partly to blame. Many of them applaud this sort of thing whether they admit it or not. During 9-11 I was teaching at Dubai Women's College, where some Muslim "colleagues" said Americans deserved it. If the Muslim world can't control their people, the rest of us should do it for them.

Rubbish, but can understand your view if you consider the muslim world to be a few muslims in a Dubai Women's College.
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Another travesty in the name of Islam. Well done. Keep it going. already half of the non muslim world are starting to hate you, the rest will follow. Cowards of the highest form.

Dont forget over 99% of the muslim world hates them too.

Well the Shiites would.

But for the wrong reasons.

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Time to close down mosques, empty the reffo camps and start deporting illegal immigrants. When will the West wake up to the fact that religion is poison for the mind.

Invite all immigrants to a nice pork and beer......and than select which would fit in our society and which not.

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