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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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Another travesty in the name of Islam. Well done. Keep it going. already half of the non muslim world are starting to hate you, the rest will follow. Cowards of the highest form.

Dont forget over 99% of the muslim world hates them too.

If that's the case then why don't the 99% do something positive to eradicate this extreme ideology and it's consequences? What's your 'final' solution to this problem?

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UK PM David Cameron said he was shocked and pledged to do "whatever we can to help"[/size]

I understand he's going to write a strongly worded letter![/size]

The self-righteous Canadians have just withdrawn from fighting ISIS and are gleefully accepting 25,000 (I hear) Syrians. Time for the US to strengthen its northern border too?

Canada did right .What has Syria to do with them .

Be reassured they will learn sooner than later! coffee1.gif

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If NATO had stayed out of Syria this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing to Europe. Thanks a lot NATO.

Not only Syria....the madness started back when NATO trained Islamists to fight Soviets in Afghanistan.......Removing Saddam, Gaddafi and supporting Saudi Arabia are just some more stupid ideas.

But not as stupid or dangerous as the Ideas that there is a god called Allah and that Mohammad the war monger was his only prophet.

Islam does not teach Mohammed as the only prophet.

Interesting that you don't counter the point that he was a war monger.

If you were to invent a modern day religion (possibly a contradiction in terms?), would you include a character that was a prophet and also a war monger?

Are there any moderate Muslims on TVF that can comment on this? Do you think he was a war monger?

Should we decide how to behave today, based on ancient stories, Christian, Muslim or other?

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just looked at stop press site. they have the bbc article of the attack if you look hard but it is not mentioned in the latest news or the live news when I watched it. so it looks like Iran is treating it as a non event

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Should this all really lead to civil war in Europe, and elsewhere, or even WW3, (let's hope it does not), who of you will go back to

your native countries in Europe and fight alongside your once fellow countrymen?

Saddly I have been thinking today that I may well stay in LOS forever, I live here now but I think it may be that I will never want to go back home.

The US will probably blame this on Putin for doing something against stopping the lunatic ISIS that the US the Saudis and the rest of Obamas world seem to encourage.

This mayham which is about control is out of hand, the refugee problem is caused by this, now the psyco loonies have created a situation which may mean the third world war, beginning with civil wars all over the western world.

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Fans stay calm amid chilling atmosphere at Stade de France

PARIS (AP) — As news of bloodshed filtered through the crowd and police sirens wailed outside, thousands of soccer fans milled around the Stade de France, reluctant to leave the seemingly safe stadium.
The spectators didn't panic, despite hearing the sounds of explosions from outside — part of the carnage unfolding in the city that left more than a hundred killed in multiple acts of violence. But there was plenty of unease and tension.
During the first half of France's match against Germany on Friday, two explosions went off nearby. The first, at around 9:20 p.m., was a short and crisp bang.
"We heard them, but we thought they were home-made devices or fireworks," fan Frederic Lavergne told The Associated Press as he left the stadium. "We had no idea at the time what it was."
The next "bang" followed only minutes later, clearly audible as it ripped through the chill air.
The attacks occurred near two of the stadium entrances and at a nearby McDonald's restaurant, according to Gregory Goupil of the Alliance Police Nationale, whose region includes the area around the stadium. He said at least three people died in the attacks.
France defender Patrice Evra was momentarily stopped in his tracks by the sound. Collecting the ball on the left side of the field, which was near to where the explosions were happening behind him, Evra glanced upward before continuing to play.
The crowd noise inside the stadium was low at that point, since there was little excitement in the game, and the sounds of the sirens outside were loud and clear. So was the whirling sound of the police helicopter buzzing overhead.
By the end of the match, which France won 2-0, the mood was one of silent contemplation as news filtered in through mobile phones and social networks relaying the carnage outside.
What would otherwise have been a celebration of France's win became a night of worry. Some people were still singing near the end, but for most a sickening feeling had taken over.
Moments after the referee had blown his final whistle, hundreds of fans started streaming onto the field. At first, match stewards in their fluorescent tops were confused by the commotion. But it was soon clear that the fans just wanted to go onto the field, rather than face going outside.
"We preferred to stay on the field, that's where we felt safest," Lavergne said. "We had difficulty understanding the explanations inside the stadium."
After a second public address announcement reassuring fans that it was safe to leave and to take public transport, fans started moving out.
France will host the European Championship next year, and Friday's match was one of a handful of games remaining for coach Didier Deschamps to test the national team before the tournament.
There will now be doubts as to whether it will be safe to host the tournament, with 24 teams involved in matches across the country.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-14
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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

Dont get all hysterical .This has nothing to do with Thailand .

IMHO Paris's problems are something Thailand wants to stay well clear of for economic/tourism reasons. Of course, the recent bombing in Bangkok wasn't an act of terrorism was it? Neither has Thailand ever had a problem with it's minority Muslim population has it?

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Today would have been a good day for the outcome of the Koh Tao murder trial. These Paris atrocities overshadow most else, especially in Europe. I fear that attacks of this kind will become commonplace - and no, I'm not going to return to the UK or travel on a plane outside Thailand.

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Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

mothers and the god they worship....

This thread starts to be used by some who like to express extreem right and islamophobic ideas...
Most I assume used to be middle of the road live and let live types until recent times.

You have to be a pretty hard lefty not to be turned by recent events.

We don't have clear info about the persons who planned and committed Paris Friday 13th attacks. Not even details of any nationalities.

Perhaps some of them have or will be arrested.

Furthermore, we have no idea of the real motives.

Bringing up ISIL or Al Quaida is too easy. Whatever the amount of bits and bytes on Twitter and other media tools...you will never get close enough to the truth...

Making a general preemptive judgement on Islam based on the minimum of reliable facts we've obtained from media outlets of those attacks, is based on conspiracy theories from Islamophobic and/or extreem right speakers.

I'm not surprised of those attacks, knowing that France is actively engaged in a war in the Middle East. Let's not be hypocritical about this fact.

I condemn these attacks, but my previous post was just referring to those who are trapped in a Pavlov situation and are blaming constantly let's say the electrical wires system because the truth doesn't matter...

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It is always the Zions that come running out of the shadows and scream it is the Islam terrorists, quick look where I am pointing (and don't look anywhere else). It may well be Islam terrorists , probably is or it could at this point be the Zion false flag crowd that have done this type of thing countless times before or the American moderate terrorists from Syria or the ISIS or refugees seriously pissed off, or Frenchmen pissed off about their country being overrun by refugees, as there is no confirmation on types or races of people killed or injured nor demands or any other clear data. Chill out and see what and who before you try and lead the hysteria.

The crazy conspiracy theories sound like a lunatic.

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So much for multiculturalism.. Welcoming the dregs of the third World and allowing them to continue their primative religion was a foolish mistake.

I can see why your post is popular and mine won't be I'm sure. Firstly not all Muslims are extremists and most live a peaceful life within Muslim and non Muslim communities.

So, its people who are the problem, its not the religion but some peoples interpretation of it.

The Koran is not interpreted, it's the word of god and the "holy' Koran urges killing 109 times, it IS the religion that is the problem. Most Muslims are not terrorists but all Islamic terrorists are Muslims and they are entirely guided by the example of the perfect man- their prophet, who was no better than a terrorist himself.

All Islamic terrorists are Muslim by definition.

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Anyone surprised ? I think Nana and Pattqya is Neutral territory ?


That is plain silly.....what is with Christian/Buddhist/Atheist Arabs? Ethnic and Religion is not the same.

Plain silly yes.

And proof of lack of education.

The sign clearly should be: No muslims.

What does a muslim look like?

Post a photo of yourself...Then we can get updated.

Im catholic

But please feel free to answer the question. Will write it slowly to ease comprehension.

What does a muslim look like?

Good on ya Weeg

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I was a 2nd lieutenant United States of America army and they lie like dogs. Stay their not gay and don't eat pork, WELL I watched them for several months from gps drones, they pump each other like crazy drink alcohol and watch pork.

Anytime you Muslims want someone to fight I'm here I don't run

What an absolutely irrelevant post to this thread.

Have to admit, it is kind of brave to be 'up close and personal' watching a monitor showing the GPS coords. of a drone.


The full implications of these attacks in France haven't hit home yet, we are generally only counting numbers at the minute. This will be a day that will be remembered in history, IMO. Hopefully, good will come from tragedy.

My deepest condolences for the families of the dead.

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I cannot see that this can possibly stop here. The people of France have engineered a full scale revolution in the not too distant past and I fear that the people will now take issues into their own hands. This could be the catalyst for a real and determined retribution in which of course many more innocent people are likely to die.

Please explain how this could happen. While the PC leaders and indoctrinators in Europe were busy engineering this mess with their right hands, they were brainwashing and disarming the people with their left hands. Leaders with the goal of controlling their people always start by disarming them.

How are the people of Europe going to fight anyone at all this time? Are the men going to start hitting people with their purses? Are they going to write strongly worded letters? Maybe they'll just walk around saying "Aw, shucks"?

Many of the good people in this world are disarmed by law, but the bad guys keep showing up with their AK-47's, bombs and grenades when you least expect it.

This is the downfall of Europe. The people have given up all power and expect their leaders to protect them. They have believed that their leaders would protect them but they won't and they don't.

See ya Europe. It's been great knowing you. Your sheeple have bitten the dust.


Yea heres the thing about Europeans though they have a tendency to get a little extreme themselves when pushed a little too far.

They also arnt shy of a bit of blood letting either, when they get real upset they tend to vote in the extremists to get stuff done.

Dont worry too much about Europe its been war torn for centuries, a blip here and there is nothing.

We are fighting both hands tied and gloved, If the gloves and restrictions ever do come off it wont go well for the targets.

I'm with you on that and it's a bit frightening. Europeans have been moving more and more towards non violence, and personally I don't call it weakness i call it being civilised.

The problem is that others are not civilised, they are happy to take extreme action and it is happening too much around the world. I fear that this latest attack will be the catalyst to serious repercussions for the Muslim community. In short people in Europe were already at the end of their rope with immigration problems and terrorist attacks by people they were welcoming into their countries, and I think this is going to push things over the edge.

The far right are waiting for these kind of things to happen but more then that I think the everyday people have had enough.

I would not want to be a Muslim in Paris after these atrocities. It's a very sad day.

I'm sure the liberal press are already penning the Muslims fear backlash headlines. Perhaps if 100,000 or so Muslims actually marched through Paris condemning the attacks unequivocally that might help.
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Today would have been a good day for the outcome of the Koh Tao murder trial. These Paris atrocities overshadow most else, especially in Europe. I fear that attacks of this kind will becom

e commonplace - and no, I'm not going to return to the UK or travel on a plane outside Thailand.

Just as I read your post my wife called from the office to say she is concered about our holiday booked to UK soon.

Really not sure how to put her mind at rest. At least the flight doesn't go through the middle east.

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It is always the Zions that come running out of the shadows and scream it is the Islam terrorists, quick look where I am pointing (and don't look anywhere else). It may well be Islam terrorists , probably is or it could at this point be the Zion false flag crowd that have done this type of thing countless times before or the American moderate terrorists from Syria or the ISIS or refugees seriously pissed off, or Frenchmen pissed off about their country being overrun by refugees, as there is no confirmation on types or races of people killed or injured nor demands or any other clear data. Chill out and see what and who before you try and lead the hysteria.

The crazy conspiracy theories sound like a lunatic.
I wondered whether we had our first blame it on the Jews post, apparently we have.
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I was a 2nd lieutenant United States of America army and they lie like dogs. Stay their not gay and don't eat pork, WELL I watched them for several months from gps drones, they pump each other like crazy drink alcohol and watch pork.

Anytime you Muslims want someone to fight I'm here I don't run

What an absolutely irrelevant post to this thread.

Have to admit, it is kind of brave to be 'up close and personal' watching a monitor showing the GPS coords. of a drone.


The full implications of these attacks in France haven't hit home yet, we are generally only counting numbers at the minute. This will be a day that will be remembered in history, IMO. Hopefully, good will come from tragedy.

My deepest condolences for the families of the dead.

Nothing good will come from this, I fear. As per usual people will be on edge for a few weeks, the shyster politicians will call for calm as will the press, the odd mosque and refugee centre will be attacked here and there, then people will once again gradually start to move on with their lives and put this vile act out of mind until next time. Rinse and repeat...

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11 pages of bigoted Muslim bashing, and no-one has actually claimed responsibility yet.

Speaks volumes about the hatred some posters here have, not far removed from the hatred displayed by the barbaric killers in the OP whoever they are.

It is very interesting that many of the posters here are very quick to point the finger of bigotry when another religion is involved, conflating criticism of a certain government's policies with racism. But in this case are readily using words such as clearly Muslim, obviously Muslim ...in one fell swoop stereotyping an entire quarter of the world's population.

When the perps and the terorist group are known, condemn that groups barbarism with all the vitriol you can, but don't let them win by duplicating their venom.

Edited by dexterm
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