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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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So much for multiculturalism.. Welcoming the dregs of the third World and allowing them to continue their primative religion was a foolish mistake.

I heard that certain people wanted to build a mosc in moscow but were denied as the question was can we build a christian church in your city/ No they said.

IM just waiting for the day that violence starts in NZ and Australia which is filling the place up at full speed ahead.

High unemployment makes no difference, the wellfare and health systems in chaos but the doors are open and they go straight on the benefit.

Not only that, but they know more about what they can get than a local does before they arrive.

Hospitals are bursting at the seams but now your expected to spend your retirement savings (if your lucky enough to have any) TO GO INTO A FLASH NEW PRIVATE HOSPITAL THAT JOHN kEY ENJOYS OPENING or beg your way into a hospital to HAVE A LIFE SAVING OPERATION before you die on the waiting list .

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If NATO had stayed out of Syria this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing to Europe. Thanks a lot NATO.

Not only Syria....the madness started back when NATO trained Islamists to fight Soviets in Afghanistan.......Removing Saddam, Gaddafi and supporting Saudi Arabia are just some more stupid ideas.

But not as stupid or dangerous as the Ideas that there is a god called Allah and that Mohammad the war monger was his only prophet.

believing in a war monger invisible friend is one thing. Giving such people modern weapons and money is another thing.

If they only ride their camels thru the desert they don't cause harm.

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Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

mothers and the god they worship....

This thread starts to be used by some who like to express extreem right and islamophobic ideas...

Even funnier to see the usual apologists for Islamic terror rushing in to "explain" this event, minimize it, or claim it's just a few muslims who support this carnage and murder.

Can you name one poster that is an apologist for this or any attack?

Can you provide evidence that its more than just a few muslims that support terror?

Name anyone that has tried to minimise it?

You will find eveyone on here is disgusted with the attacks.

You will also find posters are sick of bigots who blame each and every muslim and islam for it when the factual evidence proves otherwise.

I have no issue with anyone saying the majority of attacks etc are from muslims that come from the middle east countries. But muslims are in many other countries, not just the middle east. So to blame all muslims and islam as a whole is wrong.

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I cannot see that this can possibly stop here. The people of France have engineered a full scale revolution in the not too distant past and I fear that the people will now take issues into their own hands. This could be the catalyst for a real and determined retribution in which of course many more innocent people are likely to die.

Please explain how this could happen. While the PC leaders and indoctrinators in Europe were busy engineering this mess with their right hands, they were brainwashing and disarming the people with their left hands. Leaders with the goal of controlling their people always start by disarming them.

How are the people of Europe going to fight anyone at all this time? Are the men going to start hitting people with their purses? Are they going to write strongly worded letters? Maybe they'll just walk around saying "Aw, shucks"?

Many of the good people in this world are disarmed by law, but the bad guys keep showing up with their AK-47's, bombs and grenades when you least expect it.

This is the downfall of Europe. The people have given up all power and expect their leaders to protect them. They have believed that their leaders would protect them but they won't and they don't.

See ya Europe. It's been great knowing you. Your sheeple have bitten the dust.


Arms dealers and stolen oil and artifact sellers are not treated to 103 years jail in the Bangkok hilton!!!wai2.gif

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I cannot see that this can possibly stop here. The people of France have engineered a full scale revolution in the not too distant past and I fear that the people will now take issues into their own hands. This could be the catalyst for a real and determined retribution in which of course many more innocent people are likely to die.

Please explain how this could happen. While the PC leaders and indoctrinators in Europe were busy engineering this mess with their right hands, they were brainwashing and disarming the people with their left hands. Leaders with the goal of controlling their people always start by disarming them.

How are the people of Europe going to fight anyone at all this time? Are the men going to start hitting people with their purses? Are they going to write strongly worded letters? Maybe they'll just walk around saying "Aw, shucks"?

Many of the good people in this world are disarmed by law, but the bad guys keep showing up with their AK-47's, bombs and grenades when you least expect it.

This is the downfall of Europe. The people have given up all power and expect their leaders to protect them. They have believed that their leaders would protect them but they won't and they don't.

See ya Europe. It's been great knowing you. Your sheeple have bitten the dust.


Yea heres the thing about Europeans though they have a tendency to get a little extreme themselves when pushed a little too far.

They also arnt shy of a bit of blood letting either, when they get real upset they tend to vote in the extremists to get stuff done.

Dont worry too much about Europe its been war torn for centuries, a blip here and there is nothing.

We are fighting both hands tied and gloved, If the gloves and restrictions ever do come off it wont go well for the targets.

Edited by englishoak
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So-called moderate Muslims are partly to blame. Many of them applaud this sort of thing whether they admit it or not. During 9-11 I was teaching at Dubai Women's College, where some Muslim "colleagues" said Americans deserved it. If the Muslim world can't control their people, the rest of us should do it for them.

Rubbish, but can understand your view if you consider the muslim world to be a few muslims in a Dubai Women's College.

A few Muslims? How about I lived in the UAE for nine years and Saudi for ten? Don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

You didnt say that in your post did you. You said a few muslims form the womens college and take that as what muslims think.

If you think Saudi and UAE are the only 2 countries in the muslim world then no, you dont know what you are talking about. The middle east is not the only countries with muslims. The largest muslim populated country is very far south from there.

Now if you, and those making bigotted posts had said the middle east cant control their people and they are nothing but trouble I would agree with you. But to say it about muslims as a whole is just wrong.

You should infer that someone who worked in the Gulf Middle East for 19 years would have traveled around a bit and...also, Muslims from all over the world work in Dubai. Stop assuming silly things. I also worked in lived in Malaysia. I am aware.

Edited by Dustdevil
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Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

mothers and the god they worship....

This thread starts to be used by some who like to express extreem right and islamophobic ideas...

Sorry but as Atheist I am very phobic about anyone who want to kill me and I guess homosexual people will think similar.

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In the idealistic words of John Lennon:

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

J.L. had something there. Would be nice.

But I think that the Human Race has a long way to go, to be truely wise and humain. We will always find reasons to kill each other. In the absence of stress, we create stress.

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So much for multiculturalism.. Welcoming the dregs of the third World and allowing them to continue their primative religion was a foolish mistake.

I can see why your post is popular and mine won't be I'm sure. Firstly not all Muslims are extremists and most live a peaceful life within Muslim and non Muslim communities.

So, its people who are the problem, its not the religion but some peoples interpretation of it.

I know many will attack this view but I think its very important that we don't spread hate towards people because of their chosen religion. The men who did this are the lowest of the low for sure, there is not justification for it and they will forever be labeled as violent, cowardly murderers by most of the world from here on.

I am not a Muslim, but I know a few Muslims and they certainly don't advocate this violence and words of hatred towards people like my friends would not be justified.

I hope they catch whomever is responsible and lock them away in a cell for the rest of their natural lives away from society,, but I don't want to see yet more publicity about how we should all "ban Muslim religion" or "throw them out of Western Countries" this can only lead to more troubles for sure.

I hope you see my point.

RIP for all of those people who have lost their lives, a very sad day for France and the rest of the World,

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NATO....and now Russia creating even more. And causing ISIS to up their game.


Oh, what are you talking about!

Russia is the only country in the world today that is serious about fighting ISIS.

It's been widely reported Russia is not 100% bombing ISIS in Syria. .....

That is a lie.

A concocted American media propaganda!

No it is true...they are not bombing 100% ISIS, they bomb ever radical Islamists no matter what name.....While USA support some groups with weapons.

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I used to not think about Muslims one way or the other. Freedom of religion for everyone. Now, I feel uncomfortable around them especially when they are wearing their garb or women who are completely covered in black. I now associate them all, rightfully or wrongly with potential terrorism and loss of life of innocent people.

I know deep down that not all Muslims are bad but almost every terrorist attack now is Muslim related. I still have a belief that everyone should be able to believe or not believe in any religion they want I have seen reports about no go zones in London and other European cities in which Sharia law is being applied in violation of the rights of other citizens who are not Muslim. This cannot be allowed to continue and leaders who continue to ignore this and do nothing to protect their citizens are encouraging radicals to come forward. The West has a Judaeo Christian history and no other religion including Islam has a right to demand anything special.

Unfortunately, the slaughter will continue until leadership stops it.

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As long as its still ok for muslim countries to continue letting nn muslims go to their countries. I moved to a muslim country and very happy I did, best move I ever made. Multiculturism is working very well here with high numbers of chineses, indian, and many western people living happily. We do not have to integrate with the muslims, they inregrate and welcome us.

Oh and yes, there are many many muslims condemning the radical attacks.

BULL. I lived in the UAE for nine years and Saudi for ten. You're full of it.

Agreed. I lived/worked in Afghanistan for just over 10 years and travelled through the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt. I've spoken to many people living and working in those countries and there is NO integration of foreigners and even fellow Muslims are often treated as 2nd Class citizens. Last I recall 90% of the UAE was made up of foreigners who have next to no rights at all. I've spoken to people that lived/worked there for over 17 years and had children born and raised there (no rights, no citizenship, nothing, even if born there).

Try building a Church in Saudi Arabia. Or holding a Christian Prayer meeting in Pakistan. Or converting to Christianity in Afghanistan. You'll quickly learn how little tolerance they have for foreigners (if you live long enough that is).

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In the idealistic words of John Lennon:

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

J.L. had something there. Would be nice.

But I think that the Human Race has a long way to go, to be truely wise and humain. We will always find reasons to kill each other. In the absence of stress, we create stress.

When the human race is rid of psycopaths who sell guns and toyotas and start wars to kill innocent people to enrich themselves there may be sanity!!!

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I am french.. All this due to our excellent President Hollande and thanks to all sh.. associations allowing those people to enter France and settle.. Islamic Sate said a lot of jihadists were mixed with real refugees.. AND anyway we have enough arabs in France for years not to need outsiders to have this sort of problems..

We cannot make Xmas trees anymore in most schools or towns... Women go around with Hikad, Food in schools has to be Hallal...

When will this stop ?

To answer to some posts here.. You in UK are not better than us.. You allow extremists to stay in UK and mainly in Hyde Park any islamist can and does talk in public saying whatever nonsense and shouting his hate for non muslims..

NOBODY will have the strength and balls to throw all those people out..

For the moment Hollande only speaks about victims... BUT give him a few hours and he will come out saying muslims are very good people and we shouldn't generalize ... only some exceptions are bad.. Bulls...

Have a nice day

How true and so how to show the Muslims how they love them he EU and English Cowards will attack Israel

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Now will the French realise that they have done the wrong thing by letting this scum into THEIR country.

I only hope that other countries including my own, will stop letting Muslims into OUR countries.

We are all living in a foreign country at this time.

STOP the influx of immigrants now to stop this from happening.

There are too many do- gooders that want multi culturism.

Does not work with Muslim Countries.

They do not integrate with us, and will never change their ways.

I have never heard the so called CONSERVATIVE Muslim condemn the RADICAL ones.

WHY? Because of their religion.

As long as its still ok for muslim countries to continue letting nn muslims go to their countries. I moved to a muslim country and very happy I did, best move I ever made. Multiculturism is working very well here with high numbers of chineses, indian, and many western people living happily. We do not have to integrate with the muslims, they inregrate and welcome us.

Oh and yes, there are many many muslims condemning the radical attacks.

Don't be shy...which country then?

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In the idealistic words of John Lennon:

Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

J.L. had something there. Would be nice.

But I think that the Human Race has a long way to go, to be truely wise and humain. We will always find reasons to kill each other. In the absence of stress, we create stress.

When the human race is rid of psycopaths who sell guns and toyotas and start wars to kill innocent people to enrich themselves there may be sanity!!!

Jesus was crucified for attempting this.

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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

Absolute BS

I just flicked through our crappy Thai cable and its on at least 4 Thai news channels live now reporting and has been all morning.

1. TNN

2. Thai Pbs News

3. N Nation News

4. In Thai but don't know the channel name

Hey, don't let the facts get in the way of a little gratuitous Thai-bashing.

Edited by JingerBen
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This morning I awoke and turned on the news (CNN) as I usually do.

Of course the news was full of the ongoing situation in Paris.

For the heck of it I ran through the Thai stations. Not one of them was carrying the news out of Paris.

The few that were showing news was only about local news.

The Thais need to be educated that there is a world beyond Thailand.

Dont get all hysterical .This has nothing to do with Thailand .

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I cannot see that this can possibly stop here. The people of France have engineered a full scale revolution in the not too distant past and I fear that the people will now take issues into their own hands. This could be the catalyst for a real and determined retribution in which of course many more innocent people are likely to die.

Please explain how this could happen. While the PC leaders and indoctrinators in Europe were busy engineering this mess with their right hands, they were brainwashing and disarming the people with their left hands. Leaders with the goal of controlling their people always start by disarming them.

How are the people of Europe going to fight anyone at all this time? Are the men going to start hitting people with their purses? Are they going to write strongly worded letters? Maybe they'll just walk around saying "Aw, shucks"?

Many of the good people in this world are disarmed by law, but the bad guys keep showing up with their AK-47's, bombs and grenades when you least expect it.

This is the downfall of Europe. The people have given up all power and expect their leaders to protect them. They have believed that their leaders would protect them but they won't and they don't.

See ya Europe. It's been great knowing you. Your sheeple have bitten the dust.


Yea heres the thing about Europeans though they have a tendency to get a little extreme themselves when pushed a little too far.

They also arnt shy of a bit of blood letting either, when they get real upset they tend to vote in the extremists to get stuff done.

Dont worry too much about Europe its been war torn for centuries, a blip here and there is nothing.

We are fighting both hands tied and gloved, If the gloves and restrictions ever do come off it wont go well for the targets.

I'm with you on that and it's a bit frightening. Europeans have been moving more and more towards non violence, and personally I don't call it weakness i call it being civilised.

The problem is that others are not civilised, they are happy to take extreme action and it is happening too much around the world. I fear that this latest attack will be the catalyst to serious repercussions for the Muslim community. In short people in Europe were already at the end of their rope with immigration problems and terrorist attacks by people they were welcoming into their countries, and I think this is going to push things over the edge.

The far right are waiting for these kind of things to happen but more then that I think the everyday people have had enough.

I would not want to be a Muslim in Paris after these atrocities. It's a very sad day.

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This is the beginning of an Armageddon of Islam V. Christianity and Judaism....

This is the thanks and the gratitude Muslims/Arabs who were allowed to settle in the EU and the west

is giving back to tier hosts...

Europe has systematically eliminated, purged and exiled the Jews from Europe 70-80 years ago branding them to

be vile and the source of all evil, instead, they allow the Muslims in, and now they pay the price....

This is mainstream Islam, not extremism. The extremists are the liberal Muslims who think Islam has little business spreading itself by violence. Those Muslims, although the vast majority, are apostates and they will be lumped together with the Christians, the Jews, and other infidels, kafirs, and devils that must be destroyed to make way for a new Islamic State.

These people will not stop at the borders of their native states. The "Islamic State" will not stop at the Turkish or Saudi border. Boko Haram will not stop at the border of Nigeria. Abu Sayyeff will not stop in the Philippines, and Al Shabaab will not stop with Somalia. In fact, the world seems to be on the brink of a global Islamic uprising that will not only include the active, militant movements that exist across Africa and Asia, but may soon include outbursts of activity in Europe and the Americas.

Islam sees the world in black and white. All things are either good or evil. America and the western world is a great evil. America itself is the Great Satan, and we're going to have a very hard time arguing that point because the United States is quite evil.

It's coming, fast, and in days wekks and months to come we will witness more of the same...

You've never lived in the U.S., obviously. Aside from being a much friendlier country than many others, the U.S. has a First Amendment which strictly enforces the separation of religion and state.

So why does POTUS have to place his hand on the Bible and swear an oath to god at inauguration? :blink:

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Europe is being ruled by Neville Chamberlain and Quisling-like "leaders". These rulers have been flattering a certain ideology that is against European values. These rulers have left their own citizens unprotected while pandering to dangerous groups. Things will get a lot worse before they get better.

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UK PM David Cameron said he was shocked and pledged to do "whatever we can to help"[/size]

I understand he's going to write a strongly worded letter![/size]

The self-righteous Canadians have just withdrawn from fighting ISIS and are gleefully accepting 25,000 (I hear) Syrians. Time for the US to strengthen its northern border too?

Canada did right .What has Syria to do with them .

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So much for multiculturalism.. Welcoming the dregs of the third World and allowing them to continue their primative religion was a foolish mistake.

I can see why your post is popular and mine won't be I'm sure. Firstly not all Muslims are extremists and most live a peaceful life within Muslim and non Muslim communities.

So, its people who are the problem, its not the religion but some peoples interpretation of it.

The Koran is not interpreted, it's the word of god and the "holy' Koran urges killing 109 times, it IS the religion that is the problem. Most Muslims are not terrorists but all Islamic terrorists are Muslims and they are entirely guided by the example of the perfect man- their prophet, who was no better than a terrorist himself.

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