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BREAKING: 100 hostages, 35-40 dead in Paris attacks

Jonathan Fairfield

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I have been saying for long time that the muslim invasion of Europe is a bad thing. This is only the start I hope all the left wing liberals are happy with the legacy they are leaving our children and grand children.

what a pity that nobody listens to you whistling.gif

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I have been saying for long time that the muslim invasion of Europe is a bad thing. This is only the start I hope all the left wing liberals are happy with the legacy they are leaving our children and grand children.

what a pity that nobody listens to you whistling.gif

FN 2017

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Now will the French realise that they have done the wrong thing by letting this scum into THEIR country.

I only hope that other countries including my own, will stop letting Muslims into OUR countries.

We are all living in a foreign country at this time.

STOP the influx of immigrants now to stop this from happening.

There are too many do- gooders that want multi culturism.

Does not work with Muslim Countries.

They do not integrate with us, and will never change their ways.

I have never heard the so called CONSERVATIVE Muslim condemn the RADICAL ones.

WHY? Because of their religion.

As long as its still ok for muslim countries to continue letting nn muslims go to their countries. I moved to a muslim country and very happy I did, best move I ever made. Multiculturism is working very well here with high numbers of chineses, indian, and many western people living happily. We do not have to integrate with the muslims, they inregrate and welcome us.

Oh and yes, there are many many muslims condemning the radical attacks.

BULL. I lived in the UAE for nine years and Saudi for ten. You're full of it.

Another who thinks muslims are only in the middle east.

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Jean-Claude Juncker and the voice of surrender speaking just a couple of months ago demanding that his fellow Europeans commit suicide or else. What you going to say today, boy?

Since the beginning of the year, nearly 500,000 people have made their way to Europe. The vast majority of them are fleeing from war in Syria, the terror of the Islamic State in Libya or dictatorship in Eritrea. The most affected Member States are Greece, with over 213,000 refugees, Hungary, with over 145,000, and Italy, with over 115,000.

The numbers are impressive. For some they are frightening. But now is not the time to take fright. It is time for bold, determined and concerted action by the European Union, by its institutions and by all its Member States.

This is first of all a matter of humanity and of human dignity. And for Europe it is also a matter of historical fairness.

We Europeans should remember well that Europe is a continent where nearly everyone has at one time been a refugee. Our common history is marked by millions of Europeans fleeing from religious or political persecution, from war, dictatorship, or oppression.


This is first of all a matter of humanity and of human dignity. And for Europe it is also a matter of historical fairness.

Don't you just love the liberal left wing nutters and their holier than thou attitude. These are the results of the human dignity and fairness PC bullshit.

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The French largely brought the problems onto their own heads by ignoring the proliferations of Muslim enclaves

in France mainly in Paris and Marcie...

No-go zones are Muslim-dominated neighborhoods that are largely off limits to non-Muslims due to a variety of factors, including the lawlessness and insecurity that pervades a great number of these areas. Host-country authorities have effectively lost control over many no-go zones and are often unable or unwilling to provide even basic public aid, such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services, out of fear of being attacked by Muslim youth.

Muslim enclaves in European cities are also breeding grounds for Islamic radicalism and pose a significant threat to Western security.

Europe's no-go zones are the by-product of decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to create parallel societies and remain segregated from — rather than become integrated into — their European host nations.

The problem of no-go zones is well documented, but multiculturalists and their politically correct supporters vehemently deny that they exist. Some are now engaged in a concerted campaign to discredit and even silence those who draw attention to the issue.

Quite true,

The time has come to clean out the muslim filth from Christian countries.

And when that exercise is completed it will be time to clean out the pc idiots who brought them here in the first place(who are more dangerous!).

Then we MIGHT have Peace.(until some other stupid group & their pc supporters raise their evil heads).

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So-called moderate Muslims are partly to blame. Many of them applaud this sort of thing whether they admit it or not. During 9-11 I was teaching at Dubai Women's College, where some Muslim "colleagues" said Americans deserved it. If the Muslim world can't control their people, the rest of us should do it for them.

Rubbish, but can understand your view if you consider the muslim world to be a few muslims in a Dubai Women's College.

A few Muslims? How about I lived in the UAE for nine years and Saudi for ten? Don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

You didnt say that in your post did you. You said a few muslims form the womens college and take that as what muslims think.

If you think Saudi and UAE are the only 2 countries in the muslim world then no, you dont know what you are talking about. The middle east is not the only countries with muslims. The largest muslim populated country is very far south from there.

Now if you, and those making bigotted posts had said the middle east cant control their people and they are nothing but trouble I would agree with you. But to say it about muslims as a whole is just wrong.

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Another travesty in the name of Islam. Well done. Keep it going. already half of the non muslim world are starting to hate you, the rest will follow. Cowards of the highest form.

Starting??? A bit late to the party if just starting! vampire.gif

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If NATO had stayed out of Syria this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing to Europe. Thanks a lot NATO.

Not only Syria....the madness started back when NATO trained Islamists to fight Soviets in Afghanistan.......Removing Saddam, Gaddafi and supporting Saudi Arabia are just some more stupid ideas.

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If NATO had stayed out of Syria this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing to Europe. Thanks a lot NATO.

Not only Syria....the madness started back when NATO trained Islamists to fight Soviets in Afghanistan.......Removing Saddam, Gaddafi and supporting Saudi Arabia are just some more stupid ideas.

But not as stupid or dangerous as the Ideas that there is a god called Allah and that Mohammad the war monger was his only prophet.

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If NATO had stayed out of Syria this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing to Europe. Thanks a lot NATO.

Not only Syria....the madness started back when NATO trained Islamists to fight Soviets in Afghanistan.......Removing Saddam, Gaddafi and supporting Saudi Arabia are just some more stupid ideas.

everything is because of Bush Cheney only that

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As silly as it sounds, if a cult of people who had read Harry Potter and decided to interpret the story as a message to go out and slaughter innocent civilians, I would not ban the book or seek to condemn everyone who read and enjoyed the book. However, I would hold a grudge against any reader who supported ir defended the killings.

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Anyone surprised ? I think Nana and Pattqya is Neutral territory ?


That is plain silly.....what is with Christian/Buddhist/Atheist Arabs? Ethnic and Religion is not the same.

Plain silly yes.

And proof of lack of education.

The sign clearly should be: No muslims.

What does a muslim look like?

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If NATO had stayed out of Syria this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing to Europe. Thanks a lot NATO.

NATO....and now Russia creating even more. And causing ISIS to up their game.


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So much for multiculturalism.. Welcoming the dregs of the third World and allowing them to continue their primative religion was a foolish mistake.

Spencer, Robert: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades). Regnery Publishing, 2005. s. 41–42. ISBN 978-0-89526-013-0
PC Myth: Islam is a religion of peace that has been hijacked by a tiny minority of extremists
Islam is a religion of peace that has been hijacked by a tiny minority of extremists. This, of course, is the mother of all myths about Islam. Yet its persistence and resilience in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary, both from Islamic theology and today’s newspapers, is not simply due to naïve multiculturalism and cynical duplicity. Even the Muslim Brotherhood theorist Sayyid Autb, one of the twentieth century’s foremost advocates of violent jihad, taught (without a trace of irony) that Islam is a religion of peace. However, he had a very specific kind of peace in mind:
"When Islam thrives for peace, its objective is not that superficial peace which requires that only that part of the earth where the followers of Islam are residing remain secure. The peace which Islam desires is that the religion (i.e. the law of the society) be purified for God, that the obedience of all people be for God alone, and that some people should not be lords over others. After the period of the Prophet –peace be on him– only thefinal stages of the movement of Jihaad are to be followed; the initial or middle stages are not applicable."
In other words, Islam is a religion of the peace that will come when everyone is Muslim or at least subject to the Islamic state. And to establish that peace, Muslims must wage war.
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I know this is well intended, but it is RIDICULOUS. Shit like this has happened for thousands of years because of superstition and people who pray to a different nonexistent deity. Prayer is simply pretending, but actually doing nothing. Prayer ALWAYS fails. A single pair of hands DOING is infinitely more effective than a billion pairs of hands praying.

See all the good those prayers did for Paris now, after the Charlie Hebdo terror attacks? As always...NONE.

Edited by Skeptic7
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If NATO had stayed out of Syria this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing to Europe. Thanks a lot NATO.

Not only Syria....the madness started back when NATO trained Islamists to fight Soviets in Afghanistan.......Removing Saddam, Gaddafi and supporting Saudi Arabia are just some more stupid ideas.

But not as stupid or dangerous as the Ideas that there is a god called Allah and that Mohammad the war monger was his only prophet.

Islam does not teach Mohammed as the only prophet.

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I cannot see that this can possibly stop here. The people of France have engineered a full scale revolution in the not too distant past and I fear that the people will now take issues into their own hands. This could be the catalyst for a real and determined retribution in which of course many more innocent people are likely to die.

Pray for France and Europe, in fact better pray for us all.

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As silly as it sounds, if a cult of people who had read Harry Potter and decided to interpret the story as a message to go out and slaughter innocent civilians, I would not ban the book or seek to condemn everyone who read and enjoyed the book. However, I would hold a grudge against any reader who supported ir defended the killings.

But would you invite them into your country by the millions? Change laws to not offend wizards? Make everybody carry a wand and wear a cape? Force the opening of a Hogwarts in every neighborhood?

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The French Army needs to take back Marseille, bring in prison ships and haul all the Muslims back to Middle East. As long as they control Marseille they have a safe place to hide and a sea port to continue to bring more in.

Europe, US and all others countries need to clean house before it is too late if not already.

This has been going on all over the World sine 600AD and will not stop because they are taught, brain washed, from a young age by this Male Domination, penis oriented culture.

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Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:Jonathan Fairfield, on 14 Nov 2015 - 07:40, said:

Agencies: At least 140 people have been killed in a series of at least six terror attacks across the French capital.

My god... the bad news keeps on coming...... how evil can mankind be to just murder people for the sake

of a different god and religion? who gave birth to those monsters terrorist? cursed be they father and

mothers and the god they worship....

Who gave birth to it? Try starting with the Crusaders, then the oil-hungry Brits and Americans 100 years ago, through to interference in the Middle East to this very day.

But...the Muslims were spreading their religion, by the sword, back before the crusades.

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So-called moderate Muslims are partly to blame. Many of them applaud this sort of thing whether they admit it or not. During 9-11 I was teaching at Dubai Women's College, where some Muslim "colleagues" said Americans deserved it. If the Muslim world can't control their people, the rest of us should do it for them.

Rubbish, but can understand your view if you consider the muslim world to be a few muslims in a Dubai Women's College.

A few Muslims? How about I lived in the UAE for nine years and Saudi for ten? Don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

You are spot on. At 9/11 all my Muslim friends supported the terrorist attacks and enjoyed to watch it when the WTC came down.

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If NATO had stayed out of Syria this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing to Europe. Thanks a lot NATO.

NATO....and now Russia creating even more. And causing ISIS to up their game.


Oh, what are you talking about!

Russia is the only country in the world today that is serious about fighting ISIS.

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The French Army needs to take back Marseille, bring in prison ships and haul all the Muslims back to Middle East. As long as they control Marseille they have a safe place to hide and a sea port to continue to bring more in.

Europe, US and all others countries need to clean house before it is too late if not already.

This has been going on all over the World sine 600AD and will not stop because they are taught, brain washed, from a young age by this Male Domination, penis oriented culture.

All the Muslims should be dumped on the Saudi's doorstep.

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So-called moderate Muslims are partly to blame. Many of them applaud this sort of thing whether they admit it or not. During 9-11 I was teaching at Dubai Women's College, where some Muslim "colleagues" said Americans deserved it. If the Muslim world can't control their people, the rest of us should do it for them.

Rubbish, but can understand your view if you consider the muslim world to be a few muslims in a Dubai Women's College.

A few Muslims? How about I lived in the UAE for nine years and Saudi for ten? Don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

You are spot on. At 9/11 all my Muslim friends supported the terrorist attacks and enjoyed to watch it when the WTC came down.

And all my muslim friends who are not from the middle east condemned the attack. So your point being?

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