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Thailand only: Four year old twins ‘get married’ to help ward off evil spirits


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Just when you think you have just read the most stupidest

thing about Thailand,something pops up to beat it.never a

dull moment here. P.S. the little boy does not look very happy about it all.

regards Worgeordie

How do you defend the people believing that a guy got crucified and then came back from the dead and was the son of god ?

Sounds as stupid to me as this, it does not matter what religion you believe in its all stupid and unproven. You can't say this religion is less stupid as that one because they are all based on faith not facts.

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Only atheism makes any sense because it relies on facts not unproven beliefs.

Actually it doesn't. That no God exists is not a fact.

It is a fact.

Very difficult to positively prove that something does not exist. I can't prove that there are not any talking jelly beans playing golf on the moon only for a nanosecond when nobody is observing the moon, vanishing back into their dark matter existence as soon as anyone tries to observe them. But simple logic would mean we are as near to 100% sure as could possibly be, that there are none.

The difference is, we use rational thinking, and not mere belief.

The fundamental question is what do you use? Logic, or belief?

The OP is obviously evidence of how strong some peoples beliefs are.

As I have said elsewhere, many of the worlds conflicts are driven by differences in beliefs.

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Sounds real strange, but then again someone being crucified and coming back from the dead is just as strange. Only atheism makes any sense because it relies on facts not unproven beliefs.

Atheism is not based on facts at all, it is still based on belief. Unless you can prove there is no God.

Quote from Carl Sagan.....

An Atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An Atheist is someone who knows there is no God. By some definitions Atheism is very stupid.

Sagan recognised that claiming there is no God is as irrational as claiming there is one.

If you believe what Sagan has to say, I must be irrational - but I don't agree so therefore I am not irrational.

It is not a question of believing what Sagan said, it is a question of first of all understanding the logic in what he said, and then confirming his logic was correct or providing the concrete rational proof of his error in his logic. It is not sufficient to simply state if you agree or disagree. Stating you disagree is not proof, and hence you cannot state a conclusion stemming from your choice of disagreeing.

Belief has nothing to do with it.

If you have a concrete rational argument, publish it, and win over the thinking public .... including me. I keep an open mind on this.

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Behold, the absence of ‘losing face’ shows its incongruity at one of the very times we wish losing face would kick in!! Aside from the absurdity of the fake marriage they espouse, not to mention all the other fakes & ‘copIES’ which undoubtedly they’re ensconced in, what were they ‘thinking’ in showing the world their offspring joined in ‘unholy’ matrimony?

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Just when you think you have just read the most stupidest

thing about Thailand,something pops up to beat it.never a

dull moment here. P.S. the little boy does not look very happy about it all.

regards Worgeordie

Well, how would you feel about gaining a mother-in-law at that age?

Think positive- her meddling won't last too long!

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