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Ideas Wanted. Simple Business plan for wife and I

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If you're in BKK .... head over to Soi See Sukhumvit Road.

After about 8pm or 9pm .... just outside the "Nana Plaze" area and by Soi See .....

There is a very nicely done food cart that sells a good hamburger.

It has a "Franchises Available" sign -- so you could check on the Franchise Fee and Royalty ....

but most importantly -- look at the stainless steel food cart. It's nice and he's grilling burgers on a flat-top.

I have to wait all the time for a burger, and it's pretty good.

There's money to be made late at night near bars as guys drinking beer always want tacos, burgers, hot dogs, etc.

Good Luck.

Not really a business. More like a job, with shit hours and messy, sweaty work. Why not just get an A/C office job with normal hours?

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you better check she actually wants to work. you probably will have a hard time getting a straight answer as she will probably just say what she thinks you want to hear. if she does not want to work then you are wasting your money. you need to ask her in a way that it looks like you don't mind what she wants to do. I got my girl a job when our boy started school, her response 'I have ferang, I don't need to work'

Dont underestimate this. Many guys are only seen as human ATM.

The farang wants to get out from under the financial pressure. The girl thinks what financial pressure.....................................hahahahahaha.

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A friend wants to sell her business due to ill health. She asked me to take some pictures two days ago so she can advertise it for sale. It seems to be a good business. Its located in Korat. If you are interested please PM me.

Many thanks.


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If you're in BKK .... head over to Soi See Sukhumvit Road.

After about 8pm or 9pm .... just outside the "Nana Plaze" area and by Soi See .....

There is a very nicely done food cart that sells a good hamburger.

It has a "Franchises Available" sign -- so you could check on the Franchise Fee and Royalty ....

but most importantly -- look at the stainless steel food cart. It's nice and he's grilling burgers on a flat-top.

I have to wait all the time for a burger, and it's pretty good.

There's money to be made late at night near bars as guys drinking beer always want tacos, burgers, hot dogs, etc.

Good Luck.

He can't be too famous if you are one of his customers and can't even remember the name of his franchise... But that's but not point I was making anyway

Why not copy his burger stall and call it something else and pay him 0%?

If the burgers are made to a farang level they will obviously be popular in farang areas, but I guess he pays a nice bit of tea money to set up outside nana plaza every night

He might not be making as much as you think after he pays his "rent" and location is everything for a food stall

100-200 metres the wrong way and you might struggle to get a customer...

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The Burger guy has a nice Fancy TukTUK type of Truck , I am sure that it was not cheap, but I think to have something new and clean helps sales to tourists , not sure what you are buying from him as he is not going to want you to set-up anywhere near him.

but 99% of food carts are set up to sell to local Thais or people that work in nearby buildings ,

How many Thias "brown bag" their lunch to work everyday ?

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do yourself a favor - either 1 get a new girlfriend that is eduacted or has enough oomph to get her own career or business without your need to sponsor her.

or two, do nothing and let her find her own way - there are many jobs she can find working for someone else...

as someone who has run a business for 8 years with my GF, mostly successful i can ell you working with your GF everyday is a recipe for dissaster, they are not business minded, they do what they want, they take he easy path every time with minimal effort, your high expectations will be met with very low ones...

just stay out of financial or work/business relations with thai GFs period.... let them figure it out, or find one that already has it figures. Plenty of hard working Thais out there, although they may not be the best looking,.. they do exist..

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I'm happy to see that there are still many genuine people dispensing advice, feedback, and suggestions here in TV. Even those who played devil's advocate were actually contributing something.

That's how I got out from my quandary once, with help from people I mentioned above.

However, I can't help it but to let on to you guys, the OP is a troll. Search under the username and his postings. You'll see.

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