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Australia's Channel Seven investigates the sex industry in Thailand


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Why was it not a Thai TV station (instead of a foreign one)?

Because the story is mostly BS and underage girls are very rare among the 'farang bars' in tourist areas. This is sensationalism with little basis in reality from an NGO looking to increase their funding and a news channel looking for a salicious story.

Rainbow 4 NEP is still closed after a raid for underage girls, anyone who thinks it's not common in 'falang' bars is either ignorant of the facts or in denial.

They found one underage girl in Rainbow 4. It is not common, in fact it's very rare.

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To be perfectly frank, splitting the difference between a 15 year old or a 17 year old in a bar isn't exactly saving the world now is it. Its all a bit distateful, but reality is, the amount of underage hooking in foreign bars is pretty low in comparison with the Thai prostitution business.

What hes doing isn't bad, it is just scraping the tip of the iceberg, and misses the point. But in reality, catching real paedophiles instead of finding mamasans who haven't checked id cards would be a better pursuit.

It's all about making sensationalist TV!

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I understand that many underage girls are involved in prostitution in Thailand but very few foreign men are actually involved with child prostitution here. Ninety-nine percent of it is completely within the Thai culture in the villages. It seems Australian journos like to pull this sensationalist story out every couple of years, brush it off, and present it again. This time may be more legitimate as they're focusing on a crusading family, and I admire these people for taking up a worthy cause, but they're not going to put any dent at all in the real problem as they won't be able to get to the real source of it in those thousands of villages foreigners will never get to. It's only the Thais themselves that can do anything about it if they want to.

"Ninety-nine percent of it is completely within the Thai culture in the villages."

I don't mean to be disrespectfully or anything, but I'm just looking for the truth. Where did you find that information regarding,"Ninety-nine percent of it is completely within the Thai culture in the villages.", where "it" refers to "underage girls are involved in prostitution" as mentioned in your preceding sentence.

Can you provide the source of the article, book, journal, newspaper, database or research paper where you obtained that statistic? And when I say 'source', I mean citation information such as the Title of Publication, Author, ISBN, and Page Numbers where that quote can be found, basically create a citation for the source? If you could, that would really be great! thumbsup.gif

I'd like to get the source information filed away for future reference. Can you supply a source citation for me an other individuals researching this topic? Thanks!

There wouldn't be any real source to what the op said, it's just totally made up bs from ignorance.

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Always good for a powerful headline and a lot of clicks and readers, pointing fingers at foreigners and the official out in the open "sex biz", while the truth is hidden in the backyards and used/abused solely by Thai and Thai/Chinese... In my almost 25 years here I failed to ever meet that "ugly fat old German bringing a 13 year old poor girl to his hotel room", everybody always tells me about. No wonder why, because the average foreigner can't properly judge the age of Thais. When I arrived here, I was 26 and my back then girlfriend was 3 days older than I. Some foreign toruist eyeballed me when she was accompanying me on a safari and asked for her age. He wouldn't believe me when I toild him that she's 26 and has a 7 year old son. Such morons cause more damage than good.

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What gets me is chanel seven, I on various occasions have asked them to investigate the Australian old age pension portability loophole invented by Centrelink ...... Not interested never got even a reply. It seems that they just specialise in prostitution those days.

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You people are morons,a guy is doing what he believes in his heart that his doing good and making a difference in this world.he has been doing it for 15 years and 3 or 4 different countries and not just thailand , has about 6 safe houses for the girls to learn something worthwhile, so he is not likely to fly home penniless, all you arm chair critics do on this forum is just criticise anybody that tries to do good,and complain how life is here.so why don't you rockspiders crawl back into whatever hole you came out from and the world would be a better place without you too.

Except that he's got it all wrong, as many here are aware, and succeeds in sucking in, well, yes, only the morons, into his false, misdirected narrative, as you obviously have been. If he were REALLY such a white knight, he'd be placing the blame for underage sexploitation in Thailand where it rightly belongs. But he doesn't have the stones to take on thai society. So instead, he's just out for a little cheap tabloid sensationalism in a readershop that won't know any better. Nothing like an oft-repeated lie to draw in the mindless suckers.

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Geez mate good luck with that. Like someones said already why not start with cambodia they have an actual serious problem with foriegners travelling there for sex with children. i would say the amount of foriegners travelling to thailand for sex with underage girls is almost non existent. If anything youre more likely to be duped into thinking a lady is of age with a fake i.d so she can earn big money as soon as possible to help the family. The market there is mostly thai men a very local affair. The only off putting experience ive had is when i was buying some dvds for friends at work and there was a very upset white man who called the salesmen all buffalos for bringing a farang into the shop while he was looking through child pornography.

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@fang: If you mean the BLAME for it, just browse back through the posts here. Underage sexploitation itself doesn't "belong" ANYWHERE, in Thailand or anywhere else in the world! Decent people don't have to ask that question.

Edited by hawker9000
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So he gets lots of donation money to be able to cruise the bars in Pattaya, Bangkok, and Patong to do his 'research'. Plus to rent a fancy house for his entire family here. Bet he drives the latest range rover too.

Sounds like a typical NGO scammer.

Everybody who has been here for any length of time and gets about knows that the small amount of underage stuff is almost exclusively confined to Thai men. It's becoming less and less every year. There would be far more muslim rape gangs operating in Australia abusing young females (probably males too) that he could be exposing... but maybe that wouldn't be as fun of a lifestyle for him.

Envy is a terrible thing.

Some people actually have good honest intentions.

I've been here 30 years and know nothing about child prostitution. Where do you live?

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What gets me is chanel seven, I on various occasions have asked them to investigate the Australian old age pension portability loophole invented by Centrelink ...... Not interested never got even a reply. It seems that they just specialise in prostitution those days.

would not reply to you either lol.

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Why was it not a Thai TV station (instead of a foreign one)?

Good point. In Thailand prostitution is illegal so Thais deny there is any problem. Pattaya probably has the highest concentration per sqm of prostituttes in Asia but Thais will say its a' tourist town' or even laughably a beach resort.

Its commendable what the aussie and other farangs do here with children but its not going to change anything until the government erradicates poverty. (never)

Channel 7 or 9 in Australia will run a go-go bar story about Thailand every 12 months or so. theyve been doing it since the 1970's. ........poor farm girls forced to work as hookers for the pleasure of drunk middleaged western men blah blah blah. Its all true but its really about man bashing. Ive never seen a story on TV about ugly fat western women paying for sex and buying teen husbands in Kenya.

Well the stories have been on UK TV,and it's a exact reversal of Western men and some Thai women. The men take the western women to the cleaners,they end up losing everything,including their houses and savings,once the guy has got his British Citizenship,that's when he dumps the ripped off wife,broke,somewhat wiser,and determined to retrieve her money and possessions,while the guy moves on to another victim,from the script these guys are very successful in finding more lambs to the slaughter!

Sorry I can't remember the name of the series,it's been on British TV in the last year.

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What you are attempting to do would be admirable in your own country...however...even though it is against Thai law for underage women to be employed in the sex industry...it is not uncommon for a young teen to volunteer...with the blessings of her parents...to join the industry for the job opportunities and better income...to help in supporting her family and siblings...

It is disturbing...for sure...makes most people from the west cringe when they see an obvious underage woman with a client...but ultimately it is not our call...not your country...not your problem...

Do not be surprised if you receive some serious push back from Thais who benefit from this form of business...

For their own protection...you should shield the identities of your wife and children from all people involved in these investigations and operations to "save" the teens...

Good Luck...you will surely need the blessings of local heads of the community...(hopefully they will not be receiving income from the sex trade)

Watch you six!

Open your eyes, he has been doing it for years so no need for your silly advice.

Having re-read the original article...posted here on TV...there was no indication of how long he has been at it...

Is this all you have...bashing other posters...how about contributing something original or even thought provoking...if you are capable...

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Good luck with that one buddy

From the OP:

Destiny Rescue has been around for about 15 years and has saved more than 1300 girls from bars and brothels.

Story tellers and the Thai authorities handle that you have no power. Your a falng nothing more and by looks of things a scammer

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I read that criminal gangs are shifting from dealing drugs to peddling underage teens and children for sex because it`s more profitable.

Although I admire the man for his efforts, I think he is being irresponsible putting his family in danger that could become targets by the criminal gangs. The gangs are ruthless with high connections and needs the support of an army to take them on. Hope he isn`t going out of his depth with his crusade.

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the biggest pedo's are not the tourist but the thai man , if you count 10 thai men, 7 of them <deleted> children already, they everywere, police, teachers, drivers that bring children to school, and etc.

how can u fight against it if the ppl that supposed to protec you like the royal thai police sell and <deleted> children themselves, i wonder if the royal in royal thai police is an insult to the king.

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I read that criminal gangs are shifting from dealing drugs to peddling underage teens and children for sex because it`s more profitable.

Although I admire the man for his efforts, I think he is being irresponsible putting his family in danger that could become targets by the criminal gangs. The gangs are ruthless with high connections and needs the support of an army to take them on. Hope he isn`t going out of his depth with his crusade.

Police officers do it everyday. You know Police officers, the ones always being slammed on TV. Some of us have to stand up, have faith and take some risks.

Don't admire him, help him. You don't need a badge to stand security. Courage and a mission, try it you'll like it.

International Thai Foundation

Edited by nithisa78
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It's so bad here he's going to bring his 3 daughters here to live ?? weird guy.. I'd like to know the age of his 3 daughters ???

Does he think they will all get work for a wage of what ? $15 minimum an hour in Aussie now?

Or are they prepared to work for about $15 for a 12 hour day with just 2 days a month off , like most Thai girls do ?? maybe he can change that too ? yeah right !

Must be a strange guy to relocate his family here, just because one young girl asked his friend for a <deleted>....

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Maybe I misunderstood the story..On holiday in Thailand Tony/Batman was offered sex, he quite his job so he could bring his family here.. A) Either this is the story he sold his wife.. Or cool.png he thought his wife could make more money then him.

wife?? , haha you forget he's bringing 3 daughters too !!!!!

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I would like to see a Thai channel doing investigation of exploitation of young girls by Thai families: selling girls into prostitution and the sexual abuse by uncles, relatives and family friends. I'm not holding my breath on that happening.

That also has been covered over the years.....still, did not make much difference.

The sex industry and all that is entailed will never be eliminated....possibly diminished ...but never eliminated.

There are plenty of books written on the subject and plenty of sensible recommendations made over the years and sometimes there are somewhat serious attempts to curtail the human smuggling aspect and what would be classified as "forced into prostitution".... under a number of circumstances....but the flesh trade continues to flourish in all its many forms.

I do not have the answers as it is a very contentious and certainly convoluted social dilemma that exists world wide while there are no simple solutions to the inherent problems of prostitution and the sex trade in its many forms and avenues.

Just saying


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Maybe I misunderstood the story..On holiday in Thailand Tony/Batman was offered sex, he quite his job so he could bring his family here.. A) Either this is the story he sold his wife.. Or cool.png he thought his wife could make more money then him.

wife?? , haha you forget he's bringing 3 daughters too !!!!!

Oh yeah.. Didn't factor that one in.

The guy is sitting on a gold mind, no wonder he left his job.

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