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French Islamic community fears backlash following Paris attacks


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I want to know why a certain group is not loudly demonstrating in the streets against ISIS, burning the ISIS flag and threatening to kill all ISIS members.

I wonder why that group is not condemning ISIS for daring to claim that these attacks were made in the name of Islam, nor why they are not looting and ramsacking the houses of immams who spread hate messages.

Who are that silent group?

The millions of moderate Muslims, who do little or nothing when these type of attacks occur.

Yes, I know there are social media statements of condemnation from moderate Muslims. But IMHO , the entire, moderate Muslim community is either being extremely stupid or extremely naive in their lack of physical actions, (assuming that they do not actually condone these acts).

Sooner, rather than later, their failure to be right up at the forefront of loud and visual condemnation of these terrible atrocities will come back to haunt them.

Moderate Muslims are irrelevant, they are not the problem. If half a billion came out on the streets it would not stop the others and not change a word of the Koran or a day in the life of the violent prophet who they follow. The real problem is that which inspires the violence which is Islam itself, until Islam is reformed, and especially the Koran this will continue just as it has for the last 1400 years. You do know why Sept 11th was chosen for the attack on the WTC? the past is the present for jihadists and they are hell bent on spreading Islam worldwide, with the 'moderates' cheering from behind their curtains of course.

The real problem is the Quran.

Their are people in the Madrassas of Pakistan that memorize the Quran and don't know anything what it means and if they translate it many of the issues are not acceptable.

The main people that understand what really is in the Quran are the Arabs and they know exactly what it means and that's why most of the problems is about the Arabs. You can read down all the Surahs from 1 - 114 and read one by one down and they make sense but now you have to think back many years back in Arabia. The Quran worked well around 1400 years ago but in today's society it will give only confusions so its better if their is no Quran as it would make this world a better place and their will always be around 30% of Muslims that think that Islam is superior against any other religion or believes.

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Yesterday, all over the world people of all religions, including Islam, or none stopped what they were doing at 12 noon French time to stand in a minutes silence in memory of the victims of this terrible crime and in solidarity with the French people.

Yep, 1 minute of silence by these moderate Muslims will surely scare the sh*t out of ISIS whistling.gif

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One of the main ways in which ISIS, their supporters and other Islamist terrorists want to achieve their aims is to cause discord and hatred between Muslims and non Muslims.

I disagree and think it was Mohammad who caused discord between Muslims and non Muslims, both in the wars and raids he instigated against non Muslims (65) and his fictional writings containing many anti unbeliever statements and calls for violence against non Muslims. Hence the problem.

Edited by jacky54
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I live n a muslim country. I love it, its open, secular, can go to church if i want (i dont want to) can drink anything i want, have pork sandwiches, can go to the pub for my suday morning bacon and eggs.

Hope that i dont get kicked out of the country for not integrating to the muslim way. Seems they are more tolerant than some so called enlightened westerners.

So your telling us that their are no Muslim fanatics in Malaysia?

No, of course there are, just as there are extremist of any persuasion in any country. The US seems to have its fair share of killings that are not muslim related. In malaysia i feel a lot more safe than i have in any other country. Muslim extremism is a very rare thing in malaysia.

Maybe the Malaysian defense minister hasn't had time to discuss the situation with Linky. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/871259-paris-attacks-can-happen-to-us-says-malaysian-defence-minister/

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One of the main ways in which ISIS, their supporters and other Islamist terrorists want to achieve their aims is to cause discord and hatred between Muslims and non Muslims.

Reading many posts in this and other topics, they have certainly achieved that aim among certain members here!

Well done, guys; you are doing the terrorist's work for them; proud of yourselves?

Fortunately, the hate filled views expressed here, whether in bald, hate filled rants or in lengthy, pseudo intellectual waffle, no more represent the view of the majority of non Muslims than the terrorists represent the view of the majority of Muslims.

Those same members often demand to know why Muslims do not condemn and protest against the terrorists.

On many occasions in various topics, evidence has been provided to show that Muslims all over the world, political leaders, religious leaders, community leaders, ordinary people, do just that.

But the same members who make that demand dismiss that evidence because they say that the people making those condemnations and protests are lying!

Yesterday, all over the world people of all religions, including Islam, or none stopped what they were doing at 12 noon French time to stand in a minutes silence in memory of the victims of this terrible crime and in solidarity with the French people.

I wonder how many of the haters on this forum joined in; few, if any at all, is my guess.

In the 1930's Winston Churchill and others were accused of making inflammatory speeches, against what they considered the perceived threat Of Nazism in Germany. On occasions he did ask the question " where are the moderate Germans".

I suspect that if he was still alive, he would be asking the same question regarding the moderate Muslims.

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Had to have your pockets searched!!! - oh so sorry - please proceed. Your inconvenience makes the problems of grieving parents seem trivial

“Yesterday, I was asked, “what’s in your pockets, what’s in your bag?”

I feel humiliated, because after 15 years here, I feel that part of me is French.”

“It is really shameful that they are soiling the image of Islam.

Islam is the opposite.

"It is not what these people have done,” explained another local resident, Wahid Barek."

I feel absolutely outraged that this particular individual has the absolute arrogance to complain about anything,

Screw your humility !!!!

After 15 years you feel part French ???

And what part is that ???

The part where you go collect your free money from the Government ???

The part where you Housing subsidy ????

That statement you made clearly marks you as someone that has not nor does not wish to integrate into French Society !!!!!!!!!!!

How about feeling for the people Murdered/Slaughtered by extremists from your "So called religion", and do something positive rather drivel on about feeling "humiliated"

Perhaps if you and your kind worked and assimilated with French People and French Culture then you all would be in a better position to prevent and help out other's {French Nationals} that have allowed you to live with them in THEIR COUNTRY !!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW The only people that have "Soiled the Image of Islam" are Islamist's !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yesterday, all over the world people of all religions, including Islam, or none stopped what they were doing at 12 noon French time to stand in a minutes silence in memory of the victims of this terrible crime and in solidarity with the French people.

Yep, 1 minute of silence by these moderate Muslims will surely scare the sh*t out of ISIS whistling.gif

Point missed completely; can't say I'm surprised.

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One of the main ways in which ISIS, their supporters and other Islamist terrorists want to achieve their aims is to cause discord and hatred between Muslims and non Muslims.

Reading many posts in this and other topics, they have certainly achieved that aim among certain members here!

Well done, guys; you are doing the terrorist's work for them; proud of yourselves?

Fortunately, the hate filled views expressed here, whether in bald, hate filled rants or in lengthy, pseudo intellectual waffle, no more represent the view of the majority of non Muslims than the terrorists represent the view of the majority of Muslims.

Those same members often demand to know why Muslims do not condemn and protest against the terrorists.

On many occasions in various topics, evidence has been provided to show that Muslims all over the world, political leaders, religious leaders, community leaders, ordinary people, do just that.

But the same members who make that demand dismiss that evidence because they say that the people making those condemnations and protests are lying!

Yesterday, all over the world people of all religions, including Islam, or none stopped what they were doing at 12 noon French time to stand in a minutes silence in memory of the victims of this terrible crime and in solidarity with the French people.

I wonder how many of the haters on this forum joined in; few, if any at all, is my guess.

In the 1930's Winston Churchill and others were accused of making inflammatory speeches, against what they considered the perceived threat Of Nazism in Germany. On occasions he did ask the question " where are the moderate Germans".

I suspect that if he was still alive, he would be asking the same question regarding the moderate Muslims.

Whether Churchill actually asked such a question or not is beside the point. Germany at the time was a country ruled by a totalitarian regime and resistance to that regime was violently supressed; German Resistance to Hitler.

ISIS is very similar in many ways to Nazism; and resistance to it in the territory it controls is also violently supressed.

However, the main reason why you comment is irrelevant is because, as I say above and as has been shown many, many times, the vast majority of Muslims do condemn ISIS and other Islamist terrorists. In addition, Muslim soldiers are fighting them on the ground.

Perhaps you, though, subscribe to the ignorant absurdity that those Muslims who condemn ISIS, who say that ISIS are not true Muslims, that ISIS do not, despite what they may claim, represent Islam are lying?

The danger is not the religion of Islam nor the vast majority of peaceful Muslims; wherever they live.

The danger is ISIS and other terrorist organisations.

But the more the ignorant and prejudiced bigots attempt to blame all Muslims for the outrages of ISIS, the more ground ISIS gains in the propaganda war.

Is that what you want?

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One of the main ways in which ISIS, their supporters and other Islamist terrorists want to achieve their aims is to cause discord and hatred between Muslims and non Muslims.

Reading many posts in this and other topics, they have certainly achieved that aim among certain members here!

Well done, guys; you are doing the terrorist's work for them; proud of yourselves?

Fortunately, the hate filled views expressed here, whether in bald, hate filled rants or in lengthy, pseudo intellectual waffle, no more represent the view of the majority of non Muslims than the terrorists represent the view of the majority of Muslims.

Those same members often demand to know why Muslims do not condemn and protest against the terrorists.

On many occasions in various topics, evidence has been provided to show that Muslims all over the world, political leaders, religious leaders, community leaders, ordinary people, do just that.

But the same members who make that demand dismiss that evidence because they say that the people making those condemnations and protests are lying!

Yesterday, all over the world people of all religions, including Islam, or none stopped what they were doing at 12 noon French time to stand in a minutes silence in memory of the victims of this terrible crime and in solidarity with the French people.

I wonder how many of the haters on this forum joined in; few, if any at all, is my guess.

In the 1930's Winston Churchill and others were accused of making inflammatory speeches, against what they considered the perceived threat Of Nazism in Germany. On occasions he did ask the question " where are the moderate Germans".

I suspect that if he was still alive, he would be asking the same question regarding the moderate Muslims.

Whether Churchill actually asked such a question or not is beside the point. Germany at the time was a country ruled by a totalitarian regime and resistance to that regime was violently supressed; German Resistance to Hitler.

ISIS is very similar in many ways to Nazism; and resistance to it in the territory it controls is also violently supressed.

However, the main reason why you comment is irrelevant is because, as I say above and as has been shown many, many times, the vast majority of Muslims do condemn ISIS and other Islamist terrorists. In addition, Muslim soldiers are fighting them on the ground.

Perhaps you, though, subscribe to the ignorant absurdity that those Muslims who condemn ISIS, who say that ISIS are not true Muslims, that ISIS do not, despite what they may claim, represent Islam are lying?

The danger is not the religion of Islam nor the vast majority of peaceful Muslims; wherever they live.

The danger is ISIS and other terrorist organisations.

But the more the ignorant and prejudiced bigots attempt to blame all Muslims for the outrages of ISIS, the more ground ISIS gains in the propaganda war.

Is that what you want?

I did not say that all Muslims are committing these atrocities, although when then Vast majority fail to condemn those that do, we should ask "why"

As I said if Winston Churchill was still alive, I'm sure he would also be asking the question "WHY". And then presumably you would be accusing him of being an ignorant and prejudiced bigot.

Edited by nontabury
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NEVER thought I would agree with O'Lielly on farcenews, but he called on an apologist for islam declaring, "solidarity", "we should stand together", "we condemn,,"

O'Lielly kept pushing him to organise a "Million Man March" to show the mainstream rejection of the continuous spate of killings in the name of islam.

Prevarication prevailed.

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As part of the BBC coverage of the latest police raid in Paris they interviewed local residents and one was adamant that those who carried out the atrocities on Friday weren't really Muslims etc but in no time flat he was proclaiming the police responses were not a war on terrorism but a war on Islam.

I've heard this so many times before and it seems like a pre-programmed response to cover the head in the sand attitude and refusal to accept reality.

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As part of the BBC coverage of the latest police raid in Paris they interviewed local residents and one was adamant that those who carried out the atrocities on Friday weren't really Muslims etc but in no time flat he was proclaiming the police responses were not a war on terrorism but a war on Islam.

I've heard this so many times before and it seems like a pre-programmed response to cover the head in the sand attitude and refusal to accept reality.

Yes but how could anyone brainwashed from birth have any concept of reality.

That there are many other brain-washers worldwide....I Know.

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One of the main ways in which ISIS, their supporters and other Islamist terrorists want to achieve their aims is to cause discord and hatred between Muslims and non Muslims.

Reading many posts in this and other topics, they have certainly achieved that aim among certain members here!

Well done, guys; you are doing the terrorist's work for them; proud of yourselves?

Fortunately, the hate filled views expressed here, whether in bald, hate filled rants or in lengthy, pseudo intellectual waffle, no more represent the view of the majority of non Muslims than the terrorists represent the view of the majority of Muslims.

Those same members often demand to know why Muslims do not condemn and protest against the terrorists.

On many occasions in various topics, evidence has been provided to show that Muslims all over the world, political leaders, religious leaders, community leaders, ordinary people, do just that.

But the same members who make that demand dismiss that evidence because they say that the people making those condemnations and protests are lying!

Yesterday, all over the world people of all religions, including Islam, or none stopped what they were doing at 12 noon French time to stand in a minutes silence in memory of the victims of this terrible crime and in solidarity with the French people.

I wonder how many of the haters on this forum joined in; few, if any at all, is my guess.

In the 1930's Winston Churchill and others were accused of making inflammatory speeches, against what they considered the perceived threat Of Nazism in Germany. On occasions he did ask the question " where are the moderate Germans".

I suspect that if he was still alive, he would be asking the same question regarding the moderate Muslims.

Whether Churchill actually asked such a question or not is beside the point. Germany at the time was a country ruled by a totalitarian regime and resistance to that regime was violently supressed; German Resistance to Hitler.

ISIS is very similar in many ways to Nazism; and resistance to it in the territory it controls is also violently supressed.

However, the main reason why you comment is irrelevant is because, as I say above and as has been shown many, many times, the vast majority of Muslims do condemn ISIS and other Islamist terrorists. In addition, Muslim soldiers are fighting them on the ground.

Perhaps you, though, subscribe to the ignorant absurdity that those Muslims who condemn ISIS, who say that ISIS are not true Muslims, that ISIS do not, despite what they may claim, represent Islam are lying?

The danger is not the religion of Islam nor the vast majority of peaceful Muslims; wherever they live.

The danger is ISIS and other terrorist organisations.

But the more the ignorant and prejudiced bigots attempt to blame all Muslims for the outrages of ISIS, the more ground ISIS gains in the propaganda war.

Is that what you want?

I did not say that all Muslims are committing these atrocities, although when then Vast majority fail to condemn those that do, we should ask "why"

As I said if Winston Churchill was still alive, I'm sure he would also be asking the question "WHY". And then presumably you would be accusing him of being an ignorant and prejudiced bigot.

It is not asking your question which makes someone an ignorant, prejudiced bigot. It is repeatedly asking the question whilst ignoring the answer or, perhaps worse, dismissing it "because Muslims are liars."

Were Churchill alive today then I trust he would be well enough informed to know that, as has repeatedly been shown in this topic and many others, Muslims worldwide DO condemn ISIS, DO call them unIslamic, DO demonstrate against them!

Therefore he would have no need to ask your question; but if he did then I hope that he would accept the facts when presented to him.

So, are you someone who accepts the facts once presented to him, or not?

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Its not a strange religion, the religion does not tell people to do that. It is crazies using the excuse of religion.

Those are not real muslims and do not follow islam.

Nonsense. They are doing EXACTLY what the Koran tells them to do. It also tells them to lie in order to perpetuate the religion.

Exactly, when I see 1.5 Billion Muslims protesting, fighting Jihadists, giving serious information or doing something to stop this circus, then I will believe they are serious.

I'm not interested in listening to a handful who are scared of losing their job.

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One of the main ways in which ISIS, their supporters and other Islamist terrorists want to achieve their aims is to cause discord and hatred between Muslims and non Muslims.

Reading many posts in this and other topics, they have certainly achieved that aim among certain members here!

Well done, guys; you are doing the terrorist's work for them; proud of yourselves?

Fortunately, the hate filled views expressed here, whether in bald, hate filled rants or in lengthy, pseudo intellectual waffle, no more represent the view of the majority of non Muslims than the terrorists represent the view of the majority of Muslims.

Those same members often demand to know why Muslims do not condemn and protest against the terrorists.

On many occasions in various topics, evidence has been provided to show that Muslims all over the world, political leaders, religious leaders, community leaders, ordinary people, do just that.

But the same members who make that demand dismiss that evidence because they say that the people making those condemnations and protests are lying!

Yesterday, all over the world people of all religions, including Islam, or none stopped what they were doing at 12 noon French time to stand in a minutes silence in memory of the victims of this terrible crime and in solidarity with the French people.

I wonder how many of the haters on this forum joined in; few, if any at all, is my guess.

In the 1930's Winston Churchill and others were accused of making inflammatory speeches, against what they considered the perceived threat Of Nazism in Germany. On occasions he did ask the question " where are the moderate Germans".
I suspect that if he was still alive, he would be asking the same question regarding the moderate Muslims.

Whether Churchill actually asked such a question or not is beside the point. Germany at the time was a country ruled by a totalitarian regime and resistance to that regime was violently supressed; German Resistance to Hitler.

ISIS is very similar in many ways to Nazism; and resistance to it in the territory it controls is also violently supressed.

However, the main reason why you comment is irrelevant is because, as I say above and as has been shown many, many times, the vast majority of Muslims do condemn ISIS and other Islamist terrorists. In addition, Muslim soldiers are fighting them on the ground.

Perhaps you, though, subscribe to the ignorant absurdity that those Muslims who condemn ISIS, who say that ISIS are not true Muslims, that ISIS do not, despite what they may claim, represent Islam are lying?

The danger is not the religion of Islam nor the vast majority of peaceful Muslims; wherever they live.

The danger is ISIS and other terrorist organisations.

But the more the ignorant and prejudiced bigots attempt to blame all Muslims for the outrages of ISIS, the more ground ISIS gains in the propaganda war.

Is that what you want?
I did not say that all Muslims are committing these atrocities, although when then Vast majority fail to condemn those that do, we should ask "why"
As I said if Winston Churchill was still alive, I'm sure he would also be asking the question "WHY". And then presumably you would be accusing him of being an ignorant and prejudiced bigot.

It is not asking your question which makes someone an ignorant, prejudiced bigot. It is repeatedly asking the question whilst ignoring the answer or, perhaps worse, dismissing it "because Muslims are liars."

Were Churchill alive today then I trust he would be well enough informed to know that, as has repeatedly been shown in this topic and many others, Muslims worldwide DO condemn ISIS, DO call them unIslamic, DO demonstrate against them!

Therefore he would have no need to ask your question; but if he did then I hope that he would accept the facts when presented to him.

So, are you someone who accepts the facts once presented to him, or not?

Unfortunately you have not been able to show that Very large numbers of Muslims have condemned these attacks, unlike instances such as the booing and whistling during the minutes silence the other evening by Thousands of Muslims at the Turkey/Greece game, rightly condemned by the Turkish coach.

The way I see it 7by7, we have two big problems.

1/ While it is only a small proportion of Muslims that are actually prepared to commit these dreadful acts, many polls carried out in the Muslim communities throughout the world, show that a majority do sympathize with their cause as well as their acts.

2/ In the non-Muslim world we have a few very vocal people who are not prepared to accept the reality of the situation. Instead preferring to keep their heads in the ground.

There is only one certainty and that is,there will be many more acts of violence carried out in the future,until people speak out against, and condemn those responsible.
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I, and others, have in many topics, including this one, provided many links to reports of such condemnation etc.

So, I ask you again: are you someone who accepts the facts once presented to him, or not?

As those facts seem to conflict with your prejudices, it appears the answer is that you do not.

Yes, the booing at the game in Turkey was unforgivable; but it is not the first time such a thing has happened at a football match, unfortunately.

Watch Ireland vs Bosnia fans boo minute's silence for Paris attack victims before Euro 2016 play-off

Still, as about 40% of the population of Bosnia is Muslim, I suppose you'll blame Muslims in the crowd for that!

But you can't blame Muslims for this: Hillsborough anniversary: Chelsea 'embarrassed' as fans ruin minute's silence at Wembley

Edited by 7by7
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I live n a muslim country. I love it, its open, secular, can go to church if i want (i dont want to) can drink anything i want, have pork sandwiches, can go to the pub for my suday morning bacon and eggs.

Hope that i dont get kicked out of the country for not integrating to the muslim way. Seems they are more tolerant than some so called enlightened westerners.

So your telling us that their are no Muslim fanatics in Malaysia?
No, of course there are, just as there are extremist of any persuasion in any country. The US seems to have its fair share of killings that are not muslim related. In malaysia i feel a lot more safe than i have in any other country. Muslim extremism is a very rare thing in malaysia.

Chinese and Indians are second class citizens and every Malay of UMNO things of those 2 races as migrants. Let me say this if you are a Muslim from any where in the world and live in Malaysia you standing is still higher as as a Chinese or Indian. You live in a country that uses Islam to stay in power and even a PM can get away with getting deposited 680 million USD in his personal bank account.

Malaysia is the most corrupt country in ASEAN but of course it is safe as long you are a Muslim or have some bumiputra links. If you feel save and good in Malaysia and believe their is no extremism in Malaysia you are not better then any other persons that argues you and indeed you are a fanatic yourself.

It was the Malay Muslims that smiled at 9/11 when the WTC went down and so where the Muslims from Singapore and Indonesia when they cheered but you have never even responded to my post a few days ago but I guess the reason why is because I know how the fanatics are ticking in their mind.

Malaysia don't have fanatics? I wonder then how the war in the deep South of Thailand can be still going on without the help from Kelantan.

Now PAS and UMNO miight want to join hands in putting Islamic law throughout Malaysia. What do you think about Muslim gay people in Malaysia? Do you support them or should sharia law been invoked on them?

As I said before already I was part of Islam for 16 years and I am happy I left it.

As you think Malaysia is a great country you should join some of those forums in Malaysia or try some Jihad forums in the deep South. They surely will agree with you on most of the points and might even give you some bank accounts in Malaysia to put some money for a good course in Yala. Patani or Narathiwat but I know how you thing deep inside you. 1st Islam and everything else is 2nd. You are not the only one, but most of you are like that.


I am catholic. I dont really care about islam. I feel much safer in malaysia than i ever did in australia.

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Moderate Muslims? That is definitely a media made word, Muslim is Muslim period! They are out to destroy as much as they can till the bleeding hearts get on the wagon and we annihilate all of them!

Rubbish. If all muslims thought like that then how is it people of many races and religions live in muslim countries.

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To Linky

I understand and Aceh is a great place for you to live in or maybe Sinjar. Just an idea but please go to church everyday so the odds are stacked against you. Moslems burn churches in Aceh and we all know how ISIS has treated the Yazidis. All I've heard from you is "rubbish"

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I, and others, have in many topics, including this one, provided many links to reports of such condemnation etc.

So, I ask you again: are you someone who accepts the facts once presented to him, or not?

As those facts seem to conflict with your prejudices, it appears the answer is that you do not.

Yes, the booing at the game in Turkey was unforgivable; but it is not the first time such a thing has happened at a football match, unfortunately.

Watch Ireland vs Bosnia fans boo minute's silence for Paris attack victims before Euro 2016 play-off

Still, as about 40% of the population of Bosnia is Muslim, I suppose you'll blame Muslims in the crowd for that!

But you can't blame Muslims for this: Hillsborough anniversary: Chelsea 'embarrassed' as fans ruin minute's silence at Wembley

No you have not. What you have shown is that a very small percentage of Muslims have condemned these acts. I remember 7x7 discussing the Muslims In Rotherham, who were and are sexually abusing young non Muslim children, and asked you to show evidence that the local Muslim community had come out and condemned and demonstrated against them. Off course you could not, well I have something to report to you. Those crimes were committed mostly by Muslims who are Taxi drivers. Recently the local council brought in a by-law requiring all Taxi's in Rotherham to install CCTV in their vehicles in order to record any illegal acts, guess what, the Muslim taxi drivers came out on strike and DEMONStRATED against this by-law. So that shows that Muslims do know how to demonstrate.

Interestingly Yasmin Alibhai Brown a Muslim writer for that " right wing" newspaper The Independent, has also come out criticizing her fellow Muslims for not condemning these acts and wondering Why.

Also Ruzwana Bashir who herself was the target of Pakistani peodeophiles in Skipton as a 10 yr old ,yet went on to become the President of the Oxford Union, states that many Muslims are afraid to condemn fellow Muslims, and until they do, nothing will change, certainly not at the request of the woolly PC brigade.

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Moderate Muslims? That is definitely a media made word, Muslim is Muslim period! They are out to destroy as much as they can till the bleeding hearts get on the wagon and we annihilate all of them!

No there are Muslims who are prepared to condemn these atrocities, such as Maajid Nawaz ( ex Islamist) of the Quilliam Foundation, however they are a very small majority. I would like to think that this is because most Muslims are afraid to speak out against their fellow Muslims, unfortunately many polls in the Muslim communities show that the majority are very sympathetic to the extremist.

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Being there are 1.5 billion Muslims there has to be a few who would speak against atrocities such as Daesh. I know that a small percentage are the real crazies but the ones who do condemn these acts are even a smaller percentage than the radicals. That is their main problem now!

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Linky you live in Malaysia so why are you on a Thai forum?

I have many thai interests, i chose not to live there, prefer KL.

Is there a rule you have to live in Thailand to be on this forum? Well news for you, majoritynon here dont live in Thailand but permitted to stay on visas.

Not that its any business of yours.

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To Linky

I understand and Aceh is a great place for you to live in or maybe Sinjar. Just an idea but please go to church everyday so the odds are stacked against you. Moslems burn churches in Aceh and we all know how ISIS has treated the Yazidis. All I've heard from you is "rubbish"

Where do you get the idea Aceh is a great place for me? Never been there. There are over 60,000 churches in Indonesia.

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Let's see a Brigade of Moderate Muslims formed to go and fight ISIS.

"No Go" areas in cities.. I would make them "No Come Out" areas.

Also..a Book..

Hannah Shah is an Imam's daughter. She lived the life of a devout Muslim in a family of Pakistani Muslims in England, but behind the front door, she was a caged butterfly. For many years, her father sexually abused her in the cellar of their home.

Edited by DisparateDan
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