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Paris attacks 'planned from Syria' - France PM Valls


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Paris attacks 'planned from Syria' - France PM Valls

PARIS: -- Friday's attacks by Islamist militants in Paris were planned and organised from Syria, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has said.

He added that the authorities believed new terror attacks were being planned in France and other European countries.
Mr Valls also confirmed that raids on suspected militants had been carried out across France early on Monday.

A total of 129 people died in the attacks on bars and restaurants, a concert hall and the Stade de France.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34830233

-- BBC 2015-11-16

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The victims of this terrorist atrocity will be buried and probably forgotten before the BBC can bring itself to utter the word "Muslim" in its connection.

Note how they say "Islamist" rather than "Islamic", to try and maintain their blind reverence for this "religion of peace" and its murderous followers.

The BBC still calls it the "so-called Islamic State movement" as though its followers weren't quoting the Quran and yelling "Allahu Akhbar" as they slaughter their way across Europe.

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I'm sure Assad personally planned the attack. Or so goes the MSM spin.

NATOs gotta find some reason to get boots back on the ground and planes in the air. Start planning the no fly zone and see how well that goes over with the Russians. I'm pretty sure Ash Carter would be happy being the catalyst of WWIII.

When Johnny comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer and the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.


About the only common sense I've heard lately came from Mike Huckabee who was calling for a coalition of nations, including Russia, to wipe ISIS, Al-Qiada, and radical Islam off the map. I didn't realize that Huckabee actually had a set of cajones.

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Consider that Putin is now holding 40 nations including members of the G20 by their short-hairs for funding ISIS <see link below>, especially after the Paris massacre and the Russian airline disaster, maybe, just maybe a coalition will be formed to actual irradiate the radical Islamic factions from Syria and Iraq. All that effort to develop the ISIS mythos by the US in order to overthrow Assad, and now world opinion shifts and it's time to decimate the radical Islamic SOBs and then scatter them to the wind. The sooner the better.


Edited by connda
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I'm sure Assad personally planned the attack. Or so goes the MSM spin.

NATOs gotta find some reason to get boots back on the ground and planes in the air. Start planning the no fly zone and see how well that goes over with the Russians. I'm pretty sure Ash Carter would be happy being the catalyst of WWIII.


When Johnny comes marching home again,

Hurrah! Hurrah!

We'll give him a hearty welcome then

Hurrah! Hurrah!

The men will cheer and the boys will shout

The ladies they will all turn out

And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.


About the only common sense I've heard lately came from Mike Huckabee who was calling for a coalition of nations, including Russia, to wipe ISIS, Al-Qiada, and radical Islam off the map. I didn't realize that Huckabee actually had a set of cajones.

Quoting Huckabee, a full blow Christian goofball of the highest order? Huckabee: " I almost wish that there would be, like, a simultaneous telecast, and all Americans would be forced forced at gunpoint no less to listen to every (right wing bible thumper) David Barton message, and I think our country would be better for it. I wish itd happen". Amazing...Apparently the last 12 years of western coalition armies attempting to do that, wipe out the Islam jihadists, and failing, hasn't caught yours, or looney toons on G-Zeus juice Huckabee's attention yet. Kill one and ten more pop up. The west has placed itself in the middle of a religious war, Sunnis against Shiites. Until we get out from between them, we will have no peace.

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I'm sure Assad personally planned the attack. Or so goes the MSM spin.

NATOs gotta find some reason to get boots back on the ground and planes in the air. Start planning the no fly zone and see how well that goes over with the Russians. I'm pretty sure Ash Carter would be happy being the catalyst of WWIII.


When Johnny comes marching home again,

Hurrah! Hurrah!

We'll give him a hearty welcome then

Hurrah! Hurrah!

The men will cheer and the boys will shout

The ladies they will all turn out

And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.


About the only common sense I've heard lately came from Mike Huckabee who was calling for a coalition of nations, including Russia, to wipe ISIS, Al-Qiada, and radical Islam off the map. I didn't realize that Huckabee actually had a set of cajones.

Sure, Huckabee has cajones... he just lacks brains.

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