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Hollywood in solidarity with the 'film loving French'


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Hollywood in solidarity with the 'film loving French'


LOS ANGELES: -- The film industry used the occasion of the Governors Awards to reflect on Friday’s slayings in the French capital.

Director Spike Lee “This thing is global. And I don’t have the answer for that, but my heart goes out to the families that lost loved ones.”

Danny Boyle renowned for his films ‘Trainspotting’ and ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ said:“It’s obviously an attack on tolerance. And so, you can only stand up for your values. If we believe in our values, which we do, shared compassion and tolerance, and believe in that. And freedom, really.”

Actor Mark Ruffalo added:“It brings back a lot of what happened after 9/11. This time I hope we get it right. I hope we really are deliberate and act in unity with the rest of the world, instead of doing this cowboy dance where we go in alone, and we don’t look at this problem as something that can only be solved with violence and the military.”

Peter Fonda of ‘Easy Rider’ fame is unsure of how to react:
“I don’t know what we can do. My first reaction is a gut reaction and not always right, but carpet bomb. Time for the B-52s, screw the side casualties. Get rid of those bunch of thugs. But I don’t know what we can do. And I don’t want to cop out and say, look, I’m an actor, so I’m not- I am involved. We all are involved.”

Actress Patricia Clarkson, called on people to carry on with life:’‘The most important thing is we have to keep living. This is an important night. I’m an actress. This is a very important night tonight. We all have to keep doing our jobs. You’re a journalist. We have to keep doing our jobs and the people in Paris have to move forward. They have to dig deep and live their lives.”

‘Suffragette’ director Sarah Gavron: “It’s shocking wherever it happens. But it’s an awful, awful thing and it does make you reflect on how to deal with it. But I agree in a way that you have to carry on and show that you’re not beaten by it.”

The Academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs also paid tribute to the victims:
“Our connection with the film loving French is specially deep with waves of influences flowing back and forth across the Atlantic ever since the Lumière bothers made the first moving pictures. So as we gather here to celebrate our history and some of the people who have made it, we also mourn all who died.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-17

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Hollywood hot air. None of them except for Fonda had it right . This "daesh" has to be exterminated now. It's time for heavy artillery on the training camps. Close down their credit cards, cash networks, banking networks and weapons networks. All allies should align with heavy artillery and support. No more hollywood and ploitical rhetoric about how horrific and awful it is. We all deplore it we know that = we don't need hollywood blowing hot air.

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Hollywood hot air. None of them except for Fonda had it right . This "daesh" has to be exterminated now. It's time for heavy artillery on the training camps. Close down their credit cards, cash networks, banking networks and weapons networks. All allies should align with heavy artillery and support. No more hollywood and ploitical rhetoric about how horrific and awful it is. We all deplore it we know that = we don't need hollywood blowing hot air.

Maybe a good start would be to stop sending them weapons.....like the USA does for the moderate Islamists which always ends a few weeks later at ISIS......now they got anti-tank weapons and McCain want to send them anti aircraft missiles to cause problems for Russia....(which sooner than many believe will be in the wrong hands again)

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Actress Patricia Clarkson, called on people to carry on with life:’‘The most important thing is we have to keep living. This is an important night. I’m an actress. This is a very important night tonight. We all have to keep doing our jobs. You’re a journalist. We have to keep doing our jobs and the people in Paris have to move forward. They have to dig deep and live their lives.”

This is what happens to some actors when they don't have a script. They sound like they're on drugs.

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Boggles the minds how some of the finest and mightiest armies of the world can't bring down a rag tag,

motley crew of terrorists in sandals... as well as some of the best air forces and air power can't seems

to do shit to those bearded sheep buggerers.... it is because the will in not there? is it complacency

has settled in? are they afraid? are they lazy? how is it that the most modern jet fighters seems not

to stop those cave dwellers from putting the word to a mockery?......

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Boggles the minds how some of the finest and mightiest armies of the world can't bring down a rag tag,

motley crew of terrorists in sandals... as well as some of the best air forces and air power can't seems

to do shit to those bearded sheep buggerers.... it is because the will in not there? is it complacency

has settled in? are they afraid? are they lazy? how is it that the most modern jet fighters seems not

to stop those cave dwellers from putting the word to a mockery?......

Tell that to USA during the Vietnam war. North Vietnam were living in tunnels, and eating rice. These motley crew, want to kill Western people.

When you fight for your religion( what you believe) you can never beat them. If someone is willing to die to kill you. You cannot stop them.

They should never have let all these people into the EU. I know that they (Syrians Refugees) need help; they would have been better to build a tent city in the desert; fence them all in ( all 2 million) of them. Feed them, protect them etc. until the end of the war. They could also train them to fight. 400-500,000 men aged 20-30 yrs old. Why do they not want to fight for their own country ? The EU has no idea what future problem they will have. At least in a camp they could take the time to make sure they are not terrorists ! Look at the South of Thailand. For the last ten years the government has been trying to solve the same problem. Good Luck.

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Boggles the minds how some of the finest and mightiest armies of the world can't bring down a rag tag,

motley crew of terrorists in sandals... as well as some of the best air forces and air power can't seems

to do shit to those bearded sheep buggerers.... it is because the will in not there? is it complacency

has settled in? are they afraid? are they lazy? how is it that the most modern jet fighters seems not

to stop those cave dwellers from putting the word to a mockery?......

And this in ideal circumstances : empty deserts. Do it in a jungle and loose even more.

The Vietnamese were not religious fanatics , yet kicked the french , australians & US out . Good for them.

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